Loving My Rival’s White Moonlight

Chapter 69


Silence spread among the three for a while.

It was Yu Sitong who frowned first, and emphasized his voice in disapproval.

"Sizhou, you say these words again, Qing Huan is our sister, what kind of human feelings are not human, we are a family."

Shen Qinghuan pursed her lips, her eyes were slightly fixed, and she remained silent.

Seeing Shen Qinghuan's silence, Yu Sizhou seemed to be getting angrier and his words were sharper.


"Brother, ask her, Shen Qinghuan, if she thinks of us as a family. What you said just now is in her ears. Maybe she can laugh at us."

"It's a joke that our Yu family 'glorified' her, Shen Qinghuan."

Yu Sizhou's eyes never left Shen Qinghuan, he just looked at her condescendingly, but when he said the last sentence, apart from disgust, there seemed to be some other emotions mixed in Yu Sizhou's eyes.

"Yu Sizhou!" Yu Sitong seemed to be really angry, and his usual steady voice was raised a little higher.

Yu Sizhou is very carefree outside, but most of them are docile in front of Yu Sitong.

But this time, although he didn't continue to say anything, his eyes were fixed on Shen Qinghuan.

Obviously, he was waiting for Shen Qinghuan's answer.

It's just that the answer is whether Shen Qinghuan regards the Yu family as his own family, or how Shen Qinghuan plans to repay the Yu family's favor.

No one knew which answer Yu Sizhou was waiting for.

Yu Sizhou remained silent, and the few of them fell into a stalemate again.

Yu Sitong tried to break the silence, ready to comfort Shen Qinghuan and ease the atmosphere between the three of them.

But before he could speak, Shen Qinghuan, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke.

"I'll pay it back."

"Yu Sizhou, what do you want?"

"Qing Huan!" Yu Sitong's tone clearly disagreed, and... there was a little injury mixed in.

Qing Huan, she still distinguishes herself from the Yu family so clearly.

Shen Qinghuan's eyes flickered for a moment, but after a few seconds, she became firm again.

She knew that Yu Sitong was kind to her.

Maybe Yu Sitong really regarded her as his real family in the end.

But she couldn't just accept this.

Although Yu Sizhou's words back then were extremely harsh and hurtful.

But there is one sentence, yes.

Guilt is not affection.

The starting point of Yu Sitong's affection for her was in exchange for her mother's leg.

Shen Qinghuan couldn't accept it.

Maybe after she really let go, she and the Yu family stand on an equal footing, so that she can face up to her relationship with the Yu family again.


Shen Qinghuan took a deep breath, looked up at Yu Sizhou who was standing in front of her.

Moreover, no matter how good Yu Sitong and the Yu family treat her.

After all, there was one person who never accepted her from beginning to end.

Yu Sizhou.

So, she directly asked Yu Sizhou what he wanted.

Ask other people, they will only have the same attitude as Yu Si.

But such connivance could not really make Shen Qinghuan feel relieved.

What she yearns for is pure warmth, and treats each other as family warmth for no reason.

Shen Qinghuan's eyes were calm and firm. In the past days, she had thought about these thoughts and ideas many times.

It's just that today it was the first time it was revealed and said.

Maybe it's because Shen Qinghuan didn't expect Shen Qinghuan to be so calm and calm. When she looked directly at Yu Sizhou, Yu Sizhou seemed to be stunned for a few seconds.

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After a while, Yu Sizhou's voice sank, but what he said was a little strange.

"You like Jian Fan that much?"

As soon as the words fell, the three of them froze for a moment.

Shen Qinghuan blinked, apparently she didn't expect Yu Sizhou to say such a sentence suddenly without mentioning the conditions.

At this moment, there was a light knock on the door of the three people's room.

The next moment, Jian Fan's cold voice sounded at the door.

"Qing Huan, two guests from the Yu family, grandpa asked us to have dinner."

Jian Fan seemed to know Shen Qinghuan's attitude towards the Yu family, so he took Shen Qinghuan's side as a matter of course.

Whatever Shen Qinghuan's attitude is, that's his attitude, which can be reflected from the address.

Shen Qinghuan responded, and turned her head to look at Yu Sitong and Yu Sizhou.

Then his eyes fell on Yu Sizhou, and he said.

"You've made up your mind and told me."

Skip Yu Sizhou's last question, and continue with what she said earlier.

For the sake of simplicity, we have to pay back the favor of the Yu family.

But it can be regarded as answering Yu Sizhou's question in a disguised form.

If she didn't really like Jianfan and never loved to owe favors, especially Shen Qinghuan who didn't love to owe favors to Yu's family, how could she be willing to accept the favors.

After finishing speaking, Shen Qinghuan pushed the door and walked out. Looking at Mu Guang's figure at the door, she stretched out her hand, and the corners of her lips turned up, as if she had caught the light.

And Yu Sizhou looked at Shen Qinghuan's smiling side face, for some reason, his brows and eyes froze slightly, and after a while, complexities emerged.


In Jianfan’s villa, there is no Chinese-style round table that Mr. Jane likes, but a high-tech ice-cracked marble table.

After Mr. Jian sat down, the corners of his mouth drooped slightly, and he said that the table looked impersonal, cold and hard, just like Jian Fan.

Shen Qinghuan didn't show it on the surface, but a little smile flashed in his heart.

If she had never been in contact with Jian Fan, maybe she felt the same way.

But now, she feels that Jian Fan is humane.

At least, with her.

Shen Qinghuan didn't care so much about Mr. Jane's opinion this time.

It may be because of the rockery incident.

Maybe it's because Shen Qinghuan trusts Jian Fan very much.

It could also be that on the way, although Jian Fan didn't make a long speech, she said the word "rest assured" to Shen Qinghuan.

Sure enough, Mr. Jian's face this time is still as gentle as last time.

But he looked at Shen Qinghuan more seriously.

Seriously looking at Shen Qinghuan.

It was as if he was really looking at his granddaughter-in-law.

Shen Qinghuan is sensitive and can feel it to some extent.

After she was slightly stunned, a warm current slowly passed through her heart, and she unconsciously held Jian Fan's hand gently under the dining table.

Although Jian Fan was not emotional, she gently pushed the glasses, and the eyes under the lenses seemed to have slightly curved arcs.

Perhaps it was the firm attitude of both parties, and the meal went more smoothly and happily than expected.

The parents of both sides may have their own little things, but they won't show it too much.

It's just that when we were about to say goodbye at the end, something happened again.

It is naturally impossible for Mr. Jian to live in Jian Fan's impersonal house. Yu Sitong wanted to stay, but the Yu family originally intended to go north. He had a lot of things to deal with when he first arrived in the imperial capital.

So, in the end, it was Yu Sizhou who stayed behind.

To put it in a good name, get close to his future brother-in-law.

Shen Qinghuan looked at Yu Sizhou's smirking face, something inexplicable flashed in his eyes, not quite sure what Yu Sizhou wanted to do.

But Jian Fan glanced at Yu Sizhou and Shen Qinghuan, as if thinking about something, lost in thought.