Mad Doctor Good-For-Nothing Concubine

Chapter 85: Obediently


Ye Qianli was picked up again without a doubt, but this time it wasn't pulled up by the skirt! Instead of strangling her neck, she was caught with her belt and strangled her waist.

By the time she realized it, she had already been caught above the abyss of fire! And was put down, during which it took less than one breath.



"What's going on?" Ye Qianli, who finally took a breath, asked calmly. She knew that if there was nothing wrong, Rong Mo wouldn't pick her up again.

The facts were just as she expected, and without Rong Mo's answer, Ye Qianli could clearly hear the abnormal "booming" sound coming from under the fire abyss


Ye Qianli was about to look down curiously, but her eyes were suddenly covered, Rong Mo's voice also said coldly at this moment: "I advise you not to look."

"Why?" Ye Qianli asked suspiciously, but heard the movement under the fire abyss getting louder and louder! And even though she was already standing on it, she could still feel the vibration? !

This made Ye Qianli couldn't help pulling away Rong Mo's hand, and looked down carefully in disbelief, and then she saw the tumbling magma, which had suddenly surged from the original plane, not to mention, the tumbling magma inside! Tentacles were also densely drilled out!

And on top of these tentacles, there are actually dense tentacles! The wriggling sucker, at first glance, has the feeling that once it is attached to the tentacles, there is no way to escape.


In this abyss of fire, the most dangerous thing is the crack of fire, the hot magma, and the power field! There is also this unknown monster. There are only so many tentacles, so the body is probably huge.

"Don't you feel sick?" Seeing that Ye Qianli was watching with relish, Rong Mo couldn't help but raised his long eyebrows and asked.

Never thought that Ye Qianli really nodded and said, "It's okay, you won't let me see it, I thought it was something extraordinary, and it's okay to look at it, how big is the body of this thing? Yes, there are monsters here, why didn’t the picture you give me explain? What if I was bitten just now?”

Rong Mo: "..."

"Ahem, this is a magma beast. It is usually in a deep sleep state and basically does not move out. Today, you probably woke it up because you made too much noise before. It is no longer within the scope of the assessment. Once the chief examiner appears Will rescue all newborns."

But at this time, Lao Zhu, who had just settled down with Xuan Bingyan and the others, after hearing Ye Qianli's question, saw that Rong Mo had no intention of answering, so he couldn't help but kindly came over and explained.

"So that's the case." Ye Qianli nodded suddenly, but she looked at Lao Zhu with a strange color in her eyes. She wanted to say that the old examiner had followed her all the way, right

"Cough..." Lao Zhu felt inexplicably guilty from her eyes, and couldn't help but look down, "You girl is really a joke, can this Huoyuan just jump at will?"

Ye Qianli turned serious when she heard the words, and seriously admitted her mistake: "Senior examiner is right, next time I will have to think more carefully before jumping." She was almost killed.

Old Zhu: "..." Is this the point? Shouldn't the point be to never dance again? Isn't this big enough? Don't know how to be afraid

But before Lao Zhu could say anything more, he heard Rong Mo beside him, and suddenly said with a crooked Daoxi: "Congratulations."

Of course, Ye Qianli couldn't understand what Rong Mo meant, so she smiled without hiding her joy, "It's easy to say."

Within three hours, score the top ten points! She did it, and completed it beyond the standard. She completed the set goal in just over two hours, including the extra half hour.

And, what makes Ye Qianli himself satisfied is that from the beginning to the end! She didn't need to use Suzaku's feathers, she was able to complete the task, even at the bottom of the abyss of fire, there was an element of allowing ink to release water, and he helped her block the magma.

But someone in the back can release water, which is also her ability, which shows that she is popular. Besides, she can't avoid the magma, but it will take some time, and it will consume the opportunity to compete for the fire crystal.

But no matter what, she was able to successfully complete the set goal this time, and Rong Mo really gave her a lot of effort, otherwise she would definitely continue to struggle to get points later, and would not be as easy as she is now.

"Thank you." So Ye Qianli thanked him sincerely, she knew how important the conditions Rong Mo gave him were to her! This means that she has got all the opportunities.

Even if it might cause controversy, what she needs is controversy, and she really relied on these opportunities to show herself better. She almost won the top ten points like no one else.

Maybe it's not fair to other freshmen, especially those from the Plain of Warcraft and Fire Abyss! But Ye Qianli still said that, this world is not fair, she can only fight for what she wants.

especially! Huo Yuan's opponent is her enemy.

Thinking of Ye Qianli here, she couldn't help pointing to Xuan Bingyan in the distance and asked: "Why hasn't that guy been sent out yet? He was rescued, right?"

"Cough..." Old Zhu had no choice but to say: "Speaking of this, Xuan Bingyan is also a good seed. Since he was rescued not because of his own stupidity, but because of a reason, I suggest giving him another chance."

As an examiner, Lao Zhu, who is also a teacher of the School of Genius, actually has a heart of love for all talented juniors, not just for Ye Qianli.

Ye Qianli stopped talking when she heard the words. She knew that she was not qualified to say anything about this point. She knew that the old examiner was only asking Rong Mo, not her opinion.

But Rong Mo, who was asked for his opinion, gave Ye Qianli an answer that stunned him. He agreed, "Yes."

I actually agreed!

Ye Qianli gave Rong Mo a strange look, this guy actually agreed? This guy doesn't know, that kid is from the Xuanwu Dynasty, right

"Hahaha, good! I know that you are also a child who understands righteousness." Old Zhu was also very pleasantly surprised when he heard that.

Old Zhu also knew that there was a rift between the Suzaku Dynasty and the Xuanwu Dynasty, so he didn't have much hope at first, but here was Rong Mo's examiner, so he could only ask for his opinion, but he didn't expect it to happen.

"I hope to be a good opponent." Rong Mo said lightly, and the joy on Old Zhu's face froze, because the "good opponent" Rong Mo said was Ye Qianli's "good opponent". It is clearly cultivating "knife sharpeners" for the young fiancee.

"He's already defeated!" Ye Qianli, who also understood Rong Mo's meaning, was not convinced. She had already defeated this man, and her opponent would not be so weak.

However, Rong Mo said, "Good luck."

Ye Qianli: "..." She decided not to talk to this person, and then she turned around and left, the meaning was obvious, "I'm angry"!

Seeing that Lao Zhu couldn't help but want to tease Rong Mo, he never thought that the latter had already caught up with Ye Qianli... caught up! ? This is to coax? !