Mad Doctor Good-For-Nothing Concubine

Chapter 4: It must be evil fate!


At the same time!

The man's dark eyes fixed on Ye Qianli accurately!

At that moment, Ye Qianli seemed to see the exploding sunspots, with a super terrifying magnetic field, which almost absorbed her heart and soul.


Ye Qianli could clearly hear her own heartbeat that was so frightened, she even felt a little difficult to breathe, and she felt very bad.

This man's eyes are so terrifying! She feels a little overwhelmed...

"His Royal Highness, thousand years old, thousand years old."

Fortunately, at this time, all the people in Nangong had already worshiped in unison.

Ye Qianli lowered her eyes, followed the large army without a trace, and saluted with proper etiquette.




Can I not be so precise, the man she slept with happened to be the man who was going to be engaged to her? Just the prince of the dynasty? This... this shit baba's luck...

"His Royal Highness! The Crown Prince is here!? I'm not dreaming!"

"Heaven...His Royal Highness, the only main god who has been recognized by the Suzaku Temple in my ten thousand years, God... is God! Ahh—"

"I can't, I'm having trouble breathing, I..."

"Shut up! Your Highness is coming in!"

"call out!"

The people in the hall were all very excited because of the visitor at the moment, but when the crown prince stepped into the gate of the Nangong, the audience was silent!

It was as if the discussion at the previous moment was all ghost sounds, and it didn't exist at all.

That's right.

Rong Mo, the crown prince of the Suzaku Dynasty, is not only a prince, he is also the only Suzaku descendant who has opened the Suzaku Temple for thousands of years, has been recognized by the Suzaku God, and possesses the divinity of the main god.

It is such a god-like figure who was "ravaged" wantonly by Ye Qianli just now.

Ye Qianli: "..." She thought to herself, she seems to have made a lot of money.

However, before Ye Qianli could secretly rejoice, she felt the eyes of a certain god who wanted to tear Ling Chi into pieces, making her heart jump like a "thump".

"Calm down, calm down, you have an alibi, you were with your scumbag cousin at the time..." Ye Qianli brainwashed herself over and over again in her heart, and quickly figured out how to deal with the other party if she got into trouble.

Ye Qianli understood that no matter what, she had to erase the "suspect" that she had slept with him! There must be no evidence that he caught her, otherwise she would definitely die immediately.

And because of Rong Mo's arrival, Ye Fengtian has no time to take care of the original chaos, he has already graciously stepped forward to entertain this godlike prince.

Taking advantage of this time, Nanny Nan beside Su Qin was obviously instructed by Su Qin to quietly take the "dirty" Ye Qianli to the side.

Ye Qianli was "taken" out of 10,000 willingness, and naturally cooperated very well. Seeing that she was about to be taken into the side hall successfully!

Ye Qianli's heart was also raised in her throat, and she was about to throw herself into the side hall as soon as she took a step, after all, although she had thousands of words to deal with the possible troubles.

But if she could go back to "destroy the corpses and wipe out the traces" first, and then prepare, it would definitely be more perfect! But... the imagination is beautiful, but the reality is cruel.

Just as Ye Qianli stepped into the side hall, the whole person wanted to dodge in! Escaping the moment of ascension—


A distant, cold magnetic voice as clear as morning frost froze everyone's movements, including Ye Fengtian's half-spoken greetings, which were all frozen.

Of course, Ye Qianli, who wanted to sneak into the side hall regardless, was also frozen. She didn't dare to move at all, because she could clearly feel that as long as she dared to move!

The owner of the eyes staring at the back of her head can let her get close to Lord Yan...

"You, turn your head around."

The unquestionable words like a divine order were spoken by Rong Mo to the back of Ye Qianli's head.

Ye Qianli: "..."

Now she really wanted to pretend that she didn't hear her, and she really wanted to drag Nanny Nan to run away, but she knew she couldn't, because if she ran away, wouldn't it be a certain "guilty heart"

Since she couldn't escape, Ye Qianli could only turn her head back without hesitation, and walked forward bravely and frankly, and then bowed dignifiedly to Rong Mo: "Ye Qianli pays homage to His Royal Highness, His Royal Highness."

When she bowed, she was neither humble nor uttered a word, neither arrogant nor impatient, neither the slightest bit of embarrassment because of being too dirty, nor any fear of being caught.

That calm and generous demeanor made Rong Mo's sharp eyes slightly condense.


At this time, Ye Fengtian, who was seeing something bad, barely resisted Rong Mo's aura and coughed lightly, and said: "I made the prince laugh, the little girl just encountered some accidents, please allow her to go down to wash up first, so as not to pollute your body." eye, how?"

Even though he is the prince of the northern region with a million troops in his hands, Ye Fengtian dared not say anything beyond the boundaries of the prince and future son-in-law.

"Oh? Where did Miss Ye go, and what accident did she encounter?" I didn't want Rong Mo to stare at Ye Qianli and asked, and the killing intent floating in his pair of ink eyes almost killed the person he was staring at. Devour and annihilate!


Good question!

The corners of Ye Qianli's lips raised a slight arc, and she immediately replied dignifiedly: "Return to Your Highness, Qianli went to the North Palace before, and there was an accident of swallowing Tianyu Epiphyllum poisoning."

With just one sentence from Ye Qianli, everyone's eyes fell on Su Lianhua again.

Everyone has not forgotten that Ye Qianli said just now that it was Su Lianhua who asked her to eat Tianyu Epiphyllum.

At this moment, Su Lianhua was obviously staring at Rong Mo in a daze, with a look of obsession and love in her eyes, which would suddenly become the focus of everyone's attention. She obviously panicked, "I..."

"By the way, Sister Hua, you didn't see that I was in so much pain, you were too scared to swallow the epiphyllum, and you were afraid of being punished by your father, so you left me and came back in a hurry?" Ye Qian Li, however, didn't seem to notice Su Lianhua's panic, and with a look of sudden realization, she asked earnestly while holding a handkerchief.

"No, it's not... I..." Su Lianhua wanted to defend herself, but even though she had a brilliant tongue, she didn't dare to speak nonsense when she was given evidence.

And what about Ye Qianli

She had already approached Su Lianhua intimately and held Su Lianhua's hand, she was very thankful and said innocently: "Sister Hua, you are so clever, Yu Epiphyllum was really poisonous that day, I couldn't bear it with my physique, fortunately you didn't swallow it! Compared with the so-called strong, we are really far behind, completely incomparable, we can't control the flower poison.

However, sister Hua, you see that I was poisoned, why didn't you call for someone to save me, how could you leave me and leave? Do you know that I was almost poisoned to death! I almost never see my parents, my sister, you again? "

As soon as these words come out!