Loving You Is Too Difficult

Chapter 10


Xiang Huai thought that everything was in the plan, and they should be considered as the final decision.

However, it is clear that Song Yunshan's thoughts are very different from his...

The day after the spring night together, Xiang Huai went to work, from morning to night, with a faint smile that could not be ignored.

That kind of pure male satisfaction is really indescribable.

Knowing that he was probably exhausting the delicate and delicate Song Yunshan, and although he didn't want to admit it, he was really concerned about it - only a few hours apart, he wanted to hug her again; so after noon, he borrowed words and had something to do, so he took a break from his heavy official duties. He literally took an hour to go home to visit.

She is probably still in bed. I can't blame her, last night, this morning, on the bed, in the bathroom... How could Xiao Hua, who is just beginning to understand the style, deserve such a wild plunder, the wind and the rain

Even though he thought so, the smile on Xiang Huai's lips deepened, and the lines on his handsome face softened a lot.

If he could see himself in the mirror now, he would be frightened by that unspeakable tenderness. He never knew that sex could be so perfect, so lingering...

Opening the door, he walked briskly into his spacious mansion, all the way to the master bedroom - this morning, he left her in the middle of the big bed, kissed and kissed, and then left with a smile at her sleepy protest. .

And now—the room was empty.

The pillows and quilts on the bed, which were originally messed up by the two people who lost their passion, are now neatly tidied up and folded, and the clothes scattered on the floor and the small sofa are gone, and his room is back to the way it was before.

In other words, it is unpopular.

"Jun Shan?" Xiang Huai smiled and his face became serious. He frowned and looked inside and out.

no one? no one!

Song Yunshan is not here. She even cleaned the bathroom. In short, she didn't seem to be here.

However, the memories of ecstasy left in the depths of the body are definitely not fake; Xiang Huai is very sure that last night and this morning, those who were in his arms, under him, or even pressed against the edge of the bathtub by him to love and pity were absolutely willing, even Song Yunshan who responded enthusiastically.

Then why play this set? The sudden disappearance without leaving a single word, isn't it an old-fashioned trick that the heroine in the novel is wronged and helpless

When he couldn't see her at home, Xiang Huai actually felt an astonishing anxiety welling up in his heart.

Then, start looking for someone.

Today is a holiday, so you don't have to look for the library where she works. The residence does not have a telephone. The phone is off.

very good. Xiang Huai felt a dull pain in his temples.

Seeing that the time for the afternoon meeting was approaching, Xiang Huai was forced to hand over the mission of finding the bad girl to Miss Hu, the omnipotent special assistant.

"Find her and call me right away," he explained succinctly.

Assistant Hu was a little confused, "But, aren't you going to have a meeting?"

Xiang Huai only looked at her once and gave her a "so what?" wink.

The smart and capable special assistant Miss Hu reacted immediately; she wanted to laugh, but she didn't dare to laugh, so she had to grit her teeth and hold back.

A wise and talented young boss with extraordinary achievements... It turns out that he is not a workaholic, nor is he gay, it just depends on who he is.

From the United States to Taiwan, Hu Qiaolan is one of Xiang Huai's most effective assistants. Since returning to Taiwan, she has seen another side of her master.

As long as it is something other than official business, Hu Qiaolan, who helps out, usually gets this answer after asking for instructions: "Ask what Miss Song means, she likes it."

Mr. Xiang, who was strategizing and making decisions at the company, even asked what model he would like to replace his new car with, what style and material should he buy for his sofa, and even what color of the bathroom towels... All of them asked Miss Song!

Then, after only one day of absence, I was in a hurry!

The so-called love, should be the case. Hu Qiaolan held back a smile, nodded and promised her master that she would report the search results as soon as possible.

And the great assistant Hu Te did not live up to his high expectations. After two hours and forty-five minutes, he found Song Yunshan.

After receiving the call from Hu Qiaolan, Xiang Huai faced several senior cadres who were having a meeting together. Of course, he did not announce the meeting immediately, and immediately rushed out of the conference room.

How is that possible, he is also the president of the Asia Pacific region!

So, he held out... 20 minutes before the meeting ended, "only" an hour earlier than the originally scheduled time.

Mr. Great Driver seemed to be able to sense the silent anxiety of his master, and quickly but very smoothly, he sent Xiang Huai to his destination - the instructions of Miss Special Assistant, Miss Song was in the library.

Originally thought that at least one had to knock on the door, ring the bell, go through the walkie-talkie, or all of the above steps to enter the library, but unexpectedly, the glass door of the library was completely hidden, and Xiang Huai pushed it open.

Inside the counter and reading area are quiet. The long table was polished to an eye-catching finish, the evergreen on the counter was thriving, the curtains fluttered slightly, the pleasant cool breeze was slowly blowing in from the window, and the radio under the counter was playing melodious music.

However, no one.

Xiang Huai frowned and pondered for a moment.

Before she could move, she landed behind the bookshelf, and the deserter came out.

She was holding a book in her arms, humming along with the music, dressed lightly, and she was more than five years younger than when she was wearing a serious and old-fashioned suit.

There was no makeup on her snow-white face. Xiang Huai squinted and looked carefully, and without any difficulty, noticed the faint black circle under her eyes.

Last night, and this morning... She must have been exhausted.

She obviously doesn't have to go to work today, so she still escaped to do rough labor and move books? ! What are you thinking about!

"Cough!" Xiang Huai cleared his throat angrily.

Frightened by the sudden voice, Song Yunshan was shocked, and when she released her hand, a whole stack of books smashed to the ground! Worst of all, there were several hardcover books that hit her bare instep in sandals.

Song Yunshan gasped for air, jumped a few steps away, squatted down immediately, and hurriedly packed up her books.

She didn't dare to look at the handsome man standing at the door, because... As long as she thought of Xiang Huai, the memories of their passion and entanglement immediately came flooding back, making her feel ashamed.

Shouldn't he be working, having meetings, talking about his trillions of dollars in big deals, big contracts... Just like her grandfather or dad, doesn't he have time to take care of her? How could... suddenly appear here

Xiang Huai quickly came to her side and gently pushed her away, her voice a little annoyed, "What are you doing smashing yourself with the book? Get out of the way."

Then, the tall body squatted down, picked up the books one by one, and stood up effortlessly.

"Ah, no, just leave it alone..."

"Where to put it?" His tone was still not good.

Song Yunshan didn't dare to say more, didn't even dare to look at him, and kept her head down. "These are going to be moved to the back storage room."

With a cold face, he followed behind her, and the two walked into the storage room wordlessly.

There were already several books on the ground, obviously the result of her hard work; Xiang Huai frowned as she looked at the book that was heavier than the other.

"You moved these?" As if blaming her, Xiang Huai said as he put the book down, then he straightened up, took off his suit jacket, and started rolling up his sleeves.

Song Yunshan stared at his strong arms, the light brown skin and the white shirt forming a dazzling contrast. Thinking of the healthy tone of skin on his whole body, how his big powerful hands once touched her and melted her... Her heartbeat began to speed up, her cheeks burned even hotter, and even the roots of her ears and neck were hot.

"How many more to move?" Xiang Huai was about to leave, but stopped. Seeing her blushing face and her wandering around, since he came in until now, he has refused to look directly into his eyes... He couldn't help but narrow his eyes, "Ruan Shan, what's the matter with you?"

"No, no."

"No? Then why don't you dare to look at me?" Xiang Huai simply did not leave, he crossed his chest with both hands, leaned against the door of the storage room, and asked condescendingly.

"I don't want to, I don't dare to look at it." Although she said that, she not only stuttered, but her big watery eyes stared at the floor. "The other books are outside, on the bookshelf and on the floor. I think it's a holiday anyway, so I'll tidy up and tidy up... Then I'll go out first."

Want to escape? ! not that simple!

When she walked quickly with her head down, she was about to escape from the storage room, which was not very spacious and made her breathless—although the main cause of her unsteady breath was the stalwart man standing at the door of the storage room—"Ah !"

She was embraced by the waist, and her whole body was attached to the strong and hard man's body.

"You're hiding from me." His voice was close to her sensitive ears, with a bit of domineering in his intimacy, "Why? I'm too rude? You don't like it? It's always uncomfortable the first time, sorry. ”

Song Yunshan's face was nearly scorched, she buried her head in his hard chest, and murmured, "No... No, I hate it, don't talk about it!"

Xiang Huaiyong hugged the person in his arms tightly, and couldn't help smiling at her cute shyness. "Why don't you stay at home and have a good rest and wait for me to go back?"

Song Yunshan was silent, and after a long time, she sighed softly.

How can a man understand? The kind of entrusting himself and being occupied without reservation... The world has changed completely from now on, even, he seems to be another person from now on, and he has to say goodbye to the innocent girl from the past... How could he feel like this? Understand

She didn't regret handing over the purest self to him, but after that, she didn't know how to face him, she just wanted to hide herself and clarify her chaotic and contradictory thoughts.

As a result, it was quiet for a few hours, and I wanted to rely on labor to calm my chaotic thoughts... He found it!

As soon as it comes, it is so natural, big stab!

She pursed her lips and asked sullenly, "Do you do this to every woman who has slept with you? Do you want them to stay at home and wait for you to come back?"

Xiang Huai frowned again. What is this with what

"Why do you say that?" He squeezed his arms slightly to keep her from breaking free. "You know that's not what I meant."

"Then, what do you mean?" She asked back, pushing the nostalgic chest away from his embrace. "I do it willingly, you don't have to feel... what is your responsibility to me."

Xiang Huai felt as if he had been hit hard on his chest, and a suffocated breath stuck in his throat, making him almost suffocate.

Responsibility? He was in a state of ecstasy all day long, and he was in a state of ecstasy, and he never thought about what the word "responsibility" had to do with it.

Well, if it's not about responsibility... so, what is it about? How is this going

Quickly glancing at Xiang Huai Bing's cold and gloomy face, Song Yunshan lowered her head again and softened her voice, "You are a person with a strong sense of responsibility. I have known it before, but I don't want your sense of responsibility."

"You used to be clearly..." Xiang Huai couldn't help it.

"What's wrong with Mingming? It's very sticky to you? Can't get rid of it?" She smiled again. "I know, too. I used to hate it, didn't I? But don't worry, I'm not like that anymore, really."

Looking at her slender back, Xiang Huai squinted his eyes, unable to distinguish what the many chaotic feelings surging in his heart were.

Is it anger, reluctance, pity, longing, or anxiety

Or... all of them

What is certain is that she has really changed.

Another sure thing is that Xiang Huai knows very well that he doesn't like her transformation at all!


"Um… "

Charming moans, Kang Cong's elegant room.

Originally, it was very masculine, with almost no decoration, only cold, hard and minimalist furniture. After this period of time, women's ingenuity has appeared, and another style has appeared.

The lamps and leather chairs with a sense of design are placed on the log floor. The large bed is made of indigo-blue Egyptian cotton sheets with subtle silver patterns, which are both comfortable and beautiful.

And the beautiful sheets were crumpled at the moment, and the thin blanket of the same color had already fallen on the floor beside the bed. On the bed, the snow-white delicate body was kneeling on his knees, his slender waist was tightly hugged, and the male light wheat-colored sturdy body was pressed against the snow back, densely overlapping, and colliding with emotion.

Song Yunshan didn't know how things would turn out like this.

Mingming... Obviously escaped, but was caught again and again by a man with a cold face, and then was put on the bed, being embarrassed in this way, no matter what... arbitrary love and pity.

"Ah... don't... so fast..." The begging voice was so delicate that the listener's whole body felt crisp, but the rhythm of the attack became more and more frantic.

"Still running? Where are you running to?" The hoarse male voice tightened with lust and a hint of anger. The large palms kneaded the smooth and delicate body, and the hand strength was slightly heavy, which inspired a series of tactful moans.

Especially, when stroking and squeezing the plump tender breasts and sweet buds, the screams suddenly rose in the bursts of puffs.

"Ugh..." Almost unable to withstand such a fierce aggression, Song Yunshan only felt that she was about to explode, and the surging emotional tide slapped and rose...

At the extreme moment, her tensed body began to twitch heavily, and the fiery tightening encirclement sucked Xiang Huai deeper and heavier; the beautiful contractions again and again pushed Xiang Huai to the peak of ecstasy and bone erosion. .

"Ah—" At that moment, the world seemed to stand still, they seemed to be thrown into the clouds, and then fell heavily...

Xiang Huai heavily pressed the sweaty and slippery body in her arms into the mattress, gasping for breath. She was still shivering with the soft body under her, floating and sinking in the aftermath of the climax. After a while, Xiang Huai woke up a little from the sweetness that made his mind blank and deprived him of all his ability to think, and heard her moan of protest.

He squeezed her out of breath, the corners of his mouth evoked a lazy and contented smile, and Xiang Huai bit her small ears.

"Go away... You are so heavy..." The weak voice, muffled in the bed, whispered.

Xiang Huai refused. "I'm going to hold you here, it's better to stick to my bed forever."

"I'm not... and I'm not..." She couldn't think of anything that would be stuck to the bed forever. After thinking about it for a long time, she had to give up. "Never mind, I'm dying of suffocation..."

Only then did Xiang Huai chuckle, turned over, and left the soft and delicate body.

However, as soon as she moved, before she could get out of bed, Xiang Huai's strong arm immediately stretched over, hugged her by the waist, and dragged her to him.

Forced to lie down on the hard body, Song Yunshan's blushing face, which still had spring love, immediately showed an unhappy expression. "Let go, I'm going to take a shower."

"No talk." Xiang Huai simply refused. "Wait a minute, I'll take you to wash."

Every time, almost every time, after their lingering love, Song Yunshan would borrow the words to take a bath, or sneak out of bed when Xiang Huai was tired and drowsy, and then disappeared quickly.

Can't you just snuggle up to him, act coquettishly, and then have a sweet sleep? Xiang Huai thought gloomily, what did she think of him? Cowherd? Sex toys? Facial paper? Want to throw it away

If it wasn't for her having a job and having to go to work every day, she might disappear without a trace like the one in the novel or movie, making him, the poor hero, go crazy, looking for all the famous mountains in the world, three oceans, five continents, and the world. all over.

Luckily she has to work! Office workers can't play the trick of disappearing!

He had to go to the show every day to chase after the show, either at her residence or at the library where she worked to rob people, as if robbing a civilian girl. His capable driver is also very good now. As soon as Xiang Huai gets in the car at night, he asks, "The library, or Miss Song's house?"

It's so hard every day! Xiang Huai asked Song Yunshan to move in with him more than once a day, but she just refused.

She used to stick to him so tightly that she couldn't get rid of it if she wanted to. Now what? It was because he was unwilling to stick to her, so Xiang Huai wanted to stick with her.

"Why don't you move here?" Xiang Huai brought up the old story again. His big hands moved contentedly on the sweaty snow tender body, enjoying the perfect silky touch.

Although he had asked her twice tonight, and although he refused to let her go almost every night, he was still deeply fascinated, always fondling and loving, unable to restrain himself.

He is serious, he wants to keep her on the bed for a lifetime, lock her in his arms forever, and keep her from leaving!

"It's far from the library, and I'm used to living alone." Her little hands were also drawing on his firm chest, her face buried on the side of his neck, and she said sullenly.

"I can ask the driver to pick you up every day." Xiang Huai didn't believe her reason at all, it was too unconvincing. "This place is so much bigger than where you live. You choose everything. You should be used to it. It's not a hassle to move here. I can find someone to help you move."

"do not want… "

"And the place where you live is not very safe, there is no security system and no administrator. The library is also, especially when you went to work overtime on Mondays, and you didn't even lock the door! Aren't you afraid? Are you not afraid of bad people now? Not afraid of desks Another piece of bloody beef?" He remembered the intimidation that had terrified her years ago.

It was also the event that brought them together and made him start caring about her, but was unwilling to admit it.

Song Yunshan certainly knew why he said that, and her body froze slightly.

After a long silence, she spoke again.

"You know what? Actually, there's never been a bad guy."

"What did you say?" Is she exhausted

"There are no bad people, it should be said, not the bad people we imagined." She said lightly. "Those intimidation incidents... are actually... planned by my mom and her boyfriend. They get people to do these things, so the bad guys will know the security code and know when there's no one in the house... because, there are thieves going. Announcement."

Xiang Huai shook. He's not one to be surprised easily, but at this moment, he's completely stunned.

"You... when did you... know about this?" He subconsciously hugged her tightly.

"I vaguely guessed it from the beginning." She smiled miserably. "My mom is not a very slender person. She usually doesn't avoid me when she talks on the phone. She thinks I'm young and don't understand anything, or... she doesn't care whether I understand or not."

"You all know, why didn't you say it at the beginning?" Xiang Huai still couldn't believe that he had been kept in the dark for so long! "Why on earth would your mother do this?"

"It's not a very honorable thing. I'm afraid the police will take my mother away." She still had that miserable, wry smile. "Besides, my grandfather is also afraid of the family scandal, so he asks the security guards to protect me in private. For the rest, my mother can make trouble as she likes. She just wants to force my dad to divorce."

"To... get a divorce..."

"Yeah, that's too much, isn't it?" she said apologetically. "My mother is really headstrong. Everyone says that I inherited it from her."

Yes, her mother was really headstrong.

However, Yun Shan is still wrong, she is not like her mother at all.

There are many kinds of willfulness, but Yun Shan's willfulness is not harmful, and she never takes advantage of others or bullies others.

And now, she is being punished for not being her fault, but she has never heard her complain or blame others.

Xiang Huai felt that familiar, intense heartache again.

"She's going too far. That's her business, not yours." He kissed the top of her head and hugged her tighter, wanting to rub her into his body.

"But you can't deny that... if there is a mother, there must be a daughter." At least, all the relatives and friends around, and even good people who don't know each other think so. Song Yunshan said glumly, "Don't you think I'm annoying, annoying, and excessive?"

Xiang Huai frowned.

They are still hugging each other naked, and his hands are always inseparable from her silky skin; he seizes every opportunity to seduce, tease, coax, and even blackmail her enthusiasm over and over again, expressing his passion with his body. Let her remember that she is his...

And she... actually said that he found her annoying, annoying, and excessive

"Does this look like I hate you?" After speaking, Xiang Huai's hand slid to her sensitive waist and fixed it, and then deliberately straightened her waist, making her feel the desire to wake up.

"Ah, I hate..." Her originally dull voice turned into a sweet and thin anger; biting her seductive red lips, she gave him a charming look. "You don't... again... I'm going to take a shower!"

"Okay, I'll help you." Xiang Huai was also straightforward. He hugged her and moved to the bedside, then got up, carried her in his arms and walked to the bathroom.

"No! You always... ah! Don't! Let me wash it by myself... um..."

The coquettish voice was hidden behind the bathroom door, and then the soft moan that sounded, predicting another erotic baptism, was drowned out by the rushing shower water.

In the conflict, Song Yunshan was still unable to resist, and was dragged into the abyss of passion.

She didn't seriously resist. In fact, she enjoyed the sweet feeling of being pampered, pampered, and even tyrannically occupied by him.

However, deep down in her heart, she always had an unspeakable fear—Xiang Huai was only with her because of a heavy sense of responsibility and pity for her now; when he thought he could leave, he would still not look back. go away.

Just like it was years ago.

After many years, this time, she didn't know if she could bear it.