Loving You Is Too Difficult

Chapter 1: wedge


This morning, this is how it started.


The neat movements did not hesitate to open the curtains, and the dazzling and terrifying sunlight in summer immediately illuminated the originally quiet and shady room, spilling into every corner, including the one piled with all kinds of plush dolls, from pillowcases to sheets, Cool quilts are all light purple, pink and playful bed that is unbelievable.

After a few seconds, a suspiciously shaped hillock in the center of the bed began to wriggle.

"Turn it off..." A faint moan came from under the layers of bedding and the doll, "Turn off the sound... turn off..."

"The sound isn't on." The response was succinct and low, without a trace of emotion.

"Then why... so noisy..." The weak moan sounded pitiful and feeble.

"Because of your tinnitus." Still the same clean and neat response, and then, a slender figure came to the bed.

Just like opening the curtains, without any hesitation, the pink-purple silk quilt embroidered with small flowers was lifted in the next instant.

In the morning, no, in fact, it was almost noon, and the little man who was curled up in the middle of the bed and had just lost the protection of the quilt.

A more miserable wailing sounded, "Don't turn on the light... it's too bright..."

The young man standing in front of the bed was unmoved by the pitiful plea. "It's time for you to get up. About eleven o'clock with the dentist."

"My head hurts..." The person on the bed moved again, but she hid herself under the pillow, seeking other shelter, and had no intention of getting up. "It hurts, hurts... so noisy..."

The man in front of the bed gave a cool smile, but that kind of smile made people look horrified.

He didn't answer, and let the escapist little ostrich continue to bury his head under the pillow and pile of dolls.

The silence in the room is getting heavier and heavier...

A minute later, the panda doll began to move slowly, revealing a pair of narrowed eyes underneath, with long eyelashes flashing, indicating that the owner of those eyes was peeking.

The person in front of the bed was still indifferent, clasping his hands on his chest and waiting steadily.

The pudding dog also left at a very slow pace.

His eyes were amber, with a hint of doubt, as if he didn't understand why he suddenly became so quiet.

Then, the cool penguins…

call! The cool penguin was caught!

The person who lost cover was startled, but she reacted extremely quickly, and immediately took effective life-saving action - fake cry!

"Woooo..." The fake cry was almost real, pitiful, and made those who heard it couldn't bear it. "My head hurts, hurts... how can this be... am I going to die..."

"Hangovers don't kill people." He replied coldly, and every word seemed to be carved out of ice. "You still have three minutes."

"Three minutes?" she asked stupidly. "How about three more minutes?"

Again no answer.

She actually wanted to know what kind of terrifying action the man standing in front of her bed would take when three minutes came. However, based on the experience of the past month or so, it is better for her not to try it lightly.

She has a bad reputation for staying in bed, and getting her up has become everyone's nightmare, only he, this immobile man, has all kinds of extreme and effective tyrannical methods—

For example, splashing water and hiding five super loud alarm clocks in various corners of the room - made her so noisy that she had to get up, but couldn't find the alarm clock - put the music on so fast that the glass shattered, turned off the air conditioner to make her so hot Crazy... The day before yesterday, he even took two ultra-high-power hair dryers—hair dryers! Who would have thought that a hair dryer could cure bedridden! Put it in her ear, and blow it on one side, making her abandon the bed to escape ten seconds later, and her mission has been successfully completed: Miss Song Yunshan, who is the most bedridden in the world, got up obediently.

As for how she stomps, cries, curses, screams after getting up... that doesn't matter.

Song Yunshan has begun to wonder if this cold-faced man is the reincarnation of Bao Gong...

"Okay, just get up when you get up." After waiting for a long time, Song Yunshan felt a dull pain when she felt it, no, it was a throbbing pain in her head, she muttered unwillingly. "But my head really hurts, Xiang Huai, you..."

It's not over yet, three minutes are up!

Even if she was still talking, even if she had slowly propped herself up and fully showed her sincerity to get up, Xiang Huai still acted without hesitation.

"Ah—" A tragic scream resounded through the room.

A towel - fresh from the icy water - slammed into her face with precision and ferocity in a swift and sure manner!

Cold water droplets rolled down her pink cheeks, down her neck, and all the way to her small vest with thin shoulder straps. Song Yunshan screamed and jumped up, followed by several expensive dolls rolling off the floor.

"Woo..." This time she wasn't fake crying, she was really crying. After ripping off the wet towel, those big amber eyes turned red, and pea-sized tears began to overflow. "It's so cold... why are you like this..."

"I said, three minutes." The answer was as cold as a large pot of ice water next to him, Xiang Huai turned around and left, without the slightest pity or sympathy.

"I'm about to get up already!" The wailing defense chased after him. "And my head hurts and I want to vomit. I might be sick and dying! So you want me to get up?!"

"You won't die." Xiang Huai stretched out his long legs and quickly walked out of the room, which was dominated by pink and purple, and was unbelievably sweet and dreamy, with goosebumps all over his body.

"Maybe!" Song Yunshan didn't give up, she jumped out of bed, her red lips curled in an aggrieved arc, and followed behind the tall figure. "What if I really die? You are the murderer!"

"If you really die from a hangover, then the murderer is you."

In the spacious corridor, Xiang Huai turned her head, her eagle-like eyes swept across her messy short hair, slender vest and loose shorts, pajamas, naked snow-white arms, long legs...

The eighteen-and-a-half-year-old Song Yunshan may still be mentally like an eight-year-old child, but her slender curves and undisguised youth are enough to make men look twice, no, many eyes.

With that sweet heart-shaped face, big amber eyes, and pink snow skin torn by blows... The most damning thing is, she doesn't mind her disheveled clothes, she is standing in the room At the door, hands on hips, staring at him angrily.

Xiang Huai considered for two seconds, then turned around and walked into the bathroom behind him.

"Xiang Huai! Xiang Huai!" Song Yunshan stomped her feet angrily, "I'm not polite, I haven't finished speaking, why did you run away? Xiang Huai! You come back—"

Before she finished shouting, Xiang Huai came out of the bathroom, and a thin bathrobe flew towards her, covering her head and face accurately.

"Put it on." The cold order followed.

Although reluctant, Song Yunshan still put on the thin bathrobe while muttering. Tied up, she looked up to continue complaining—

The hallway was empty, except for herself.

Xiang Huai went downstairs without looking back.

The corridor is covered with thick carpets, and there are several exquisite watercolor paintings hanging on one wall. On the high-footed table next to the door, there is an expensive Tiffany crystal jar filled with fresh bright yellow roses, exuding sweetness. fragrance.

The extravagant and gorgeous environment is quiet and unpopular.

Song Yunshan stayed for a while, then, leaning against the bedroom door, she let out a long sigh.

On the sweet heart-shaped face, the charming and willful look just now has disappeared, replaced by an indescribable look of loneliness.

Even those beautiful amber eyes revealed a deep loneliness.

She, alone.

No matter how noisy or noisy she is, how petty she is, how tangled she is, she is both soft and hard... She is still alone.

The feeling of powerlessness overwhelmed her, coupled with the increasing headache and tinnitus... Song Yunshan slowly slid down the door frame until she sat on the ground.

Like a boneless mollusk, she slumped by the door, staring blankly at the end of the corridor with big eyes.

Such a desolate expression should not appear on a girl who is young and beautiful, as delicate as a peach. What's more, she is the so-called arrogant daughter of the sky; she has a wealthy family and is an only child, so she can do whatever she wants; she was sent abroad early and was never poisoned by the higher education system; every winter and summer vacation, she takes a plane like a bus. Flying around, go wherever you like, and have traveled all over the world at a young age.

But so what

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