Mad God

Chapter 19: Demon Princess


When she said the last word, I felt a sharp wind coming from the left, and the figure of Mo Yue in front of me was gradually disappearing, not good, because the speed was too fast, afterimages appeared.

Although the narrow sword has not pierced me yet, the sharp grudge has already pierced my skin. Mo Yue attacked my temple this time. If he is hit, no matter how strong my defense is, the result will only be One, that is to go to hell.

Because I have been paying attention to her movements, I immediately raised Mo Ming when I found something wrong, and the narrow sword was just on the spine of Mo Ming. The sound of metal friction was extremely harsh, and I was knocked out by her powerful force, but she The attack was far from over, countless black moons flapping their wings appeared in front of my eyes, and countless black threads shot out from her hands, stabbing at the vital points of my whole body.

Speed is not what I am good at. I can only wave Mo Ming to block the attacks that can cause fatal injuries to me. Splashes flew out of my body, staining my samurai robe red.

A bright light bullet slammed into the center of Mo Yue's power, and was shattered into light spots by her sword energy, but this also slowed down her speed. It was Ziyan who was supporting me.

Grasping this brief moment, I no longer hesitate. Singing: "Darkness condenses the soul, and only when you fall can you be free. Awaken, the endless magic power sleeping in my blood." With the spell of the second widow, I emitted a strong black light.

I looked up to the sky and let out a long cry. The huge black wings tore through the samurai uniform and spread out on my back. My long light green hair turned completely black, and an evil smile appeared on my originally indifferent face. ノAxillary teacher asked me, which is the speed of several times, and the surrounding dark elements quickly poured into my body. Under the flapping of the wings, with me as the center, sand and rocks flew on the ground.

Under the sunlight, my black eyes shone like two black gemstones. ツ Ming created a sword curtain to block the chasing narrow sword, and the air was filled with the sound of the two swords clanging. ケ渖砗蟮Naiyao was stronger than Mo Yue in terms of strength, and for the first time completely blocked her attack.

Mo Yue's eyes were full of astonishment: "You, how can you become a fallen angel? Are you not a human being, but our demon race?"

I glanced at Zi Yan, who was also surprised, and smiled apologetically at her: "Could it be that only you demons can become fallen angels? I didn't want to kill you, but you forced me to do so."

I moved my body at will, and I held Mo Ming high, turned into a black rainbow, and rushed towards the terrified Mo Yue. After my transformation, my speed and strength have increased exponentially, and my attacks are without fancy. ツ月 was chopped off by my sword in a hurry. In terms of strength, she couldn't compete with me.

I chased her and cut out seven swords continuously, each sword was powerful and heavy. ツ月 reluctantly received my attack, the powerful impact made her break four towering ancient trees before she stabilized her body, a stream of blood flowed down the corner of her mouth, her eyes were full of fear for the first time. ビレクエ led me to transform, and now I am full of murderous intentions in my heart, and killing my mouth is my only choice. But what I don't understand is that I'm also a fallen angel, why after my transformation, I don't seem to be on the same level as her. Facing my speed and strength, she has nothing to do.

In fact, the reason why Mo Yue became a fallen angel is an anomaly in itself. She forcibly changed her body by relying on the dark magic power injected into her body by the Demon Emperor. ハジョックラスョ My dark magic power is obtained after years of painstaking practice, and the difference between them is obvious, not to mention that I have Beamon's powerful physique, which is even more incomparable to her. The dripping ants and the emperor, the emperor, the puppet, the pursuit of the pursuit of the day and one night, consumed my physical strength very much, and I lost a lot of blood just now. Although the transformation brings me a strong force, the weakness of the bursts, the weakness. It still keeps attacking my brain. A quick fix is my best option.

Mo Yue said bitterly: "I don't understand why you can transform into a fallen angel, but since you want to kill me, then let's die together." ツ月's black hair fluttered, and she grabbed the narrow sword with both hands, her whole body imposing Continuously improving, the black mist around the body disappeared, replaced by a faint black light.

I knew she was going all in, trying to pull me back while I killed her. It's not that easy, isn't it? With my defense, speed and strength above hers, even if I want to hurt both sides, it's almost impossible for her. ノ Yi gathered all his fighting spirit, and prepared to give her a wild dragon dance to end her life when she attacked.

Although killing a beautiful woman is not a pleasant thing, but in order not to expose my identity, I have to do it. The benevolence of a woman is impossible to appear in me. ノ The momentum is constantly being pushed to the peak, Mo Yue suddenly yelled, and rushed towards me with her body and sword together, I sneered, and shouted: "The mad dragon dances." , spinning crazily, and his whole body turned into a giant black dragon with teeth and claws to meet him.

I have full confidence in myself, such a head-on encounter will only end in her resentment. サ Just as the two powerful forces of the enemy and us were about to collide, a blue light suddenly flashed from the black light transformed by Mo Yue, abruptly changing the direction of her attack, pointing sharply at Zi Yan go.

I was shocked in my heart, and now I understand that what she said about dying together was not aimed at me. To be able to change direction while going full forward was incredible to me. セ购梦角杨诺⒚wields the apricot force, at this time, the remaining two components played a vital role, the black dragon produced by my high-speed rotation also changed direction and chased after it.

But I started late after all, although I am faster in speed, it is already impossible to seriously injure Ziyan before she attacks Zi Yan.

As soon as I gritted my teeth, I rushed towards Zi Yan's body at the fastest speed. At the moment when the black light broke through the barrier that Zi Yan had set up and was about to hit her, the black dragon I transformed into could use my body to It was my body that blocked Mo Yue's attack. ァAng Huan! Looking at the sky, the sky is filled with the remains of branches and the sky is full of dust.

Zi Yan was blown aside by the violent air current, her face became even paler.

I stood proudly in front of her, with blood dripping down Mo Ming, which was left by Mo Yue.

Mo Yue was ten steps away in front of me, her hair was disheveled, her wing feathers had fallen out a lot, and she even vomited a few mouthfuls of blood. She pressed the wound on her shoulder with one hand, and looked at me sadly, with a confused look in her eyes.

I sighed and said: "Killing a woman, I don't bother to do it, you go, I hope I don't see you again in the future, but if you leak what happened today, even if you are hiding in the demon palace, I will I will also drag you out, and when the time comes, don't blame me for destroying flowers with my hands."

Mo Yue stared at me fiercely, stepped back step by step, turned around suddenly, flapped her wings, and flew away unsteadily. Anyone could tell from her staggering appearance that she was severely injured.

Watching her back gradually disappear, I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Zi Yan walked to my side, frowned and said, "Why didn't you kill her?" Retracted into the body, the fallen angel's transformation gradually disappeared.

In order to save Zi Yan just now, I blocked Mo Yue's attack with my body. But the meridians in my body were completely injured by Mo Yue. I endured the pain to scare Mo Yue away. If she insisted on attacking me again, I'm afraid I would have died a long time ago. In the underworld. Puxiang sighed, and quickly supported my body: "How are you?"

"My injury is very serious. I will call the black dragon for a while, and you will take me away. Remember, we can't go back now if we go deep into the demons. Maybe there are a large group of demon soldiers besieging us. .Also, don’t use your light magic to heal me, otherwise it will have a counterproductive effect. Let’s talk about everything after I recover a little bit.” ノ Yi Weikong waited for the black dragon, and got on the horse with the help of Zi Yan. Puxiang Taocai mace glue suwa, put his arms around my waist, and let me lean on her.

After I told Heilong to listen to her, I fell into a coma in the fresh fragrance of Ziyan's virginity.

A colic in the meridians in my body woke me up. The fire next to me was crackling. I found myself lying in a pile of leaves. Looking at the sky, it should be late at night. I was stunned, not knowing what I was thinking.

Under the light of the fire, Zi Yan's refined and delicate face was reflected red, making people have an urge to take a bite.

I used the Heavenly Demon Art to try to repair the meridians in my body, a sharp pain suddenly came from the broken meridian, and an unbearable groan escaped from my mouth.

Ziyan woke up from her contemplation, ran to my side and said: "Lie down and don't move, your injury is serious, and I dare not treat you, I ran about two hundred miles into the demon clan, afraid that you It stopped when the injury worsened. I have already bandaged the external injury, and the internal injury is only up to you. You must not be in trouble, you still have to protect me. "

Although the injury this time was not as serious as the last time, but I was recovering from an old injury and adding a new one, and it is not a matter of a day or two to recover. ノ Yi Wei Kang Mo said: "Thank you, how is your injury?"

Zi Yan's tone was very gentle: "My little injury is already fine. The recovery technique is what our light magicians are best at. Eat something, I have dry food." She ran back to the fire, I took a few pieces of dry meat that were grilled a little. PU Xiang Tao Yuan Mi Xing ┎ Xu Mi Hung Ji blushed and said: "I haven't cooked before, so you can make do with it, now there is nothing else."

I raised my hand, wanting to take the meat in her hand, but the intense pain made me unable to move at all. Seeing my painful expression, Zi Yan quickly held me down, tore off a piece of meat, and put it in my mouth. ピ Flattering the mincing, Ziyan's actions gave me an inexplicable strange feeling, I didn't even taste the taste of dried meat. ノノイスジアスファスススイラック still tore off the dried meat one by one and fed it to my mouth, and I also silently enjoyed the tenderness. ヅ level, her fingertips will touch my lips, and the feeling of electric shock will spread all over my body. This feeling only appeared when I kissed Zixue for the first time.

After a long time, I was the first to break the silence, because my stomach couldn't hold any more food: "I've had enough, you can eat some too." Ni's meal was very small, he only ate a little, then stopped, and used whatever he wanted. A low-level water magic, several water polo appeared in front of us.

Zi Yan took out two wooden bowls and filled them up: "I just carved these two wooden bowls with your sword, you will not be unhappy, right?" When Piye was talking, I found that the two bowls were engraved with our The name, although the water made by magic does not taste very good, but I drink it with relish.

Zi Yan took off her cloak and covered me: "Go to rest early, I hope you get well soon. Call me if you need anything." After speaking, she walked to the fire and lay down.

I feel refreshed on my body, Ziyan's bandage skills are really good, I don't know where she got these cloths, why didn't she ask me about the fallen angel? Doesn't she want to know? 2. The meticulous care for me made my heart feel extremely warm. Looking at her charming and graceful back, I slowly fell asleep.

In the morning, the crisp sound of birdsong woke me up from my sleep, and a good night's sleep made me feel much more comfortable. The meridians in the body are a little unobstructed, and because of the strong recovery ability of the body, the trauma is no longer a hindrance.

The fire had been extinguished a long time ago, and there were bursts of green smoke, and Zi Yan was still lying there curled up.

I stood up with support, walked to her side, and covered her with the cloak. Her face was red, which made me feel a little uneasy. I whispered: "Ziyan, wake up, wake up." For me calling, but she didn't respond.

I put my hand on her forehead and was surprised to find that her forehead was hot. ゲ Slowly she was sick. ヒZai Xiangtan's Хㄔ炒雀 in the tomb of Xiangtan shouldn't get sick easily, but she was very frightened yesterday, got injured again, and gave me the cloak to keep out the cold, which made her sick.

It is really difficult for me to take care of patients. In an instant, my forehead was covered with sweat. When I raised my hand to wipe the sweat, I found that the wound on my hand was not wrapped in gauze, but some white cloth. ノYe Zimixiang lay Tongyu carefully pulled up the hem of her dress, and it was as I expected, there was only crystal clear snow skin under the thin coat, she used her underwear to bandage me for me yesterday.

My head exploded with a bang, and I was confused for a while. Zi Yan has silently paid so much for me. If it wasn't for me, she wouldn't be sick. Even if I have a heart of stone, I can't help but be moved.

I picked up Zi Yan, who was hot all over, and she murmured: "Water, water." ノ Yi Zheng made a water polo, put it in a wooden bowl with her name engraved on it, bit by bit feeding her.

I tore off a good piece from the hem of the dress, soaked it with another water balloon, folded it into a square, and placed it on her head. Ha Zhong repressed Huang Zhimiaohuang and woke up quickly.

Throughout the day, I fed her water dozens of times, and even soaked the cloth on her head in cold water hundreds of times. When Subiyan gradually became dark, Ziyan's head was finally not so hot, and the fever subsided.

I set up a bonfire beside her and wrapped her body tightly with a cloak. I didn't dare to sleep, so I could only keep part of my spiritual consciousness, and tried my best to mend the damaged meridians.

"Lei Xiang, Lei Xiang." I was awakened from the practice by Zi Yan's voice, and when I opened my eyes, it turned out that she hadn't woken up, but was constantly talking in her sleep, calling out my name.

I held her cold little hand and whispered softly in her ear: "I am here, sleep well, wake up tomorrow, everything will be fine." Her expression also returned to calm, she held my hand tightly, and in order not to disturb her, I could only let her hold it like this.

I completely separated the mad god fighting energy from the heavenly magic power, and used the fighting energy to penetrate into Zi Yan's body bit by bit to dispel her illness. ヒ Huanshi was relatively successful, but just as my energy was about to infiltrate, it was immediately ejected by a holy power in her body, and that powerful light power almost made me go mad.

The pain and exhaustion of my body constantly anesthetized me, and unconsciously, I fell beside Zi Yan, just holding her little hand that was gradually warmed up by me, and fell asleep.

A cold and warm thing kept moving on my face, I was so sleepy, I was too lazy to open my eyes, so I just let it continue to move, my brain nerves gradually started to work, and my consciousness became clearer, I knew what was going on My face was red, it was a soft and smooth little hand, Ziyan and I were the only ones here, of course this hand belonged to her.

In order to avoid embarrassment, I didn't dare to move anymore, and tried to maintain the original posture and breathing rhythm, for fear that she would find that I was awake.

"Lei Xiang, you can sleep well. Although I was not awake yesterday, I know that you have been by my side to take care of me. Why are you so kind to me? Hey, why is your face red. Ah!" The smart girl immediately Realizing my state, he quickly withdrew his hands from my face.

I knew I couldn't pretend anymore, so I slowly opened my eyes, moved my mouth a few times, and managed to squeeze out a word: "Morning." Pu Xiangtan Mu Chejing nodded shyly: "Morning what? It's almost noon." The sun has risen high in the sky, and it will soon move to the top of our heads. "I've been sleeping for so long. Are you feeling better?"

After a few conversations, we all gradually relaxed, and Zi Yan smiled and said: "It's fine, thank you yesterday." Has long been caught. You are hungry, I will get you something to eat, the dry food is gone. "I wanted to stand up, but only then did I realize that our hands were still tightly held together. ノ业娜し袁园堤 has turned purple now, and Ziyan's pretty face has turned into a red apple .

The tight grip all night made our hands a little stiff, and it took a few tries before we finally separated. ヒ The feeling of being pregnant is flowing in my heart, and her expression is also a little sad at the same time.

... ノリリパックラット throwing neptunium Yibuki Nago, eating without knowing the taste, while Zi Yan leaned under the tree beside her and ate the same thing. ケcorrection times Yiqiao Krypton Horsefly Threshold ∈ Zang Tai Chuan Mu Chuang Yu Ke Zi Yan said that you can't kill casually, otherwise you will be punished by God, and you won't let me do it.

I feel that now I have become another person. In front of Zi Yan, I can no longer show the indifference I used to have, so I accepted her suggestion in desperation.

I found a lot of various fruits, and Zi Yan only picked them up to look at them, and easily picked out which ones were edible. ゾCamel, I also became a vegetarian. サ Ren Yi lightly brewed the fruit, the sky had gradually darkened, and the afterglow of the sun cast a dim yellow in the woods.

Zi Yan said: "The setting sun is infinitely good, but it's almost dusk." Looking at her, she seemed very moved.

I suddenly felt that I was very impulsive, as if the secret that was suppressed in my heart was about to come out of my body, and I wanted to confide to Ziyan. ノYikengudimuzuざ, try to keep your tone as flat as possible: "Why do you have such deep feelings for the sunset?"

Zi Yan looked back and smiled, her touching appearance stunned me: "I just think of my father and mother."

I was surprised and asked: "They, aren't they very good?" Puxiang Tan chattered and said, "That's just on the surface. Do you think the relationship between them is really so harmonious? No. They I was a victim of politics. Back then, my grandfather saw my father's potential and betrothed my mother to him. With the help of my grandfather's influence, my father made great progress in the officialdom and finally reached his position today. At the same time, he has always been very good to his mother. But I know that there is a lack of sincere love between them. Although the mother tried her best to please the father, the only thing that the father returned to the mother was the words "respect each other as guests."

I thought to myself, no one knows this better than I, the Duke's love has long been given to my mother. If it hadn't been taken away by King Beamon, my father, perhaps you and your sister would never have appeared in this world, and of course, I would not have appeared either. It can only be said that it is a trick of good fortune.

"They naturally have their way of life. After so many years, it is not something you can change. Just let nature take its course."

The setting sun gradually disappeared in the bushes, and the sky was getting dark. I gathered the firewood I picked up and lit the bonfire with a basic fireball technique: "You come here too. Your illness is just right, so don't catch a cold anymore."

Zi Yan smiled and said: "I'm not that fragile." Although she said so, she still sat up and said, "Is your injury better? You suffered such a serious injury to save me that day. "

I frowned and said, "Don't keep saying thank you, okay? Didn't you also save me and take care of me?"

After saying this, the two of us looked at each other in unison, our eyes met, and we lowered our heads at the same time.

For a long time, we just sat like that, and no one made a sound. Therefore, Qiao Yishi is so obedient, why don't you ask me, why can she also transform into a fallen angel? "

Zi Yan trembled, and said in a flat tone: "I know, it must be your secret, so I didn't ask, and I was a little afraid of knowing the answer. If you want to say something, you will tell me, won't you? ?”

I sighed and said, "Thank you for your respect for me. I don't know why, but I really want to tell you what is in my heart."

Zi Yan smiled slightly and said: "Didn't you just say, don't say thank you? You can say whatever you want, I will always be your best audience."

After hearing her words, I shook my head and raised my head. Her words seemed to reveal another signal to me.

"I'm not human." After saying this, I immediately saw the horror in Ziyan's eyes, but the horror disappeared in an instant. She is really cultivated, and she can restore her calm in such a short time: "I'm not Demons. Strictly speaking, I should be considered a beastman."

Zi Yan couldn't bear the surprise in her heart anymore: "What? You are an orc, but you can't tell from the surface at all."

I glanced at her and said slowly: "I am a hybrid of human, demon, and beast. I have the tyrannical body of an orc, the appearance and wisdom of a human. As for the characteristics of the demon, even if it is the transformation of a fallen angel and the natural Use dark magic."

Every word I said was earth-shattering to Zi Yan. Although she kept asking herself to remain calm, she couldn't suppress the surprise in her heart: "But my father investigated you at the beginning, your identity should not be like this .”

I said calmly: "That's just my false identity of sneaking into the Dragon God. My real identity is the deputy commander of the Beamon Legion of the Beastman Kingdom. The current King Beamon is my father. And I can transform into a fallen angel, yes Because I got a copy of the Mozu Heavenly Demon Kungfu by chance, and my grandma is the Mozu, so I have the blood of the Mozu royal family. After years of hard training, in the last holiday , can finally transform."

"You are really an orc, so what is your purpose of going to Dragon God?"

"Of course it is to steal your military secrets and learn your various skills. You should know that among the Three Kingdoms, the orcs are the weakest, and we are the first in losses in every war. If this continues, there will be no more soldiers on the mainland. The space we live in can only be reduced to the slaves of demons and humans. For this reason, the Beast Emperor sent me, a Beamon with a human appearance, to the Dragon God. Basically, it went smoothly. I learned from the library of Tiandu A lot of things. Do you feel that I am terrible now?"

Ziyan's face was a little distorted, and her voice gradually increased: "Then what about you and Zixue, are you deliberately approaching her for this purpose?"

I lowered my head and shook: "No, my feelings for Zixue are serious."

"Then she also knows your identity?"

"No, she doesn't know, I don't want to tell her, I'm afraid she will leave me. Am I being selfish? You are the first person I confide in, I don't know why, I don't want to hide it anymore, I feel so tired .”

Zi Yan clenched her hands tightly, her voice was a little trembling: "So, you still lied to my sister, why? Why did you lie to her? If she knew this, what would be the result, have you thought about it?" Is it? My sister has really deep feelings for you."

I ignored her questioning, and said with confused eyes: "I once asked Zixue, if one day I leave here and never come back, what will she do? Zixue said, no matter where I go, she will always That followed me, and it was from that moment that I fully embraced her feelings."

Zi Yan's voice softened: "But, if you are too surprising, even if Zi Xue really doesn't care about these things, what about father, can he accept you? An orc spy."

My laughter was bitter: "Yes, I am an orc spy. But I am also an unqualified spy. To be honest, I really don't want to go back to the orc country. During the days of Dragon God, many The warmth surrounds me, but can I really not go back? No, after all, I also have the blood of an orc. Who can understand the pain in my heart? Don't worry, I haven't done anything to Zixue, if she doesn't Willing to accept me, I will never touch her again. We have been together for a short time. Even if she has deep feelings for me, she will gradually forget it after the baptism of time. Today I said this to you, and I didn’t think about it. Then go back to Dragon God."

Zi Yan stood up, bypassed the bonfire, sat next to me, and gently held my arm: "Don't be like this, I was the one who said it harshly just now, I'm sorry."

I said calmly: "There is nothing to be sorry for. Listening to what I said, it is not easy for you to remain calm. You are right, maybe I am really not the best choice for Zixue."

"What are you going to do when you recover?"

"What else can I do? At first I thought there would be demon troops chasing us, but now it seems that they either chased in the wrong direction, or that the demon princess really didn't reveal our identities. That's fine, in another two days , I will find a way to send you back, and then I will return to the orc clan, please tell Zixue about me. If she is willing, let her wait for me for three years. After three years, I will go to her. If she doesn't want to, I will never hate her, I hope she can be happy."

"Are you really not going back?"

I nodded: "Didn't I tell you just now, since I said all this today, I don't plan to go back. You can report to them as you like. You can say that I was killed in battle, or that I was killed." Captured."

Zi Yan suddenly widened her eyes and said, "What if I didn't hear what you just said at all?"