Low IQ Supporting Female, Waiting for Death Online

Chapter 133: (Finish)


When did Ye Xin figure it out

Probably after Shen Lingling and Zhao Xuan divorced, she watched the wealthy and wealthy wife Shen Lingling become an ordinary person again. Without Zhao Xuan's favor, she didn't even have any possibility of making her jealous.

Ye Xin suddenly felt extremely boring, she couldn't help but think about what she had done in her life? When she was a child, she studied hard because she was jealous that Ye Wei was always against her, and because of jealousy, she desperately wanted to get ahead and live better than Ye Wei. She always wanted to suppress Ye Wei.

So that Ye Wei finally fell in love with Zhao Xuan, and when Zhao Xuan liked Shen Lingling, she stood by Shen Lingling without hesitation, and told Zhao Xuan how Ye Wei bullied Shen Lingling. .

It's painful to be hated by someone you like, right

She saw that Ye Wei was in pain, and that Ye Wei couldn't ask for anything, she was finally happy.

Ye Wei has everything since she was a child, and now she should also taste the taste of loss.

Later, Ye Wei became a vegetable in a car accident. Although she was surprised, regretful, and lamented that the world is impermanent, she was secretive and a little happy. She finally had a chance to become more intimate with Ye Wei's parents. She might be able to replace Ye Wei, replace Ye Wei's identity, and enjoy everything about Ye Wei...

She did get her wish for a while, and later even got the national medical system that only exists in novels!

That is a super powerful existence, she once thought that she was about to become the greatest person in the world, even in the five thousand years, no one!

But just as she was studying hard, Ye Wei turned into a ghost and threatened her to wake her up, and finally took away her national medical system!

She hates Ye Wei, so what if the national medical system belongs to her? Why give her hope and let her down? Why? ! !

She wanted to slash Ye Wei with a thousand swords, and finally had to admit that she didn't have that ability. She didn't know what happened to Ye Wei who became a vegetable in those two years, but she knew that Ye Wei had become different, she was worse than before. The most important thing is that she doesn't like Zhao Xuan anymore. Even if Zhao Xuan and Shen Lingling get married, it will not affect her in the slightest. She has become the same as before, proud, confident, and doesn't seem to care about everything. The dust-free appearance of the deputy eyes is very annoying.

But in the end, Ye Xin was at a loss.

What has she done with her life? Is there anything she is proud of? Her life seems to revolve around Ye Wei, always thinking about surpassing her, always thinking about defeating her.

Is there anything she owns

Ye Xin felt panic for the first time, why did her life become like this

She fell ill once and was admitted to the hospital, but heard the news that Ye Wei was going on a trip.

She suddenly felt that she was ridiculous and regarded Ye Wei as the enemy of her life, but the other party never even looked at her directly.

Ye Xin:…

She began to miss the feeling of training in the Chinese medical system. Although it was silent, she felt extremely at ease and contented.

Finally, she picked up the silver needle again - since the deprivation of the national medical system, she has never touched these things again. In her opinion, being deprived of the national medical system means that she has been deprived of her medical skills. But when she picked up the silver needle, the familiar feeling that had been practiced thousands of times came back, and she suddenly pierced the needle into her arm!

"What's the matter?" Why does she feel that the acupuncture technique she has studied and practiced for a long time is still there? Although there is no current introduced when the Chinese medical system is assisted, it is really there!

Ye Xin suddenly burst into tears of joy!

She began to take her own pulse again, and even grabbed a nurse who came to change her salt water to take her pulse. The other party looked at her inexplicably: "What's wrong with you? Are you uncomfortable?"

"Congratulations, you are pregnant!"


Ye Xin was discharged from the hospital. She seemed to have suddenly found a direction in her life. She began to read a lot of modern medical books, and even planned to re-enter the academy. Her idea was strongly opposed by Feng Nuo's mother. She is already a wife. If she doesn't take care of her husband and children, what kind of books should she study

Even Feng Nuo couldn't understand her and couldn't support her, and the two quarreled several times. Because Feng Nuo and Ye Xin were planning to have children before, but Ye Xin suddenly changed her mind to go to school, he was naturally angry.

Her change was huge, even when Shen Lingling habitually wanted to talk to her about her pain and troubles, Ye Xin refused. This was the first time she was rejected after the trial, and she was stunned: "Ye Xin, what's wrong with you?"

Ye Xin: "I said, I want to read a book and have no time to accompany you."

Shen Lingling: "..."

She could only say aggrievedly: "I'm just a little sad, I want to chat with you, aren't we good friends..."

Ye Xin also finally broke out: "Good friend, hehe, who is your good friend? Are you my friend? Besides showing me how much Zhao Xuan loves and treats you every day, what else do you do? I really I have heard enough! What Ah Xuan really hates, tell him not to buy me diamonds, he wants to buy them! It cost tens of millions of dollars! I have enough clothes, but he asks people to send new clothes every season What a waste and annoyance! Why did Ah Xuanfei take me to a candlelight dinner, I just want to have a simple meal, it's so grand and annoying... If you don't show off, you will die? You make me feel sicker than Ye Wei !"

Shen Lingling was dumbfounded: "I... I don't mean it! Why do you think of me so much?"

Ye Xin: "You don't mean that? Shen Lingling, you are really hypocritical, and Ye Wei is also hypocritical, but she makes no secret of it, at least she is candid, how about you? You are obviously hypocritical, but you still like to pretend Simple appearance!"

Shen Lingling: "..."

Ye Xin: "Don't look for me again, I've vomited all those things about you."

Shen Lingling was a little dumbfounded while holding the phone. This was the first time Ye Xin had said something like this to her. Her indifferent attitude was worse than that of a stranger.

She was unhappy with Zhao Xuan and wanted to chat with Shen Lingling. Now that she is better, she is even more unhappy.

After that, she didn't see Ye Xin again for a long time, let alone meet, she didn't even reply to messages to her. And she herself didn't have much time to think about Ye Xin, because the conflict between her and Zhao Xuan became bigger and bigger, and they even got divorced in the end.

She didn't want to get divorced, nor did she want the house or money that Zhao Xuan gave her. She pestered Zhao Xuan for a long time. She hoped that Zhao Xuan would understand that she loved him. No one in this world knew him better than her. love him more. When she said that, Zhao Xuan seemed to have heard the funniest joke in the world.

"Do you love me? Do you really love me?" The man who had always been calm and gentle turned out to be extremely sharp at this moment, "What do you love about my family background? My appearance? Or do you love my unique feeling for Ye Wei?"

"Because you liked me in the novel, you took away the plot that belonged to Ye Wei, occupied her position, and made me fall in love with you at first sight. Your so-called love is also calculated, and your feelings for me have been with you from the beginning. purposeful plunder."

"You actually said you love me?"

"Is it me that you love, or are the various settings given to me by the novel?"

Shen Lingling shook violently, she almost couldn't stand, she stared at Zhao Xuan with wide eyes, as if she was looking at some monster!

"You, you... How did you know? When did you know?" Shen Lingling almost collapsed, why would Zhao Xuan know? why? Isn't he a character in a novel

Why did Zhao Xuan also know after knowing the truth? Did Ye Wei tell him

Zhao Xuan, who has regained his senses, is indifferent and sober. The gentleness he once had is long gone: "Sign the divorce agreement and leave, don't come to me again, we don't need to see each other again in the future."

Shen Lingling was afraid and painful, and argued: "Even if my intentions were not pure at first, but we have been together for so many years, don't we have no feelings? Is our relationship for so many years fake? I really like you! You Don't you like me?"

Zhao Xuan: "I don't like you."

Shen Lingling: "Did Ye Wei say something to you? Don't believe what she said, she has never given up on you, she is sowing discord! You have to believe you and me!"

Zhao Xuan: "Enough!"

His eyes turned cold: "Ye Wei hasn't said anything to me, it's you, and it's always you, who is stirring up the rift."

Shen Lingling wanted to say more, and Zhao Xuan said again: "If you continue to mess around, I will take back all the money promised to you in the divorce contract."

He was too cruel, and there was only indifference and coldness towards a thief in those eyes.

"Don't show up to me again. Otherwise, I don't know what I'm going to do. Don't say ridiculous things like you love me. Ask yourself, do you believe it?"

Shen Lingling:…

Shen Lingling almost fled, she didn't dare to face Zhao Xuan like that, Zhao Xuan, who was no longer affected by the plot, was terribly smart, and everything about Shen Lingling was invisible in front of him.

She originally wanted to delay, hoping that Zhao Xuan could change her mind temporarily, but she didn't even have time to delay. After the showdown with her, Zhao Xuan instructed the housekeeper to pack her things one by one and put them into the van , swept her out of the house without giving her any chance at all.

Shen Lingling finally realized Zhao Xuan's decision. He really wanted to cut off all ties with her. She became an unspeakable stain in his life.

During that time, almost the whole circle was talking about Zhao Xuan's sudden divorce from Shen Lingling, and it was even in the news. After all, when Cinderella married into a wealthy family, it was a sensation for a while, but now it is bleak and lonely, and it is inevitable that it will become the talk of others after dinner.

During that time, Shen Lingling's life was very difficult. She moved out from Zhao's house. No matter where she went, she could receive strange looks from others, even at home. All three aunts and six grandmothers called her to ask her why she was divorced, gloating about misfortune. There are a lot of people, and even her parents are persuading her to go back to Zhao Xuan to admit her mistake, don't get angry, no one understands her.

Shen Lingling was speechless. She clearly did nothing wrong. It was Zhao Xuan who had to divorce her. How could she be blamed

And she is like this now, let alone go to Zhao Xuan to admit her mistake, she can't even see him once - seeing Zhao Xuan in the financial newspaper has become the only connection between her and Zhao Xuan.

For the first time, Shen Lingling felt helpless and miserable in this world. She thought she would get the happiness she dreamed of, but in the end it was nothing.

She nearly collapsed.

It shouldn't be like this, it shouldn't be like this...

What made her even more devastated was that she saw the news of Ye Xin again. It turned out that in a news article a few years later, she had successfully rescued a vegetative person who had been sleeping for three years! This is simply a medical miracle, and this miracle will continue to be staged!

Shen Lingling couldn't believe it, Ye Xin's ending was obviously not like this. As the female partner by the heroine's side, although she married Feng Nuo, who was also a rich second-generation, her life was not going well for most of her life. She was fighting with her mother-in-law and was suppressed by her mother-in-law. Her husband didn't feel sorry for her too much, but always advised her to be more patient and give in more. It seemed that her style was actually bleak for half her life.

How could she have such an achievement

She sent Ye Xin a message again, but unfortunately Ye Xin had blocked her long ago, so naturally her message was not sent, she sent her a friend request, but it never passed. The previous group of classmates was also very lively at the moment, and they all congratulated Ye Xinlai. The last time it was so lively was when the news of her divorce from Zhao Xuan was exposed.

Shen Lingling was so angry that she once again looked at Ye Xin, who was confident and proud in a white coat in the news, but what about herself? Zhao Xuan only gave her a house and five million in funds, which she spent a lot when she was addicted to pain. Later, she went to learn financial management to buy fund stocks, and she lost a lot, and her parents also She took a sum of money from her to buy a house for her brother. Now the money left is not enough for her to sit on the mountain, and she wants to learn to do business. The milk tea shop and clothes shop closed down because of bad business. She can only go out to find a job. Every morning from nine to five, she is exhausted, and her life has become like before...

Sitting on the bus home, Shen Lingling finally couldn't hold back her wailing!

Ye Xin hadn't seen Ye Wei for a long time. First, she was busy herself, and second, Ye Wei was also very busy. She didn't come to Ye's house this time to thank Ye Wei. She regarded Ye Wei as an imaginary enemy for more than 20 years, so she couldn't say thank you. Although she was somewhat grateful to Ye Wei, she was grateful that Ye Wei did not deprive her of her memory when she took away the Chinese medical system, allowing her to keep everything she had learned in the Chinese medical system.

Of course, Ye Wei has never thanked Ye Xin very rarely. The reason why she didn't deprive her of her memory is to leave her a path. If she can figure it out, she will naturally make a difference. If she doesn't understand, that's her business. It can be regarded as repaying her favor for taking care of her parents in those years. After all, she is someone who is unwilling to save her and wants to do acupuncture and moxibustion. Ye Wei is not so kind.

When Ye Xin arrived at Ye's house, she didn't see Ye Wei for the first time. Instead, she saw a strange man - an extremely handsome man.

He was sitting on the sofa in the living room, propping his forehead in one hand and holding the remote control in the other. Seeing her come in, she just raised her eyes. That glance was lazy and sloppy, and it seemed like a century of distance and indifference.

Glancing at her, his eyes fell on the TV again, even ignoring it as a matter of course.

Since she became famous, Ye Xin has never seen anyone who looked at her with such eyes. Even her mother-in-law, who looked down on her the most, is now kind and caring to her. Those noble ladies who looked down on her once saw her. All changed faces. This was what she wanted most, but when she really had it, she felt it was nothing more than that.

In other words, it has been a long time since she met someone who looked at her with such eyes.

"Hello, I'm Ye Xin. Are you a guest of the Ye family?"

The man glanced at her again and nodded slightly: "Well."

His eyes fell on the TV again, as if the things on the TV were what he cared about the most.

Ye Xin: "..." Is it gone

Later, she heard Ye Wei call him Jiang Fei.

Jiang Fei

A strange man she had never met.

Who is this person

"Your boyfriend?"



Did you read her letter

Later, she saw that Jiang Fei, who was lazy to everyone, was the same to Ye Wei, and she seemed to be no different. It's just that his background should not be low, although he is lazy, but his gestures are elegant and noble, and even his etiquette is not bad, he is very likable - Ye Wei's parents like him very much.

Ye's mother was very warm to him and asked about his family and his current situation. Because she is very worried about her daughter's life-long affairs.

Unfortunately, I heard that Jiang Fei's family has passed away, and he himself has no job.

Both parents died, and he is still a homeless person.

Ye Xin began to doubt Ye Wei's vision, she also likes such a person? However, this condition is suitable for marriage, which coincides with Ye's mother's idea.

Rather than marrying off a daughter, it is better to marry one back!

Ye Wei: …

She couldn't help but go to Jiang Fei, who was watching idol dramas: "When are you leaving? The vacation is not over yet?"

Jiang Fei didn't raise his eyes: "No hurry."

Ye Wei: "If you don't hurry, I'm afraid you won't be able to leave if you want to."

Jiang Fei: "I'm not afraid."

Ye Wei: "...?"

Jiang Fei: "It's not that easy to marry me."

Ye Wei: …


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