Mad God

Chapter 101: Dragon of Haiti


As soon as I got to the surface of the water, I realized that the blue dragon was constantly being attacked by gold and silver in the air. The scales on many places on its body had been cracked, and the blue dragon blood kept dripping, as if it had lost the power to resist. .

When Jinyin saw that I was flying out, she was overjoyed immediately, and struck the blue dragon so hard that it flew onto the land, and rushed towards me with her own strength.

I knew they couldn't fly, so I raised my hand and sent out a mad spirit, pushing their bodies to the shore, and I also flew over.

The blue dragon landed on the shore with a bang, splashing a cloud of dust. The body was covered with dust, but it lay there motionless. Its huge dragon claws seemed unable to support its body.

Pan Zong swam up and changed back into a human form exhaustedly. He sat cross-legged, closed his eyes and adjusted his breath. He had two severed heads, so he had to practice immediately to recover.

I said to Jinyin: "Second Brother, Second Sister, quickly help Eldest Brother to perform his kung fu, there are me and Yue'er here."

Mo Yue floated to my side, and said fiercely: "Hubby, kill it quickly."

I snorted coldly, and walked towards the blue dragon with Mo Ming in my hand, exuding a murderous aura all over my body.

The blue dragon turned its head towards me, its big eyes were full of pleading and fear, it didn't look arrogant at all, and the scales all over its body had lost its luster.

"You bastard, harming one side, today I will eliminate harm for the demons and destroy you."

The blue dragon opened its mouth wide, uttered words, and begged: "Don't kill me, I have never harmed the demons before."

I stared at it blankly, and said in surprise, "You can still talk."

The blue dragon nodded his head, and said: "Of course a dragon of my level can speak, this little brother of the demon clan, please spare me, I have never killed a life."

I stared at him and said, "Who are you lying to? If I hadn't reacted quickly just now, I would have been eaten by you, how dare I say that I have never killed a living creature?"

Blue Dragon smiled wryly: "That's because you want to kill me, I'm just defending myself, I can't just watch you kill me."

As soon as I stayed, what it said was indeed reasonable. If I didn't want to kill it, it might not come out to attack me.

I said in a daze, "Then it's still my fault."

The expression in the blue dragon's eyes changed continuously, a look that you also know.

I snorted coldly and said: "It is true that we lured you out. It is because you have been here for many years and caused great losses to the Yuan Rong Province of the Demon Race. Don't think that I will forgive you if you beg me. You, that's impossible."

While talking, I took a step forward, and Mo Ming contained a lot of dark magic power, pointing directly at his faucet, and my air mechanism completely locked him. With his current state, I believe, Mo Ming can be smoothly removed. into his brain.

The blue dragon lowered its head and curled up, looking very pitiful.

Mo Yue kicked it, and said bitterly: "Just now you dared to sneak attack on my husband, I will kill you now." Saying that, she raised the narrow sword in her hand and was about to stab it.

There was a sudden movement in my heart, and I said, "Stop."

Mo Yue was taken aback, I pulled her back, and said to Lan Long, "Since you are a member of the Dragon Clan and have the ability to be an elder of the Dragon Clan, why do you still come here to make trouble?"

Blue Dragon glanced at me listlessly, and said, "Anyway, you're going to kill me anyway, so why ask so many questions?"

I snorted and said, "Do you want to negotiate terms with me? Originally, I wanted to kill you, but if you can answer my question honestly, maybe I will let you live."

The reason why I say this is because, if he is a member of the dragon clan, once I kill him and the dragon clan finds out, it will be difficult to help Brother Panzong find a wife in the future.

What's more, so far, I don't know much about the Dragon Clan. Perhaps, I can get some information about the Dragon Clan from its mouth.

The spirit of the blue dragon seemed to cheer up a little, and he looked at me suspiciously and said, "Really? You really don't want to kill me."

"That depends on whether you cooperate or not?"

Blue Dragon said: "Okay, I'll tell you, what do you want to know?"

I pondered and said, "Just tell me first, why did you come here?"

The blue dragon sighed, staring at my left hand without speaking, I followed its gaze and looked at my left hand, which was holding the blue bead it used to attack me in the water, and was emitting a slight warm glow. warmth.

From the desire in the blue dragon's eyes, I know that this blue bead must be very important to it. I held the bead between two fingers and said, "Do you want it?"

The blue dragon kept nodding his head, begging.

Mo Yue leaned over and said, "Honey, what is this?"

"I don't know either. When it was in the water just now, it used this to resist my attack. It is very powerful. It must be a weapon it cultivated by itself."

Mo Yue pestered the blue bead with her fingers, and said, "It's soft, and it's quite fun. This can also be used as a weapon? It looks like a delicious fruit."

I smiled and said, "Then you can eat."

Hearing my words, the blue dragon let out a stern howl, and stared at the bead firmly. If I hadn't been controlling it with the dark magic power issued by Mo Ming, I'm afraid it would have pounced on it.

"Fourth brother, don't return that bead to it. It's its inner alchemy." Panzong's weak voice came over. A pink physical attack snake head has grown back, and it is shaking slightly to adapt to it.

"Brother, are you okay?"

Pan Zong nodded and said, "I'm fine, but the energy consumption is a bit too high. What you hold in your hand is the inner alchemy of this dragon. As long as you control it, this dragon will always listen to you. Really Unexpectedly, this dragon has already reached the level where it can release the inner alchemy, and my inner alchemy has just formed, no wonder I can't beat it, it should be close to the stage of Shuo Jin."

It turned out to be like this, I looked at Lan Long with malicious intentions, and said: "I advise you to answer my question obediently, otherwise, I can crush your inner alchemy just by pressing my fingers hard."

The blue dragon glared at Panzong angrily, his eyes seemed to burst into flames.

Pan Zong and Jin Yin walked over, Pan Zong said: "Why are you so fierce now, as long as the inner alchemy is broken, your thousand years of practice will probably be ruined, haha."

Blue Dragon scratched the ground with his paws in pain, twisted his body, and said: "Okay, I promise you everything, but I hope that after answering your questions, please return my inner alchemy to me and let me live ,OK?"

I said: "You don't have any capital to negotiate terms with us now. If you don't answer my question, I will destroy your inner alchemy right now. Say, why did you come here?"

The blue dragon looked at me beggingly, and sighed: "I said, I will tell you all. In fact, I was exiled from the dragon clan, that's why I am not in Dragon Valley."

I was surprised and said: "Exiled? Why? Did you make a big mistake?"

There was resentment in the eyes of the blue dragon, and he said: "What mistake did I make? Yes, I made a mistake. My mistake was that I shouldn't have been reincarnated as a wingless ground dragon. Do you know? A long time ago, our dragon clan, It used to be divided into three major races, namely flying dragons, earth dragons, and sea dragons, and each had dominance in the air, land, and rivers and lakes. Later, because our dragons have very strong vitality, they can live for thousands of years. There are dragons who are willing to reproduce offspring, but the number is gradually decreasing. The flying dragons you know still have a relatively strong reproductive ability, and now they can still maintain a certain number. The ground dragons and sea dragons are very difficult to reproduce, so the number It is getting rarer and rarer. Due to the absolute superiority of flying dragons in number, the original balance of the three dragon clans was broken. After expelling Dragon Valley, I don't even know if there are any earth dragons or sea dragons on the mainland besides me. Sigh—"

Jin Dao: "Then do you count as an earth dragon or a sea dragon? According to what you said, both earth dragons and sea dragons should have no wings, right?"

Blue Dragon said: "Yes, neither Earth Dragon nor Sea Dragon can fly. Speaking of which, I am neither an Earth Dragon nor a Sea Dragon. My father is an Earth Dragon, and my mother is a Sea Dragon. I Now it has all the characteristics of the two dragons of the earth and the sea. You can return the inner alchemy to me because our land dragon and sea dragon are about to become extinct."

What he said was really pitiful, and we were all moved. Mo Yue's eyes seemed to be a little red, and the hatred for the blue dragon just now was gone in her eyes.

I asked, "Then you came here after you left Dragon Valley?"

Blue Dragon shook his big head and said: "After I left Dragon Valley, I wandered around on the mainland and arrived here after many years. This river is very big and very suitable for my survival, so I stayed here. Later Because the purple phoenix fruit here is very suitable for my appetite, I use my ability to mobilize the river to drive away those people on the bank, and then collect some purple phoenix fruit to eat, but who knows that these demons actually threw the purple phoenix fruit into the river Of course I enjoy it. As long as they give me purple phoenix fruit to eat, I will not let the river burst. Even when it rained heavily for several years, it was the flood that I helped them disperse. Come on, what I did was not all bad."

I smiled, it turned out that this guy is really as greedy as Jinyin and Panzong!

I put Mo Ming back behind my back, turned my head to Panzong and Jinyin and said, "Brother, second brother, second sister, I think we should let it go, it is right, if we kill it again, I am afraid we will never see it again." The earth dragon is gone."

At this moment, I suddenly remembered what Tianyun told me when I left the Holy Dragon Knights, all creatures have their own right to survive, if there are too many genocides, I am afraid that the mainland will gradually be destroyed. The dragon is not considered extremely vicious, so it's okay to spare it.

Hearing my words, Blue Dragon was overjoyed, nodded his head constantly, and even took the initiative to stretch his head over to rub against my body.

Pan Zong frowned and said, "That's too cheap, it almost ate you just now."

I patted the blue dragon's big head and said, "Forget it, didn't I want to kill it just now? Here you are." Spreading out my palm, I exposed the blue inner alchemy.

Blue Dragon just wanted to open his mouth to suck back the inner alchemy, I closed my hand again: "Remember, from now on, you must never make trouble again, you understand?"

The blue dragon nodded his head and looked at my hand with a longing look on his face.

I smiled slightly and handed Neidan over.

There was a flash of light in the blue dragon's eyes, and the inner alchemy turned into a blue light and threw it into its mouth.

After swallowing the inner alchemy, the blue dragon immediately regained his spirits, his scales gradually regained their luster, and the giant claws under his body supported him to stand up.

I just discovered that it actually has eight dragon claws, which is very different from other dragons. The flying dragons I've seen generally have four claws.

I turned my brain around and thought, probably because it has the blood of the earth dragon, and the earth dragon mainly travels on the ground, and the dragon claws are of course very important to them.

The blue dragon moved its body, and suddenly let out a long moan, and its body shone with dazzling light. I was startled, and hurried to protect myself in front of the others. My current body load has almost reached its limit, and the Mad God armor is already about to retract. If the blue dragon attacks us with all its strength, the consequences will be unimaginable.

As the blue light flickered, the blue dragon's body seemed to be shrinking gradually. When it shrunk down to the size of a human, suddenly the blue light became brighter, and the strong light made it impossible for me to see the blue dragon wrapped in the light for a while.

Mo Yue knew that my transformation could not last for too long, so she raised the narrow sword in her hand to protect me, and kept a close eye on the blue dragon to prevent it from harming us.

The light gradually dimmed, and we were surprised to find that the blue dragon just now disappeared, and it was replaced by an unusually beautiful girl.

She has beautiful aqua blue long hair, naked without any clothes, her figure is no worse than Yue'er, her curves are exquisite and uneven, she looks extremely attractive, her fair skin is shining with a layer of cleansing, like a fairy Same.

If there's one thing that sets her apart from humans, it's the two-inch-long white horns on her head.

The girl smiled at me, bowed down, and said softly, "Thank you for your kindness of not killing me." The voice was as clear and sweet as a yellow warbler coming out of the valley.

With the movement of her body, she looked even more seductive. I felt a heat in my nose, as if something was about to flow out. I quickly took a deep breath, stabilized my mind, and said in surprise: "You, are you ?”

The girl nodded and said: "Yes, I am the blue dragon just now. The biggest advantage of our earth dragon is that after reaching the level of the elder of the dragon clan, that is, the level of mending the sky mentioned by the ancient creatures, we can transform into a human form. Those bastards from the flying dragon tribe expelled us, a large part of the reason is because of this, the flying dragon must reach the Shuojin level at the very least. However, speaking of it, we are on par with that nine-headed bug in terms of transformation. There are some gaps, he can transform into any shape at will, but our dragon race can only transform into one shape according to our gender and natural appearance, and we can only change into this human shape until death."

I smiled wryly and said: "Then you have cultivated to become a master? Looking at you, you are not a female dragon."

The girl smiled and said: "Don't say it so harshly, she is a beautiful dragon. Among the dragon clan, there are very few dragons as beautiful as me."

Mo Yue pinched my waist forcefully, I let out a cry of pain, looked at her innocently, and said, "What are you doing?"

Mo Yue glared at me fiercely, and said: "You stare straight, what do you think I'm doing?" As she spoke, she took off her cloak and threw it to the naked girl.

The girl took the cloak, smiled, and turned around in a circle. Her long blue hair fluttered in the wind, and we could see the beauty of her whole body. She smiled coquettishly and said, "It's better not to wear clothes."

Mo Yue frowned and said: "You are so shameless, put it on quickly, otherwise, I will be rude to you."

While talking, Yue'er covered my eyes with her hands. Although I couldn't see it, the attractive figure of the blue-haired girl kept flashing in my mind, and my blood couldn't help but boil.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, I will take the Madness and Mad God Armor back into my body first. As soon as Kuanghua was lost, I felt as if I was carrying a heavy mountain on my back, and bursts of tearing pain continued to come, I groaned and fell towards Mo Yue.

Mo Yue quickly supported me and said, "Honey, how are you?"

I shook my head and said: "I'm fine, let's go, I need to find a place to adjust my breath."

Mo Yue was eager to get away from this beautiful dragon who was not inferior to her in appearance, and raised her head to greet Jinyin and Panzong. Xin, eighteen small round eyes stared at the girl transformed by the blue dragon without blinking, and nine streams of saliva flowed out of her mouth continuously.

The blue dragon-transformed girl put Mo Yue's cloak on her body. Seeing Pan Zong's dumbfounded look, she glared at him and wrapped herself up even tighter. Obviously, she hadn't forgotten that Pan Zong refused to let me return her inner alchemy just now. thing.

Mo Yue shouted at Pan Zong: "Brother Pan Zong, let's go, haven't you seen enough?"

Pan Zong let out a sigh, but showed no sign of leaving.

I said to Mo Yue: "Forget it, he finally saw a beautiful dragon, let him see it, the blue dragon should not hurt us anymore, you support me, I will adjust my breath immediately."

With Mo Yue's support, I sat down. Although the trauma was healed when he went berserk just now, the meridians on his back were hit by the energy shot out from the sharp horn of the blue dragon, and the meridians in many places were stagnated, and the energy in the body was also consumed.

I took a deep breath, calmed down my mood, concentrated on my skills, first used the dark magic power to carefully break away the stagnant meridians, and then used the Mad God Dou Qi to repair it.

I didn't take back the transformation of the fallen angel, because in the case of transformation, I can absorb more dark elements around me, which is of great benefit to my healing.

Although I am healing, my six senses are still there. I heard the blue dragon say to Mo Yue: "Little girl, is he your husband?"

Mo Yue said: "Yeah, what are you doing, why don't you go back into the water, do you still want to compete with us again?"

Lan Long said: "I can't beat so many of you, he spared my life just now, I am very grateful, how can I make things difficult for you again? It's a pity, I won't be able to eat Zifeng fruit in the future. That fruit is really good It's delicious, since I ate it, I don't have any appetite for other things? Without the purple phoenix fruit, there is nothing worth my nostalgia here, little sister, let me go with you, okay? I promise to be honest, how about it?"

There was some anger in Mo Yue's voice, "No, what are you doing with us, you'd better go back into your water."

This month, she must be afraid that the blue dragon will seduce me.

It is true that after the blue dragon becomes a human, she is very attractive to me, but she is a dragon after all, and I already have sisters Yue'er and Ziyan, so why would I be tempted by other women casually? Her worry is unnecessary.

As for whether I bring this blue dragon or not, it doesn't matter to me at all, who knows if she will really be honest.

There was a bit of crying in the blue dragon girl's voice: "Good sister, just take me away, don't worry, I will never rob your husband." It seems that she also saw Yue'er's thoughts.

Mo Yue said stubbornly: "If you say you can't do it, you can't do it. If you talk nonsense, I will be rude to you."

Blue Dragon said: "Nine-headed worm, please persuade this sister, let me go with you, I promise not to make trouble."

Pan Zong stuttered: "Ah! This... this, I... I can't do it too, my lord! Still... I'd better wait... until the fourth brother wakes up."

Blue Dragon's laughter came like a silver bell: "Why, am I ugly? What are you afraid of?"

"No, no, you are beautiful."

Yin said angrily: "Boss, how come you can't even speak clearly when you see a girl, isn't it?"

Pan Zong said: "I..."

The breath in my body has finally stabilized, the meridians have become much smoother, and the recovery of energy can't be rushed. They are so noisy, and the healing is okay, just practice. Otherwise, I will have to go crazy.

Taking a deep breath, I slowly recuperated and retracted the four wings of the fallen angel into my body. I put my hands on the ground and stood up. Although the injury on my back was still aching, it was already much better.

"Honey, how is your injury?" Mo Yue eagerly sent me a voice transmission.

I smiled slightly and said, "It's okay now."

Blue Dragon walked towards me, Mo Yue stopped in front of me vigilantly, and said, "What are you doing?"

Blue Dragon said aggrievedly: "I don't do anything, I just want to ask him to take me away with me."

Mo Yue turned her head to stare at me and said, "Honey, you can't promise her, otherwise, hum..."

I made a helpless gesture at Lanlong, and said: "It's not that I don't want to take you away, it's because Yue'er is too resolute in objecting, you'd better go back to your water to practice freely, just don't make trouble anymore .”

Just as the blue dragon was about to speak, we noticed a large number of demons approaching us almost at the same time.

I said to the nervous Panzong and Jinyin: "It's okay, it should be that the demon army has arrived, Yue'er is here, and the governor will of course rush over when he gets the news."

Facts have proved that my guess is very correct. The demon army of the brigade appeared in our line of sight and quickly surrounded them. First, one person was riding a tall horse, his body was straight, his appearance was ordinary, but his body was very strong. With a tense face, he galloped over quickly on his horse.

I said to the blue dragon: "If you don't want them to know that you are the culprit who has been making waves, then wrap your body well and keep silent."

Lan Long nodded obediently, and wrapped Mo Yue's cloak tightly around her body.

Because Mo Yue was going to guard me to practice martial arts just now, and she still hasn't lifted her fallen angel transformation, the knight on the horse spotted her at a glance and rushed towards us.

When the horse approached, the knight dismounted from the saddle, fell to his knees, and said respectfully: "Chen Feng, Governor of Chenyuan Army Province, sees Your Highness the Princess."

Mo Yue sized him up and said, "Okay, get up."

"Thank you, Princess." Governor Chenfeng stood up and said, "Your Highness, why didn't you inform us when you came to Yuanrong, so that I can treat you and a few distinguished guests well!"

Mo Yue snorted coldly: "Informing you? If I told you in advance that we are coming, would I still know that you collected the purple phoenix fruit and threw it into the river every year?"

Mo Yue raised her hand to prevent Chen Feng, who was full of pain, from defending, and then said: "I understand your difficulties, but even if you don't report this kind of thing, you should investigate the reason? But you Well, you just threw the purple phoenix fruit into the river and responded passively, how did you become the governor?"

Speaking of the last sentence, Mo Yue's face was covered with a layer of frost, and her voice became severe. It was the first time I saw Yue'er with such an expression, and I couldn't help being curious.

How did I know that because the Demon Emperor has long wanted to let Mo Yue inherit the throne, she has always been trained in the way of the crown prince's education. The thoughts of the ruling class instilled in her immediately came out.

Chen Feng was so frightened that he knelt back again with a plop, and said in a trembling voice: "Your Highness, I know I was wrong."

Mo Yue's face softened a little, and said: "This time we passed by here, we accidentally discovered this matter, and we have solved it for you by the way. There used to be a water dragon in this river that has been causing trouble, and we have already killed it. Now, from now on, you are not allowed to buy purple phoenix fruit in the name of the government, so that every foreigner who comes to Yuanrong can buy purple phoenix fruit to eat, understand?"

"Yes, yes, I understand."

"It's good to understand. Governor Chenfeng, you have to know that the Yuanrong Province is rich in products and is one of the important production areas that contribute grain to the national treasury. You must continue to develop it and not just settle down. What is the use."

My Yue'er has now been formally appointed as the supervisor of the country by the Demon Emperor, and she has more power than the fourth prince who just won the position of crown prince. If Governor Chenfeng dares to anger her, even Yue'er will She was dismissed, and no one could say anything.

Chen Feng wiped the cold sweat from his head, lowered his head and said respectfully: "Yes, yes, I have been convicted. In the future, I must be proactive and develop the Yuan Rong Province well."

Mo Yue nodded, and said: "The most important thing now is to appease the people, so I don't need to tell you what to do. The taste of purple phoenix fruit is very special. If every foreigner can linger on it, it will be good for the province. The economy will have a great boost, all of this, you must do it immediately. Get up."

"Thank you, Princess." Governor Chenfeng stood up from the ground, his face was surprisingly pale, obviously frightened by Mo Yue.

Mo Yue handled it very well, so I didn't interrupt. Seeing that she had almost handled it, I said to Mo Yue: "Yue'er, take back the transformation, so as not to overload the transformation."

As soon as Mo Yue heard my voice, the frost on her face immediately thawed, her body shook, and she retracted the four wings behind her.

I said to Governor Chenfeng: "Master Governor, you can now follow the princess's orders. You don't have to worry about us, we will leave immediately. As for our whereabouts, you are not allowed to disclose casually."

Chen Feng glanced at me, then at Mo Yue, and said hesitantly, "You, who are you?"

Mo Yue hugged my arm and said: "He is my husband Lei Xiang, what he said is what I said, hurry up and go."

Chen Feng bowed to me and said: "So it's Mr. Lei Xiang, I'm being rude, your name is like thunder to my ears, I will do it now." After finishing speaking, he got on his horse and led the soldiers who had already surrounded him They left.

I kissed Mo Yue's face, and said: "It's finally settled smoothly, we should go, find a place to have a good rest, I'm afraid the Yuan Army Province will have to toss for a while."

With Yue'er's words just now, I am afraid that the not-so-stupid Governor Chenfeng will definitely try his best to rectify his territory.

"Hey, what should I do?" The blue dragon girl's voice came over, with a feeling of loneliness in her tone.

Mo Yue pursed her lips and said, "What should I do? Go back to your water, anyway, just don't pester us."

The girl sighed, and said: "It's so lonely here alone. It's hard to meet people like you who are similar in strength to me. You won't have any trouble with me. Nine-headed worm, you Hydra Isn’t the family only able to marry a dragon as a wife? Do you want my sister to help you, otherwise, you will definitely not be able to marry a wife except by using force.”

Hearing what she said, my mind moved, and I looked at Pan Zong. Pan Zong's nine heads had completely turned red, and his hands were intertwined, looking very embarrassed.

I poked him and said, "Brother, have you fallen in love with her? Can I help you find a matchmaker, haha."

Pan Zong glanced at the blue dragon girl with confusion, shook his head, and said, "No, although she is very beautiful, she is already more than a thousand years old. How can I marry such an old dragon as my wife?"

The blue dragon girl spat and said: "Although she is more than a thousand years old, she hasn't been married yet. Look at your ugly appearance, who will marry you, hmph!"

I said to the blue dragon girl: "Do you really have a way to make my elder brother find a dragon as his wife?"