Luxurious Life After Swapping Body With Unconscious Husband

Chapter 12: Just for a moment!


Gu Cheng had never had this experience before.

It felt like a small hammer was hitting my lower abdomen, causing waves of swelling and cramping pain.

He frowned and asked Ning Yi: "Do you have this pain every month?"

Ning Yi pouted and pointed at her fingers: "Actually I'm usually fine. This time it might be because of the intense exercise of horse riding, hehe."

Gu Cheng: “…”

Ning Yi said weakly and pitifully, "Hubby, you love me the most, you won't be angry, right? I gave my body to you when I was most vulnerable. This is a manifestation of my trust in you!"

Gu Cheng closed his eyes, covered his abdomen, and asked, "How long will the pain last?"

"It's intermittent, it won't hurt all the time," Ning Yi said softly, "it'll only be a day or two!"

"…" Gu Cheng took a breath, "Okay."

It turns out that women have to endure this kind of pain every month.

It's indeed unfair.

Gu Cheng held the pink package in his hand and thought for two seconds, put a few pieces in his pocket, and then threw the package away.

The experience of dysmenorrhea was completely unfamiliar to him every second. Just like now, Gu Cheng discovered that dysmenorrhea not only caused abdominal pain, but also an inexplicable feeling of irritability.

This feeling of irritation reached its peak when I went back and saw the green hair on Gu Le's head.

Young Master Gu was a bit nervous and came up to me with a smile: "Are you full, sister-in-law?"

Gu Cheng looked back at the toilet expressionlessly, "..."

Koo Le: OvO

I'm sorry, that's not what I meant.

He scratched his head, his green hair flying in the wind, "Then do you want to play or not, sister-in-law?"

Gu Cheng was annoyed just by looking at him, and said sullenly, “No, I won’t play!”

Gu Le: QAQ If you don’t want to play, then don’t play. Why are you being so fierce

But the tone of his sister-in-law's scolding him somehow sounded like his brother

Gu Le was scolded a few times, but he was quite touched.

Woo woo!

Naturally, Gu Cheng couldn't ride a horse anymore, so he went back with Gu Le.

When Ning Yi had rested enough and returned to his own body, he learned from Zhao Mochu that Ding Ziyue and the others were still open for half a day, with various professional filming teams and socialites posing for afternoon tea at Fengmachang.

"But only I found the highlight!"

"Ding Ziyue sprained her ankle somewhere, and Jiang Linyi helped her back when she came back!" Zhao Mochu was like a wild animal running around in a melon field, "There were no fans around, and no one noticed. Otherwise, this would have been a hot search, right?"

Ning Yi touched his chin and fell into thought: "That makes sense."

Jiang Linyi has such a large amount of traffic, and he will have to tangle with the heroine in the future. He must be introduced to her platform as a talent! I have to find an opportunity, um.

“However, you’re the one on the hot list now, my sister.” Zhao Mochu said finally.

Ning Yi: “?”

There were too many amazing pictures of Ning Yi that day, and someone also took pictures of her riding a horse in the back. After all, except for Zhao Mochu, all the fans of Jiang Linyi who were present at the time were crazy about her looks. After they were uploaded to the platform, they became very popular and there were comments everywhere.

[Fuck, I love her! I said she was beautiful and handsome last time]

[Is it the girl in the green skirt from last time? ]

[Sister, do you have an account? I’m the first one to jump into the game [花心][花心]]

#Equestrian Beauty# was hotly recommended on CMore and various platforms that day.