Luxurious Life After Swapping Body With Unconscious Husband

Chapter 55: Run towards her!


"Recently, experts have found that weather anomalies have occurred in many places..."

"Since the end of the world, various supernatural phenomena have occurred... Perhaps there are other possibilities?..."

The old TV in the basement had blurry images and the announcer’s voice was crackling, so one could only hear it roughly.

"What a shit TV."

The fourth brother kicked the old TV, looked at the snowflakes popping out of it, and turned to look at the person sitting in the corner with his arms folded.

"01, don't you know how to repair it?"

Gu Cheng looked at him expressionlessly and ignored him.

Of course he can't fix it.

So he made himself one of the team's fighting forces as soon as possible.

The whole team found that 01's bow and arrows and guns were very accurate, and now she had a fierceness that she had not had before. In the past, every time 01 participated in an activity, she was very speculative, because her strength was not enough to win, so she always played it safe. However, in the recent team activities, 01 suddenly started to fight hard, grabbing supplies without mercy, and didn't care whether other teammates would be unhappy.

The fourth brother thought about secretly teaching him a lesson, but later found out that this guy was actually very good at close combat, and he had obviously learned it - so had he been pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger all along

But to survive in the apocalypse, strength is everything.

The fourth child kicked the TV again in annoyance and sat aside.

The other teammates didn't react to their conversation. It didn't matter whether they watched the broken TV or not. Was the world going to change

Lao Si had no choice but to transfer his dissatisfaction to the spokesperson on TV: "What are you talking about? The government is full of shit. If they were useful, what would they have done long ago?"

"This b world is over."

Gu Cheng glanced at the TV.

Without Ning Yi to repair the equipment, the picture was really blurry and abstract. So Gu Cheng didn't look at it carefully.

He stood up silently and returned to Ning Yi's small cubicle.

Wander glanced in the direction he left, opened his mouth, but ultimately said nothing.

He noticed that 01 had been particularly silent recently. 01's situation before was certainly not good, but she relied on her intelligence to survive and was always positive and tenacious. Now 01 seemed to be completely detached from the people around her and even the world, and the smile that used to be on her face was gone.

Could it be that the end of the world will eventually destroy a person's heart

Even Wander, who is so cruel and vicious in the end times, feels that... it's a pity.

After Gu Cheng returned to the cubicle, he sat down on the hard bed, feeling the softness beneath him.

He has indeed been crazy recently. Born into a top wealthy family, Mr. Gu has been noble all his life and has never had such a crazy moment - but the good thing is that he got sanitary napkins and even found a pack of safety pants, which can wrap Ning Yi tightly so that no embarrassing drops will leak out.

During the entire period, Gu Cheng properly handled Ning Yi's previous predicament.

But he couldn't handle the longing.

Gu Cheng flipped through Ning Yi's book, but he was not a professional in that field.

Finally, he took out Ning Yi's certificate from his coat pocket and looked down at the photo on it in the dim light.

He is waiting.

There must be a meaning to all this.