Mad Dog

Chapter 65: When Guang Guang waits for his sister to wake up, he will really want to see that stinky


The hospital is in chaos right now.

The batch of interns from Landa University to Yingzhou all returned on the flight this afternoon, and it happened when they returned to school by car after getting off the plane.

There were about a dozen students there, and the school sent four cars to pick them up. The standard car is configured for four people to return to the school. Unfortunately, the car that Zhiqi was in was passing by Huaibei Road. out of the accident.

In a typical rear-end collision, the car was knocked over and the driver subconsciously turned the steering wheel to protect himself, resulting in the death of the student who is said to be sitting in the co-pilot.

Fortunately, Zhiqi sat in the back seat of the car and put on her seat belt obediently. Now she and the other two students whose life and death were also unknown were pushed into the operating room for first aid.

The teachers in charge sitting in other cars heard this and their minds buzzed on the spot, almost kneeling in fright.

But fortunately, I didn't faint from fright, and I was able to get up and start to contact the emergency contact of the student who had the accident. Naturally, the parents gave priority.

Zhiminglin and Mei Ran almost suffered from high blood pressure when they received the call, and finally called Zhiyu to drive over. The man ran through two red lights along the way, and his face was as pale as paper.

Three unconscious car accident patients were sent in at once, and the emergency room was in a hurry. While checking and arranging operations in a mess, there were voices shouting 'patient's family members come and sign' everywhere, just like a vegetable market.

After Mei Ran forced herself to sign the consent form for the operation, she knelt down on the ground.

She asked how Zhiqi was doing, but the doctor couldn't answer her, and could only say that the patient was in the emergency department and had already been sent for surgery.

But is it a good omen for an emergency department that needs to be pushed in for immediate surgery? Hearing vaguely the keywords 'epidural hematoma' and 'brain injury', Mei Ran almost fainted.

In order to prevent her and Zhiming Lin from fainting due to high blood pressure, Zhiyu endured the overwhelming chill in her heart, and forced herself to send the two elders to the rest area.

After finishing all the busy work, Zhiyu got Zhiqi's mobile phone from the teacher of Landa University.

Only then did he know that at the last moment before the accident, his sister sent a message to Jiang Qi while sitting in the car. When it is sent out, the accident will come suddenly like a devil.

Zhiyu closed her eyes, resisted the urge to drop her phone due to trembling hands, took a few deep breaths, and then found 'Jiang Qi' from the address book and dialed it.

Zhiyu just felt that Jiang Qi should be informed.

When his sister wakes up, she will really want to see that brat—he firmly believes that his sister will definitely wake up and turn the danger into a blessing.

Qu Heng had never seen Jiang Qi like this.

As if he lost his soul after answering a phone call, his face turned pale in an instant, the phone unconsciously fell to the ground and fell apart, and he stood up and walked out as if in a daze.

"Jiang Qi?" Qu Heng gave a 'thud' in his heart, hurriedly chased him and asked, "Are you okay?"

Jiang Qi's pupils were dilated, and he looked at him fixedly: "City Hospital, I'm going to the City Hospital."

Qu Heng didn't know what happened, but he felt that it was serious. Hospital... Someone should have had an accident.

He subconsciously said, "I'll take you there."

If Jiang Qi was allowed to drive or take a taxi by himself in this state, Qu Heng estimated that he would have to go to the hospital himself.

On the way to the hospital, Qu Heng accidentally glanced at him, and found that Jiang Qi had pinched his hand to catch the blood, but his pupils were still slack—this kind of unconscious self-mutilation was obviously caused by extreme anxiety in his heart.

Qu Heng gritted his teeth, he didn't know what to comfort him, and he didn't know if someone like Jiang Qi needed comfort.

He just ran a red light and drove as fast as he could on the intersecting roads in the city.

Jiang Qi was beating his heart like a drum, he couldn't hear anything, only the location Zhi Yu told him was in his mind, he couldn't hear what Qu Heng asked him, he couldn't hear the noise of people coming and going around him, and he didn't even realize that he wasn't wearing a mask.

Amidst the screams around him, the only keyword in his mind was 'operating room on the eighth floor'.

There were too many people queuing up for the hospital elevator, and he couldn't wait.

Jiang Qi found a safe passage like a fly without a head, and was about to climb the stairs—but he fell down on the steps in embarrassment during the first section of the stairs, and his knees were bloody, but he didn't realize it.

The boy stood up as if he didn't know the pain, and then quickly climbed the stairs under Qu Heng's sight as if he had seen a ghost.

He almost showed the speed of the 100-meter race during the high school entrance examination, no, it should be faster than that time, but the wound on his knee seemed to activate a certain switch.

Qu Heng was dumbfounded, and subconsciously called out: "Jiang Qi!"

But no one answered him, the moment he was so dazed, the boy had already climbed a floor, and the speed was as fast as flying.

Qu Heng gritted his teeth and climbed up after thinking about it.

He didn't know why he had to suffer this great crime, but he felt that he couldn't leave Jiang Qi alone. Jiang Qi himself was a young man with great mood swings and troubles. Does the film continue to shut down

Qu Heng found an excuse for himself, but he was actually more worried in his heart.

Panting, he also followed Jiang Qi up the eight floors.

Jiang Qi counted the floors, and when he finally climbed to the eighth floor, it took less than five minutes.

With a bang, the door of the safe passage was pushed open heavily, and many people standing in the stairwell were startled by the huge movement—accompanied by the red-eyed, bewildered young man.

"Operating room." Jiang Qi grabbed a nurse casually and asked, his voice was hoarse and almost out of tune: "Where is the operating room?"

The nurse was startled, and said blankly, "Turn left in front, in front."

Why did she feel that the boy in front of her looked familiar

However, within a second of finishing speaking, Jiang Qi's shadow disappeared. He quickly ran to the door of the operating room and caught Zhiyu's shadow.

"Brother Yu." Jiang Qi couldn't care about anything. When he saw Zhiyu, he walked over to hold his hand as if seeing a life-saving straw. Under the man's astonished gaze, he held his hand so hard that he couldn't help it. Pain: "How is it? How is Qiqi?"

Jiang Qi's hair was in a mess, his face was pale because he climbed the stairs quickly, but his forehead was full of cold sweat without knowing it, his eyes were so red that they were bleeding, he almost looked like a rakshasa from hell.

"Calm down."

Zhiyu never thought three minutes ago that he was so anxious that he was about to hit the wall, but he could still say "calm down" to others, but looking at Jiang Qi in front of him, he even felt that the boy needed to fight Needle sedatives.

"Qiqi is still undergoing surgery, I just went in for half an hour."

Zhiyu sighed, and said to him: "Emergency, the attending doctor didn't have time to tell us the situation."

Jiang Qi stared at him in a daze, and for a moment the light of "near death" in his eyes seemed to be extinguished.

He then slid down against the wall and sat on the ground, motionless.

Zhiyu and Qu Heng who came up with a panting look at each other in dismay, and finally shifted their gazes to Jiang Qi who was sitting in the corner in unison.

For some reason, both of them feel that the young man at this moment is a little scary, from the bottom of his heart.

It was as if Jiang Qi was a wounded beast now, whoever approached, even if he just asked gently, would be in danger of being bitten.

But what they didn't know was that Jiang Qi was just hopeless.

"I'm Jiang Qi's director." Qu Heng collected his breath, and asked Zhi Yu cautiously: "Is it convenient to ask, yes, who happened?"

Zhiyu's eyes were also red, she looked up at Qu Heng, and said coolly, "My sister, Zhiqi."


When it was over, Qu Heng felt a 'thump' in his heart, and then he also felt half cold.

If something happened to Zhiqi, Jiang Qi... Qu Heng couldn't think about it.

As the time passed, many family members of the patients in the corridor gradually changed from anxious and insulting to quiet, only the faint sobbing sound remained, but the almost suffocating tension spread in the air.

Jiang Qi has been staring at the ground in a daze, with only one thought in his mind - if Zhi Qi... if there is really a problem, then he will die.

Without the little girl, his life would be meaningless.

As soon as this idea comes out, it seems that the whole person is relaxed. Jiang Qi stared at the ground, so dazed that he even smiled.

Yeah, nothing to be afraid of.

They will be together, no matter where they go, they will always cling to Zhi Qi.

The waiting process was very long, and Jiang Qi could vaguely hear someone talking to him in his ears, whining like flies, he didn't want to pay attention.

The young man just sorted out everything about the little girl and the memories related to Zhiqi in his mind, and wandered around in his mind like a horse on a horse, as if this was the last lesson in his life, it would be better if he remembered all of them.

Even when Zhiminglin and Mei Ran came to see him, they looked at Zhiyu with some surprises, and then squatted down to talk to him, Jiang Qi didn't realize it.

He doesn't want to talk to anyone, paranoid and sick.

——Until the green light in the operating room rang, and the doctor walked out from there.

Jiang Qi just regained his consciousness, jumped up as if he had just woken up from a dream, and was the first to rush to the doctor.

"Zhi, Zhiqi..." He couldn't use his tongue, and he asked in a stumbling manner, "How is she? How is she?"

"Is this a family member or a patient?" The doctor's wrist holding the pen was hurt by his grip, and he frowned and asked, "Someone come and give him a sedative."

Qu Heng hastily pulled Jiang Qi from behind, pulling him away first.

"Doctor, doctor, I'm Zhiqi's mother, I just signed the contract." Mei Ran also rushed over, her eyes were swollen from crying, and she asked incoherently with a trembling voice: "How is she?"

"Zhiqi is the third little girl sent in." The doctor took off his mask and announced the good news to Mei Ran: "Fortunately, she was wearing a seat belt, and she was sitting in the car when the accident happened." The back left side, so the brain was not seriously injured, but the leg was broken, which has been fixed with steel needles, and the soft tissues of the whole body have suffered a lot of injuries, but overall there is no major problem. After anesthesia, he can be transferred to the ward for observation. "

As the doctor's words ended, almost everyone present heaved a sigh of relief, even Qu Heng who was holding Jiang Qi tightly to prevent him from going crazy.

And in the next second, he felt that the young man in his arms, who was as stiff as a withered body, softened.

As if he had experienced the most thrilling opening and closing in his life, Jiang Qi couldn't hold back and passed out directly.

— it was a moment of weakness that he had never had in his life.

At this time, it was displayed in front of everyone without reservation.

Zhiqi is his only weakness.