Loving My Rival’s White Moonlight

Chapter 63


Shen Qinghuan didn't know what was going on, but her head suddenly "buzzed", and she froze in place.

Although she knew that Jane's family wanted to use their family, Shen Qinghuan thought she was being polite in every way when getting along with Mr. Jian today. Leave a good impression on the hearts of the elders.


Shen Qinghuan gently retracted the fingers that were caressing the rockery.

Mr. Jane's voice continued: "It's not that there is something wrong with this girl."

"Shen Qinghuan is nice, beautiful, open-minded, and transparent, but to become the daughter-in-law of the Jian family, it's useless to be nice alone."

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Speaking of this, Jian Fan, who has been silent all this time, said slowly.

"Back then you fell in love with Qing Huan's family background."

The implication is that Mr. Jane didn't just like her personally.

After all, Shen Qinghuan was not too close, and couldn't see Jian Fan's expression, but listening to his voice, he was unusually calm.

For some reason, Shen Qinghuan's heart seemed to be sharpened by a slender knife. Although Jian Fan didn't say anything to hurt her, she felt even more uncomfortable in her heart than what she heard from Mr. Jian just now.

On the other side of the rockery, Mr. Jian's voice continued: "Shen Qinghuan's family background does not have any problems on the surface."

"How about the specifics? Although it's been a long time and no one has mentioned it for a long time, but in the end..."

When he said this, Mr. Jane paused, and after a while, he spoke in a deep voice, word by word.

"After all, they're not really a family."

On the other side of the rockery, Shen Qinghuan's hand on the rockery froze for an instant, and the faint stabbing sound made her whole arm tremble.

But whether it was because of the harsh voice or because of Mr. Jian's words, only Shen Qinghuan knew.

Mr. Jian's voice continued: "Sitong, Sizhou, Yu Sitong, Yu Sizhou, a pair of heroes from the Yu family, the richest man in Nancheng, the legend of these two people is the most heard by outsiders. As for their sister, knowing her existence, But I can't find any information, or even know that this little girl took the name Shen Qinghuan after her mother's surname."

At that time, Mr. Jian did go to Jiangnan on purpose for Jian Fan, and took the opportunity to get close to the richest man in Nancheng, the "Yu family". "saved.

Although Mr. Jane is grateful in his heart, his interests come first, including making a decision with the grace of saving his life.

The blind date, followed by many entanglements of interests.

This is the indifference and cold-bloodedness of the Jane family.

Mr. Jian thinks that Jian Fan is also such a person.

It may even be better than him. Only such a ruthless and cold-blooded person can lead the Jane family to continue to go on brilliantly.

Mr. Jane has always thought so.

"The Yu family's past, although few people mention it now, the facts are the facts. Shen Qinghuan, Yu Sitong, and Yu Sizhou are reorganizing their families."

"Shen Qinghuan didn't have the Yu family's blood flowing on her body."

Old Master Jian's words seemed to hit Shen Qinghuan all of a sudden, her brows and eyes trembled slightly, and all the dusty and long-lasting memories were poured out like a flood.

The marriage between Yu Qin, the richest man in Nancheng, and Shen Lanzhi, Shen Qinghuan's mother, was considered a sensation in Nancheng back then.

After all, Shen Lanzhi is Yu Qin's sharp white moonlight, and the two are also completely single, and they slowly come together, and finally embrace the beauty, which can be regarded as a good story.

But outsiders looked harmonious, but the Yu family was extremely disharmonious inside.

Yu Qin's mother looked down on Shen Lanzhi's background.

The two brothers Yu Sitong and Yu Sizhou also held great hostility towards Shen Lanzhi and Shen Qinghuan.

Yu Qin and Shen Lanzhi were each other's first love, but when they were young and ignorant, the love was intense and the pain was intense. When the conflict broke out, neither of them accepted the other, and they ended up dismal, each living their own lives.

Later, the two followed the arrangements of their families and got married.

However, Yu Qin was faced with a political marriage with his wife, and his personalities were inconsistent. In the end, his freedom-loving ex-wife pursued the freedom in her heart and divorced Yu Qin.

As for Shen Lanzhi, who was disliked by her husband for being tasteless and had an affair, Shen Lanzhi, who had always been gentle, filed for divorce forcefully for the first time at that time.

Later, Shen Lanzhi wandered around to Nancheng, and met Yu Qin again. Perhaps life had smoothed out the temperament of the two of them. Only when they were middle-aged did they understand that love that understands each other is the most important thing.

But Shen Lanzhi felt very low self-esteem because she was married and had children, and her family background was poor. Even if Yu Qin pursued him fiercely, she did not agree.

And...she had to consider Shen Qinghuan's mood.

But one time when Shen Lanzhi routinely refused Yu Qin's gift, Shen Qinghuan walked out of the small bedroom, stopped Shen Lanzhi, raised her pretty face, and said to Shen Lanzhi with a smile.

"Mom, I like Uncle Yu very much."

"You will be happy when you are with Uncle Yu."

it's these two

In a word, Shen Lanzhi was moved.

So much so that Shen Lanzhi didn't notice that what Shen Qinghuan said was that she would be happy, not that she would be happy too.

Later, the little Shen Qinghuan followed Shen Lanzhi to the Yu family. Sensitive, she could feel that the Yu family was unfriendly to them except Uncle Yu.

But her mother was very happy with Uncle Yu, so she could bear all the unfriendliness.

However, Shen Qinghuan did not expect that such a thing would happen later.

Every time Shen Qinghuan recalled what happened that day, it still struck her like a nightmare, waking her up every night.

It was an outing.

But, they had a car accident.

During that outing, the driver died on the spot, Yu Sitong and Shen Qinghuan were injured, and Shen Lanzhi was paralyzed from the lower body.

Shen Lanzhi's lower body was paralyzed because she protected Yu Sitong and Shen Qinghuan with her body at the scene of the car accident.

Since then, the Yu family's attitude towards Shen Lanzhi has changed drastically, and the one who has become the most powerful is Yu Sitong.

He was just a young boy at that time, standing outside Shen Lanzhi's ward, looking at Shen Lanzhi whose lower body was completely unresponsive but still gently comforting Shen Qinghuan, his eyes were full of guilt and remorse.

When Shen Qinghuan came out of the ward, the boy's figure stood in front of Shen Qinghuan. He obviously had a baby face, but at that moment he showed his maturity.

"Qing Huan, I will take good care of you in the future."

"Like, what mother did to you."

That was the first time Yu Sitong called Shen Qinghuan's name, it was also the first time Yu Sitong made a promise to Shen Qinghuan, and it was also the first time Yu Sitong called Shen Lanzhi's mother.

But even though the entire Yu family changed their attitude towards Shen Lanzhi because of this incident, not everyone changed their attitude towards Shen Qinghuan.

Yu Sizhou was among them.

During that outing, Yu Sizhou was not there, but he knew that Shen Lanzhi lost his leg in order to save his brother, so he really had nothing to say, so he could accept Shen Lanzhi for this.

Since then, Yu Sizhou has no hostility towards Shen Lanzhi, only respect.

But the hostility didn't disappear, it just shifted.

In Yu Sizhou's eyes, it was transferred to Shen Qinghuan, who did nothing and just enjoyed the Yu family's kindness to her.

In fact, Yu Sitong and Yu Sizhou brothers regarded Shen Lanzhi and Shen Qinghuan as foreign "invaders" at the beginning.

He even had a vague guess at one point that Shen Lanzhi was the third party who destroyed his parents' relationship.

It's just that Shen Lanzhi's sincere actions later, and as she grew up, she understood the relationship between her biological parents, and slowly


But Yu Sizhou hated Shen Qinghuan very much, from the first time he saw Shen Qinghuan, he felt so.

Especially when Shen Qinghuan was gradually accepted by the Yu family because of Shen Lanzhi's rescue of Yu Sitong, the signal that she was an "aggressor" sounded the alarm in Yu Sizhou's mind even more.

But Yu Sizhou didn't show it so impolitely at first, but after getting drunk once, he blocked Shen Qinghuan.

Maybe it was suppressed for too long, he poured out all his emotions.

"Shen Qinghuan, who do you think you are?"

"All the good things you are getting now are all bought by your mother with her legs."

"Do you think our Yu family, my grandma, my father, and my elder brother really like you? Do they really regard you as family?"

"No, it's all false. It's all because of your mother. Do you know that we are guilty? Is guilt a family relationship? You are just an emotional transfer of love and affection. Put away your happy smile. It doesn't belong to the family. you."

Yu Sizhou drank too much that night, so much so that he didn't know what he was talking about in the end, he only knew to vent his emotions blindly.

He didn't remember clearly, but he only remembered that little Shen Qinghuan opened her beautiful phoenix eyes at that moment.

Open it up slowly.

Panicked, confused, but seemed to be awake again.

Yu Sizhou didn't remember, but Shen Qinghuan remembered clearly.

That night, every word he said stabbed a knife sharply in Shen Qinghuan's heart.

Remind her all the time.

She is not the Yu family, and the Yu family has never really regarded her as a family member.

Everything she enjoyed was bought by her mother with her legs.

From then on, Shen Qinghuan wrapped herself up, and got along with Yu's family members in a detached and polite way.

He even silently calculated one after another in his heart.

These accounts are the money the Yu family spent on her over the years.

She will pay it back in a lump sum.

I don't owe favors to Yu's family, and I don't want to owe favors to anyone.

That's why she chose to enter the entertainment industry.

This is the place where she can make money the fastest.

It's not that she couldn't leave the Yu family at the beginning, in fact, Shen Qinghuan is a person with strong self-esteem.

However, whenever her mother saw her, she would hold her hand and talk to her.

"Seeing how happy you are with Yu's family, my mother is also very happy."

Shen Qinghuan knew that with her company, her mother would be much happier.

Not only Yu Sitong's life, but her life was also the result of her mother's exchange of her legs.


She couldn't selfishly leave her mother in Yu's house because of her self-esteem.

However, she tried her best to reject the Yu family's arrangements for her.

Therefore, Shen Qinghuan never went to a high-priced aristocratic school, but relied on her own efforts to go to a public school, pretending to be an ordinary person, and studying in an ordinary way.

She has never appeared in the circle of wealthy families in the South as the "daughter of the richest man in South City". She even went out on her own in order to hide her identity. In the past few decades, she has not even made a friend.

Shen Qinghuan is too self-aware.

Introspect to sobriety.

The halo of this wealthy young lady does not belong to her from the beginning to the end.

Therefore, at that time Yu Sizhou would say that if Shen Qinghuan and Jian Fan were really together, then she would owe the Yu family a huge favor.

Because, she met Jian Fan on a blind date with him as "Miss Yu Family".

She couldn't owe such a huge favor to the Yu family.

Therefore, her acquaintance with Jian Fan was a wrong intersection from the beginning.

But even...

She met Jian Fan in a different way, and she also felt that it was impossible for them to meet each other.

Thinking of this, Shen Qinghuan's eyes dimmed to the extreme, as if a sense of destiny flashed across her eyes.

She and Jian Fan are so similar.

Both of them are bound in environments and things that they don't like.

Because of his grandma, Jian Fan had to take care of Jian's family.

And because of her mother, she had to stay at the Yu family.

Both of them were tied up in the "cage of love", struggling but unable to get out.

Therefore, when she learned that Jian Fan wanted to become a monk, Shen Qinghuan seemed to understand Jian Fan's state of mind at that moment.

And because of these things, Shen Qinghuan lacked a sense of security since she was a child, and consciously enjoyed things that she shouldn't enjoy.

She has no family other than her mother.

But she longed for family and warmth.

If Jian Fan is so similar to her, then Jian Fan's thoughts should be the same as hers.

But Shen Qinghuan also understands herself, she longs for warmth, but she is not a little sun.

Jian Fan's heart, which is also scarred, should be healed by a brave and enthusiastic little sun.

He deserves better.

Not someone who is equally scarred like her.

As if seeing the future of the two of them, Shen Qinghuan was really sad at that moment.

However, she also had some sober self-mockery at that moment.

She seemed to be thinking too much and getting sad too soon.

Jian Fan didn't have those thoughts about her at all, on the contrary

It was she... who had delusions and greed, and then used various reasons to restrain her emotions.

Thinking of this, the dazed look on Shen Qinghuan's face became less and more self-deprecating.

She was here because of being used by Mr. Jian, and because of Jian Fan's indifference. In terms of the cooperative relationship established by the two back then, Jian Fan's cold attitude is normal.

She is the one who crosses the border.

In my ear, Mr. Jane's words continued.

"At that time, I didn't know much about the Yu family. Although I knew that Shen Qinghuan hadn't been exposed to others, I felt that the Yu family protected Shen Qinghuan more. However, looking at it now, Shen Qinghuan might not be able to become you. However, I just saw that you are not close to Shen Qinghuan, I know your temper, and I don't want me to force you to do these things, but at the moment, you still need to grasp the relationship with her, and when you are completely stable, After getting settled, it’s not too late to separate.”

That's right, there is no blood of the Yu family on her body, and she is not an orthodox Bai Fumei. Yu Sizhou's attitude towards her is not good, and Yu Sitong is also because of guilt. will be consumed.

There were too many unstable factors in Shen Qinghuan's body.

This is Mr. Jane's consideration. He can take advantage of it for a while, but he is not a suitable candidate to be the daughter-in-law of the Jane family.

Although Mr. Jian didn't say the implication, the two people in front of and behind the rockery could understand it.

And I heard with my own ears that Jian Fan was really using her.

Shen Qinghuan's beautiful phoenix eyes finally returned to silence bit by bit. She slowly took a deep breath, knowing that it was time to completely give up on herself.

A cold cooperative relationship is the way to get along for a long time.

Shen Qinghuan forcibly instilled such a concept in herself, as if as long as she said it again, the pain in her heart would not be so painful.

However, it still hurts.

Shen Qinghuan felt that it was difficult for him to stay here any longer.

She took her hand back from the rockery, and the slightly long nail polish was slightly broken. It was just scratched on the rockery. It should have hurt, but she didn't seem to know it, she didn't seem to notice it.

She staggered a few times, trying to turn around and leave.

At this moment, behind another rockery where Mr. Jian and Jian Fan were, about the one opposite to Shen Qinghuan, a pair of eyes were surprisingly bright in the dark. Step out.


A cold voice sounded quietly.

"Grandpa, I think you misunderstood something."


"I never thought of using Shen Qinghuan."

"I'm serious about her."

Jian Fan's voice was carried by the night wind and drifted into the ears of everyone present.

So firm, so calm.

It also made the two people who were hidden behind the rockery stop at the same time.

The author has something to say: Second update.

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