Mad God

Chapter 116: Mercenary Conference


Yu Ye led his subordinates to watch Lan'er go crazy, his lips were trembling, and he kept wiping his eyes, as if he couldn't believe what happened in front of him was a fact.

When the sound of energy clashing stopped completely, none of the bloody battle members could stand. They fell to the ground in all directions, moaning endlessly.

Lan'er clapped her hands in dissatisfaction, and said: "It's really useless. I haven't done my best yet. How come they all collapsed. I'm really unhappy. I hope there are some powerful ones in it. Lei Xiang, let's go into the valley."

Satisfied, I extended my thumb to Lan'er, and said, "Eldest sister, you really deserve it, and you did a great job."

Lan'er raised her head proudly, dodged, floated over, and said: "You know I'm good. It's no fun fighting them. If we have time, let's compete. They're too far behind."

Jin said dissatisfied: "If I knew they were meeting like this, let us go."

Pan Zong tapped his head once, and said, "Let's go in, no one will stop us now."

I took Mo Yue's little hand and walked towards the canyon first. When I passed by Yu Ye, I said respectfully: "Senior, please go ahead."

Yu Ye hadn't woken up from Lan'er's astonishing performance just now, when he heard me speak, his whole body became alert, and said politely: "Ah! When did our mercenary world produce such a powerful figure, you should go first. so amazing."

Lan'er chuckled, leaned over and said, "Little old man, I haven't had fun playing just now, or you can try it too."

Yu Ye repeatedly shook his head and said: "Forget it, I want to live a few more years with this old bone. How can you be an F-level mercenary with such high skill? It's impossible! The group of people in Yu Ye are all D-level Above, especially the blood wolf, he is a B-rank mercenary, you can defeat them so easily, I am afraid that the three major mercenary kings are no more than that."

Lan'er smiled proudly: "What is this? The mercenary group we just formed yesterday is of course F-level."

I frowned and said, "Elder Sister, we should go." The so-called talk is bound to be lost, and it is not good to talk too much. I gave another salute to the rainy night and led everyone into the canyon.

The canyon is extremely narrow, and only a ray of skylight can be seen. The road is winding and winding, and the road is fairly flat. After turning seven or eight turns, we have heard noisy sounds. Except for the hundred members of the bloody battle mercenary regiment guarded by Taniguchi, we have not encountered any barriers. I signaled everyone to take off the badges that symbolize F-rank mercenaries on their chests. After all, this symbol is too obvious in the mercenary conference. up. We're here to find someone, and I don't want to be the target of criticism.

Turning another corner, we finally came to the site of the mercenary meeting. This basin was three points larger than the place where the Holy Dragon Knights lived in seclusion. It was densely packed with thousands of mercenaries, and it was crowded for a while. In the center of the basin is a high platform, about ten feet high, with no one on it. The flags of the mercenary union were planted everywhere around the basin, dancing with the wind. There are ten sheds on the north side of the high platform, and there are some people sitting in them. The north side is the only place that is not crowded.

I turned my head and said to Pan Zong: "Brother, please take Sulu to the crowd to look for it, Sulu, you have to listen to Brother Pan Zong, don't be too impulsive, I will decide everything for you, you know?"

Sulu nodded silently. Pan Zong smiled and said, "Don't worry, I will take good care of this big fool."

Brother Panzong was the one I was most assured of. I said, "Let's go to the north and see what's going on at the mercenary meeting. If you find anyone, please let us know immediately."

Pan Zong nodded, and pulled Sulu into the crowd. I let out my fighting spirit, controlled not to shine, and squeezed to the north with Laner, Moyue, and Jinyin. Just after walking a few steps, a person came over and said in a low voice, "Why are you here now? Did you break in?"

I looked down and saw that it was Feng Wen, and I said to him: "You are really here, we have already knocked down the bloody people at the door, but we didn't kill anyone, don't worry. Where are the Huo brothers and Feng Juan?"

Feng asked: "They are here too. Look, the ten sheds in the north are set up for the top ten mercenary regiments selected by the upper world. They are all inside. I am waiting for you at the door. The mercenaries and mercenary regiments are crowded together, and the mercenary meeting will start in a while. Where are the Sulu people?"

I said: "I have asked my sworn elder brother to take him to find someone. As soon as we find someone, we will do it immediately. Don't participate then, so as not to cause trouble to you."

Feng asked with a smile: "We won't intervene, don't we know your strength yet? However, those S-level old guys are indeed very powerful, but they will not make a move easily."

"Well, you go back, are your family members also in the shed above?"

Feng Wen nodded and said, "Fengyun and our father are both here, I'll stay here with you, and I'll go back later." As we talked, we were already close to the ten sheds on the north side, the outermost shed has railings Stopping it, Feng Wen whispered: "Look, it's about to start."

Sure enough, an old man in a red robe floated onto the central stand, and said loudly: "Everyone, be quiet, everyone is almost here, and the mercenary meeting will begin now."

All the mercenaries in the audience shouted three times at the same time. Feng asked: "This guy is one of the three mercenary kings, Xue Han, the deputy head of the Blood War. His grudge is a bit weird, and it doesn't rely on magic to increase his qi. When he uses it, he emits an irresistible wave. The cold air is astonishingly powerful."

I smiled and said: "You have become my commentary consultant, it's great to have you here."

Lan'er came to my side, pursed her lips and said, "Why isn't it a magic booster? The battle qi that can emit cold air is a water-type magic booster, but his water-type magic is rather special. I'll go and meet him later." Two tricks, let him know how powerful it is."

I was startled by her, and I covered her mouth and said, "Sister, please keep your voice down."

Feng Wen looked at Lan'er in surprise, and asked me, "Who is this?"

Lan'er knocked my hand off, and said with a smile to the wind: "Young man, my name is Lan'er, you can call me sister Lan'er."

Feng Wen was stunned by Lan'er's peerless beauty, and said with a blushing face, "Sister Lan'er, hello."

Lan'er giggled and said: "I'm fine, of course I'm fine." I glared at her and said: "Be quiet, big sister, and listen to what Xuehan has to say."

Xue Han on the stage continued after the mercenaries had calmed down, "Our mercenaries are an indispensable profession on the mainland. For a long time, we have made indelible contributions to the development of the mainland. Today, all brothers Gathering together is to communicate and help each other. From the upper world conference to this world conference, many powerful mercenary regiments and newcomers have emerged. Let us old mercenaries be very pleased to see it. Immediately, I The ranking of the mercenary union will be calculated based on the missions completed by the mercenary group and their own strength in the past few years. And the top 100 mercenaries will be announced. The order of the mercenary group cannot be changed. And the top 100 However, the mercenaries can accept the challenge just like the previous world mercenary conference. As long as the mercenary beyond 100 succeeds in the challenge, they can take over the position of the challenged mercenary. Subject to the sunset time, the challenge will stop at that time , to determine the final ranking. As soon as the ranking is announced, everyone can go to the west to register. Those who challenge the top ten mercenaries do not need to register. The mercenaries who are already ranked in the top 100 are not allowed to participate in the challenge."

Feng Wen said to me: "The positions ranked by the mercenary union are generally very fair, and they are definitely ranked by strength. There are very few deviations. Why don't you try it later? It is absolutely no problem to be in the top ten."

I shook my head and said, "We're not here to cause trouble, what are we trying?"

Feng Wen regretted, "Forget it, let's wait for Sulu to find the murderer."

At this time, a mercenary in blood-red clothes limped in from the valley entrance. He staggered and looked anxious. It was the blood wolf who had been knocked down by Lan'er.

A cold light flashed in Lan'er's eyes, and said: "It seems that I shot too lightly just now, this kid is really strong, Lei Xiang, let me go over and give him a shot."

I pressed her shoulder and said: "No, let him report. There are so many people, they may not be able to find us. Besides, we broke in according to the rules."

Seeing Xue Han's appearance, Xue Han on the stage couldn't help being stunned, and hurriedly dispatched his men to help him back to the shed. After a while, a member of the bloody battle mercenary group ran onto the ring and whispered something in Xue Han's ear. A cold light flashed in Xue Han's eyes, his face became more serious, and he stared down the stage. Coughed, and said: "Okay, now I will start to announce the ranking of the mercenary group. The first place is the bloody battle mercenary group. The second place is the Xiongba mercenary group. The third place is the Liufeng mercenary group. The fourth place is God. Wolf Mercenary Group, fifth place, Starfire Mercenary Group,... , tenth place, Iron Shoulders Mercenary Group."

I was shocked. I didn't expect that the Iron Shoulders Mercenary Group would squeeze into the top ten ranks in such a short period of time. Then Captain Li really has a way. If they can reach this position, their future development will be much smoother. .

After the announcement, Xuehan said: "Now, I would like to invite the heads of the top ten mercenary regiments to come on stage and say a few words to everyone." The mercenary world has a transcendent status and is the goal of all mercenary regiments, and their regiment leaders have naturally become heroes among the mercenaries.

A figure shot out of the ten sheds on the north side, their movements are different, some are elegant, some are fast, some are dignified, but they are all extraordinary in strength. Especially the blood-red figure, almost just a flash of red light, and a red figure appeared on the ring. He must be the leader of the bloody mercenary group.

Ten people stood still, the one on the far right was the iron-shouldered Captain Li, and the one on the far left was a middle-aged man who appeared to be in his forties. red robe.

Feng Wen said in a low voice: "Look, the one on the left is the number one master in the mercenary world, Blood Shadow, the leader of the bloody battle mercenary regiment, although he looks in his forties, it is said that he is over eighty years old. He is ruthless and ruthless, and almost half of the bloody battle can be achieved today because of his hard work. The second one is Feng Juan's father, Feng Ba of the Xiongba mercenary group, one of the three mercenary kings."

I couldn't help being stunned when I heard him say that. The difference between Feng Ba and Feng Juan is too great. He looks very handsome quietly, without a trace of anger, with a smile on his face, and looks very kind.

Feng Wen snickered and said, "I know what you're thinking. I was shocked when I found out that Feng Juan was his daughter. It's unimaginable that such a handsome father has such a fat girl. But don't look at Feng Ba. On the surface, he is kind and friendly, but once he makes a move, his stormy offensive will often surprise his opponents. The third is my father, and the fifth is the father of Huo Xing and Huo Xing." Feng Wen's father and Feng Wen The appearance of Wen Wen is very similar, in appearance, the two of them are 80% alike, but Feng Wen's father's demeanor is much more serious than his. Huo Huo and Huo Xing's father had red hair, a sturdy figure, and a fierce look on his face.

Xue Han said: "Now, I would like to ask the ten regiment leaders to say a few words for everyone." After speaking, he stretched out his hand to signal Xueying to start.

Blood Shadow is also not polite, and said in a deep voice: "Everyone in the mercenary world should know me. I am Blood Shadow. It has been sixty years since our Blood War Mercenary Group was established. If friends in the mercenary world have any needs Where our bloody battle mercenary group helps, just open your mouth. Our bloody battle will unreservedly maintain the mercenary world." His tone was extremely loud, without any hint of humility. Although his voice was low, he was very powerful. It seemed that his ability as a dragon rider was not in vain, but he was also too arrogant, and his madness was a bit unacceptable.

The head of the mercenary group behind spoke much more gently, and almost always ended in one or two sentences.

After the iron-shouldered Captain Li finished speaking, Xuehan said: "The ten commanders are the mainstay of our mercenary world, please come back." The figure flashed, and he was the only one left on the stage again.

Xuehan said: "Next, I will announce the names of the top 100 mercenaries, the first place is Xueying, the second place is Xuehan, the third place is Fengba,... the eighty-seventh Lacey... ok , Now friends who are dissatisfied with the ranking can go to sign up and prepare for the challenge."

Feng asked: "The challenge of every mercenary conference is the highlight, and it will start soon, but the challenge is very rare, but it makes people enjoy it."

I sighed, and said: "How many people can see through the famous rein and sharp lock? It is the same in the imperial court, and it is also the same in the mercenary world." The eldest brother and Sulu have been there for a long time, but there is still no News, I can't help feeling a little anxious.

Xue Han on the stage suddenly said in a clear voice, "Before the start of the challenge, I have one more thing to announce." All the mercenaries in the audience fell silent, and Xue Han said in a loud voice: "Just now, just now, Before the conference started, an F-level mercenary group newly joined the mercenary world broke through our group's manpower outside the valley and wounded all our members. They should be among everyone. Gongtian Mercenary Group My friend, please come out and let me see the strength of you newcomers." As soon as Xue Han finished speaking, all the mercenaries present were in a commotion and looked around him one after another.

Feng Wen's face changed, and he said: "It seems that Blood War has held the first position for too long, and they are too crazy. They even openly sought you out."

I also frowned, since he is looking for a way like this, I am afraid we will have to come forward. As I was thinking of countermeasures, Lan'er next to me suddenly let out a roar and soared into the sky. With a flash of blue light, she had already floated onto the ring. Although she was wearing plain black clothes, Lan'er's plump figure was like an angel The face coupled with the long blue hair immediately caused an uproar among the mercenaries. I was startled, her speed was too fast, even if I was prepared, I might not be able to stop her.

Feng Wen lost his voice and said: "Ah! Why did Sister Lan'er go up?"

I sighed, and said, "Leave her alone, the blood cold angered her. With her strength, she shouldn't suffer."

Xue Han was also taken aback when he saw Lan'er, there seemed to be something strange in his eyes, he asked in a harmonious voice: "Little girl, which mercenary group are you from, what are you doing here?"

Lan'er raised her head and said, "I'm the member of the Gongtian mercenary group you're looking for. I took care of those waste outside the valley. Why, do you want to find a place? Come to me."

Xuehan's expression changed, and he said, "Are you from the Gongtian Mercenary Corps? Little girl, be careful what you say. This is not a place for jokes."

Lan'er snorted coldly: "Be careful of your size, who is playing with you? I am a member of the Gongtian Mercenary Corps. What do you want, you can draw your way."

Just as Xue Han was about to speak, a vigorous voice came out from the shed on the north side, "Deputy Commander Xue Han, it is in line with the rules for the Gongtian mercenary group to break through and enter the mercenary conference. You can't do it in vain." Listen to the voice , it was Feng Wen's father who spoke.

With a flash of his figure, Feng Wen's father, Feng Wanli, floated into the field. The Liufeng Mercenary Corps has always been good at agility and good news. Immediately, the mercenaries in the audience burst into warm applause and applause.

I lowered my head and asked Feng, "Does your father know about us?"

Feng Wen nodded, and said: "Of course I know. With his old man coming forward, he should be able to turn hostility into friendship. Xuehan should give my father some face."

Sure enough, Xuehan rushed forward in embarrassment and said: "Brother Feng, but they hurt many of us, this..."

Two more figures flew out from the shed, it was Feng Ba, the head of the Xiongba Mercenary Group, and Huo Ji, the head of the Xinghuo Mercenary Group. The two stood together with Feng Wanli, and Feng Ba said: "Brother Han, we also agree with what Brother Wanli said, since the Gongtian mercenary group came according to the rules, then we can't break the rules, let them participate. As for Your group's damage..."

Xue Han looked at the three regiment leaders in embarrassment. Although the blood battle mercenary regiment had always occupied the leading position in the mercenary world, they could not ignore these mercenary regiments whose strength was similar to their own. Xueying's voice came from the shed, "Second brother, forget it, we'll talk about this later."

Xuehan said respectfully: "Yes." He turned his head to Lan'er, and said, "Little girl, you go down. But our bloody battle mercenary group will not stop here, and we will naturally find your mercenaries after the conference is over." The regiment seeks justice."

As soon as I breathed a sigh of relief, Lan'er said disdainfully: "Go down? Why should I go down? Don't call me a little girl. How old are you? If you dare to sell your old age to me, don't you want to start a challenge? I To challenge."

Xue Han was taken aback, and said, "Challenge? Challenge is fine, but you have to sign up and queue first."

Lan'er snorted coldly: "I don't need to line up, I want to challenge the top ten mercenaries."

Lan'er's words surprised the four top ten mercenary leaders on the stage. They looked at her blankly, frowning bloody cold, and said, "Are you here for trouble? Who are you going to challenge?"

Lan'er flicked her long hair, and gave me a wink at me under the stage. Her smile was as touching as a hundred flowers blooming. Boy, you haven't seen enough."

The mercenaries in the audience were in an uproar, and there was a lot of discussion for a while, most of them were saying that Lan'er didn't know the heights of the sky and the earth, and she even wanted to challenge the number one in the mercenary world. The scene of the mercenary meeting suddenly became chaotic.

Xuehan said angrily: "If you want to provoke us into a bloody battle, I will accept it. Several regiment leaders, please go back."

The three of Feng Wanli looked at Lan'er in disbelief, Feng Ba couldn't help but said: "Girl, this is not a joke, you should go down quickly."

Lan'er didn't give anyone face, so she glanced at Feng Ba, and said: "You don't have to worry about my affairs, I want to challenge Blood Shadow, the mercenary king is a good name, I want to play with it Son."

The three of Feng Ba couldn't laugh or cry at once, sighed at the same time, and flew back to the shed.

I frowned and looked at Lan'er on the stage. I know that no one can change her mind now. I am not worried that she will lose. What I am afraid of is that she will make the scene out of control. Help Sulu find his enemies!

Xue Leng looked at Lan'er coldly, his whole body glowed with blood, which was somewhat similar to me after my mad transformation, except that his hair and eyes didn't change color. "Girl, if you want to challenge our boss, you have to pass my level first. It has been a long time since no one dared to be so rude to us in a bloody battle. Today, I will teach you a lesson for your teacher."

Lan'er sneered and said, "Why, I'm afraid your bosses won't be able to beat me. Are you going to fight with wheels? Then you can do it. I'll hit you, the young one first, and then the old one."

Lan'er's words burned Xuehan's anger, although he also knew that it would be invincible to fight against such a little girl, but he still couldn't bear it any longer, and with a wave of one hand, a cloud of blood mist floated towards Lan'er.

Feng asked: "This is Xuehan's famous stunt Xuebing Palm, sister Lan'er, she..."

I held down the anxious Feng Wen and sighed, "I hope Big Sister Lan'er doesn't hit too hard!"

Yin said angrily: "Sister Lan'er moved too fast, she snatched the opportunity to show her face, no, we have to go up, we can deal with this blood cold."

I said in a deep voice, "No, you guys just stay here, there's enough trouble."

Seeing that I was angry, Jin said to Yin: "Forget it, it won't work this time, it's the same no matter how well we behave when we go to Dragon Valley. Look, Lan'er has made a move."

Sure enough, Lan'er on the stage looked at Xuehan contemptuously, with a flash of blue light all over her body, her body rushed forward and rushed towards the blood mist. After Xue Han waved his palm, he stood there coldly, as if he wanted to watch Lan'er being frozen by himself, but the blood mist he sent had a tendency to backlash against Lan'er's rapid advance, Xue Han was shocked Hurriedly pushing forward, under the loud bang, Lan'er stood proudly, but Xuehan stepped back three steps, his face flushed with blood, I don't know if it was because of luck or shame.

Lan'er pursed her lips and said: "I told you a long time ago that you can't do it, but you still refuse to admit it. You insist on being brave. Look, you are at a disadvantage."

Xuehan became angry from embarrassment, clenched his fists and shouted loudly, his silver hair shot up into the sky, and the blood mist instantly surged up, completely enveloping his body, looking like a demon god. Han Kuang roared: "The blood mist chases the soul." The whole person rushed towards Lan'er with the blood mist.

In the place where the blood was cold, countless fine ice particles appeared in the air. Even standing here, we could feel the temperature around us drop suddenly.

A cold light flashed in Lan'er's eyes, and she shouted coquettishly: "Your temperature is too high, I'll help you cool down." She kept changing the shape of her hands on her chest, and suddenly looked, as if there was a white flower on Lan'er's chest. like flowers blooming. The blue light around Lan'er's body suddenly focused on the front, and Lan'er shouted: "Let me see what is the real absolute zero. The eternal trial of ice." The blue light in front of Lan'er suddenly turned into a white mist He flickered towards the blood-cold mask that was rushing towards him. I've never seen her move before, maybe she learned it after she reached the shimmering gold realm.

When the red and white fog was about to collide in the air, there was a shout from the shed on the north side: "Second brother, be careful." A blood shadow flew out from the shed and went straight to the intersection of Lan'er and Xuehan. hit. Just by hearing the voice, I knew it was Xue Ying who saw something was wrong and wanted to save his brother, I said coldly: "Do you want two to one? I'll accompany you and fight the world madly." Moved to the extreme, with both feet on the ground, the whole body turned into a ray of light to meet it.

On the contrary, Xueying and I met earlier than Lan'er and Xuehan. In the loud noise, my crazy war world and Xueying collided. In terms of feeling, Xueying's skill seems to be similar to that of Liwo Dragoon General, but I am not in the process of transforming now, and my skill is a little worse than his, but my skill of fighting the world is relatively concentrated, while Xueying It seemed that I hadn't expected my appearance. Under the ebb and flow of each other, no one took advantage of it, and they fell at both ends of the ring. My innate Bimon physique is naturally stronger, and I was the first to recover.

When we landed, Lan'er had already met Xuehan, and the red blood mist from Xuehan met Lan'er's white mist and dissipated quickly. I don't have to worry about Lan'er at all, even if she doesn't show her original shape, she is much better than me without transformation, not to mention that Xuehan is slightly inferior to Xueying. I was worried that if Lan'er killed Xuehan, then he would unite with the bloody mercenaries to form an indissoluble hatred. This is not what I want to see, so I hurriedly shouted: "Sister Lan'er, please be merciful."

Lan'er in the white mist shouted coquettishly: "For my brother's sake, I will spare your life." As soon as the white mist retracted, a red figure was thrown out. Surprised, Xueying hurriedly picked up his brother. Xue Han's original silver hair stood on end from the cold, his whole body was covered with a layer of frost, his face was livid, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

I dodged, floated to Lan'er's side, and said, "Eldest sister, you..."

Lan'er hurriedly said: "Don't worry, I didn't kill him, I just froze his body surface, and his skill can be recovered in a few days. However, I don't know if the skill can be restored to its original state. You Go down first, whoever asked you to come up, even if that old wax gourd goes up with me, I'm not afraid." She said, pointing to Xue Ying who was giving first aid to Xue Han.

Xueying is not deaf, so he naturally heard Lan'er's words, and was immediately pissed off. He gave Lan'er a bitter look, picked up his brother and jumped back to his shed.

Unexpectedly, the entire basin suddenly became silent, and it seemed that everyone was watching us. I tugged at Lan'er and said, "Sister, stop making trouble, let's go down, I don't know if they have found the murderer."

Lan Er pouted and said, "No, I won't go down. I haven't challenged that old wax gourd yet. I will naturally go down after I finish the challenge. Don't hinder me here." Regardless.

Just as I was about to persuade her again, the blood shadow that sent Xuehan back came back again, with a flash of light, he suddenly fell ten meters in front of us, looking at us with a frosty face.

I didn't want to get too stiff with the first mercenary group, so I cupped my fists and said, "Captain Blood Shadow, just now, my eldest sister is completely following the rules. It seems that it's not good for you to intervene in the middle."

Xueying stared at me coldly, and said: "Who are you, how dare you come to our mercenary conference to make trouble."

I snorted, and said, "We respect the mercenary assembly and follow the rules. Captain Blood Shadow, if you want to bully the weak, our Gongtian mercenary group will never retreat."

Xue Ying looked around at the thousands of mercenaries in the audience, with a gleam in his eyes, and said: "Okay, since you said the rules, then follow the rules, didn't she just challenge me? I accept her challenge. "

I turned my head to look at Lan'er, her face was full of excitement, she was ready to move forward, and I told her: "Eldest sister, be careful with your strikes, don't overdo it."

"I know, you go down. Watch me clean up this old guy."

I still have confidence in Lan'er, I turned around and floated down the ring, before I even touched the ground, I could already hear the sound of energy clashing from the stage, they are really impatient!

Seeing me coming down, Mo Yue said in a low voice, "What about Sister Lan'er?"

I shook my head and said: "Leave her alone, that blood shadow is not easy to deal with. Although he is not as good as Sister Lan'er, he should be able to persist for a while. Why haven't Sulu and Big Brother found anyone?" Signal, I can't help feeling a little anxious.

Jin said: "Fourth, don't worry, there are so many people here, it's so easy to find!"

I thought so, and looking at the stage, Lan'er and Xueying turned into two figures, one blue and one red, constantly staggering and colliding, and the sound of energy bursting out could be heard endlessly. Lan'er clearly had the upper hand, and the offensive was like a morning. The forcing blood shadow has been on the defensive. Their confrontation at this stage will not use pure magic or martial arts at all, it will be a comprehensive battle of speed and energy. Lan'er's attack speed is fast, and her strength has made great progress compared with before. It is worthy of reaching the golden state! The mercenaries in the audience were fascinated by it, shouting constantly, not knowing who they were cheering on.

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Good news for everyone, the physical book of Mad God is finally available, the first volume has already started selling, and it is available in major bookstores across the country, all six volumes will continue to be sold out. The workmanship is extremely exquisite, and the cover is drawn by a DX who asked to draw Warcraft. Welcome everyone to buy.