Lust After the Breakup

Chapter 10


When she got home and opened the door, Jing jumped off the sofa and walked to the door, her face full of anxiety. "What's wrong with you recently? You had to go out for a walk so late last night, and you still couldn't sleep. I was worried that when you called the company, I found out that you didn't go to work and didn't tell any staff." "I have a friend who is locked up." "What kind of friend? ? Do I know him?" "No." "What law was broken?" Jing stared at my face. I couldn't lie to her, nor could I say the three words "sexual bribery." Jing lives peacefully and does not understand Tong's depravity. "It's just messing around." "Fucking? Is this a crime? Right. Which friend?" "You don't know me, we know each other in business. Don't ask. Where are the discounts? Where are the discounts on the time deposit at home?" I pretended. Looking for the bankbook, I dare not look into Jing's eyes. I could only hide my panic by rummaging through boxes and cabinets. "Can money save your friend?" "Of course, at least I can bail him out or hire a lawyer for him." "Is it true that after settling this matter with money, you won't be upset anymore?" I was stunned. , as quiet as a god, knowing all the secrets. I just realized that I have never known anything about women, even if we sleep together every day. If Tong Neng comes out safely and nothing happens, what will happen to me? Reunited with Tong? What should I do? Can I also think that Tong is innocent? What would happen to me if I was sentenced to ten or eight years? Giving prison meals to children? And then wait until she is released from prison? If Tong Juan... I don't dare to think about it anymore. "Of course. Why should I be upset when he comes out? They are mainly friends. If he commits this crime, it is not like other things. You can't ask his family for money. You can only rely on me to help him find a way." I said pretending to be relaxed. . Anyway, I won’t admit it until I die. It's my survival instinct. I have deceived Tong many times by relying on this trick. "You promise?" "What's wrong with you today? Are you going to take it? If you don't take it, your friends will think I'm too unjust!" Only if I am more righteous than her, Jing will really think that I am righteous. "This is 50,000 yuan on a regular basis. However, I hope this is the first and last time." Jing looked directly into my eyes. It turned out that she could be so strong. "Okay, I will rescue him and ask him to pay back the money immediately. If he doesn't pay back, he will tell his wife to go and break up with him. Wife, don't be angry." I smiled playfully, "But 50,000 may not be enough. Recently The company also needs money to pay wages, so you can take another 50,000 yuan." He looked at me quietly, saying nothing and not moving. "Good wife, bring me another 50,000 yuan, and I'll pay you back." Jing suddenly slapped me in the face. I was stunned. When Tong was at his most ferocious, he would just pounce on me, hit me, bite me, kick me, and never dare to slap me. As for me, after being beaten by a child, I thought she was too overbearing and willful, so I slapped her in the face. I don’t even remember what caused it, but I was so angry that I fainted. Tong covered his face and immediately fell to the ground. His lips and chin twitched, "You hit me?" Then he started to cry until his whole body was shaking. I couldn't bear it, my heart was broken, and I held Tong in my arms. Tong refused to let me go and kicked me. My heartache turned to irritation, she was like this, she would not do anything if she was weak, but she would do whatever she wanted to be strong. Just ignore her. Tong started to pack his things while crying. Her eyes were red, and she stuffed her clothes, bags, etc. into her travel bag, put the huggable bear under her arm, and wiped her tears with the back of her hand from time to time. She is still a child. It’s hard to raise noisy children. Sad, holding her back. She wouldn't let me, she was so stubborn. I couldn't stop him, and I didn't dare to use violence anymore, so I took off Tong's clothes and threw them into the living room with the open window. See how she ran away from home naked. Tong was ashamed and angry. He squatted on the ground in embarrassment and continued to cry, trying to cover up the three points. I can no longer resist the visual temptation, it swells and is about to explode. I suppressed the crying child until he was in tears. Finally, with my movements, Tong's crying became smaller and smaller, and finally turned into gasping. Although both of us were satisfied afterwards, the events before the marriage left scars on our hearts.