Mad God

Chapter 30: Know the secret


Worf ran to the field quickly, and he casually asked a werewolf farmer. As Nidi Niu said, for some reason, the werewolf farmer suddenly let out a scream, and the nearby werewolf farmers quickly surrounded him, each with farm tools in their hands, most of which were hoes and sickles.

A werewolf shouted: "Kill this werewolf traitor." Two's voice was so loud that even we could hear it clearly. Seeing this situation, I hurriedly shouted: "Wolf, don't hurt anyone, hurry up!" return."

I turned my head and whispered to Mengke: "Take the black dragon down quickly. Its goal is too obvious. No matter what happens later, it is not allowed to come up without my order. If I leave with them later, Just wait for me at Sasi's side, and I will definitely come back to find you."

Mengke responded, and said, "Master, don't make me wait too long." After speaking, he dragged the black dragon down. Zusu's goal is too obvious. No one rides a horse in the orc tribe. If the people in Yunna see the black dragon, it's no wonder they don't doubt it. ノ Liquid Rabbit Tu Shuo Ji Horo Sword This difference is a few months.

Worf didn't hold a weapon. Hearing my shout, he wrapped his whole body in vindictiveness and squeezed out of the werewolves. Not to mention everywhere, his face was still blue and purple. ノ According to what happened to the bed patient, the gang of werewolf farmers rushed up holding the guy high.

I shouted coldly: "Without my order, everyone is not allowed to do anything." After speaking, I put a smile on my face and greeted the rushing farmers.

"Everyone, gentlemen, if you have something to say, you have something to say, don't do it." The second said that I didn't want to hit the smiling face. The werewolves stopped when they saw my "friendly" expression, but they all had vigilance on their faces. .

I turned around and shouted at Wolfe angrily: "Wolf, why did you offend all the uncles, why don't you hurry up and make amends."

An old werewolf farmer shouted: "There's no need to make an apology. What are you doing here? Our Yunna collar doesn't welcome outsiders. If you know your senses, go quickly."

I pretended to sigh, and said sincerely: "Uncle, I'm sorry, we don't know the rules here, just now I saw the crops you planted so well, I was really envious, so I asked my friend to inquire. To tell you the truth, we come from all over the land, we really can't eat, and we don't want to be robbers, we just want to find a place to settle down. You see, we are young and strong, we can endure hardship, we can work, can you Can't take us in?"

The old farmer said disdainfully: "Don't tell me these things. If you guys want to play tricks, you will find the wrong place. We don't welcome outsiders here. Hurry up and don't step into our territory. You have to go around here to know Is it? I warn you, if you dare to tell what you saw today, our Lord Wolf God will definitely punish you."

My heart skipped a beat. Although Yun Na was afraid that the news of the large-scale cultivation would leak out, but after all, this is a large territory, and there is no impenetrable wall. How did they hide it from the eyes and ears of the Beast Emperor. ゼ If you want to play in the cloud, you have to enter the cloud. Looking at the situation, it is definitely not possible to get in, only... Da Xia Yun said: "Why don't you leave, I want to die No, when our patrol team arrives, you won’t be able to leave even if you want to.”

I knelt down on the ground with a plop, squeezed out two tears, and said, "Uncle, you can take us in, we really have no way out, as long as you let us work here, we will naturally not lose today's The matter has been leaked." ノ Ye Jisi told my guards that they had to kneel down with them even if they didn't want to.

The old werewolf was quite kind. Seeing our miserable appearance, his face softened a lot: "It's impossible to keep you, but I can give you something to eat."

I begged bitterly: "Uncle, the food you give us can only solve our urgent needs. What can we do later? We can't always worry about what you always want to eat. Just do it, and let us stay. Let us There is a place to eat for a long time, we are not demanding, as long as we can eat enough."

A werewolf in his forties next to the old farmer said, "Uncle Kama, you can't promise them. If the patrol finds out, we're all going to die."

Uncle Kama pondered: "Sike, look at them, they are indeed refugees from other territories. Everyone is orc, so please help if you can. I will go to the patrol team to discuss it, and they are more It’s easy to talk.” Nie Huo Meng Huao looked at us again, sighed and said: “Except for us Yunna, there is no one in the orc territory who can feed the people. Those lords are really fucking trash, and we My Lord Wolf God is wise. Well, if you are so old, don’t go, I’ll run.” After finishing speaking, he turned and ran towards Yun Na.

Uncle Kama turned to me and said: "Young man, I can't decide whether I can take you in or not. Our people have gone to the patrol team. If they say they can take you in, you can go back to the village with us and wait here. In a while."

The feeling of talking to them made me think that I was like a dragon god again, and it is hard to understand that orcs are so easy to talk to. ノ仪Ф魏条姓zai Nang Huanma uncle said flattering words, he seemed a little impatient, turned around and said to other farmers: "Everyone go back to work, we have to get rid of the bugs today, I'm here enough."

Under his call, other farmers returned to their fields and continued to do their work today.

Seeing that the other farmers had left, I tentatively asked the old farmer, "Uncle, why do your crops grow so well here?"

The old farmer was already a little ecstatic after being praised by me just now, and his vigilance was greatly reduced. When he saw my question, he said without hesitation: "That's because our wolf god appeared, and the lord governed well. In fact, those of you It's not that the land cannot be farmed, it's just that your lord is too bad. A few days ago, I heard that His Majesty the Beast Emperor issued a decree ordering all the territories to carry out farming. What's the use of the decree alone? Except for us, other territories still do their own way .Their lords only care about pleasure, and there are a few who really work for their own people!"

I asked suspiciously: "Did you start farming after receiving the decree? This is too fast and good. I have never seen such a beautiful plain in my life. Uncle, I really admire you." .”

The old farmer laughed, and said proudly: "We have been farming here for more than ten years, and that is since..."

Speaking of this, he stopped suddenly, coughed a few times to cover up his embarrassment, and said impatiently: "Why are you asking so many questions, you are not from our Yunna, so stop asking."

I heard almost everything I wanted to know from him, so I said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, uncle, I'm just curious." Tobacco.

After waiting for a full meal, the Si Ke just turned back with a small group of werewolf soldiers.

These soldiers are completely different from the ones I have seen on the fortress battlefield. Although they are all werewolf soldiers, their mental outlook is very good. Chest stride forward.

Is this the kingdom of orcs? Their appearance is even worse than that of Dragon God's soldiers. Now, I am more interested in this mysterious bandit group led by Yunna. If my guess is correct, Yunna is so prosperous that it must have a close relationship with them.

The werewolf team had already reached the top of the slope, and Si Ke pointed to the tall werewolf at the front and introduced: "This is Captain Sean of our patrol team, you can talk to him directly."

I hurried forward two steps and said respectfully: "Captain Xiao En, it's a great honor to meet you, we homeless people hope to be taken in by Yunna, we can carry and carry, we can do anything , as long as you can have a stable meal.” Kong Panyao suddenly stepped forward and punched me.

In my eyes, his speed was like an ant crawling. I was startled, and immediately understood that he was testing me. I completely withdrew my fighting spirit and let him hit me on the shoulder. I screamed in pain and fell backwards. .

Worf hurried forward to support me, pointed at Captain Xiaon and shouted, "It's fine if you don't take me in, you, why are you beating me?"

I applauded secretly in my heart, this guy cooperated really well.

Captain Xiao En took a step forward and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I just tested whether you are spies. Since you are refugees and are still able to work, I can temporarily accept you on behalf of Yun Naling. But... "

I pretended to rub the shoulder that was hit by him, and asked with a frown, "But what?"

Xiao En immediately put on a stern face: "However, here with us, we must abide by the rules. If you violate our rules, no one can protect you. If you are here to be spies, our great wolf God will definitely crush you to pieces, and you are not allowed to leave the territory casually, do you hear me?"

I pretended to be frightened by him, fell to the ground, and said: "The villains are just ordinary people, we will definitely abide by the rules of your territory and work hard. There is such a good place, you just drive me away. I'm not leaving either."

Xiao En nodded in satisfaction, and said: "This is the best. For the time being, you stay in Uncle Kama's village, and Uncle Karma will help you arrange work. After a while, if you have been performing well, we will consider promoting you to An official citizen of Yunna. Don't play tricks with me, you know?" He waved the spear in his hand, and the bottom of the spear was deeply inserted into the rock.

I said tremblingly: "I know, I know, we must work hard and strive to become a member of Yunna as soon as possible."

Xiao En turned to the old farmer Kama and said, "Uncle Kama, you will arrange them. If you need anything, just come to me."

Kama laughed and said, "Don't worry, Captain Xiao En, if they dare to make trouble, I will definitely notify you as soon as possible."

Xiao En said a few more words to Karma, then turned around and left with his subordinates.

This time, Kama was very imposing, and said with a straight chest: "You will follow my arrangement from now on, let's go, I will take you to the village first, and arrange a place for you to live in."

I said gratefully: "Uncle Kama, thank you very much, we will work hard in the future." ノ Yiqiuxi ten people followed Kama to their village, the village here is better than the ones we have seen along the way It is much better, the houses are all made of stones, and the larger streets are also paved with stone bricks. The whole village is very lively. It was obvious that they all lived a life of plenty.

Karma arranged us to a martial arts training ground next door to his house. The space here is large enough to accommodate twenty of us. Six of us sleep in one room.

There is actually another reason why I don't call Meng Kelai, that is because his weapons are too conspicuous, ours can also be said to be used for self-defense in case of robbers, but his weapons are two big axes, let me ask, there are Who would bring two giant axes for self-defense

I ordered Worf to tell everyone that there must be no changes, and everything is waiting for my order. ゾ Camel, we lived a life of farmers. At the beginning, people often came to watch us. After five or six days, it may be because we worked hard and were very honest. The villagers respected us. The vigilance has also relaxed a lot.

I know, it's time for me to act, time waits for no one, I can't keep wasting here.

The night was as cold as water, so I quietly got up, gave Wolf a few instructions, took out Mo Ming from under the pillow that I hadn't touched for many days, put on my night clothes, took off my headgear, and restored my original appearance.

After hearing that there was no movement outside, I cautiously left the house. デルモモル萆恨 I quietly landed on the high wall of the training ground like a leaf.

It is already late at night, and the moonlight is so strong that I can see far away. The whole village is shrouded in a bright moonlight. Occasionally, the calls of night birds can be heard through the silent space.

The villagers had already fallen asleep. I looked around cautiously, and after confirming that there was no one there, I gently climbed over the wall and came to the yard of Uncle Kama's house.

There are four people in Kama’s family, Kama, his wife, and two children. Since Kama got married relatively late, the two children are only in their early twenties, and they sleep in the room on the left, while he and his wife In the main room on the right, my purpose today is to get the information I want to know from Karma.

The yard was very quiet, and the Kama family, like other villagers, had already fallen asleep.

I lightly ran to the main house and put my ears on the window. There was a sound of even breathing in the house. I tentatively pushed the window, but remained motionless.

The clip was at the bottom, I was lucky enough to make a knife, and lightly slid across the bottom with a mad spirit. There was a light click, and I knew that I had succeeded.

Afraid of waking up Uncle Karma and his wife in their sleep, I didn't dare to move rashly, and squatted quietly under the window. After a while, there was no response in the room. I looked around, stretched out my hand and gently opened the window, curled up into a The balls fell gently on the floor of the house like civet cats.

I sang in a low voice: "Darkness condenses the soul, and only the fallen can be free. Awaken, the endless magic power sleeping in my blood." It emerged and enveloped the entire room. I applied the soundproofing magic in the black mist. Without my permission, not only the sound could not come out, but even the light could not shine outside. In this way, I could carry out my plan steadily.

I reached out and tapped, and a few wisps of black air shot out, causing Karma's wife to fall into a coma. Even if I killed her now, she would not be able to wake up. ノSuspicious play ⒊The cold murderous aura enveloped Kama, Kama shivered coldly, woke up from his sleep, rubbed his sleepy eyes, and when he found my existence, he immediately screamed and shrank back , covered himself with the quilt, and said in a trembling voice: "You, you, you are a fallen angel. Am I dreaming?"

I smiled coldly, with a strange light in my eyes, and said in a low voice: "Kama, Lord Demon God asked me to ask you a few questions. If you answer well, I will spare your life, or I will kill your whole family." .”

When Kama found out that I was indeed a fallen angel, she knew that it was impossible for her to resist, and said repeatedly: "No, wife, wife, wake up." He kept pushing his wife while staring at me closely. .

I sneered and said, "She has been restrained by me long ago, unless I am willing, otherwise, she will never wake up again."

Karma obviously loves his wife very much, and resolutely stood in front of her. Although his voice was still trembling, he was much calmer than before: "You, you can ask. Please don't hurt my family."

I glanced at him up and down, and said, "Okay, if you cooperate, I won't kill anyone. What I want to ask is why you Yunna Territory is so rich, and what happened to those powerful bandits in the territory?" What's going on?"

Hearing my two questions, Kama trembled all over, and her face became even paler: "No, I can't say it. You can kill me, but please, let my family go." She rolled from the bed to The ground kept kowtowing to me.

I knew he would answer me like this, so I said in a low voice: "Kama, look into my eyes."

Kama looked up in a daze, and what she saw was a pair of black pupils full of coldness and evil. While attracting his gaze, I chanted: "O great God of Darkness, take my soul as a sacrifice, use my life as a bridge, and grant me the supreme magic power to control my spirit."

This is a third-level dark magic called Dark Night Soul Erosion. It is not very powerful, and it is only useful for people who are much weaker than themselves. Do.

Of course, the premise is that the opponent must be successfully controlled. If the two have similar cultivation levels, the caster is very vulnerable to magic backlash, which is very dangerous.

Generally speaking, even demons with the power of fallen angels are reluctant to use this magic easily.

Karma's mentality has been completely controlled by me, her eyes are getting more and more confused, and gradually turned from confused to dull.

I said softly, "Kama..."

Kama was stunned: "Who is Kama?"

I continued to maintain the voice just now: "Kama is you, you are Karma, and I am your eternal master."

Karma said blankly: "I am Karma, and you are my master."

"Yes, very right, very right, remember, I am your master. Now, I want to ask you a few questions, and you must tell me the truth."

Karma nodded and said, "Excuse me, master."

The first time I used this magic, it turned out to be so successful. I secretly rejoiced: "Okay, tell me, why you Yun Naling can be so prosperous?"

Kama pondered for a while, and said: "It started more than ten years ago. Originally, our Yunna Territory was also very barren. Like other territories, it was full of bandits and bandits, and the people were in dire straits. But suddenly one day, our God appeared, and it was he who guided us to eliminate the bandits, expel the clansmen of other tribes, and led us werewolves to start to reclaim wasteland, develop farming and smelting, and continue to this day. It is precisely because of this that we, Yunna, can become strong , In the past five years, we in Yunna have put an end to poverty, and every family can eat enough and wear cotton clothes."

I was surprised to hear his words, God, God of werewolves, two-headed wolf? There is a hydra on Sasling's side, and a two-headed wolf on Yunna's side. It is hard to deal with it as soon as you hear it. If all the territories are like this, when will I be able to put down the orcs.

I continued to ask, "Then where is your god?"

Kama's face shone with a holy radiance, and she said reverently: "Our god is on Mount Woer in Yunnaling."

I nodded and continued to ask: "I heard that you have a bandit group in Yunna. Where are they and who is the leader?"

Karma struggled a little, holding her head in her hands, looking very painful, obviously trying to avoid this question.

I was shocked, this wolf god held a very high status in the hearts of these werewolves, and he was in danger of struggling against my magic control. ヒ Huai You Niu I increased the dark magic power, and Karma gradually calmed down under the continuous infiltration of dark magic power, and his eyes became more hollow.

I said in a deep voice: "Kama, my servant, answer my question just now." If the professional man Nan Zhongqiufu Zongniu can't let him say it, I'm afraid I will take back this magic, after all, Backlash is very scary.

Kama did not disappoint my hope, and said lightly: "That's right, we don't have a bandit group in Yunna at all. The so-called bandit group is just a statement to the outside world, to avoid military service."

I asked: "It's not a bandit group, so what are they doing together?"

Kama said with some pride: "They are glorious defenders, and their mission is to protect our greatest god. We Yunna people call them the God's Guard Army. Their combat effectiveness is definitely no less than that of the Beamon Army. "

Sure enough, as I expected, the so-called bandit group has a great relationship with Yunna's prosperity, but I don't believe Kama's last sentence. Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to compete with the invulnerable Behemoth who is more than four meters tall.

I asked suspiciously: "Then the patriarch of your wolf clan will also obey him?"

Karma nodded and said: "Of course, God is the supreme ruler of our wolf clan. As long as you are a wolf clan, you must respect him." up. Tell me, where is Mount Wall? "

A longing look flashed in Kama's eyes, and he said: "Wol Mountain is a hundred miles west of here, and there is a restricted area. Without God's permission, no one can easily set foot on that land, not even us werewolves. "

I then asked, "Then have you seen the wolf god?"

Karma shook her head in shame, and said, "I'm just an ordinary civilian. How can I meet this old man? All I know is that he has two gods."

Come on, isn't it just two broken wolf heads? ヒ I know that I have finished asking, today's goal has been achieved, I said gloomily: "Kama, you are sleepy, you are already very sleepy."

Kama's upper and lower eyelids twitched, and she murmured, "Yes, master, I'm sleepy, I'm already very sleepy."

I said softly: "Since you are sleepy, go to sleep. When you wake up tomorrow morning, you will forget everything about tonight, forget about everything about tonight."

Kama repeated my words: "Forget everything about tonight, forget everything about tonight..." His voice became weaker and weaker, and after a while, he fell asleep with a loud snoring.

After making sure that he has completely fallen asleep, I withdraw the dark magic power from his body, and when he wakes up tomorrow, he will not remember what happened.

I wiped the sweat from my head, turned out of the house, lifted the restriction on Mrs. Kama in the air outside the house, quietly retracted the barrier, and made the window back to its original shape. I spread my wings and floated back to the training ground.

I withdrew my dark magic power, changed back to my original form, pushed the door open, and all the guards were still awake, sitting in the room waiting for me to come back.

Seeing me coming in, Wolf asked in a low voice, "Master, is everything going well?"

While taking off my night clothes, I said, "It's going well. I'll observe for the last day tomorrow. If there is no movement, I will act tomorrow night."

Worf said with some embarrassment: "Master, do we really not need to inform His Majesty to send a brigade over here?"

I sighed and said, "We have to do this by ourselves. You have all seen the situation here. The people are full of prosperity, and the so-called bandits are just the guards of their so-called wolf god. It didn’t do anything bad. If we rush to mobilize troops to attack Yunna, it will inevitably force the whole Yunna to unite and resist. Yunna now has enough soldiers and food, and our army is newly defeated in the Fortress of Stru. The Beamon and Wild Lion legions will inevitably pay a heavy price if they want to take down Yunna. At that time, how can we make our beastman country stronger? For Yunna, we can’t attack Yunna hard, only outsmart it.”

The centaur guard said: "Outsmart? How can we outwit it?"

I scratched my head and said, "This is also the problem I am facing now. I have been thinking these days, if Yunna is under a strong rule, how can we regain it without bloodshed? I have thought about it for a long time, but I have never found a suitable answer." I can’t use morality to convince others, go up and negotiate with them. You all go back and rest, let me think about it again.”

The guards in other rooms went back to their rooms to rest, and several people in my room also got under the covers. プ On the bed, I practiced the Heavenly Demon Art, hoping that the feeling of being as cold as water would make me more sober and think of a good way.

If I go to the door to ask for an interview, I'm afraid I won't be able to reach the Woer Mountain and I will be arrested. After all, there are only twenty of us, and this is in other people's territory. What if I go to assassinate the wolf god alone? Not to mention whether it can be successful, it is not easy to find it. Alas, I can't say, I have to take a risk.

In the early morning, I got up early with my guards to do farm work. After a while, Uncle Kama also came, his eyes were a little dull and his face was pale. タStupid he hasn't fully recovered from my dark magic.

I walked over and asked with concern: "Uncle, what's wrong with you? You're not in a good spirit."

Karma sighed, and said: "Maybe it's old, I didn't sleep well last night, and that's it today. My wife's spirit is not very good, so I didn't let her come over."

I groaned, and said: "In this case, you can rest for a while, let me do your work."

Karma said, "How can you be so embarrassing?"

I smiled slightly and said, "What's the matter? Anyway, I'm young and strong. I should take care of you old people. Besides, if it wasn't for your old help, I might still be wandering somewhere. Just give me a reward." chance."

Kama chuckled and said, "Okay, I will trouble you. You are a very good young man. It is a pity to stay here with us. If I have a chance in the future, I will recommend you to the patrol team."

While I was doing farm work, I thought to myself: It seems that he didn't find out what happened last night at all.