Mad Doctor Good-For-Nothing Concubine

Chapter 113: Exciting twists and turns!



At this moment, the hearts of everyone in the audience were about to burst, especially Feng Lihuan, Lao Zhu and those teachers who were in charge, felt like they were going crazy.

But no one made a move, because it was absolutely too late...

The danger this time! It was even more critical than that time with the Red Knife, and Xuan Tianqi was closer than when Ye Peilin attacked the Red Knife! Attack faster! Fierce and explosive countless times.

This situation is really slow to watch, but in fact it is extremely fast!

Even many people present didn't see this scene clearly, only some of the Tianban students, teachers, and teachers in charge could clearly see that Xuan Tianqi's punch hit Ye Qianli's lower back.


Many teachers including Feng Lihuan and Lao Zhu have seen Xuan Tianqi quietly approaching Ye Qianli, but according to the rules, they can't remind Ye Qianli, but no one thought that Xuan Tianqi would dare to openly injure Ye Qianli. Ye Qianli.

To know!

This kind of blatant and vicious mutilation of students from the school, even if no one was killed, would still be severely punished according to the rules of the genius school! The lightest ones will be abolished and expelled from the school, and they will never be enrolled in the next generation!

But Xuan Tianqi did just that, neatly and extremely ruthlessly, and his punch almost broke the hearts of Feng Lihuan, Lao Zhu and the teachers in charge.

"Damn, damn—"

How amazing Ye Qianli's performance was just now!

With a mere first-order talent, she eliminated Zi Ling, who was definitely much stronger than her, with her strength and intelligence! How much shock the fighting talent brought to the scene, and how much grief it brought to the scene at this moment.

It's like someone crushed the most beautiful flower in the world in front of everyone on the spot, and it's heartbreaking to destroy it.

A divine pattern master!

A genius!

A fighting genius!

ah ah ah—

There are so many people who cherish talents and love talents at the scene, I just feel the pain in my heart at this moment, which cannot be described in words, why! Why did they destroy it when they saw such a good seedling.



Seeing this scene, Lao Zhu felt a mouthful of blood stuck in his throat, and he was going to choke him to death. could this be...

Where is Feng Lihuan

He stared fixedly at the field, at his female student who had just been dismissed not long ago, before he had time to teach her anything, a tear had long since fallen from the corner of his eye.


Ye Qianli didn't fall, nor was she blown away.


This made the grief-stricken scene a little confused for a moment, and they didn't know what happened. Only the snow-white and snow-white vice president, who had just rushed to the scene, understood.



There are layers of magical power, and at this moment, from behind Ye Qianli, a quiet but light light that cannot be ignored is gradually emitted.

It was as if there were layers of water ripples, slowly forming a symbol behind Ye Qianli. And this symbol also released a soft light that could completely block Xuan Tianqi's fist attack.

this symbol.

It is the divine pattern.

The divine pattern, the symbol of the divine, has the power to turn decay into magic, every divine pattern! Not only does it have the specific ability to improve the quality of spirit weapons, or the ability to improve the level of pills, it also has the ability to attack! defensive.

Because it is a symbol of God, and it has its own divine power!

May I ask, among the powers of the world, what power can be stronger than divine power? No.


Even if Ye Qianli's cultivation base is much lower than Xuan Tianqi's, even if Xuan Tianqi's third talent - Sky Turtle, is a sixth-level talent, it is supposed to be powerful enough to crush Ye Qianli, who is only a first-level talent. .


Ye Qianli has already been able to construct a complete divine pattern, even if this is just a skill she has just acquired, even if her face is extremely pale again at this moment because of the construction of this divine pattern, but the power of the divine pattern! again…

shock! shock! Complete! field!

What is a divine pattern

The real divine pattern, like now, can turn decay into magic! It can create miracles and make people excited! He flocked to him and admired him endlessly.


The crux of it all is—

"This is a third-order divine pattern!"

The belated deputy dean's eyes were shining. He didn't expect that this new student was not only a divine tattoo master, but also a third-rank divine tattoo master.


He wanted to kill Feng Lihuan, and then he would be the child's teacher. Jealousy is really a devil of all kinds of evil. He really wants to kill Feng Lihuan, a kid who is lucky with shit.


And under the exclamation of Vice President Xuebai, the runes that bloomed behind Ye Qianli suddenly changed and exploded softly in an instant! Instantly—


Xuan Tianqi who attacked Ye Qianli was blown away on the spot!


Xuan Tianqi, who was seriously injured by the power of the divine pattern, spurted a mouthful of blood on the spot, but he stubbornly threw out a sword! And fiercely towards Yi Dui.


Xuan Tianqi's sword is obviously also a spiritual weapon. Although it is not as good as the Xuanwu Bell, it has a second level! The key is that this sword can also grow bigger quickly after being urged by him, making the sparring stage "squat" sound.

The friction caused by the epee quickly helped Xuan Tianqi stabilize Fei Tui's body, allowing him to move steadily! Set on the edge of the discussion table.


The moment Xuan Tianqi stabilized his figure, Ye Qianli also came to him. At some point in her hand, she had grasped the giant Crescent Moon Knife, and put it on Xuan Tianqi's neck.


In fact, Ye Qianli was already very weak at this time, and her movements were not fast, but Xuan Tianqi was busy stabilizing his figure before, so he didn't notice her following.

But everyone at the scene could see it clearly! We all know that when Ye Qianli walked up to Xuan Tianqi step by step, he suddenly "transformed" into this big Yanyue knife in his hand.

But her hand holding the knife was visibly trembling.

As a gifted person, she can mobilize her natural spiritual power anytime and anywhere. If she simply uses her natural power to fight, she, like all gifted people, can almost keep fighting forever.


Use divine pattern, no.

The divine pattern is a symbol of the god that requires a lot of mental energy to carve out. The divine pattern that Ye Qianli built behind her just now has completely consumed all her spiritual energy, and she is at the end of her strength! Do not doubt.

"Admit defeat, or die." Ye Qianli, who could no longer mobilize her power, said weakly. Now she just thinks about mobilizing her natural power, and she feels a headache! It's a sharp pain! And where is the power of talent coming from

If it wasn't for the fact that the magic box was super reliable this time, she would have been able to turn into the Great Crescent Moon Knife on its own with just a little thought, and she doesn't even have a knife now.

However, Xuan Tianqi, who was held around his neck by the giant Yanyue knife, did not admit defeat, he even said sarcastically: "I don't believe it, you dare to kill me."

"Well, let's cut off an arm, but I can't hold the knife steadily. If I kill someone with the wrong hand when cutting, I don't think all the teachers in the school will blame me. After all, you are the one who refuses to admit defeat." Ye Qianli said softly, The knife trembled.


At this time!


Xuan Tianqi, who was held by the neck by the giant Yanyue knife, suddenly stretched out his hand and took out a flag from the Qiankun bag, and this flag...