Mad Dog

Chapter 16: Touching the world Jiang Qi has been reading private messages on Weibo? This is also Mrs


*His fate is one of endless uncertainty.

Chenkong Hutong is a very dangerous place.

The cramped and dirty shantytowns are full of wolves, tigers and leopards.

There is not only a stinky ditch that Zhiqi stepped on, but the entire land... there are almost no good places.

But it's fine if it's only on the outside, but the most dangerous existence is his father, Jiang Quan.

Ever since Zhiqi came to this alley, Jiang Qi felt that there was no way to stay in this alley.

He can't live here, and he can't let Zhiqi come to him again. The boy clutched the wound on his shoulder, his pale forehead was mottled with cold sweat, he lowered his head with difficulty and found a roll of bandage from under the bed to wrap it around his wound.

There was no blood on the pale face and lips, and it was obviously in extreme pain.

Jiang Qi closed his eyes to relieve the pain, and then he got up and left the low bungalow which had been darkened slowly.

He was in so much pain that it was difficult to move, he gritted his teeth and walked out in a daze.

——After tossing around for two hours, I arrived at Uncle Eshi, Shimada Ward.

Jiang Shi closed the vegetable stall and returned home in the evening, when he saw the boy curled up in the corner of the stairs at the door, the man's heart suddenly gave a 'thump'.

In fact, it is not common for Jiang Qi to take the initiative to show weakness and come to him, but the appearance of blood oozing from the shoulders of the boy's gray short sleeves is very 'common'. Jiang Shi frowned, walked up to him, and asked condescendingly, "Did your father hit you again?"

Jiang Qi pursed his lips and did not answer the obvious question.

He just asked in a low voice after a long stalemate: "Uncle, can my account be transferred to your name?"

Jiang Shi was stunned for a moment, and there was some impatient surprise in his tone: "Are you serious?"

The boy's voice was a little hoarse, and he let out a dull 'hmm'.

Only then did Jiang Shi let him in. Aunt Guan Yue just came out of the kitchen. She wiped her hands with the apron she was wearing. .

"Tsk, what a crime." Guan Yue spat, pulled Jiang Qi over and tore off his clothes - a deep wound on the young man's shoulder was turned over, blood was oozing continuously, and a fishy smell rushed to his nose , Guan Yue couldn't help but take a step back.

But those who are used to their work can tell at a glance that the wound on Jiang Qi's shoulder was scratched with a sickle.

Looking down from the neck, the boy's white and skinny upper body is densely covered with scars, burns, knife wounds... countless, the old ones are not gone, and the new ones are coming again, thus covering half of the body layer by layer.

Both Jiang Shi and Guan Yue knew that this was Jiang Quan's 'masterpiece'.

After all, the woman's heart is still a little softer, Guan Yue sighed, reached out and rubbed Jiang Qi's head: "Go to the hospital for stitches."

In the past, Jiang Quan was drunk and crazy, and the injuries left on Jiang Qi's body were minor and they could deal with them themselves. When encountering such severe injuries, it is still impossible not to go to the hospital.

Jiang Qi nodded silently, as obedient as a stray dog.

On the way to the hospital, Jiang Shi and his daughter-in-law talked about moving Jiang Qi's household registration under their own house, and Guan Yue's eyes lit up.

"Really or not." The woman shouted excitedly, and then she didn't know what to think, and sighed in a low voice: "But brother...can you let me?"

Jiang Shi couldn't help but glance at Jiang Qi.

The young man sat quietly, with cold eyes, but froze for a moment when he noticed Jiang Shi's gaze, and then said in a low voice: "I agree, uncle, you can sell the house in Chenkong Hutong .”

In fact, this is what really makes Jiang Shi and Guan Yue happy. The two looked at each other, suppressing the joy in their eyes at the same time.

After all, the young man in front of him was still full of scars, and his joy couldn't be expressed too clearly, but he couldn't help but reveal a little bit at the corners of his brows and eyes.

They were delighted because Jiang Qi's situation was different from others.

The boy's household registration was forcibly 'withheld' when Grandpa Jiang Qi was still alive.

Jiang Quan was imprisoned for robbery and murder when he was a teenager. After being sentenced for more than ten years, he was almost thirty years old.

When the old man was alive, Jiang Quan viciously ransacked almost all the family's money, except for the house in Chenkong Hutong.

The old man's name was written on that low bungalow, and it was the place where he 'retired' for himself.

The old man hated Jiang Quan very much, and originally planned to leave his only house that could be regarded as property to his younger son, Jiang Shi - although the younger son was neither educated nor capable, he was still honest.

But at this time, Jiang Quan met a woman.

A woman who eats, drinks, prostitutes, and gambles with five poisons, who happens to be able to 'get along' very well with Jiang Quan. She is a nightclub lady, and she can sleep with money, but Jiang Quan took money from his father and younger brother, and slept with her alone a month.

A month later, the woman became pregnant, and the child in her belly naturally couldn't have anyone else except Jiang Quan's.

On the day of Lixia more than ten years ago, a woman came to Chenkong Alley with a cigarette in her mouth, a wine bottle and a laboratory test report, and directly negotiated with Mr. Jiang.

Plan one, give her abortion money and compensation, she made the child, and has nothing to do with Jiang Quan in the future.

Plan 2, she can give birth to this child, but she will have to pay her 20,000 yuan after giving birth, and she will leave immediately after giving birth. It still has nothing to do with the Jiang family.

Even if she is a nightclub lady with a corrupt private life, she doesn't want to entrust her future to a man like Jiang Quan.

Mr. Jiang chose the latter almost without thinking, and took out his pension money to 'save' Jiang Qi's life—for the elderly, the child in a woman's womb is the queen of their family, and it is the blood The continuation of the continuation, even if the poor have no "throne" to inherit at all, they have to desperately keep this root.

The mother who gave birth to a child, Jiang Qi's facial features are very similar to that of his biological mother. The woman is an extremely beautiful and cold person, with the most beautiful face and doing the most ruthless things.

In fact, she and Jiang Quan are a natural match, both of them have dark hearts.

After Jiang Qi was born in October, the boy was sent to Mr. Jiang without drinking a day's breast milk.

From then on, the woman disappeared without a trace, and Jiang Qi never saw his mother again.

And Jiang Qi's name was all on the day the woman sent him to Jiang's house. It happened that Mr. Jiang was going to take Jiang Shi to the temple to pray for blessings, so he took advantage of the opportunity to name him Jiang Qi. Unfortunately, both of them have no education. When entering the account, I wrote the prayer as 'Qi'.

Even the boy's name is a mistake, and maybe it has been a mistake since birth.

But the only consolation in Jiang Qi's life is the old man.

Mr. Jiang regarded Sun Ruming as his life, and transferred his household registration to his own name. He did not allow Jiang Qi and Jiang Quan to get involved, and even made a will to link the house and household registration together, and leave them to Jiang Qi.

It's a pity that Mr. Jiang left within two years of his life, and in the end there was only one household registration and a house left for Jiang Qi, all of which were cold dead things.

And this house has become Jiang Qi's only "shelter". Although the low-rise one-story house in Chenkong Hutong is dilapidated and small, it is a house in Linlan city after all, and the shanty town may be demolished in the future. So whether it is the devil-like father or the uncles and aunts who have their own plans, they are actually thinking about the house.

Only by transferring Jiang Qi's household registration to his own name can he have the right to occupy the house openly.

In the past, Jiang Qi was young, so he could only live with Jiang Quan, who was forced to live in Chenkong Hutong, and was often abused and beaten by him—middle-aged men are so fucking stupid, except to accumulate money by drinking and smoking every day. He vented his anger on his son, and there was nothing else he could do.

Jiang Qi has nowhere to go, nowhere to escape, and even the police don't care about the matter of 'domestic violence', let alone someone else.

He could only endure Jiang Quan silently, live with him hating each other, and then gradually get used to such abuse, and gradually become numb...

In order to go to school, he could only help Jiang Shi's vegetable stall collect and sell vegetables since he was a child, in exchange for a little tuition and book fees. After all, he couldn't get a penny from Jiang Quan.

Jiang Quan never thought that he had the obligation to 'raise a son', but Jiang Qi knew that he had to study, and he couldn't be idle. When his young and immature mentality took root and sprouted with hatred, and gradually spread into a towering tree, he still remembered that he had to 'To succeed'.

Going to school seems to be the only hope to see a "street light" on the long dark road, Jiang Qi doesn't want to give up.

Even when he was young, whenever he was lying on the wire bed in the dilapidated and cramped hut, when he heard heavy footsteps outside the door, his hairs would stand on end, and his teeth would chatter almost uncontrollably.

He was afraid of being beaten, and also afraid of Jiang Quan.

Jiang Qi felt that he was probably very vicious and dark, because he was always... looking forward to the death of his so-called 'father' outside, preferably quietly, the kind that didn't even need to claim his body.

In this way, he doesn't have to resist in vain, and he doesn't have to suffer from the pain on his body from time to time and can't concentrate in class.

There is no need to... be in a constant state of anxiety.

It's a pity that wishes are just wishes, the devil Jiang Quan is still there, but Jiang Qi no longer wants to stay with him in Chenkong Hutong.

He is willing to exchange the house left by his grandfather for a place to live with his uncle, and he is willing to go to middle school in the remote Shimada District, far away from the city, as long as it is far away from Chenkong Hutong.

During the stitches in the hospital, Jiang Qi didn't say a word the whole time, allowing beads of sweat the size of a bean to drip slowly from his forehead.

Even the suturing doctor couldn't help boasting: "The little boy has a backbone, and he can bear the pain quite well."

Jiang Qi didn't speak, but Guan Yue couldn't help but sighed softly beside her.

—Where can I bear the pain? Obviously used to the pain.

The night after completing his household registration was the first time in Jiang Qi's life that someone called the police for Jiang Qi when he faced Jiang Quan's beating.

After Jiang Quan came to the door aggressively, the first thing he did was to kick Jiang Qi hard in the heart, kicking the young man's thin body into a corner with such a powerful kick, his head unconsciously slammed Hitting against the wall, Jiang Qi frowned, his head drooping limply.

Intertwined with Jiang Quan's swearing, there was also Guan Yue's screams.

In the chaos of crackling glassware, Jiang Shi dragged Jiang Quan into the courtyard, and the door inside the house locked with a 'click'.

Jiang Qi was in extreme pain, but he was also relieved.

For the first time, during the confrontation with Jiang Quan, he had a feeling of being 'protected' - even though he bought this feeling with a house.

Later, the two brothers of the Jiang family went to the police station with bruised noses and swollen faces.

After a brief description of the situation, the police seemed to see this kind of scene of fights because of 'fighting for family property'. They only said to Jiang Quan indifferently: "Break into the house, take the initiative to do it, and detain it for fifteen days. If there is any objection, you can go to court to sue."

It is impossible for Jiang Quan to go to court to sue.

He is penniless, and relies on small tricks to cheat some money every month to make a living. Where did he get the money to go to court with Jiang Shi

Besides, the head of that house is Jiang Qi, whoever Jiang Qi is willing to give to, even if he claims to be his 'father', this fact cannot be changed.

"Fucking son of a bitch." Before being detained, Jiang Quan, with gloomy eyes dripping water, once snorted at Jiang Shi with a stern face: "You tell my son, wait for his father to come out."

Needless to say the second half of the sentence, Jiang Shi could guess what it was.

It was nothing more than 'I'll kill him', Jiang Quan had said to them countless times.

"Since then, my household registration is with my uncle's house, so I went to No. 1 Middle School in Shimada District. Later, I was admitted to No. 3 Middle School."

Countless embarrassing memories flashed in his mind, but when facing Zhiqi, Jiang Qi didn't want to talk about his past as if he was "selling miserably", he just gave some brief explanations.

Just from the cryptic words, Zhi Qi can also hear that the life of a young man is not easy.

His hands are clearly slender and delicate, with well-defined joints, but there are several distinct scars on them. The obvious and rough marks are the hands that often work. Just holding her for a short moment, Zhi Qi can feel a thick hand layer cocoon...

Thinking of Jiang Qi's understatement that "most of the time he helps his uncle sell vegetables in the vegetable market", the little girl's heart twitched unconsciously.

At this youthful and fluffy age, most teenagers and girls are carefree, thinking about where to play on vacation and which star is so handsome. Qi is like this, selling vegetables for studying and earning a living.

Zhiqi resisted the soreness in the corners of her eyes, she knew that Jiang Qi would not want to cry when she was useless.

After sniffling, the girl forced a concealed smile and said, "Jiang Qi, it's actually my fault. I should have thought that you must have a reason for not going to No. 8 Middle School, and then I... lost my temper with you."

This really shouldn't be, the more Zhiqi thought about it, the more she felt that she was going too far.

But Jiang Qi didn't want to see her showing any remorse and guilt, the young man frowned slightly: "Don't talk nonsense."

He likes Zhiqi to lose his temper with him.

As long as Zhiqi is still willing to talk to him, then everything is fine.

"Jiang Qi, are you still helping your uncle sell vegetables?" Zhiqi didn't want him to recall those sad things, so she deliberately changed the subject. She looked at the boy's delicate profile and smiled: "Are you a vegetable?" The most handsome guy in the market?"

Jiang Qi couldn't help being stunned, only to realize belatedly that the girl was praising him, praising him... handsome.

The boy's ears felt slightly hot unconsciously, and he bowed his head in silence—it was impossible for him to shamelessly admit that he was the most handsome in the vegetable market.

However, Zhiqi didn't let him go. The girl pulled Jiang Qi's finger, still smiling and said, "Next time you sell vegetables, take me with you, okay? I want to try it too."

She wanted Jiang Qi to know that selling vegetables is not something to be ashamed of, everyone has their own way of supporting their families, and she can do it too.

Jiang Qi understood the meaning of the girl's words, and his gaze softened little by little unconsciously.

He softly agreed: "Okay."

Under the gaze of Jiang Qi's amber-like light-colored eyes, Zhi Qi lost his mind for a moment.

She thought, the boy is really good, he is willing to listen to her in everything, that's great.

-His eyes are like the most serene source.

-Let sorrow be still in my heart, as evening in a silent forest.

But if Jiang Qi is really regarded as a "very good" boy, that is one of the biggest illusions in life.

What Zhiqi didn't know was that actually Jiang Qi was only obedient to her.

When dealing with other people, Jiang Qi might be like what Chen Liufang said before, like a 250,000 to 80,000 pretender, whoever provokes him, he will turn into a lunatic without any scruples.

Perhaps because of the environment in which he grew up, Jiang Qi is in a state of extreme distrust and unwillingness to touch everything around him.

The teenager doesn't make friends with people in the class, or even speak a word to them. He doesn't have the vigor and sunshine of a sixteen or seventeen-year-old youth, but only gloomy and gloomy.

Jiang Qi's taciturnity and inhumanity soon became 'famous' in the class, but even the teacher couldn't help him.

Because it's not a crime to be untalkative and unreasonable, and there's nothing you can do about it if you don't fit in.

Besides, Jiang Qi's grades are very good.

Since he was a child, he has always wanted to 'get ahead' by studying hard. Although he is covered with 'thorns' that are incompatible with this world, he takes his studies seriously.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for Jiang Qi to get into No. 3 Middle School with his top grades from the middle school in Shimada District with very poor teachers and students.

In this class, he only talks to Zhiqi.

Just like in elementary school, the whole body has a vacuum layer that keeps people away thousands of miles away. Only Zhiqi can enter, and everyone else is out of place.

At the beginning, Zhiqi didn't feel that there was anything wrong. She could eat with Jiang Qi at noon as before, explore questions and do homework together, and Jiang Qi could send her home at night. Happy without distractions.

But gradually, there were some rumors in the class.

For example, some people say that Zhi Qi and Jiang Qi are in puppy love.

The word 'puppy love' is a very serious and taboo word in high school, and Zhiqi never thought that she could have anything to do with this word.

Because in her perception, she and Jiang Qi have known each other since childhood, interaction and close contact are all natural things, and it has nothing to do with "puppy love".

But it wasn't until Tang Jiao called her out after school to whisper to each other that Zhi Qi realized that in the eyes of the people around her, she and Jiang Qi were really in a relationship of puppy love.

"That, Qiqi." Tang Jiaotong whispered to her ear, as if 'admonishing' her very embarrassed: "You and Jiang Qi, are you... um, are you walking too close?"

Zhiqi didn't understand what she meant at first, and blinked her big eyes blankly: "What's wrong? We knew each other before."

"Yes, but..." Girls are usually very embarrassed when they talk about this kind of "love". Tang Jiao said to her awkwardly: "But my classmates are saying that you and Jiang Qi two are dating."

When it came to the three words 'falling in love', the girl's voice was almost weak.

After hearing what Tang Jiao said, Zhiqi's mind 'boomed', and her snow-white slapped face instantly turned red from the corner of her forehead to the roots of her ears.

"Nonsense, nonsense!" The girl retorted stammeringly, her voice trembling with anger: "We didn't talk about it, we talked about that."

For a girl who is so pure that she doesn't even have the consciousness of love, Zhiqi really can't say the words 'falling in love'.

She unconsciously clenched her small hands into fists, took a deep breath and said righteously: "This is a rumor, Jiaojiao, who said that about us?"

"I don't know either." Tang Jiao frowned in embarrassment, and sighed softly: "Qiqi, many people in the class are talking about it now, it would be bad if someone told the teacher."

"It's better... why don't you stay away from that Jiang Qi, don't you think he's weird?"


Perhaps from Tang Jiao's point of view, this is a 'kind' suggestion.

But Zhiqi was still out of anger.

Why should she stay away from Jiang Qi because of the gossip of the people around her? Isn't it good to have a clear conscience about this kind of thing

Besides, Jiang Qi is so 'weird'.

In fact, Zhiqi and Tang Jiao have a very good relationship, they talk about everything at the front and back tables, but at this moment, the girl still thinks of her first 'friend' who broke up in elementary school, Cui Shuangshuang.

It is also because of Jiang Qi, because Cui Shuangshuang followed the crowd and slandered Jiang Qi with the public.

Although the "herd mentality" is a human instinct, it still doesn't delay Zhiqi's feeling that this kind of following the trend is actually a kind of unsound personality.

However, Tang Jiao is not Cui Shuangshuang, and she is not the childish girl who broke up with others casually.

"Jiaojiao, Jiang Qi is not strange, you just don't know him well." Zhiqi took a deep breath this time, and chose to explain to Tang Jiao, the little girl's delicate porcelain face was almost serious—

"I've known him for many years and know he's a good guy."

"In this world, not everyone has to be gregarious or likeable."

"Jiang Qi may be a not so likable person, but I like him."

Tang Jiao couldn't help looking at her in astonishment.

And Zhiqi just smiled slightly, frankly: "I'm talking about the likes between friends."

"Following the trend to judge a person sometimes blindfolds one's own eyes, and under the false rumors, it also destroys another person's reputation." Zhiqi smiled, picked up her schoolbag and carried it on her shoulder, and before leaving, she was sincere with Tang Jiao. say-

"Jiaojiao, you and Jiang Qi are both my friends. I hope you observe him with your own eyes instead of judging him from other people's mouths. Goodbye."

After speaking, the girl turned and went downstairs.

At this moment, the students in the first year of high school have almost left, while the students in the second and third year of high school are still in class.

And under the big pagoda tree on the playground, there was a thin and slender shadow of a boy, waiting for her.

The vortex at the corner of Zhiqi's lips was faintly visible, and he walked towards Jiang Qi facing the moonlight. She trusts him, likes him, just her own heart.

Of course Zhiqi and Jiang Qi didn't have puppy love, at least when they were sixteen years old in the first year of high school, they definitely didn't have puppy love.

As for the later... In fact, there are some things they already know well.

It's just that in their youth, young people don't understand the truth that tomorrow or accident will come faster.

Therefore, the love that had been proclaimed in the mouth was finally eliminated in the "vigorous" casualties.

Now it was the first time after four years that they were close to each other.

But Zhiqi still remembered the fact that Jiang Qi was now a 'public figure'. The moment she took off the boy's mask, the girl stretched out her hands to cover his face in panic.

The cool lips were covered by the girl's soft palm, and Jiang Qi lost his mind for a moment.

Then Zhiqi put the mask on the boy again like a 'guilty thief', she looked cute and cute on tiptoe, and she could see her long eyelashes 'flickering' a few times like a small fan when she lowered her eyes.

Zhiqi took Jiang Qi's hand and said softly, "Come with me."

There are many people coming and going here at Landa University, so of course it is not convenient to talk, so Zhiqi took the boy to the back garden of the girls' dormitory at Landa University. It's usually a dating place for couples, it's very popular at night, but during the day, no one cares about it, so it's a good place to talk.

The two were sitting on a bench in the garden, surrounded by beautiful flowers behind them, but the boy was all black and out of place.

This "reunion after a long absence" was different from the one in high school, but Jiang Qi was still... very nervous, his slender fingers unconsciously clenched into fists, and his palms were soon wet with cold sweat.

Zhiqi looked at the obvious panic in Jiang Qi's light-colored pupils, and wanted to laugh, but restrained himself, his eyebrows and voice were flat.

"How do you know I'm here?"

She can be very obsessed with Jiang Qi on the Internet, very fanatical, and can send messages to express her love for him every day as if he were a tree hole.

But in real life, Zhiqi has to tell Jiang Qi with her own attitude - she doesn't mind the boy's sudden appearance again and again without saying goodbye, even though she actually loves him very much.

"I..." Jiang Qi's voice under the mask was muffled, and he looked at her without blinking: "I saw you at the meeting."

His voice was visibly disturbed.

Zhiqi was silent for a moment, then narrowed her eyes: "See me?"

The tickets she bought from other fans are not in the VIP area, nor are they in a good position. Among thousands of people, can Jiang Qi see her

"Yeah." Jiang Qi nodded, took out his mobile phone and handed it to her obediently: "I know you went to the meeting today."

So, he kept looking for her.

Zhiqi took it suspiciously, and on the screen of the phone was a row of private messages in Weibo's "tree hole" box.

The girl's fair face turned red and burst!

"You!" She stood up abruptly, looked down at Jiang Qi, her voice stuttered unconsciously: "Don't you celebrities not read private messages on Weibo?"

Could it be that Meng Chunyu lied to her? However, this is too shameful!

Zhiqi looked at the list of private messages, and she had no scruples. If she felt numb, she felt that her toes were so big that she could get into the cracks in the ground.