Mad Doctor Good-For-Nothing Concubine

Chapter 78: It's her it's her! It's still her!


"Her?" Su Lianhua stared blankly at the ripples on the pond, and then touched the splashed water on his face, feeling as if his eyes were dazzled.

She actually saw Ye Qianli!

How can it be? Ye Qianli didn't even come to participate in the freshman assessment, how could she appear here? But…

In this world, who remembers Ye Qianli the most! The one who can best distinguish Ye Qianli from the crowd must be Su Lianhua.

Even Rong Mo's ability to distinguish Ye Qianli from Su Lianhua may not be as high as Su Lianhua's ability to distinguish Ye Qianli, even if he doesn't talk about perception, but only competes with eyesight.

It's not for anything else, it's Ye Qianli who Su Lianhua is jealous to the core! I can't wait to step on her feet all the time and enjoy her everything forever and ever.

So even if it's "a glimpse", no matter how much she can't believe it in her heart, Su Lianhua knows that she shouldn't be mistaken, but...

"How could it be her? Could it be that she was late, later?" Su Lianhua murmured blankly, only thinking that it should be such a possibility, although others would definitely not be able to get in if they were late, but Ye Qianli was a special recruit after all! Hateful special-recruitment-students!

"Sister Hua, what's wrong with you?" At the same time, the little freckle who had chatted with Su Lianhua before clearly saw that Su Lianhua was out of his mind, and couldn't help asking with concern.

The little freckle probably has a real fate with Su Lianhua, and their talents and attributes can be sent here together, but the little freckle's resilience is obviously better than Su Lianhua's. His complexion seems to be basically normal, while Su Lianhua is still very vain.

"It's nothing, it's just that I'm still weak." Su Lianhua didn't want to say that she saw Ye Qianli, but her attention was naturally fully focused on the pond, of course she wanted to see it! Ye Qianli, an idiot, how could he be embarrassed.

Since she was a latecomer, Su Lianhua took it for granted that Ye Qianli didn't know anything about this pearl pink lotus, so if she rushed in like this, there would definitely be no good results.



Just when Su Lianhua's vicious woman Ye Qianli was in danger, the water moved! This made all the freshmen who were paying attention to the pond take a breath in shock, and stared at the surface of the pond.


"Hua la, hua la la..." As two boiling water splashed out, everyone could see that two old men were carrying a few young people who didn't know how to live or die, skimming ashore from the water.

And these young people can basically be recognized by everyone, because they were the first to break into the pond just now, and when they were scrambling to get the pink lotus, they were so dazzled by the singing that they had no time to swim back, and then sank into the water.

As for the two old men, the freshmen also quickly recognized that they were the two examiners, so they insisted on standing up and said, "Students, I have met the two examiners."

It's a pity that the two old examiners who were carrying people didn't pay attention to them at all. They just threw the people in their hands aside with a few "bang bangs", and one of them scolded: "Ignorant idiots! Crush the jade tokens for me, get out of here!" out."

Yes, there are examiners in the assessment field who will save people in a critical moment, but the freshmen who are rescued by the examiners will also lose the qualification to compete for points and will be directly kicked out of the assessment field.

So when the few freshmen who woke up from the pain heard this, they all felt as if they were mourning their concubine, but they honestly crushed the jade plaque without daring to say a word, and then disappeared on the spot, obviously being transported out of the examination field.


"That's right, I finally registered, but because of my impatience, I didn't even have a chance to fight for it. It really happened." Seeing this, the freshmen at the scene all shook their heads and sighed.

In fact, in this assessment, those who are the first to be eliminated are generally the ones who are eliminated and go home, because the remaining people are generally more patient and cautious!

These people are still talented, otherwise they would not be able to apply for the name. As long as they are not arrogant or impetuous, they can still achieve good results without being eliminated after twelve hours.


"I don't know why there are so many idiots sent here at 50 points this year. In previous years, there were only one or two. This year, there will be five at once. It's almost overwhelming! I need Lao Zhu to come and help."

Faced with the emotions of the freshmen, the examiner in the saving area obviously didn't take it seriously. He only felt that there were a lot of idiots this year. In fact, he just saved an idiot in the other 50 points! An accident happened here too, and it happened with five people!

But his complaints did not get a response from his old partner, which made him curiously look at the old guy beside him, but he saw that the latter was staring at the pond? He couldn't help calling out, "Old Zhu?"

"..." What answered him was Lao Zhu's silence

This made the examiner stare at the pond for a while, and then patted Lao Zhu on the shoulder without seeing anything, "What are you looking at?"

"!" The examiner Lao Zhu responded this time, but he gave a gesture of silence.

Now the examiner felt a little interesting, and he immediately looked more seriously at the bottom of the pond, and then he really saw something tricky, there were people under the water!

There are people in this water!

Don't blame him for being so excited, but he and Lao Zhu just came up from the water. How could they not know if there is anyone under the water? But when they surfaced, there was really no one underwater, at least in their perception, there was no one!

So when was this man in the water? If it was there all the time, how did this person escape his and Lao Zhu's perception? If it was the water that came in later, it would be even more wrong! It's impossible for him and Lao Zhu not to notice it at all, at least he really didn't notice it. As for Lao Zhu...

It seems that maybe you noticed it first

No matter what the situation is, the examiner is very interested, because the person who can hide it from them cannot be another examiner, after all, everyone is busy! Then it can only be a new student.

Which freshman is so capable? What a seedling!

It's just that before he can see clearly what's going on underwater! He felt that the pink lotus in the pond suddenly trembled! Immediately afterwards, a scream suddenly sounded from the pond with an "ow".

"Not good!" The examiner was shocked when he heard the sound, thinking that something had happened to the good seedling, and was about to dive into the water!

But he was grabbed by the old Zhu who was beside him, and his face was full of inexplicable anxiety, "Old Zhu, why are you pulling me? The child below is probably in danger! This monster on the pink lotus, how can it be compared with other people?" of… "

"Look clearly." The examiner, Lao Zhu, interrupted him, pointing to the surface of the pool and said word by word, but at this moment! In the middle of this pool of water, that pink lotus flower is already floating in the water.

And under the bewitching and gorgeous pink lotus, as strings of water splashes gushed out continuously, everyone only heard a "crash" and saw a person had come out of the water.