Mad Doctor Good-For-Nothing Concubine

Chapter 88: Genius is fair!


Many people who were there before the opening immediately thought of it. The faces of the examiners at that moment seemed to be very ugly! In this way, I am afraid that there is indeed fraud.

Faced with doubts obviously from the Xuanwu Dynasty, teachers, students, and parents of new students, Lao Zhu spoke again, and he still spoke loudly—

"Yes, that's right, half an hour before the opening of the test platform, a freshman has been sent into the examination room first. That freshman is the only special enrollment this year, and it is also the first time that my genius school has a history of special enrollment. Only one special student will be recruited at this time."

After saying this, Lao Zhu said coldly, not afraid of things getting worse: "I know you want to talk about fairness, but in my school for geniuses, the upholding of fairness has always been—genius is fairness.

My school of geniuses has always adhered to the principle of teaching students in accordance with their aptitude, how talented you are! There are only as many resources as you can get, so there are heaven, earth, black and yellow classes, so this is called a school for geniuses, not a school for fairness. "


After Lao Zhu finished speaking, the scene became quiet again, and it was very quiet. Even the Seventh Prince of Xuanwu and others who showed signs of trouble obviously quieted down.

"Since you want to know the result immediately, I'm not afraid to announce it on the spot!" At the same time, Lao Zhu spoke again.

He also waved at Ye Qianli and said, "Ye Qianli, come here."

Therefore, everyone's eyes focused on Ye Qianli, and they naturally discovered that this was the one who stepped on the stage at the end.

So, why call her

wrong! Her name is Ye Qianli? !

"She is the special recruiter of this year, and she is also the one who entered the examination room half an hour earlier. Do you want to ask, since she entered half an hour earlier, why is she the last one to come out?" Old Zhu coldly glanced at the people present, especially staring at He stared at the Seventh Prince of Xuanwu.

He is the person who annoys outside forces the most! It is necessary to use various means to try to interfere with the rules of the genius academy and affect this land where geniuses can grow well.

"Do you know how many points she got? One thousand and one." Old Zhu said, many people at the scene heard the words and subconsciously counted the so-called "one thousand and one points", which means how many tasks have been completed.

"She entered half an hour earlier, and within that half hour, she got the first full score in the assessment field! I asked her why she didn't come out, and she said it wasn't enough. Then she got the first ten scores. At the minute, it was less than two hours since the opening.

And in the next ten hours! No freshman can get full marks, what about her? Another 401 points? Let me ask you, which of you idiots want to compare with her? Dare to compare with her? "Old Zhu said again.


This time, the audience was even quieter! It was so quiet that it couldn't be any more quiet. Everyone knew that the special admissions of the genius school meant the genius among geniuses! The monster among the monsters.

But Ye Qianli's achievements completely shattered people's previous definition of evildoer.

If she entered half an hour early, she cheated! What about the back? The top ten scoring points were swept away, not enough! In the last ten hours, in the last ten hours when she lost her chance, she still scored 401 points...

What concept

What is this concept

Can't figure it out? It doesn't matter.

Then think about the situation that after there are no top ten points, no one except Ye Qianli gets full marks for comparison, then... who can not understand the gap.

That's what it means! A real genius, if you give her a head start, she can sweep away! You didn't give her the first chance, she can still sweep! That's the ultimate genius.

"No one of you can compare with her, so don't be fair to her, it's your own humiliation." The last words of Lao Zhu's voice struck the freshmen who were still standing on the stage, and they were so badly beaten. .

"Ye Qianli, on behalf of the School of Geniuses, I welcome you."


But at this moment, the seven major examiners, including Lao Zhu, have all expressed their convincing welcome to Ye Qianli. Even at the beginning, they were full of doubts about this special enrollment! It is also believed that her grades are suspected of fraud.

But now...

Such a special admission! Come to a dozen, and they are willing to give this one a dozen, "cheating" one by one.

What Rong Mo said was right, she was a special student for Ye Qianli, and the insignificant rules of the school were not set up to limit geniuses.

"Thank you." Facing the welcome and affirmation of the seven major examiners, Ye Qianli herself was a little surprised. She thought her result would be highly controversial, but she didn't expect it to be a unanimous pass

Although Rong Mo didn't say anything, he definitely wouldn't object.

So Ye Qianli was very surprised, but she knew it in her heart. No wonder the school of genius can almost spread across the four elephant continents with the power of a school, and its influence is not weaker than that of the major dynasties.

Just looking at these few examiners, you can tell that this school of geniuses is a magical school that gathers many unusual people!

At this moment, Ye Qianli had a good impression of the school for geniuses, and she was looking forward to her study career after entering the school. She thought it would be very good.


"Don't be too happy too early, the school is still very complicated, you will understand when you enroll." Old Zhu smiled and patted Ye Qianli on the shoulder, as if to remind her.

Ye Qianli couldn't understand the meaning of this reminder at the moment, but when she became a student of the genius academy, she understood when she stood on the freshman seat of the genius academy.

But that happened three days later, and Rong Mo reminded her beforehand, and specifically said: "When you become a freshman, there is a custom in the School of Geniuses, which will let veteran students compete with freshmen, you have to be careful."

"Will the Seventh Prince end?" Ye Qianli also asked Rong Mo since that day, who was the brave man who dared to question Lao Zhu, and the answer she got was - one of the enemies! Still the number one enemy.


"How do you know?" Ye Qianli became curious. Since the old students can compete with the freshmen, wouldn't the Seventh Prince do it by himself at such a good opportunity


"You too?" Ye Qianli looked at Rong Mo and asked with a smile. She knew that this guy would definitely not end, and she also thought that he was just holding it. In his opinion, going on stage to discuss something is too boring, it is tantamount to playing monkeys on people. see.

It's a pity that she just has to play on the stage, who told her to need this opportunity to play monkeys!

But in the face of Ye Qianli's teasing, Rong Mo didn't even give her a look, but instead gave her a document, "The eldest prince may come, this is his information."

"Eldest prince?" Ye Qianli opened the paper to read, and a few black lines fell in front of his eyes, and said: "No way, he is an old man in the fifth grade, so he has the nerve to come on stage?"

"I hope he will take the stage for you." Rong Mo said.

Ye Qianli: "..." She felt the malice from Prince Mei, because she compared him with the Seventh Prince of Xuanwu, and she might be abused because of this!

However, Rong Mo picked out another document, and said obviously cautiously: "This is the person you need to be extra careful about."

-----Off Topic-----

ps: Aww~ I’m going to PK in the bookstore today, I’m begging for a recommendation ticket~[Once again, the recommendation ticket is free, everyone has a penguin user, and you have it every day~]