Low Dimensional Game

Chapter 448: Ignite the flame of the times


Year 620 of the Astral Calendar—

That is, in the year 592 of the Arcane Calendar, the Arcane Empire ushered in a new era of great expansion of the Star Boundary. Thousands of Star Boundary airships, alchemy ships, and Star Boundary Fortresses flew to the Star Boundary. Several fairyland cities became the Star Boundary. The adventure continent in the world carries the dreams of hundreds of millions of pioneers.

I don’t know how many development companies were also established. Most of them support undertaking some exploration missions and discovery missions. They just follow the fairyland city and accept the missions of the mythical arcanist city lord and the Star World Development Association to accumulate merit.

Chaos Worms have been around for who knows how many years. Various astral creatures that were born with them or derived from their power, terrifying astral forbidden areas, realms of darkness, and strange mythical beings are also discovered from time to time.

Although there are thousands of pioneers who have entered the Star Boundary to explore, and those who can discover these unknown places in the Star Boundary are some lucky ones, it also proves that the vast Star Boundary is not a barbaric land, but a wild land. There are all kinds of strange lives and unknown existences.

Some people have discovered shadow creatures that can travel through space deep in the astral world. Some people mistakenly entered the unknown dark realm while driving the astral airship, and were lost and died.

Someone's space fluctuation detector discovered strong space fluctuations, and they thought they had discovered a new demiplane and the main world, but in the end they discovered a surprisingly large space hole, leading to an unknown realm.

There is also the terrifying time distortion field, where those who intrude will be washed away by the violently accelerating time field and age and turn into ashes.

The mythical life, which was like a planet, directly crashed the alchemy ship and started a fierce battle with the fairyland city. However, as the Arcane Empire opened the space portal, several mythical arcanists crossed over and were immediately captured and sent to He established the Arcane Empire and launched a new wave of experiments.

The meteorite field, the gem dragons wandering in the star world, the star giants flowing with the blood of myth, the huge elemental tidal life that can rival the world, and so on.

All kinds of magical landscapes and lives are displayed in front of people's eyes. Everyone knows that the star world is so colorful and can make them gain huge profits. Many people rely on their discoveries to become powerful. power, or become a real nobleman of the Arcane Empire.

The development of the star realm is intensifying. With the discovery of the first demi-plane halfway through the passage to the Fairyland City, the Arcane Empire has entered a new stage of development. Various legends are circulating in the Arcane Empire, and then legends. To other worlds.

When the Wizarding World discovered the first half-plane in the Arcane Empire, it sent a letter to the Arcane Empire, requesting that the first half-plane discovered be transferred to the Arcane Empire as promised in the Astral War hundreds of years ago. In this regard, as the price for the integration of the Heart of the Ocean into the arcane world, it was repaid to the wizarding world.

Subsequently, the Wizarding World also followed the Arcane Empire and launched a plan to actively explore the depths of the star realm.

Catherine, the Lord of the Tower, convened a wizard's council under the projection of the entire wizarding world, and signed a pioneer agreement, calling on all professionals to send out a clarion call of exploration into the depths of the star realm.

Catherine is wearing a silver-white robe of the Lord of the Tower, with eternal symbols representing countless towers twisting around her back, like an entangled Ouroboros.

She faced the entire wizarding world with just one sentence, igniting the flames of an entire era.

"Everyone! The astral era has arrived!"

After hundreds of years of recuperation, the wizarding world has regained its vitality. It once again used the star realm as a breakthrough to release its excess energy. Hundreds of millions of professionals who were unwilling to be lonely, infighting and turbulent turned to the star realm.

According to the plan, the mythical floating towers and thousands of professionals are heading towards their half-plane deep in the star realm, starting the first process of developing their star realm.

Compared to the wizarding world and the arcane world, the world of Maria, the kingdom of gods, has bigger problems.

The population has reached its limit. Seventeen true gods and nearly a hundred priests under the gods are spread throughout the world. Even hell cannot contain those ambitious people with evil intentions. Although the previous star war released a lot of pressure to rebel against hell. A large number of cancers have been eliminated, but this is completely insufficient for Maria's world.

Huge pressure has been placed on Maria's world, making everyone in the world feel depressed. Society, civilians, nobles, and professionals all need a release point.

So just after the wizarding world sounded the clarion call to open up the star realm, the world of Maria, the kingdom of gods, also launched an attack on the star realm.

Seventeen true gods issued oracles at the same time. Popes, saints, and sages from major churches spoke out in unison, signed a pioneering knight contract with the church and the gods, and went to explore the depths of the star realm to gain the favor and favor of the gods. Rewards, whether they are positions in the Kingdom of God, saints or reincarnated angels.

Or if you want to be a noble or a king in this world, have endless wealth, and obtain a large fiefdom, there is no problem. If you can find a demiplane, you can even dream of becoming a god and a priest. If you can find a main world, So needless to say, a superior position is yours from the position of God.

The three major worlds were dispatched at the same time, and various information originating from the star realm continued to circulate in the major worlds, attracting the attention of civilians, nobles, professionals and even gods. The entire star realm seemed to become lively in one day. extraordinary.


Black Sea Plane—

After a hundred years of plane transformation and construction, the six major churches of the Kingdom of Gods jointly mobilized, and the Black Sea plane, which was originally like a land of death, finally turned into a paradise on earth bit by bit.

The power of the gods and priests is like changing the world, purifying the black sea that is all a sea of decay, exuding poisonous gas, stench, and decay little by little, collecting the stardust floating and rotating in the plane wall little by little, and gathering it into a continent .

Today's Black Sea Plane can no longer look anything like it was before.

The blue sea and blue sky, white clouds drifting, the sunlight penetrates the pure sea water, and you can see the corals and aquatic plants in the depths of the sea. Magic crystal towers are built on the sea. Ships come and go on the sea, and a maritime railway is built on it. You can see to steam trains crisscrossing the sea.

Suddenly, I felt as if I had arrived at the heart of the ocean, which once belonged to the wizarding world.

On the coast of Yare Island, you can see a white-red hut on the cliff next to the coast. The road goes down along the hut and crosses the bridge. It looks like a paradise.

Not long after, I saw dense alchemy airships flying in the sky, and thousands of steam jets above the ground surrounded the place. Priests and professionals rushed to the surroundings, their bodies exuding the light of divine magic. He looked towards the house above.

Everyone is waiting with all their strength, and you can even see panic flashing in their eyes, as if they are facing something extremely terrifying.

At this time, a mythical alchemy ship in the sky penetrated the space and arrived here, and a divine light and shadow twisted out from the mythical alchemy ship.

Immediately after the appearance of the gods, thousands of believers on the islands below fell to their knees and began to pray.

"Lynn Akhenaton! O ancient and declining fallen god!"

"The great Lord of Light gives it to you..."


Before he finished speaking, he saw an extremely strong red light penetrate the mythical alchemy ship. The light penetrated the clouds and penetrated directly into the plane wall. The shock caused directly dispersed all the clouds in the sky. , dyeing the sky into blood red, and a large number of airships on the sky exploded directly, turning into pieces of flames and falling into the sea.

Then the entire cliff collapsed, revealing the existence underneath, which was an exquisite tower that seemed to be made of gold. At this moment, the mythical light on it was constantly twisting, and it turned out to be a floating tower.

The golden floating tower is extremely gorgeous, with the ancient Akhenaton symbol on it.

"Ah! Lyn Akhenaten, how dare you!"

The mythical floating tower rushed into the sky, erupting into the golden mythical realm, crushing the body of the god with absolute power and posture, allowing it to let out a scream and shatter into the air.

At this moment, Linn Akhenaton, who was standing on the floating tower, didn't even bother to look at Him, as if he had just crushed a weak insect.

Then the mythical floating tower rushed into the plane wall and broke into the outside of the world. The mythical floating tower, which was cast after plundering a small half of the resources of the Black Sea plane, left the Black Sea plane.

Everything happened incredibly quickly. Before the god could react, his body shattered and he returned to the kingdom of the true god to wait for rebirth.

Linn Akhenaton had been hiding in the Black Sea world for nearly a hundred years, and finally gained strong power and capital again, and broke into the star realm.