Loving My Rival’s White Moonlight

Chapter 47


Shen Qinghuan thought that that night was destined to be a sleepless night.

To my surprise, I somehow fell asleep.

Drowsy, a good night's sleep.

Moreover, it turned out to be a rare sleepover.

When Shen Qinghuan woke up and checked his phone, he found that it was already 12 noon.

She jumped up.

Consciousness also returns instantly.

Shen Qinghuan's bewildered eyebrows paused, replaced by panic, and he glanced around the room unconsciously.

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Seeing the empty room except for her, Shen Qinghuan's shoulders and neck sank slightly.

Simplified, not here.

She can temporarily not face it.

Shen Qinghuan didn't want to recall what happened in the bathroom last night at all, as if just thinking about it would make her whole skin burn.

It was also because of endless embarrassment and shame, which seemed to cover up those faint heartbeats.

Shen Qinghuan didn't seem to realize it yet.

Maybe after sleeping all night, Shen Qinghuan calmed down a lot.

She quickly changed her clothes, put on her combat makeup for ten minutes, and quickly pushed open the bedroom door.

Even if an extremely embarrassing scene happened in private, but at present, Shen Qinghuan bit the bullet and insisted on it.

This is the consciousness of contemporary migrant workers.

Especially today, she should get up early to see off the Motusan couple. How can the host get up later than the guests.

Thoughts flashed by, Shen Qinghuan stopped the hand holding the doorknob.

She... just said... the master's house

She subconsciously assumed the role of the mistress of Jian Fan's house? !

Shen Qinghuan was stunned, as if stunned for a moment, her eyes flashed in panic and surprise, as if she didn't understand herself.

But before she could think carefully, someone knocked on the door she was holding.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Sister Qinghuan, are you awake?"

It was the voice of the little secretary.

Shen Qinghuan regained consciousness and opened the door.

Sure enough, there was the smiling face of the little secretary standing at the door.

Shen Qinghuan had an inexplicable little secretary appearing, but after thinking about it, it's better than facing Jian Fan.

Moreover, perhaps Jian Fan also felt that it would be better not to face her for the time being.

For some reason, the moment this thought popped up, Shen Qinghuan was subconsciously blocked.

The little secretary's voice sounded leisurely beside her ear.

"Sister Qinghuan, the boss said that you caught a little cold last night, here is the medicine and porridge for you."

Sure enough, on the wooden tray in the little secretary's hand, there was steaming fresh fish fillet porridge lying quietly, with two small pills beside it.

Now Shen Qinghuan knew why Jian Fan didn't call her in the morning.

The thought just now became more and more rooted.

Then the little secretary's voice sounded.

"Sister Qinghuan, I feel that we should have something to do with this patent."

"When the Motusans and his wife left in the morning, the smiles on their faces were much more than when they were at Lin's house."

"And they even spent the night at the boss's house, which is different from the Lin's house."

"It seems that the relationship between Sister Qing Huan and the boss is more sincere and moving, which moved them!"

Although the little secretary said that the relationship between the two was sincere and touching, her eyes were shining brightly in praise of Shen Qinghuan's acting skills.

This should be normal, Shen Qinghuan joked with the little secretary and agreed with a smile.

But today, she couldn't lift her spirits up much, and even when the little secretary expressed her sincere and moving relationship with Jian Fan was acting, her eyes still flickered slightly.

It seems that he cannot accept this sentence with peace of mind.

Shen Qing smiled embarrassingly.

But she was worried that her late waking up would affect her impression in the minds of the Motusans.

So, after hearing this, she didn't feel relieved, but asked cautiously.

"I didn't send the Motusans, did they say anything?"

The little secretary touched his chin, as if recalling.

After a while, he shook his head, not knowing why.

"No, on the contrary, it seems to be happier, and I even looked at the boss a few more times."

Shen Qinghuan was confused for a moment, as if she didn't quite understand what Motusang and his wife meant.

However, it is fortunate that there is no unhappiness.

After Shen Qinghuan finished the last mouthful of fish porridge and swallowed the pills, he turned his eyes left and right, as if asking casually.

"Yuan Meng, where did your boss go?"

Speaking of this matter, the little secretary's eyes became even more confused, and he even turned his head to ask Shen Qinghuan.

"Sister Qinghuan, I still want to ask you about this."

"Did you add any drama last night?"

Add drama

Shen Qinghuan's hand holding the spoon trembled, and instantly remembered the scene that happened in the bathroom earlier.

But he quickly covered it up and closed his eyelids.

"Can... what scenes can be added, what to act, how to act, haven't we all rehearsed before?"

"If you add more, something happened to the show, what should I do?"

The little secretary was puzzled: "What could happen?"

Shen Qinghuan continued to droop her eyes: "No...it's nothing."

The little secretary scratched her head, and her tone became more puzzled: "This is weird."

Shen Qinghuan: "...what's wrong?"

The little secretary didn't seem to have calmed down yet, and the surprise in her words was still strong when she spoke.

"Sister Qing Huan, our boss is on annual leave!"

Shen Qinghuan was taken aback for a moment.

The little secretary didn't pay attention and continued to add descriptions.

"Sister Qinghuan, you don't know that our boss is always open all year round. He doesn't even ask for leave when he's sick. He always brings a computer with him when he's hospitalized. It's a standard ruthless work machine. He actually wants to take annual leave."

"I originally thought that you may have added some scenes yesterday, which was more tiring than our previous rehearsal. I guess the boss gave himself a vacation."

"But you said no, then this..."

The little secretary was still gossiping about the reason why her boss iron tree blossomed and finally took her first annual leave in her life.

However, she didn't notice Shen Qinghuan who was on the opposite side. Hearing more and more guesses and descriptions from the little secretary, her already fair face seemed to turn paler.


Another rainy day.

The man's fine-textured and neat suit pants were rarely stained with a little mud. Given his clean personality, he should feel extremely uncomfortable, but at this time, there was no disgust in the man's eyes.

In other words, he seemed to be absorbed in a certain emotion, and he didn't care about other external things.

He is still holding an umbrella.

The black umbrella is very big, and the ribs made of bamboo joints are very long, which suits the man's slender fingers just right.

The rain continued to rustle down along the eaves.

Looking at the rain in front of him through the cold glasses, he seemed to feel even colder.

"This time, it's also raining." The old man's voice came together with the sound of footsteps.

Jian Fan raised his eyes, but he didn't know where he could see.

After a while, he said.

"This time, I'm here to disturb you again."

The man seemed a little surprised, with his hands behind his back.

"You have come so many times, this is the first time you use the word "excuse me."

"It seems to be because of the last time, but you didn't bother me last time. It seems that you really encountered a problem."

The old man's voice seemed to be extremely transparent, as if he had seen through Jian and Fan's words.

And Simplified…


"I was overwhelmed for the first time."

The faint and deep voice suppressed complicated emotions that I don't know whether it is shallow or heavy.

That person seemed to understand Jianfan's temperament very well, knowing it, he never complained about hardships, and he was not afraid of difficulties when he encountered difficulties.

Jian Fan seems to have never been afraid, and in most things, she chooses to move forward without hesitation.

If you want to say what things Jian Fanzhen will show such emotions, there is only one thing.

Surprise flashed across the man's eyes, which seemed to be probing and determined.

"Have you fallen in love with someone?"

Jian Fan paused, and after a while, nodded slightly.

The man seemed to understand the purpose of Jian Fan's coming to him all of a sudden, and he slapped his palm lightly with his hands behind his back.

"Tell me about your troubles."

Jian Fan lowered his eyes, and there was a slight frown between his brows. After a while, his thin lips parted slightly, and said word by word.

"I don't know how to love someone."

"Nobody taught me that."

The cool voice seemed to be a little sad.