Loving My Rival’s White Moonlight

Chapter 31


At the beginning, Jian Fan didn't know his own life experience.

All he knew was that he was an outcast.

Since he was born, he didn't know his parents, and he also treated himself as an orphan.

Later, when she returned to Jian's house, she knew her true life experience... At that moment, Jian Fan's small body froze in place.

It turned out that he was born with original sin.

Even if he didn't know it, he was labeled as a "little three" child and an "illegitimate child" by the world.

It's ridiculous and sad that his mother, whom he had never met, didn't know that she had become a little girl in the end.

Although Jian Fan is the seed left by Jian Fan's father after drinking, the encounter with Jian Fan's mother was in the name of love. They met in a small town, Jian Fan was a tourist, and Jian Fan's mother was a girl from the town. , Jian's father hid his married status from Jian Fan's mother, and approached Jian Fan's mother by pretending to be a single man.

A simple girl is hard to beat a veteran in love.

Then with good expectations, keeping the man's promise, waiting for him to come back to find her.

In the end, what was waiting was a fake name and a fake identity. The girl didn't know the real identity of the man until she died.

Jian Fan's mother died of a serious illness shortly after giving birth to Jian Fan.

Jian Fan's grandmother cut off relations with her daughter since she was unmarried and pregnant and insisted on having a child. It is even more unlikely that she would want to. Jian Fan's grandmother can say that the first person she hated was Jian's father. The two haters are Jian Fan.

One caused her daughter's reputation to be ruined and her feelings were hurt, while the other indirectly killed her daughter.

Jian Fan's grandmother always believed that if Jian Fan hadn't been born, Jian Fan's mother would not have had a serious illness.

Simplified and Traditional were naturally abandoned.

If it wasn't for those things that happened later, Jian Fan would probably never know her own life experience.

Under normal circumstances, the Jian family would not accept illegitimate children.

Unless... the main house has no son.

Of course, Jian Si's mother had a son, that is to say, Jian Si originally had a younger brother.

But when Jian Si's younger brother was five years old, Jian's father and Jian Si's younger brother were kidnapped together.

That kidnapping directly led to Jian Si's younger brother being torn up, but Jian's father's life was recovered, but... no fertility.

That's why the Jian family made great efforts to find the illegitimate son left behind by Jian's father.

Jian Fan was only a few years old at that time, but he already understood what an embarrassing position he was in Jian's family.

He doesn't want to stay here.

he does not like.

He wants to go back.

The little boy finally climbed over the high wall, waiting for Jian's father's distorted violent face and the vicious dog in his hand that stared at him viciously, saliva dripped on the ground, and exuded a stench.

For the first few times, Jian Fan was just locked up.

But in the next few times, Jian's father became visibly irritable, and the crutch in his hand hit Jian Fan's back instantly. Jian Fan staggered and fell to his knees. Not only did Li not have the slightest bit of distress and regret, but he was happy and crazy.


There are two times.

There are three times.

Jian's father became more and more aggressive towards Jian Fan, and once almost broke Jian Fan's leg.

Jian Si's mother and Jian Si would watch from the side every time, and they had the same joy on their faces as Jian's father, although Jian Fan knew that the reasons for their joy were different.

At that time, Jian Fan didn't hate Jian Si's mother and Jian Si, even though they treated him like that, ostracized him, disliked him, and framed him.

In this game, no one is a winner, they are all victims.

Apart from wanting to escape, Jian Fan never fought for or defended herself in Jian's house.


Jane threw away his bedding hysterically, but he just watched calmly.

This is Jian Si's way of venting to him, and his original sin status seems to be destined to bear these.

He is unaware.

However, the damage has already been done.

Jane Si can hate him, hate his mother.

And sometimes he doesn't even know who he hates.

Later, when Jian Fan grew up, he realized that the Jian family was a prison from which he could not escape, but he was still trying to escape until... that happened.

That incident and the secret behind it seemed to say that he couldn't escape.

It was also from that moment that Jianfan, who had never been interested in fighting for family property and inheritance rights, officially entered into this dispute.

Mr. Jian didn't bet all on Jian Fan at the beginning.

If he hadn't found out that Jian Si's mother and Jian Si were gradually selling off the properties of Jian's Group and changing their surname to "Tang".

Jian Si's mother, surnamed "Tang".

Although the Tang family didn't rank among the top four giants, they were just short of it.

If Jian Si is in charge, it will not be surprising that in a few days, the property of Jian's Group will be gradually transferred to the Tang family.

How many generations of their Jian family's ancestors have laid down the foundation, if the dynasty changes hands, how will he face his ancestors.

For his son's marital problems, he can transfer all his son's equity to Jian Si and Jian Si's mother.

But the hearts of the people are not enough, what they want is far more than just that little equity, what they want is to change the entire Jane's group to Tang.

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In this matter, Mr. Jane still thinks that Jane Si's mother is too much. After all, Jane Si's mother and her son have made an agreement on an open marriage. People are each other.

In the end, it was also because of childlessness that they brought back a simple and traditional one.

He accommodated their loss of son and younger brother, at first they treated Jian Fan badly, but he didn't bother.

But if they want to swallow the entire Jane's Group, they want too much!

Jian Fan, who grew up, gradually knew all of this.

Jane Si is right in saying something.

“Family, it’s a luxury word in Jane’s family.”

In the final analysis, everyone is fighting for their own interests.

As for Jian Fan, since he stepped into Jian's house, no one seems to love him, no one treats him sincerely, and no one wants to be his...family.

The night wind messed up Jianfan's hair, his eyelids were slightly closed, like this, he could allow himself to numb his emotions.

Learn not to care about anything.


that woman.

"What are you doing here?" Qingliang's voice followed the night wind with a somewhat lazy voice.

Jian Fan could smell the faint fragrance of the woman's body without turning her head.

Even on such occasions, women still don't like to wear perfume.

As if at home.

at home…


Jian Fan's body froze for a moment, the woman had already pulled Jian Fan's sleeves, and said softly.

"It's quite cold outside at night, let's go in together."

Jian Fan has a good memory.

The woman said another sentence in this tone.

"I am willing to be Jian Fan's family."

The woman seemed not to want to stay outside for a long time, and gently pulled Jian Fan's sleeves, as if to remind him not to stay in the cold place for too long.

Jian Fan lowered his eyes slowly, and he saw the woman's slender fingers pinching his suit jacket.

White and tender skin is like the bright moon in the dark night, breaking all obstacles.

Jian Fan's twinkling eyes stopped at that moment.

I don't know how long it took, but his low but somewhat hoarse voice slowly sounded.

"Okay, let's go together."

The next moment, he turned around and gently shook the woman's hand.