Lovers Always on the Counterattack

Chapter 95


Of course Bai Duan understands what his parents think. He wants his parents not to force him, but he also knows that this is the best choice for his family and Eddie—and all he can do is to be more filial to his parents. , so that they can live freely, safely and happily even in Hobbit planet.

Eddie naturally understood this point. Although due to the existence of this couple, Bai Duan left him for more than two years, Eddie still felt grateful for their sacrifice for Bai Duan. He said that he would grow old with Bai Duan, and take care of Bai Duan's parents as his biological parents. At the same time, he would also maintain a good relationship with the country where they were born—of course, the Odeon and Feline families were not included— As long as they want, they can return to their hometown to visit relatives and friends at any time, or even stay for a while.

With Eddie's promise, Bai Duan's parents felt a little relieved, but they valued actual actions more than verbal promises.

——However, this is not something that can be seen overnight, and they will rush to their sons to take good care of them.

The four participants were quite satisfied with the result of this conversation, and by the end of the conversation, the ship that Eddie and Bai Duan were on had already returned to the mobile base of the Soul Devouring Sable Star Bandits.

Turning off the communication equipment, Eddie couldn't wait to take the "Mrs. Yazhai" he had snatched back to his base camp. Bai Duan was held tightly by him, with a hesitant expression: "You... just came back like this? Isn't the battle still over?" Isn't it over?"

Eddie shrugged his shoulders, and made no secret of his contempt for the Odeon coalition: "Don't worry, my subordinates are not vegetarians. Even without me, nothing will go wrong." After a pause, he raised his eyebrows, "What's more, even the rear base camp was copied by me, what room does Odeon have to fight back?"

Seeing Eddie's self-confidence, Bai Duan didn't say anything, and even didn't mention Restello's matter - which made Eddie very satisfied. Although he knew that Restello's chauvin pig would never be able to pry his corner, no one wanted to hear the name of his rival from his lover.

The star thieves in the mobile base had already received the news that their boss had successfully snatched people and was returning to the voyage. At this moment, they all gathered on the deck and waited eagerly. After finally waiting for the ship to land and the hatch to open, they did not expect that what appeared in front of them was not The Restello who made them hate it, but a beautiful, soft and harmless... Beta

The Star Thieves watched as their boss held Beta's hand and walked off the ship with his head held high. Even his steps were full of vigor and fulfillment, and it took him a while to remember who this somewhat familiar Beta was— Isn't this the little lover of Restello

Boss and old lover don't grab it, why did you snatch the old lover's new lover (?) over

Everyone couldn't help looking at each other, stupefied that no one dared to ask about the weird brain circuit of their boss. And Eddie, who finally got the beauty back and even picked up the old man, was in a high mood. He was in a hurry to get his long-lost lover to the bed. Expression—God knows, since he saw Bai Duan and tasted the pleasure and joy of being in harmony with his lover's pheromones, Eddie's body longed to be in contact with his lover at a negative distance, but he was hardened before he even took a few bites. After being separated from each other for more than two years, Eddie was so overwhelmed that he was about to be crippled.

Seeing that their boss seemed to be rushing to reincarnate, and didn't even reward them with a glance, the Star Thieves watched him half step off the deck in bewilderment, and then they reacted one after another.

"Boss! What are you...?" Eddie's adjutant hurriedly shouted, and finally barely stopped his leader from going straight to the bed.

Eddie paused, and suddenly remembered that not only was it important to pull his lover into bed, but it was equally important to swear sovereignty to everyone—especially Restello.

Turning his head, Eddie raised the corners of his mouth, his dimples were intoxicating: "By the way, you go to make an announcement and tell the Odeon family—no, not only the Odeon family, I want the whole country to know that he—" They shook hands triumphantly, Eddie raised his brows, and said in a firm tone, "From now on, it will only belong to me!"

After barely finishing this sentence, Eddie took the white satin and walked again, and the adjutant quickly caught up with two steps: "Then your identity—?!"

"Talk about it!" After throwing down the three impatient words, Eddie and Bai Duan disappeared, leaving only the star robbers with puzzled faces, not understanding what this statement meant.

After a while, a star thief slapped his thigh with a "slap", and seemed to suddenly realize: "The boss's move is wonderful! That Odion boy must be vomiting blood!"

The star thieves turned their heads to look at him, and after a while, they all nodded as if they had realized something.

——As the saying goes, "a good horse never turns its head back", how could a person as proud of himself as his own boss try to keep a scumbag who abandoned and trampled on him

And what if the remaining love is not over and you don't want to see the other party make a new love? Then grab it! If the other party likes one, they grab one, grab it back, put it next to them and love it, and then let the whole country know about it. Wouldn't it make the boy of the Odeon family angry that one Buddha was born and two Buddhas ascended to heaven, and there will be no peace for the rest of his life?

The more the star thieves thought about it, the more they felt that this kind of revenge method was very strange, especially in line with the strange brain circuit of their boss, and they even couldn't wait to know the performance and reaction of Restello and others after hearing the news.

With such a gloating mentality, the star thieves were extraordinarily strong in action. They quickly designed the speech, recorded the video, and then skillfully deciphered the star network signal that humans had changed countless times, and devoured this passage. The statement of the Sable Star Bandits was sent to all human empires, and the two families of Odeon and Feline were highlighted.

Even star thieves of other races enthusiastically translated this video into their own race's language, and then spread this big gossip to their own race.

In the statement, the star thieves condemned ABO's divided social system with righteous indignation, and denounced the ruthlessness of the Feilin family's father and mother. Of course, a larger space was used to ridicule and satire. Restello in a piece of grassland, and solemnly declared that the Soul Devouring Sable Star Bandit Group and the Odeon and Felin families will never die, and once Restello finds a lover, unless that lover stays in this planet for a lifetime, he will come out Just grab one! No mercy!

So, after the bad news that the Allied Forces of Odeon failed in battle and most of the personnel and ships' mechs were lost, another piece of news dominated all the news headlines, causing an uproar in the human empire and even intelligent races other than humans. Because of how domineering and domineering this reputation is, but because it abruptly turned a grand and heroic interstellar war into a bloody love triangle drama, which made everyone who watched it speechless and choked. The emotion is simply "see you soon".

This jaw-dropping interstellar love triangle fully demonstrated to the world what it means to "ruin one's life by accidental love". With the lessons learned from Restello and Bai Duan, all the Alphas who like to play with the foster Betas, and all the Betas who are fostered by the Alphas can't help but feel chills. Little psychological shadow, for fear of encountering another Beta as unusual as Eddie, ruining the "life" of himself and his family.

——As for Restello, he has quickly fallen from the male god in the hearts of Beta and Omega to a situation that everyone avoids and fears. In that way, he would be snatched back and humiliated by the Soul Devouring Sable Star Bandit Group.

After all, this is the interstellar era, and no one can guarantee that they will never take an interstellar ship in their entire life.

Not to mention how the Odeon and Feline families, who were seriously injured and returned home in despair, would vomit blood after seeing this reputation, and Restello, who was seriously injured on the battlefield but managed to save his life How the distorted expression made him faint, and the entire interstellar were expressing their opinions around this statement, which quickly pushed it to the list of the hottest topics in the universe.

The rest of the interstellar civilizations are triumphantly mocking the deformity of human society, but the opinions among human beings are divided.

Some people think that Restoro is self-inflicted because of his recklessness and retaliation; others think that he is also a victim of deception. After all, it is difficult for anyone to accept that his Omega bride has suddenly become a Beta. Some people think that Eddie should not conceal his gender to marry; Bai Duan's sympathy for the victim of this love-hate relationship.

Long before Bai Duan knew Restello, the marriage between Restello and Eddie had come to an end, so there was no third party problem at all. The poor Bai Duan had a good relationship, and bravely went to the front line to fight for his "boyfriend", but he never thought that he would stab a hornet's nest, and was hijacked by his boyfriend's "ex-wife" who turned into a star thief and went to the star thief's base camp. … man sits in his house, and woe comes from heaven.

And what Bai Duan will face next, no one knows. It's just that it seems conceivable how a domineering and blackened Star Bandit leader will treat his "ex-husband" lover.

As long as they think about Bai Duan's next encounter, everyone can't help but want to pray for this talented mecha technician who has not yet grown up, and probably will not have the opportunity to grow up in the future, hoping that he can survive this calamity , Return safely.

——and Bai Duan, who was worried by everyone, was indeed in dire straits at this moment.

Although petite and cute, it doesn't mean that Eddie will give up his dignity as an attacker.

On the one hand, he used his pitiful posture and the scars all over his body to arouse Bai Duan's guilt and pity; Occupying the upper position, he contentedly sends himself into his lover's body, savoring the joy of the union of soul and flesh.

The consequences of holding back for more than two years are terrible. Once Eddie lifts the ban, he will naturally get out of control, not to mention his physical strength and energy after these two years of severe training. Panting and delicate appearance.

He imprisoned his lover on the bed and tossed and turned, when Eddie was finally satisfied and his mouth fell silent for a while, Bai Duan was already paralyzed on the bed with bruised hickey marks all over his body, and he didn't know what happened to him.

—Well, probably... there is not much difference between this and suffering a "big punishment", right? →_→