Mad Dog

Chapter 68: Guangguang Shen Lei is an expert, and knows whether the cake is delicious


After Jiang Qi returned to the entertainment circle, apart from those media and entertainment companies who wanted to sign with him, many drama appointments also came to him.

It’s just that Jiang Qi doesn’t even have an agent, and there’s nowhere to hand out the producers’ notebooks. For a while, many people went to Shen Lei and Qu Heng. Sign a company.

If you want to stay in the entertainment industry for a long time, you can't do without a backer. No matter how big a star is, even a star with a company's public relations will escort him, let alone Jiang Qi

Although Jiang Qi has a lot of sunspots, his bloody physique is destined to be of great value, and there is still a lot of room for choice.

Whether it's the company or the script.

For example, a few days ago, there was a book with a good production team who wanted to find Jiang Qi, but he couldn't get in touch and had to call Shen Lei.

Shen Lei answered a lot of calls like this, and gradually became able to listen to them from being dumbfounded.

If it was those books that seemed shoddy and unreasonable, he wouldn't even talk to Jiang Qi—but Shen Lei and Jiang Qi mentioned the invitation to the costume movie.

There is no other reason, the production team is first-class, the protagonist is suitable for Jiang Qi, and as a script for the hero to break through and upgrade, there are not many emotional dramas.

From any point of view, Shen Lei felt that this script could be mentioned with Jiang Qi.

Jiang Qi didn't take it seriously at the time, until two days after the little girl had an accident, he met Mei Ran and Zhi Minglin... Jiang Qi suddenly realized that he should be a little bit ambitious.

So, he came to "ask without shame" with Shen Lei.

"Of course." Hearing his question, Shen Lei said without thinking, "I know the film director, Lao Linzi, and he always said that you are his first choice."

Lao Linzi's full name is Lin Qihang, and he is a typical "commercial director" in the circle. His movies are always popular with grand scenes. He likes to pile up stars, and generally he doesn't like or despise the unknown "little transparent", so he contacted Shen Lei Shen Lei was quite surprised when he said he wanted to see Jiang Qi.

Jiang Qi tapped the railing unconsciously with his fingertips: "When can I go to the audition?"

"Do you want to go? It's rare." Shen Lei couldn't help laughing: "Old Linzi told me that he has been auditioning and selecting actors in Hengdian for the past few days, but it mainly depends on whether you have time there?"

Shen Lei also knows that Zhiqi is the most important thing in Jiang Qi's mind, the first one, and now the young man is taking care of Zhiqi in the hospital, and he took half a month's leave from the film crew... Then he can't spare 'Time to audition

After Jiang Qi heard this, he said, "I have time in the afternoon."

He had already communicated with Zhiyu before - every day from ten o'clock in the afternoon to five o'clock in the evening was the time for his family to accompany Zhiqi, and Mei Ran and Zhiminglin didn't want to see him.

Therefore, he should automatically avoid it.

The afternoon is naturally free, so I can do other things.

A few days later, on a certain afternoon, Shen Lei drove over in person when he was free, and took Jiang Qi to the set.

"Take a good look." As soon as Jiang Qi got into the car, a document was thrown on his lap, accompanied by Shen Lei's idle voice: "Behave better then, don't embarrass me."

Shen Lei always has a sense of domineering president who "protects the calf".

Jiang Qi was speechless, and silently picked up the document Shen Lei gave him and read it.

This is the outline of the script of Lin Qihang's new work "Under the King's Landing" - it is impossible for everyone to get a detailed script to watch before the selection of a drama is decided, and most of them can only get one "personal design" Just to try it out.

In addition, Shen Lei also marked the audition clips that Lin Qihang chose today.

"Under the King's Landing" is a script of a typical commercial blockbuster. It tells the story of Liang Jiajun, who was overwhelmed by power during the Wu Dynasty and aroused fear, was killed by the imperial power. Gradually grow into a general, and then take revenge and usurp the throne, forcing the story of the royal power.

The typical routine of the big male lead in cool dramas, the male lead is sinister and extreme, blinded by the heart of revenge, and at the same time, almost everyone becomes a stepping stone for him to rise. And only when the usurper takes over, will there be a little bit of tenderness left.

Generally, the audition clips of this kind of cool drama often choose the node that can best test whether the actor has the ability to "substitute a sense of heroism"—

For example, when Liang Jieyu led thousands of troops to destroy the foreign invaders, the high-spirited bridge section, or maybe Liang Jieyu finally took every step to point his sword at the emperor's throat, and smiled to see how cool he was when he bent over the ground...

But Jiang Qi saw that the audition scene sketched by Shen Lei was just a few simple words - "After Liang Jieyu took the position, he sat on the dragon chair and watched the court".

Choosing this audition clip... Jiang Qi's eyes darkened, thinking that the director might want to test the actor's real skills.

Because whether it is high-spirited or unruly and cool, it is actually the "superficial sense" that can be interpreted when young and frivolous.

But the scene where Lin Qihang chose to sit on the dragon chair for the first time after he took the position obviously tested that in this situation, the male actor only read the outline, and what method would he choose to interpret Liang Jieyu's mood at the moment.

Liang Jieyu at this time in the script should be the most complicated moment in his heart.

He has been keeping a low profile for more than 30 years, and there is only the word "revenge" in his life. While succeeding, he has also become a rebellious usurper. How complicated must his mood be

Jiang Qi thought about it all the way, until Shen Lei drove the car to a stop in front of the set and didn't speak.

It wasn't until the man threw him a mask and said to get off the car that the boy came back to his senses.

There are many male actors auditioning for the big production of "Under the King's Landing", and today there are fifteen actors in line.

Jiang Qi didn't receive any "preferential treatment" just because Shen Lei accompanied him. He honestly queued up for the audition. He blocked all the probing or playful eyes around him, immersed in his own world, thinking about the scene just now. script.

Suddenly, Jiang Qi understood.

He understood how he should show Liang Jieyu's psychological state, how to portray the scenes in the audition.

As a man who bears a bloody feud but grew up as a man who "eating Wu Lu and body Wu Chen", Liang Jieyu should be contradictory. He has to take revenge and usurp the throne, but as the protagonist, he must also regard himself as a courtier of the Wu Dynasty in his heart , otherwise it is a 'thief'.

And for a general with such a complicated mind, at the moment when his long-cherished wish finally came true for many years, his blood was boiling with nothing but sadness.

The kind of desolation that no one can understand, no one can tell.

So Liang Jieyu sat on the dragon chair and looked at the swords and blood shadows full of bones under the court hall. His heart should be "sad", and at the same time he should be very lonely—a loneliness that cannot be understood by others.

Liang Jieyu is a good man who avenges the Liang family, but he is not a hero, at best, he is a hero in troubled times.

Jiang Qi closed his eyes, knowing what to do.

In the audition room that day, he was the thirteenth male actor who appeared on the stage. Most of the first ten people thought that Liang Jieyu should be full of pride, laugh wildly, be sad or happy, and open up.

Only Jiang Qi, he was "received" to act.

His Liang Jieyu is a lonely and cold emperor, obviously expressionless, but sitting on that 'dragon chair' makes people feel desolate around him.

As if everything was just a last resort, and he didn't want to.

While Liang Jieyu was in high spirits, what he was thinking in his heart should be 'fate is the bitch who plays tricks on people'.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have worked so hard for thirty years just to be a traitor.

Because he came up from the bottom, so even if he reaches the top, he will have sympathy and empathy for the people below, and he has the so-called 'empire's compassion'.

What Jiang Qi grasped was Liang Jieyu's mentality, and he interpreted the "sense of loneliness" - because at this moment, Liang Jieyu is the emperor, and the road of emperor is lonely, only himself.

I don't know how long it took before Jiang Qi heard the director behind the camera yell 'cut' with a delay.

He's out.

The expression between Jiang Qi's brows and eyes suddenly subsided, and turned into his usual indifference. He stood up and walked out of the audition room.

Shen Lei came back to his senses when he heard the door shut with a 'click', and looked at the slender boy: "The acting is very good."

In fact, it should be very good, but Shen Lei is not used to flattering people before the result comes out.

Even if he thinks this character is far away from Jiang Qi, in fact, he is almost inseparable.

After Jiang Qi, the remaining two male actors chose to show Liang Jieyu's "lonely and sad" side in their acting methods.

It's just that Dong Shi's imitation is too obvious, and it is easy to become a laughing stock.

After all the auditions were over, as expected, the producer came to find Jiang Qi.

"Mr. Jiang." Under the eyes of everyone, he said with a smile on his face, "Director Lin, please go over."

This is basically the result of today's audition.

Shen Lei next to him let go of his clenched fist unconsciously, and then he breathed a sigh of relief. He couldn't help but patted Jiang Qi's shoulder with a smile, and only said two words: "Striving."

Jiang Qi stood up and followed the producer amidst the complex and sharp jealous eyes all over his body, and said to Shen Lei calmly, "What are you fighting for?"

Nothing is settled yet, there are many surprises.

Ever since his 'out of control' last time, Jiang Qi felt that there was nothing certain in this world.

He can make the ducks that have already reached his hands fly - not to mention these 'horoscopes with only one stroke' now.

But now Jiang Qi doesn't know that he is actually the so-called 'duck'. It is the production team behind Lin Qihang who is afraid that he will fly.

They were almost quick and couldn't wait, so they signed a simple draft contract with Jiang Qi.

This is the final 'new cake'.

Shen Lei is an expert, knowing whether the cake is delicious, so he hugged Jiang Qi's shoulder and said excitedly: "Let's go, have a drink?"

Such a big event should be celebrated no matter what.

Jiang Qi looked down at the watch on his wrist. At three o'clock sharp, Zhiqi's parents should still be in the hospital.

The delay in the audition was not too long, there were still two hours left, so it was indeed possible to have a drink.

But he doesn't smoke or drink now, if Zhiqi's sensitive nose smells it, she will feel bad.

So Jiang Qi "emphasized sex over friends", and ruthlessly removed Shen Lei's claws.

The boy said lightly: "I quit drinking."