Mad Dog

Chapter 43: The healing girl was thinking about something in her heart, and she was caught off guard


On the weekend, Zhi Qi and Jiang Qi took him out of the hospital after applying for the attending doctor.

She took the boy to the marine life rescue station to see the little dolphin she adopted.

"Her name is Langlang, she's a girl." Through the huge glass window, Zhiqi looked at the smooth figure swimming freely in the deep water area and explained to Jiang Qi, the smile on her lips was very gratifying: "Some time ago I was sick, but now I'm still alive and kicking."

Jiang Qi looked at it quietly for a while, and the voice behind the mask was a little muffled: "You adopted it?"

Although this is a biological rescue station, there are quite a lot of people, and Jiang Qi's face is too eye-catching, so Zhi Qi didn't let him take off his mask indoors.

Zhiqi nodded: "I adopted it with an older sister."

In fact, doing this kind of 'good deed' is quite costly, but Zhiqi is willing.

Jiang Qi's light-colored eyes unconsciously moved from the dolphins in the water in the distance to the side face of the girl next to him, Zhi Qi's eyes were not squinted, and the delicate side face seemed to have the words "satisfaction" written in big characters .

Just how to put it, Zhiqi's thoughts are a bit unrealistic, but she will always fight for her belief.

And he... What he likes the most is her appearance, beautiful, fresh, and full of vitality. All positive adjectives can be applied to the little girl.

"It's past eleven o'clock, well, it's time for you to eat."

Zhiqi is now extremely strict with Jiang Qi's three meals a day, and will never let him hurt his stomach as much as before. She looked down at her watch and said, "This time There are relatively few people in the cafeteria of the rescue station, so let me take you there."

Jiang Qi was naturally very obedient and nodded.

It has been almost ten days since he was admitted to the hospital and he came out today. During these days, it was always Zhiqi who said what he did.

When the two arrived at the cafeteria, Zhi Qi asked Jiang Qi to find a 'horn bump' to nest in, and then went to cook by himself.

After ordering two boxes of lunch according to the strict combination of meat and vegetables, the girl asked Jiang Qi to take off his mask and prepare to eat—there were not many people in the cafeteria of the ambulance station, and there were only a few scattered middle-aged people who went to work. Someone will recognize Jiang Qilai.

Sure enough, the meal went smoothly.

Jiang Qi is still in the stage of nourishing his stomach, and his appetite is not too big, but the boy is used to being poor since he was a child, adhering to the traditional virtue of 'not wasting food', he still ate up the really bad food in this cafeteria.

"Well, it's really unpalatable." But Zhiqi was very picky, frowning and muttering while eating: "The cafeteria in our school is not good, and the food here is even worse."

She comes from a good family, and was raised with rich clothes and fine food since she was a child. Although she has no arrogant temper, she is very picky about eating.

Jiang Qi thought for a while, then suddenly said: "I can do it for you."

Zhiqi was taken aback: "You know how to cook?"

Jiang Qi nodded and said 'hmm'.

If he didn't know how to cook for himself, he would have starved to death long ago. He has practiced his skills for so many years... after all, it's not unpalatable.

"That's good." The girl's eyes lit up when she heard the words, and she couldn't wait to say: "Can you do well tonight?"

Jiang Qi, cooking, the combination of these two keywords seems to be very inconsistent—but she really wants to see and eat the meals he cooked with his own hands.

The childish joy of the little girl made Jiang Qi's eyes soften, and he smiled softly unconsciously: "Yeah."

He has been recuperating well in the hospital these days, going to bed early and getting up early, eating three meals a day, which is almost a "rule" that has never been seen in his life, so his complexion has improved a lot, at least his cold and pale complexion is not like the previous few days Pale and bloodless.

The two of them planned to leave after talking, but at the end of the meal, they ran into an acquaintance.

"Qiqi?" A female voice came from behind Zhiqi, she turned around suspiciously, and saw Jiang Yu's very iconic thick and wavy curly hair, she quickly stood up and said hello: "Sister Yu, what are you doing today?" Didn't you rest?"

Jiang Yu is a staff member of the aid station, but today is a weekend.

"Yes, do you think I'm here for work? I was going out with my brother, but I was called by a phone call from the office halfway to deal with something. When I was hungry, I wanted to deal with it here." Jiang Yu was dressed in a suit. The long knit skirt wrapped around her body was indeed not a white coat for work. Her sweet face showed a bitterness that only social animals could understand, and she shrugged helplessly: "But why are you here?"

"I'll take a look at Langlang..."

Zhiqi said hesitantly, then turned to look at Jiang Qi, and saw that he put on the mask again very cleverly, and he was relieved: "It's with my friend."

Jiang Yu didn't pay much attention to the man wearing a mask behind Zhiqi, but the man next to Jiang Yu. Her brother Jiang Chi kept his eyes on Jiang Qi.

Tentative, suspicious, narrowed his long and narrow eyes.

Jiang Chi's eyes made Zhi Qi very uncomfortable, and even felt like she was sitting on pins and needles.

She frowned, and took Jiang Qi's hand to greet Jiang Yu: "Sister Yu, let's go first."

Jiang Yu didn't stop her, just smiled gossipingly: "Qiqi, is this your boyfriend?"

When Jiang Chi heard Jiang Yu call the word 'Qiqi', he was obviously taken aback for a moment, and then his eyes became more meaningful.

Only then did Zhiqi remember that Jiang Yu had said before that her brother was working as an agent in some entertainment company, and she was thinking of asking him to get tickets for her, but it failed due to various reasons.

Thinking of this, the girl's heart suddenly 'clicked'.

She lowered her head to avoid Jiang Yu's gaze, and didn't answer directly in a vague manner, leaving a sentence of "I'll talk about it next time" and hurriedly dragged Jiang Qi away.

Zhiqi couldn't help but feel a little irritated. She put Jiang Qi in the hospital, brought her to a rescue center with few people, etc. The fundamental purpose of her was to let him live a normal life, and she didn't want him to live under those spotlights— But why are things about the entertainment industry so pervasive

Even when I came to see Langlang once, I could meet Jiang Yu's brother who was a manager.

What a coincidence.

Zhiqi's mind was in a state of confusion, and he couldn't help biting his lip anxiously when he thought about the things in the entertainment industry, so he didn't notice the expression of the young man behind him.

Jiang Qi was wearing a mask and a hat, and the amber-like eyes on the half-protruded bridge of his nose flashed an imperceptible sense of loneliness.

He didn't notice Jiang Chi, but only noticed that girl jokingly asked Zhi Qi, "Is this your boyfriend?" ’, the little girl didn’t say a word with a panicked expression, she just dragged herself away.

It seems... People still can't be too sentimental.

Thinking about it this way, my brain, which hadn't had a headache these days, seemed to be aching again.

When you have a headache, people will write extremes—not reconciled, Jiang Qi thought, he is really not reconciled.

The young man who had been silently following Zhiqi stretched out his hand, and his slender big hand grabbed the girl's wrist like an iron hoop, forcing Zhiqi to turn around.

The girl was thinking about something in her heart, and was suddenly pulled into the arms of the young man without any precautions. She raised her head unexpectedly, and bumped into Jiang Qi's obscure eyes.

"Jiang Qi?" Zhi Qi inexplicably felt that Jiang Qi's eyes were extremely surprised at this moment, as if hiding a magma like a fiery glacier, full of aggression and possessiveness, which made her heart beat uncontrollably, and she spoke The voice stumbled unconsciously: "Why, what's the matter?"

Could it be that Jiang Qi fell ill again

Zhiqi resisted the urge to be swallowed by his handsomeness, and asked tremblingly, "Why are you suddenly, uh, excited?"

She didn't know what words to use to describe Jiang Qi's feeling at the moment.

Jiang Qi stared at her for a while, lowered his eyes, and the voice behind the mask was muffled: "Just now..."

"Miss Zhi!" It's a pity that before he could say it, he was interrupted by a voice not far away, which made both of them look over subconsciously.

It was Jiang Chi, who was tall and long-legged, chasing after him.

Seeing him, Zhiqi's eyes sharpened immediately, and she took a step forward to block Jiang Qi behind her—the girl was much shorter than him, and the scene looked a little funny and warm.

Jiang Chi walked in and couldn't help but smile when he saw Zhi Qi's vigilant look: "Miss Zhi, you seem to have a problem with me?"

"Are you Jiang Yu's manager brother?" Zhi Qi was not interested in talking to Jiang Chi about the twists and turns. Seeing that the man came by herself, she knew what he wanted in her heart, so she asked straightforwardly: "what's up?"

The little girl was pretty smart, Jiang Chi's smile didn't change, but his eyes moved to Jiang Qi who was behind him.

Looking directly at the boy's cold eyes, Jiang Chi found that there was no emotion in his eyes except indifference, curiosity, surprise and so on.

"Mr. Jiang." Jiang Chi nodded slightly, and said politely, "Can we talk a little bit?"

His eyes shone brightly, as if people in the cold winter had seen a kind of longing for fire. You must know that almost all the gossip paparazzi have been inquiring about Jiang Qi's whereabouts during this period of time, but in the end they were caught by him—isn't it like Did you get a great deal

But this 'big bargain' has never taken the usual path, and is too lazy to deal with people in a pretentious manner, pretending to be false.

Jiang Qi just glanced at him and said coldly: "No time."

After finishing speaking, Jiang Qi took Zhi Qi in his arms and left without looking back.

Jiang Chi was left alone, standing there in astonishment, watching the slender backs of the young girl walk away, his black eyes gradually deepening.