Loving My Rival’s White Moonlight

Chapter 9


Some people are destined to be extraordinary.

Even his casual behavior is a hot spot for hot searches.

Today's headline was originally #许安纯和贾清雅同交#, but now it has been replaced by #jianfanfa微博#.

The direction of public opinion was also made by Jian Fan suddenly, and he was a little confused.

Probably at this time, all the people who eat melons have "black question mark faces".

Isn't Jian Fan Pei Qingya's friend

How did you repost... Shen Qinghuan's promotional Weibo

This question was asked by three people including the official Weibo of the brand, and it became a popular comment.

Guess, opinions vary.

But none of the parties responded positively.

Xu Anshen was urgently recalled by the Xu family because of the official announcement, and Pei Qingya, one of the parties on the order, seemed to be in a good mood and was trimming white roses on the balcony.

The phone rings.

Pei Qingya picked it up: "Sister Miao, what's wrong?"

A serious female voice came from the other end: "Qingya, why didn't you say that Jian Fan knew Shen Qinghuan? How can our public relations guide this? Jian Fan is your friend, and Shen Qinghuan is a gold-worshiping vampire. It turned out to be fine now. Jian Fan retweeted Shen Qinghuan's promotional Weibo, this... no, haven't you and Jian Fan known each other for a long time? Why didn't he retweet you? "

Sister Miao threw out a series of questions, but Pei Qingya on the other end didn't answer for a long time.

"Qingya, Qingya, are you still listening?"

"Yes, it's the company's publicity. Jian and Fan didn't pay attention to the content, and just reposted the brand's latest Weibo." Pei Qingya's voice couldn't hear anything unusual.

She paused for two seconds, then continued.

"It seems that Jian Fan attaches great importance to this brand, Sister Miao, I want to perform well and win it."

"So that's the case. I said how could someone like Jian Fan have anything to do with Shen Qinghuan."

"Qingya, don't worry, this is already in your pocket, no one is more suitable for this brand than you." Sister Miao was full of confidence.

With a smile in her voice, Pei Qingya hung up the phone modestly.

But the strange thing was that there was no smile on Pei Qingya's face.

She stared straight at the delicate and delicate white rose in front of her.

Pure, flawless, as if he should be loved by everyone in the world.

But... Pei Qingya pinched the branch tightly, and the thorn pierced her fingertips, but she didn't realize that a drop of blood fell down the petals of the white rose along her fingertips.



As for the other two parties, they are talking on the phone right now, and they are full of unilateral gunfire.

Shen Qinghuan held the phone: "What do you mean?"

Jian Fan: "What are you asking?"

Shen Qinghuan frowned slenderly: "Why did I appear on the selection list for the advertising spokesperson?"

A lot happened today.

But this is what Shen Qinghuan is most concerned about.

Dirty water can be washed, and the body is not afraid of crooked shadows.

But if she is not upright, wouldn't she have confirmed the statement of being hidden.rules

Although Shen Qinghuan didn't say it clearly, but what she revealed meant that she obviously suspected that Jian Fan let her go through the back door.

Jian Fan at the other end didn't answer directly, but paused for a moment in his cold voice, and asked back.

"Is that why you don't believe in yourself?"

Shen Qinghuan choked for a moment.

In fact, although Shen Qinghuan has been immersed in the pornographic entertainment industry for these years, although she has been constantly polishing herself, but because she has no background and does not accept unspoken rules, she has worked hard for a long time, and she is only in the eighth or ninth rank.

She always told herself that "the smell of wine is not afraid of deep alleys", but Shen Qinghuan would also get tired if she was repeatedly tested by reality, cut off resources by various people appointed by the management again and again, or directly canceled the audition.

A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old version of the book chasing artifact, the source-changing app used by old bookworms, huanyuanapp.org

This kind of tiredness will quietly shake people's hearts when it is subtle.

It's not that he's not firm, it's just that he's not as firm as before....

If you work hard, you will reap success. That is chicken soup to lie to children.

Sometimes, Shen Qinghuan felt that maybe she was really short of the luck of becoming famous.

Shen Qinghuan paused, then pursed her lips: "...No."

Jian Fan seemed to hear Shen Qinghuan's hesitation, he didn't reply to Shen Qinghuan's words in time.

Shen Qinghuan heard the sound of clicking the mouse from the other end.

After a while, Jian Fan said: "Go and check Yin Tang's Weibo."

As soon as Yin Tang's name came out, Shen Qinghuan was stunned.

This name was no stranger to her, or to the entire entertainment industry.

Yin Tang is a well-known ancient film director in the circle. The four ancient films of the "Mirror Flowers and Water Moon" series he directed not only sold well at the box office, but also swept all the awards in the film circle.

It can be described as a two-way guarantee director for box office and word of mouth.

Shen Qinghuan didn't understand what Jian Fan meant at first, until she clicked on Yin Tang's Weibo.

Only then did she discover that Yin Tang was the director of the Crane commercial.

It turned out that the product line of Crane, after being inquired by Simplified and Traditional, immediately gained a lot of attention in the industry.

The director of publicity suddenly became active, and wanted to invite Yin Tang, who had never dared to think about it before.

After Yin Tang learned that this brand was valued by Simplified and Traditional, he became somewhat interested in it. After reading the proposal and products, he agreed.

But there is a condition, you have to follow his rules.

The first rule is to cancel the open selection.

Yin Tang has his own casting team, which is more efficient and of higher quality than public selection.

And Shen Qinghuan was chosen.

Shen Qinghuan saw Yin Tang's Weibo, which talked about her.

Yin Tang: The cool moon in the dark night, the bright white clothes, the beauty holding the sword, dancing like a crane.

Accompanied by a video.

This is the preview of Shen Qinghuan's upcoming new web drama, in which she plays a villain.

In one scene, Shen Qinghuan was walking on the uneven stone mountain road holding a long sword with a sharp edge.

The camera extended from bottom to top, and the first thing that caught everyone's eyes was the long sword dragged on the ground with a cold light, and the tip of the sword left a piercing sound on the mountain road.

But the sword bearer didn't realize it.

Her icy sword cuts small stones along the road one by one, but she seems to have wisdom to avoid some flowers struggling tenaciously in the wind and rain.

Until she reached the top of the mountain, the camera slowly moved up.

Everyone could see the thin back of the sword-wielding man.

The white clothes are better than the snow, and the ink hair is flying.

The sword-wielder thrust the tip of the sword behind his back and turned around slowly. At that time, the wind blew, and the plum blossom tree above his head swayed leisurely, and the petals rustled down.

There is a plum blossom petal under the corner of the right cheek of the sword bearer when he turned around.

Cold and aloof, but hidden plum fragrance.

The last frame of the picture is fixed at this moment.

It was also the freeze frame of this moment that made Yin Tang fall in love with Shen Qinghuan at a glance.

Yin Tang's Weibo was also reposted by the brand, which was equivalent to clarifying for Shen Qinghuan in disguise.

Although the comments below are still a mess.

But there was still a group of rational spectators who began to appreciate Shen Qinghuan.

Shen Qinghuan looked at the few comments that praised herself among the comments, and then carefully read Yin Tang's comments on her.

Her eyes flickered, and she patted her face in disbelief.

"I heard it." The man's nice and deep voice sounded.

Shen Qinghuan, who was so surprised that she forgot that there was still someone listening, froze with her hands on her face.

"You... heard it wrong, I was hitting mosquitoes." Shen Qinghuan refused to admit the off-line behavior just now.

In order to change the topic, Shen Qinghuan took a rare chance to discover her talent for awkward chatting.

Just when Jian Fan was about to make clear arrangements for what to eat the day after tomorrow.

The deep male voice on the other end of the phone suddenly called her.

"Shen Qinghuan."


There seemed to be a moment of quiet silence in the air.

For a while.

The man said.

"you're worth it."

Like a random ending.

Light as a feather.

However, with the affirmation that a man is as heavy as Mount Tai.