Mad Dog

Chapter 61: Returning to her seemed to see the seventeen-year-old Jiang Qi. …


Yue Yuan is the daughter of one of the managers of the 'Big Three' domestic media companies. She is a born princess, and she has been favored since she entered the entertainment industry, the intriguing Vanity Fair.

She has her own majestic resources behind her and a million-dollar navy brigade. She doesn't need fans. The biggest 'golden master' is her real father.

So Yue Yuan doesn't need to understand those unspoken rules in the entertainment industry, and the unwritten "rules" that everyone obeys by default.

Because of the boss behind her, everyone will respectfully call her 'Sister Yuan', but in fact Yue Yuan is only about the same age as Jiang Qi.

Where did she bear the title of 'sister'? It was nothing more than flattery.

But Yue Yuan has been living in this kind of mirage-like ivory tower, and has become accustomed to this kind of virtual flattery.

It can be said that Jiang Qi's words are the biggest blow the girl has suffered since she entered the industry for three years.

— You must know that because of Yue Yuan's strong background, even Wang Zhaoqiu can't say bluntly that her acting skills are poor.

And now... Jiang Qi actually said that he didn't remember her.

Is her face so unrecognizable? Yue Yuan was completely stunned by the words 'don't remember', she was a fragile and innocent glass heart, her fingers couldn't help but grasp the bag she was carrying in an instant, her knuckles turned white.

"I, I am..." Yue Yuan hesitated for a moment, and even tentatively reminded Jiang Qi again: "The last time we met in the audition room of director Wang Zhaoqiu was around October last year."

"Ms. Yue." Jiang Qi stood up, with a strong sense of oppression accompanied by the shadow, Yue Yuan subconsciously took a small step back, but the boy's tone was very polite, cold and polite: "What do you want?" Am I okay?"

Ms. Yue? Why does she seem very mature when called by this name

Yue Yuan's brain circuit jumped out of her mind, and she said it as a matter of course: "You don't need to be so unfamiliar, you can just call me by my name."

However, Jiang Qi frowned, feeling that they were not that familiar yet.

He tilted his head subconsciously, and he paused when he caught sight of a "hiding" figure not far away, and then his brows and eyes were almost like "Changing Faces in Sichuan Opera" from freezing thousands of miles to spring blossoming.

Jiang Qi didn't care about the woman's hesitation when he suddenly appeared in front of him, he hurriedly walked over to catch Zhiqi, and looked at her in surprise: "Why are you here?"

He has tall legs and walks fast, Zhiqi was still focusing on Yue Yuan, and was caught off guard by him.

The young man has great strength, but he is unrestrained when he is surprised. The shoelaces that Zhiqi wears today are a little heeled, and he is almost toppled by him unpreparedly—thanks to Jiang Qi's slender 'claws' firmly embracing her slender waist. .

"...Let go first." People came and went, many eyes turned to this side, Zhiqi shoved him a little embarrassed, and the voice behind the mask was muffled: "Come here when there is no class. "

Not far away, Yue Yuan turned sideways, watching the interaction between the two, her face gradually turned pale.

A person as indifferent as Jiang Qi would act like this to others, without even thinking about it, he knew that the girl in his arms was his legendary girlfriend, so at this moment, he seemed to have no position to stay here any longer.

At this extremely embarrassing moment, Qu Heng, who was reported by the staff as 'Yue Yuan came to find him', came out from behind, saw Yue Yuan's shadow as expected, and broke the silence: "Xiao Yuan, are you looking for me? "

In fact, he didn't know Yue Yuan well, and calling him 'Xiao Yuan' was all for the sake of her father, Yue Zhongze, but why did Yue Yuan come to him

"..." Yue Yuan, who found an excuse at random, saw that Qu Heng had actually come out, so she could only smile and said, "It's nothing, just passing by, so come and have a look."

"Visiting the cast for filming?" Qu Heng smiled: "Now is the break time, the next scene will start in a while, please wait a moment."

Yue Yuan quickly used this excuse to find a reason to say 'there's something else' and left, almost running away from the background.

"???" Qu Heng, who seemed to be confused by Yue Yuan's operation, scratched his head and muttered to himself, "What's going on?"

He muttered, and realized that when he swept away unconsciously, he saw Zhi Qi who was still wearing a mask next to Jiang Qi.

Qu Heng was stunned for a moment. Although the girl was wearing a mask, he could recognize that this was the little girl who cried and defended Jiang Qi in the hospital half a year ago with her bright black eyes. Jiang Qi's girlfriend.

After thinking for a while, Qu Heng walked over to say hello.

Jiang Qi raised his head when he heard the voice: "Director Qu."

"Sit down." Qu Heng waved his hands, but didn't let him stand up, shifted his gaze to Zhiqi and laughed and teased: "Is your girlfriend here to visit?"

Zhiqi remembered Qu Heng, so she took off her mask and said with a polite smile, "Hello, Director Qu."

"You're welcome." Qu Heng nodded slightly, pondered for a moment and just wanted to say something, the field manager shouted to start work.

Once the word 'Start Work' resounded on the set, Jiang Qi would enter a state of 'immersion'. He took off the towel hanging around his neck, stretched out his slender hands and rubbed Zhiqi's face reluctantly. Hair: "I passed."

"Yeah." Zhi Qi was not used to being clingy with him in public, so she smiled shyly and said softly, "I'm looking at you."

She still likes to stand outside the spotlight circle, but see Jiang Qi's 'into the play' state very close - that is a completely different Jiang Qi, with his unique charm.

This scene is a scene where the hero Chen Si went to work part-time while he was in college.

Jiang Qi didn't go to university, so he worked hard on this part of the script. During that time, he often asked Zhiqi University what to do and how to do it. Zhiqi even took him to Landa University to listen to several episodes. class.

The girl would occasionally use some 'tricks' to help him get a student ID card.

Just like Jiang Qi always helping her get a work permit.

But now Jiang Qi is wearing the simplest white T-shirt and black trousers and the glasses used for props in the play. In the construction library under the spotlight, he looks like a real college student.

The youthful and youthful spirit in him was fully displayed when there was no need to restrain himself.

Seeing Jiang Qi's quiet look with his head down reading a book, his slender fingers occasionally gently pushing his glasses, Zhi Qi was a little dazed.

— She seems to have seen the seventeen-year-old Jiang Qi.

The young man was almost skinny all the time, but at that time the state was much more tense than now, and he was much more bitter and bitter, as if he was living in panic every day but still studying seriously.

Jiang Qi is real, he once tried to change his destiny by reading books, but unfortunately the fantasy came to an abrupt end.

Hearing Qu Heng who was next to him controlling the screen behind the camera and whispering 'nice', Zhi Qi couldn't help but smile, and whispered, "Actually, Jiang Qi studied very well before."

"Huh? You used to be classmates?" Hearing this, Qu Heng silently handed the camera to the assistant director next to him, walked over and stood next to Zhiqi, looked at Jiang Qi in the spotlight, and exchanged softly: "Is he really good at studying? "

"Really, when I was in high school, I always came first in every exam."

Even thinking about it now, she still feels regretful, Zhi Qi lowered her eyes: "It's just that I didn't study anymore."

As for the reasons for not studying, everyone knows it well, so there is no need to say more.

Qu Heng was thoughtful, he looked at the dedicated young man in the spotlight, and squinted his eyes - he thought Jiang Qi was 'into the play', but now it seems that he may be acting in his true colors.

If Zhi Qi hadn't said anything, he would never have thought that Jiang Qi was actually a top student.

No wonder... No wonder this young man has such a strong sense of morality, Qu Heng couldn't help thinking of Jiang Qi coming back with the intention of atonement and compensation, but he didn't want a penny of salary.

If it wasn't for the trick of fate, he should be a pillar of society with excellent character and learning, right

Although from the perspective of a professional director like Qu Heng, Jiang Qi is not bad now - fate is very strange, it is uncertain, if he follows the steps, Jiang Qi may not have the opportunity to enter the entertainment industry now. The big dye vat will not drop a 'Ziweixing' from the sky.

Just from his own point of view, Qu Heng feels that he has to give Jiang Qi another kind of 'remuneration', both public and private.

So the man squinted his eyes, leaned over and asked Zhiqi softly: "Miss Zhi, can you tell me something about Jiang Qi's past? I think... knowing his past to design the script will make it easier for him to get into the play."