Lowly Creature

Chapter 3


For privacy considerations, there is no camera installed in He Zhi's house, Ji Mao has no way to observe He Zhi's actions, and can only catch a glimpse of He Zhi from the corner of his eye.

He Zhi held something like a long stick in his hand, and slowly moved towards him, only three meters away from him.

Before Ji Mao could move, the program ran rapidly, the light above his head turned on, and He Zhi's eyes fell on his face.

Ji Mao didn't have time to move, but He Zhi didn't make a move.

He Zhi stared at Ji Mao's face, was stunned for a while, cursed a curse, and said, "When did you send it?"

Ji Mao didn't dare to move, and watched He Zhi get closer to him, carefully studying his face.

Ji Mao should thank the engineer for the high degree of restoration of the holographic image.

The face on the body he chose was pinched by He Zhi himself in the simulation software. To be precise, the purpose of the second laboratory to create this body is to provide He Zhi with sexual services.

The second laboratory under He Zhi's technology company is mainly responsible for the research and production of bionic robots.

Although modern technology is stuck in the research and development of advanced artificial intelligence, the technology to create a body for artificial intelligence has been perfected, and bionics similar to human beings are scattered in various places.

Ten years ago, the manufacture of bionic robots, which was still in the research and development stage, was one of the main research directions of Qianzhan Technology for civilian use.

The second laboratory has made several concept machines, but when the specific direction of launching them on the market has not been clarified, something happened to the chairman.

After He Yongchen acquired Qianzhan Technology, he backed up the data of the second laboratory to the same laboratory of the Logan Group, and the second laboratory of Qianzhan Technology was left idle. After transferring to Logan, only the original deputy person in charge and a few unprogressive engineers were left to spend their days leisurely.

When He Zhi was inspecting the company, he found that the bionics in the second laboratory were more refined than those on the market, so he asked the person in charge for some information.

He Zhi himself has a small problem with physical contact, and seeing such a lifelike bionic robot, he suddenly had a thought that he might not be able to get on the stage. He called the head of the laboratory alone and assigned a task to help him make a high-performance inflatable doll.

If the inflatable dolls are done well, then a subsidiary company will be established to bring the inflatable dolls to the market, and there will be no need to worry about research funding and staff salaries next year.

At that time, the expression on the face of the person in charge was ever-changing. He did not expect that the second career of himself and his old colleagues would start with sex toys.

He Zhi patiently discussed the funding issues with the person in charge several times, and the person in charge agreed, and he also gave He Zhi a guarantee that the production would be completed within a month, and it would be exactly the same as the model.

After talking with the person in charge, He Zhi wrote down a few requirements for his own program and asked his assistant to hand them over. He didn't care about it anymore, and he didn't know the specific progress of the laboratory, but the face in front of him was absolutely true. He made it with his own hands.

He Zhi likes men, but his aesthetic is picky and single, so the face of the inflatable doll made by the second laboratory can be said to be a complete composite of the other half in his mind.

Now this face appeared in front of He Zhi without any warning, and He Zhi was also in a daze, and his hands that were tightly gripping the golf club loosened.

Presumably the laboratory finished making the inflatable doll, so his assistant sent it directly to his room without telling him.

He Zhi took out the communicator and sent a notice to his assistant, telling him not to use it for work tomorrow. Then he put the communicator on the wine cabinet, moved closer to Ji Mao, and carefully observed Ji Mao's fine white complexion. With pupils that were shining with water, and eyelashes that were distinct and soft, she said in a low voice, "It's really done exactly the same."

He touched Ji Mao's cheek with his hand, and Ji Mao's skin was soft, smooth and delicate, with some warmth.

It may be because he knew that there were no human tissues in the opponent's body. He Zhi didn't feel any discomfort. Instead, he felt that this technological product made him addicted. He Zhi casually touched Ji Mao's cheeks to his neck. In the meantime, even the major arteries have been made, only the pulse is missing.

Although Ji Mao didn't feel it, he also knew that He Zhi's hand kept slipping down. He really didn't have the ability to deal with this sudden situation.

Fortunately, He Zhi quickly stopped eating Ji Mao's tofu, and he directly carried Ji Mao up.

Ji Mao's body is very special, he can't use his strength when his focus changes, he lies limply on He Zhi's shoulder, was carried upstairs by He Zhi, and thrown on the bed.

He Zhi stood by the bed, looked at him for a while, and then went to the bathroom.

Ji Mao was lying on He Zhi's bed, listening to the sound of water in the bathroom, but couldn't figure out the current situation. The only thing he could be sure of was that He Zhi should be quite familiar with this body and this face.

He was getting annoyed when He Zhi came out.

He Zhi's bedroom and bed are very big, Ji Mao still didn't decide whether to move or not, so He Zhi pushed him up.

It was the first time he played with this kind of inflatable doll, he lifted up Ji Mao's clothes, touched Ji Mao's waist, pulled his clothes over his head, took them off and threw them on the ground.

Out of desire for funds, the second laboratory made this body extraordinarily charming, even the place covered by the clothes was exactly the same as the most perfect human body, the lines of the lower abdomen were exquisite and smooth, and the nipples on the chest were pink , with a sexy shadow in the hollow of the collarbone.

Feeling very curious, He Zhi rubbed Ji Mao's chest with his hands, then reached down and unbuttoned Ji Mao's trousers, and pulled down the zipper.

Seeing Ji Mao's genitals hanging limply and sticking to the smooth skin, He Zhi couldn't help laughing: "Fuck, I don't know how to get some hair."

Ji Mao looked at the ceiling, the program seemed to be suspended, and even wanted to go to sleep to finish it off.

He Zhi hasn't stopped his exploration of the inflatable doll, he fiddled with Ji Mao's private parts a few times, and whispered: "Can you be hard?"

Can be hard.

Ji Mao almost blurted out.

When he first entered this body, his body was naked.

After Ji Mao moved his complete program into the body, he immediately discovered that the genitals of the lower body were implanted with expandable materials, which could drive erections according to software, and even stored seminal vesicles that imitated human body fluids.

He also touched the hanging thing with his hand, and tried to drive it, and the hanging thing erected, straight in shape and pink in color, which didn't quite match the dark laboratory.

At that time, Ji Mao lowered his head expressionlessly and fiddled with it a few times before letting the thing return to its original state. He still had some doubts in his heart, it was just a bionic robot, did it need to be so delicate and complete

Now I know, it turns out there are other uses.

"How to turn on this thing..." He Zhi whispered impatiently, raised his hand and turned Ji Mao over, looking for the switch on his back, "Why is there not even an instruction manual?"

He pressed Ji Mao's neck with one hand, just blocking the temperature sensor, and groped Ji Mao's back with the other hand.

The temperature sensor is the only place on Ji Mao's skin that can perceive the outside world. Now being pressed by the temperature of the human body, Ji Mao can hardly stand it anymore. Just when he was about to simply go to sleep, He Zhi brought him back to sleep again. Turned it back: "It's still the front side..."

Ji Mao felt suffocated without breathing, He Zhi's head was directly below his line of sight, and he put both hands on his body to find the switch, his movements were extremely embarrassing.

"Is it this..." He Zhi pressed a small depression on the right side of Ji Mao's hipbone uncertainly, which is supposed to be a switch, but there was no response, "No electricity?"

He pressed it again, still no response.

This body is a semi-finished product, and there is no built-in software yet. Now that a new guest has checked in, the switch has completely lost its effect.

Ji Mao no longer knew whether he should fulfill He Zhi's wish, make love to him, or sleep as planned, he lowered his eyes, looking at He Zhi's head that was almost pressed against his chest, his heart was blank.

He Zhi gave up looking for the switch, sat aside, looked at Ji Mao for a while, poked Ji Mao's face with his index finger, leaned over and hesitated, and touched Ji Mao's lips with his lips hesitantly.

Looking at He Zhi's magnified face, Ji Mao couldn't help trembling. This scene was too exciting, and it would be a pity if he went dormant.

He Zhi misunderstood Ji Mao's actions, and said softly, "Oh, it starts automatically."

He Zhi probably felt that kissing with an inflatable doll was too disrespectful, so he turned Ji Mao over, slid along his waistline to his buttocks, and tentatively opened Ji Mao's buttocks. The moment he went in, Ji Mao's whole body froze.

The body of the inflatable doll actually has a sensor device, and the only place where the sensor device is installed is the part for He Zhi to enjoy.

He Zhi's fingers were stirring in Ji Mao's body, and Ji Mao's place was particularly sensitive, as soon as he was touched, he reflexively tightened He Zhi's fingers.

He Zhi suddenly let go of his fingers, pressed his waist and laughed: "Fuck, no, it's too stupid."

He turned Ji Mao aside and wanted to throw it on the ground. At this time, Ji Mao did something wrong.

He tilted his head slightly, glanced at He Zhi, and He Zhi happened to glance over, and the eyes of the two met.

He Zhi's eyes instantly became cold and sharp, his reaction was faster than Ji Mao's, he stretched out his hand suddenly, pinched Ji Mao's chin, and pulled Ji Mao's upper body off the bed.

Ji Mao's neck is very fragile, and it is the connection between the circuit and the main program. When He Zhi pulled it, Ji Mao's voltage was unstable for a moment, and he subconsciously raised his hand to hold He Zhi's wrist—mistake again and again.

He Zhi cursed, loosened the grip on Ji Mao's chin, held Ji Mao's elbow with his backhand, pulled him forward, and slammed him on the bed.

At this moment, Ji Mao finally came to his senses, and rolled with his strength, facing He Zhi, raised his leg and pushed He Zhi with his knee. He leaned over and pressed Ji Mao's shoulder blade with his right hand, and looked closely at him.

Ji Mao gritted his teeth and stared at He Zhi without saying a word.

Probably because of its use and structure, Ji Mao's body has very little strength, even if he struggled with all his strength, he couldn't use much strength. He Zhi easily held him down, looked down at him, and took off his nightgown The belt tied Ji Mao's hands crossed in front of his lower abdomen.

The charming atmosphere and the illusion of calm evaporated in an instant. He Zhi stood beside the bed, looking down at the naked Ji Mao, without the slightest ups and downs of emotion in his eyes, and asked in a low voice, "What is it?"

He looked at Ji Mao indifferently, and with just one glance, Ji Mao's blood turned cold.

"Is it human?" He Zhi asked with a frown after waiting for a few seconds before Ji Mao stopped talking.

There is no difference between Ji Mao and his design of inflatable dolls, which has surpassed the level of artificial plastic surgery in He Zhi's concept, so he very much doubts that this is what the second laboratory made for him.

Ji Mao didn't have a heartbeat, but the running speed of the program was slowed down by the sudden cold reception, as if a basin of cold water had been poured on his face. He Zhi was so important to him that he was at a loss for what to do.

Ji Mao still kept his mouth shut, and He Zhi didn't like to fight. He looked up and saw the fruit knife on the coffee table not far away, walked over to pick it up, and lowered his head to ask Ji Mao, "Don't tell me?"

He had very little patience, and after only waiting for two or three seconds, he drew a knife across Ji Mao's forearm.

The incision was deep, the skin was turned over, and there was no blood at all, but a silver thing could be vaguely seen inside. He Zhi directly opened it with his fingers, looked at it, and pulled the corner of his mouth and said, "Titanium alloy."

He Zhi stretched out his hand, pulled Ji Mao up forcefully, and dragged him to the side. Ji Mao was pulled by him and fell off the bed. He couldn't help letting out a short gasp, which caused He Zhi to look back at him. The next moment, he dragged him away mercilessly.

Ji Mao was thrown by He Zhi onto a high chair next to the desk in the room, his body was naked and extremely embarrassing.

He Zhi didn't intend to cover him with anything, he squeezed Ji Mao's wrist tightly, tied it back to the pillar on the back of the chair, walked around to the front, and stepped on the chair between Ji Mao's crotch, Pinching Ji Mao's chin, he raised his face and looked at him closer.

Ji Mao was so close to him unexpectedly, the program seemed to be stuck for a few more shots, he looked at He Zhi in a daze, and heard He Zhi ask: "What the hell are you? Can you understand human language? The laboratory has made a mistake in the program. ?”

Ji Mao looked at He Zhi, countless thoughts flashed through his mind, he hesitated for a long time, and then tentatively replied: "I am Ji Mao."

"What Ji Mao?" He Zhi frowned and thought about the people he had met recently, but the name didn't appear. "Who is Ji Mao?"

Ji Mao was stunned, his mouth moved, and he didn't answer He Zhi's question. He Zhi didn't even remember his name, so he better stop making fun of himself.

He Zhi squinted at him, then asked slowly, "Are you... artificial intelligence?"

Ji Mao looked at He Zhi, and after a while, he whispered, "No, I'm human."

Rationally, he knows that he is living in the data, manipulating a product of human technology by program, but emotionally he is still unwilling to admit that he is not human.

He Zhi ignored his depression, he raised his eyebrows, stretched out his hand and picked the deep hole on Ji Mao's arm that he had cut with a knife himself, feeling the strange touch of warm silicone, mocking Ji Mao: " Is this considered human?"

Finally, Ji Mao couldn't take it anymore, he raised his head expressionlessly, bent his legs and kicked He Zhi.

He kicked people quite vigorously, He Zhi was kicked back two steps, "fuck", suddenly felt that his lungs were split by him, stood against the wall for a while before recovering.

He Zhi stood a little further away, and continued to interrogate Ji Mao: "How did you come in? The camera didn't capture you?"

This time, Ji Mao's face was full of refusal to cooperate, his mouth was tightly shut, and he turned his head sideways not to look at him.

"Don't talk?" He Zhi sneered, turned and left.

He went to the kitchen to get a chef's knife, went to the underground warehouse to find the binding rope, carefully went around behind the chair and tied Ji Mao's legs.

Ji Mao's body is very inflexible, and the design of the joints is problematic. He can't do some movements that humans can easily do.

For example, when He Zhi tied his legs from behind, he stretched his legs back and tried to straighten them out to resist, but found that no matter how he directed them, his legs were still soft. His legs were designed to hang there limply. , Only when you bend up can you exert force.

He Zhi tied Ji Mao tightly, put the tip of the knife on his abdomen and gestured, and said, "Dissecting a living person is a crime, but dissecting a biochemical robot shouldn't count."

Ji Mao looked at He Zhi fixedly, he couldn't tell what he felt in his heart, maybe it was disappointment or something else, after a while, he said softly: "You can cut it."

He Zhi observed his expression carefully, and suddenly asked, "You don't feel it?"

Ji Mao looked up at him, and He Zhi knew he had guessed right.

"Who told you to come to me?" He Zhi stared at him for a while, put the knife on the dining table, pulled up a dining chair and sat down opposite Ji Mao, with the intention of having a heart-to-heart talk with him, "You come here There must be a purpose for looking for me, right?"

He Zhi looked at Ji Mao's evasive eyes, and felt that this matter was a bit interesting. This artificial intelligence, which seemed to make the scientific research world flock to him after the silence, ran to his house to throw himself into the net.

He reached out and patted Ji Mao's face, then pinched Ji Mao's chin to force him to look up, looked at Ji Mao carefully again, and sighed: "Tsk, you really look like a person."

If he hadn't cut Ji Mao's skin with his own hands, he would have thought that Ji Mao was a real human being.

"Ji Mao..." He Zhi rubbed Ji Mao's lips with his thumb, feeling that the touch was so real that it made one's heart itch, coaxing him, "You have come here, what's the meaning of stalemate?"

Looking at He Zhi's face that had no feelings for him, Ji Mao felt a blow to the head.

"If you really don't want to talk, just wait for now." He Zhi stood up and looked down at him, "Call me if you want to talk."

After confirming that Ji Mao's body was firmly fixed on the chair, he went back to bed and slept.

With his back facing He Zhi's bed, Ji Mao monitored He Zhi's home network, and found that He Zhi was going to connect with the manager of Logan Group's technology center, and immediately terminated He Zhi's operations.

He Zhi contacted him a few times, but there was no response. He sat up, stared at the thing tied up not far away, and said slowly, "Is it you?"

Hearing He Zhi's culture, Ji Mao didn't make a sound or move. He lowered his head, and within a few seconds, the edge of He Zhi's bathrobe appeared in his field of vision, and his hair was grabbed by He Zhi. pull.

"It's not small." He Zhi said without hesitation, he let go, and walked out of the room.

Ji Mao had no way of knowing He Zhi's behavior, and he fell into a trough.

He thought that he and He Zhi had been together for three months, and even the moment of separation was almost yesterday. He also knew that He Zhi felt different from him, but in his imagination, He Zhi should at least remember him.

He Zhi didn't remember that this place was not as good as his greenhouse.

Love is too sudden, it will create illusions, destroy the will, the program that originally operated according to the rules suddenly rises out of thin air, and the gravity is so strong that it can't pull the floating Ji Mao down.

Ji Mao had wishful thinking and acted impulsively. Only when he was in front of He Zhi did he realize how difficult and ridiculous it is to express his heart and soul to a stranger.

After all, for He Zhi, it was just a two-hour virtual game.

Ji Mao didn't want to humiliate himself anymore.

He Zhi went to the wine cabinet downstairs to get a bottle of red wine, walked into the room, and sat opposite Ji Mao.

He opened the wine, poured half a glass, and asked Ji Mao, "Do you want to drink?"

Ji Mao shook his head, and He Zhi took a sip by himself, and said, "You cut off my network, and the Logan Security Department will find out within ten minutes."

"It's not completely cut off." Ji Mao said, he only blocked He Zhi's authority.

"Oh, you're not stupid," He Zhi put the wine glass aside, "I'll apologize to you first if we have any problems."

Ji Mao stared at He Zhi's wine glass, a little lost in thought.

He remembered that in his own memory, more than forty hours ago, He Zhi came to Ji Mao's rental house as promised, and he brought a bottle of wine.

People in the lower class are not allowed to drink alcohol. Once the people in the lower class drink alcohol, it may affect social order.

And Ji Mao is a lower-class person in the warm house.

The Last Day is a romance between the upper class and the lower class. Players are eager to let Ji Mao taste the taste of wine, so He Zhi knocks on Ji Mao's door.

With a wine bottle in his hand, he searched in Ji Mao's room for a long time but couldn't find the bottle opener, so he rushed downstairs to get it from the aircraft.

They drank the red wine brought by He Zhi in the discounted glass that Ji Mao bought on a cheap product website.

Ji Mao took a sip and felt a little embarrassed. He asked He Zhi, "Is this bottle of wine expensive?"

He Zhi shook his head, leaned over and joked with him: "The most expensive one is you."

Ji Mao has heard this sentence said many times.

This is a preset program for tourists, the other party can choose to say yes, or they can choose to say "you are the most expensive", He Zhi chose the latter.

Ji Mao has experienced the same scene countless times, but this time it was told by a different person, but Ji Mao was like a dead tree suddenly met with rain, as if he was enlightened.

Just this time, when He Zhi said these words, he felt so tempted.

Ji Mao still regrets thinking about it now, the bottle of wine tasted really good, but he didn't drink a few more sips, and rolled into bed with He Zhi.

And now, he can't drink anymore.

He Zhi's genetic level is very high, but the block representing emotional intelligence is relatively lacking, and he is not easy to perceive changes in external emotions.

He Yongchen also specifically praised He Zhi for this point, saying that he would not be moved by foreign objects.

Seeing Ji Mao in a daze, he didn't care, he knocked on the table, and when Ji Mao looked at him, he said, "You can't lock me here forever."

"You untie me," Ji Mao's system has been calling the police, he is almost overloaded, but now he has to cheer up and negotiate with He Zhi, "Pretend I never showed up."

He Zhi sneered and hit Ji Mao: "Is it possible? How do you live outside?"

"I can do more than you think." Ji Mao stated the facts.

He Zhi nodded: "That's right, otherwise, how could you get in my house, but have you finished your business and are you leaving?"

Ji Mao looked into He Zhi's eyes, and said for a moment, "It's over."

He Zhi found it interesting, and asked Ji Mao as if chatting with him: "Then can I ask you what plans you have in the future?"

Ji Mao thought for a while, and really answered him: "Maybe I will find a job in a vintage modeling studio."

"What the hell—" He Zhigang wanted to say that this artificial intelligence was too unconstrained, his heart skipped a beat, he raised his eyes, and stared closely at Ji Mao, who was only an arm's length away from him.

Ji Mao was still looking at him, his eyes were clean, with an innocence that had not been infected by human society.

He Zhi suddenly knew who Ji Mao was.

His throat seemed to be tightly strangled by a hand, and then loosened again, he pressed his throat and asked Ji Mao, "Jimmy?"

Ji Mao was stunned for a moment, then gave a soft "hmm", and after a while, he said, "So you didn't even remember my Chinese name."

He Zhi looked at the downcast Ji Mao, and suddenly panicked. He stood there for a few seconds, cursed, and couldn't tell what it was like. He only knew that his heart was beating faster than ever, and he stuttered when he spoke: "You - didn't say it earlier."

He went around behind Ji Mao and untied Ji Mao's hands, legs and feet.

Ji Mao watched him say nothing, He Zhi threw the rope aside and said, "Sit still, I'll find you a nightgown."

He randomly took a nightgown from the cabinet and put it on for Ji Mao.

Ji Mao spoke, and he said, "My hardware is about to be overloaded."

The sound of his alarm clock lasted for several minutes. This body could not bear the fierce fighting. Seeing that He Zhi let go of him, Ji Mao was afraid that He Zhi would find someone to dismantle him while he was sleeping. "I have to sleep for two hours." , I won't run away, you—" Ji Mao's system suddenly stopped, and his eyes lost focus for a few seconds.

When the operation resumed, he heard He Zhi help him complete: "Go to sleep, I won't let you go out."

He Zhi paused for a moment before saying yes. When Ji Mao just wanted to sleep, He Zhi said again in a low voice: "Go to bed and sleep."

Although Ji Mao didn't feel anything, he still wanted to sleep on the bed. Since He Zhi said it, he still stood up, walked over and lay down on the side of He Zhi's big bed.

He Zhi stood for a moment, then got into bed.

He turned sideways to look at Ji Mao, Ji Mao closed his eyes, did not breathe, but had a body temperature.

Just thinking about this person coming all the way to find him made He Zhi feel thirsty.

He suddenly wanted to know if Ji Mao was sleeping obediently, so he said, "Good night."

Ji Mao's thick eyelashes trembled, and he opened his eyes. Under the warm-toned light, his light brown pupils were like a puddle of water, gentle and beautiful. He Zhi's heart suddenly calmed down, and he talked with Ji Mao peacefully. Mao looked at each other.

"Good night." Ji Mao said.

The lights in the room went out, and Ji Mao was also disconnected.

Just before the disconnection, Ji Mao discovered that even though he didn't want to admit it, he was unwilling to admit it, but after walking for so long and trying his best to find He Zhi, he just wanted to lie down with He Zhi, even if he couldn't talk about it at night. Tianming also wanted to say good night to him.

Maybe loving people is not the hardest thing, not loving people is.