Mad God

Chapter 32: Hard battles


The golden wolf head on the left said: "Why, have you never seen such a beautiful werewolf like me?" .

The silver wolf head said: "Don't be ugly here, you are not as handsome as me." It was that soft voice.

"You guys actually have two personalities?"

The golden wolf head said: "We have two heads, naturally we have two brains, and of course we have two personalities."

Yin Langtou said: "Yes, boy, are you afraid? Even if you are afraid, you are not allowed to leave. You must fight us."

I snorted coldly and said: "Fear, what is fear? I think you should be the ones who are afraid. Let me tell you, I am not a human being. Darkness condenses the soul, and only depravity can be free. Awaken, sleep endlessly in my blood magic power." As I chanted, I instantly turned into a fallen angel.

The two wolf heads exclaimed at the same time: "The fallen angel of the demon race."

I, who became a fallen angel, gave an evil smile and said, "Wrong, I'm not a demon either, but I can't tell you what race I am yet."

The two wolf heads looked at each other, and the eyes of the four wolves were full of confusion. I don't see it right, let alone whether the beast god really exists, just you, a fallen angel, cannot be the messenger of the beast god just by transforming. "

I retorted and said, "Then what about you, aren't you just the so-called wolf god?"

Yin Langtou said: "Since we are all counterfeit, let's make a gesture to see if your fallen angel is stronger or our fake wolf god."

I really didn't expect them to be so frank, but I had no time to think, and the wolf god turned into a golden and silver light and hit me. Nai Nai slapped Zhan on the bed and spread his wings lightly on the back, and immediately dodged their attacks. However, although I was not hit, the gold and silver grudge they emitted made my face ache. I dare not be careless. I stretched out my hand to move Mo Ming, and looked at them cautiously.

The golden wolf head laughed and said: "Interesting, interesting, fallen angels are different." ヒ Langtou said: "Okay, then let's use that kind of attack, and see if he can hold on."

The two wolf heads clicked at the same time, and rushed towards me again. This time it was not gold and silver fighting energy, the whole wolf god was wrapped in golden fighting energy. Although the strength was not as strong as before, I felt that it was not hard to touch.

Just as I was about to dodge, a huge frozen ball suddenly appeared on the left side of my body, and it charged towards me with countless spikes. This is a water-type fifth-level magic with extremely strong attack power.

On the right side is a large dense array of small fireballs, each of which emits a faint blue color. Although I am not sure what kind of magic it is, I also understand that it cannot be hard-wired with the body. These two magics almost enveloped my left and right sides. All spaces in the right and rear directions.

No, I am surrounded by enemies. If I retreat now, I will definitely be chased and beaten by my opponent, and I will be completely at a disadvantage. Moreover, I am not sure that I can withstand the opponent's magic attack without getting hurt. It seems that I can only fight for a while. Fight. ノラプアックックラックラックラックディスックディススドリック full of dark magic power and mad god fighting spirit, he roared: "The wild dragon dances wildly." His whole body turned into a huge black dragon with teeth and claws, and rushed towards the wolf god in front of him.

Just before we were about to bump into the wolf god, a small tornado suddenly appeared between us. Although I managed to rush over, the power of the wild dragon dance weakened a lot.

The last thing I saw were two triumphant wolf heads, and then I was blasted out by the extremely violent golden grudge. I bumped into the barrier wall of Xibu a little bit, and the bones of the whole body seemed to be scattered, a stream of blood flowed down the corner of the mouth, and several black feathers floating in the air.

The wolf god flashed in front of me, and the golden wolf head said to the silver wolf head: "Hey, this guy doesn't seem to be injured too badly, and he's quite strong." ノエ Meiming supported her body and stood up slowly, feeling discouraged for a while. , This guy is too strong, even stronger than the fallen angel who practiced the sixth-level Heavenly Demon Art last time. Unless I become a blood-red angel, otherwise, I won't be able to fight at all.

However, my mind is very clear now, and there is nothing that can arouse my anger. How can I transform? Even if the transformation is successful, so what, can I deal with the three thousand iron guards outside? Is my adventure plan going to be ruined like this? After a while, I felt a wave of upset in my heart.

The silver wolf head said to me: "No way, dare to challenge us, hum..."ノ wiped off the blood on his mouth, and said: "So what if you challenge you, but I have a question."

The two wolf heads said at the same time: "Ask." After finishing speaking, the two heads glared at each other and turned their heads away.

I smiled bitterly and said, "Why can you cast magic without spells? Are you really a god?"

The golden wolf head chuckled, and said: "You made us very happy today, let me tell you, who said we didn't recite the spell, I was the one who attacked you with fighting spirit just now, and he was the one who attacked you with magic." Pointing to the silver wolf head.

It suddenly dawned on me that the two of them could use magic and the other use vindictiveness. No wonder only the golden vindictiveness appeared just now. It's not fair, it's so unfair. I'm fighting two people.

The turquoise keeps giving me a strong vitality, which makes me feel a lot more comfortable.

Yin Langtou said: "You made us very happy today, how about it, we won't kill you, you are much stronger than Yin Jian, so just stay here and be our servant."

Servant, make me a servant. A trace of anger surged in my heart, and I shouted: "Don't even think about it, even if I die, I will not be enslaved by you."

Jin Langtou snorted, I don't know who made it, I felt my body fly up again, although it wasn't as heavy as the blow just now, but the feeling of being hit is always uncomfortable.

I fell to the ground, and I heard the golden wolf head say to the silver wolf head: "This guy's skin seems to be very tough. I'm afraid I can't hurt his inside just now."

Yin Langtou said: "If it doesn't work once, just try again, look at me."

When the light flashed, I felt my body lighten up, and I was stuck against the other wall of the temple hall. I was humiliated by them like a sandbag, but I was secretly happy because my anger had been gradually forced out by them.

I tried hard to recall the scene when Leihu humiliated me and the ugly woman humiliated my mother. My body gradually began to change, and my muscles gradually swelled.

The wolf gods took great pleasure in beating me back and forth, but they didn't hit hard, they completely treated me as a plaything. When the ゾゾエラスット knocked me into the air for the eleventh time, I finally went berserk, and my body suddenly froze in the air, exuding an incomparably powerful aura all over my body. ソ鹿Qiaofa shouted: "Look, his wings have turned red. What's the matter, it won't work if it bleeds, I should have shot more lightly just now."

Yin Langtou said: "No, I didn't hit too hard just now, he should still be able to hold it." ノ Yi slammed his blood-red eyes, and said coldly: "You asked for this. "A red light flashed, and I spread my wings and appeared behind them. Daqiaosong fell to the ground. Under my lightning attack, although they blocked most of them, they were still hit by me because of the haste.

I turned around and stared at them. Chi Jiao Falcon returned to the Huai River, and the hair on the back of his neck stood up, and the golden wolf head said: "This guy has become a monster, so strong."

Yin Langtou said: "Come out with a unique move, or you won't be able to resist it." ノ Yi hand grabbed Mo Ming, who had also turned blood red, and turned his body slightly, pointing the tip of his sword at them.

The two wolf heads became extremely serious, and let out a wolf howl at the same time, the clothes on their bodies burst, and strong gold and silver rays of light emanated from them and continuously expanded the range.

When the light dimmed, I discovered that the wolf god had actually turned into a giant wolf on all fours. Their bodies were half gold and half silver, one foot high and three feet long, and their four eyes stared fiercely. I. ピLook, they can also transform. My whole body emits a strong red light, and my whole body is completely shrouded in the energy of the blood red angel. Da Qiaopan stole the scorpion like a swan, and his body spun rapidly in the air, suddenly forming a gold and silver whirlwind, and a clear and soft voice sounded at the same time: "Gold and silver tornado explodes."

The gold and silver whirlwind condensed into one and rushed towards me. With a roar, he spread his wings, and Mo Ming stretched forward, as if like a fire phoenix flying from hell to meet him without fear. The moment when ゾ托谝 collided with their unique moves, I suddenly came to my senses, remembered the purpose of my coming, and forcibly turned Mo Ming, who had been stabbing forward.

A huge, devastating explosion resounded throughout the Vol Mountains, and the enchanted wolf temple suddenly exploded under our blow. The ソ㳤钢 couldn't stop the power that exceeded its load. The roof of the temple was completely lifted, and a stream of gold, silver, and red tangible gas shot out of the sky.

The clouds within three miles around were scattered by this domineering energy, and the werewolf base in Mount Woer continued to drizzle. Everyone in Yun Naling could see this spectacular scene, and almost all the werewolves who saw this scene immediately worshiped, thinking that their wolf god was appearing.

Among the werewolves who worshiped, the wolf god guard group of Volshan was not included, because they knew that this was not a miracle, but caused by man-made confrontation, and the god in their hearts had been challenged unprecedentedly.

Silver Arrow led the temple guards and rushed into the temple at the first time, but Wolf and the others did not dare to act rashly because of my order, and were blocked by the temple guards.

In Yinjian's mind, the wolf god is supreme. Although he also has orders, he can't take care of them now. After Arrow rushed into the temple, he found that the whole temple was no longer as solemn as before, and there were broken walls and rocks everywhere. He called out to the wolf god, and led his men to search around. He found their wolf god in a pile of rubble.

The wolf god no longer had the radiant look he had at the beginning, but had changed back into a werewolf, with fresh blood pouring out of the big mouths of the two wolf heads, and their eyes were dull.

Silver Arrow lifted the wolf god's upper body, leaned on his shoulders, and continuously poured his little fighting spirit into the wolf god's body, calling out: "Mr. Wolf God, Mr. Wolf God. How are you?"

The two wolf heads coughed and gradually woke up. ヒ Langtou said: "Damn it, this kid is really powerful, he almost killed us."

What he said made Yin Jian startled for a moment, but Yin Jian didn't expect his supreme wolf god to be able to speak foul language. He was the last to stop, otherwise..."

Yin Langtou said: "I don't know what happened to him, Yin Jian, we still can't die, you go and find it, it's almost as if the kid doesn't die."

Silver Arrow replied respectfully: "Yes." Handing the wolf god to his subordinates, he led the other temple guards to search. He found my body, and at this time I had returned to a human appearance. Although there were no wounds on my body, and the external injuries had been healed by the power of madness, I was like mud. The same paralyzed there.

Silver Arrow picked me up and said in surprise: "This is not the lion man just now, he, he is a human being."

The wolf god walked over with the support of the temple guards, and the golden wolf head said: "That kid, when you saw him, he was in disguise. This guy is not human. If I guessed correctly, he It should be of mixed race. Much stronger than we thought, but he kept his hand in the final blow, otherwise it would be difficult to say. Let me see."

The golden wolf head put his golden wolf arm on my chest, and said to the silver wolf head in surprise: "This kid's vitality is as strong as that of a cockroach, and after suffering such a serious injury, he not only survived, but also appears to have a strong vitality. Although we kept our hands in the end, he was much stronger than I imagined."

Silver Langtou immediately put his arm on me, and sure enough, as Jinlangtou said, although my injuries are serious, my vitality is still strong, and I will never die.

How did they know that it wasn't because of my tenacious vitality. Although my defense was strong and I was in the state of a blood-red angel, the last impact just now almost killed me. It was the vitality from the turquoise that protected my heart. pulse, so I did not die.

Yinlangtou said: "Well, Yinjian, you settle him down and don't allow anyone to hurt him. We were injured in a fair duel. Also, you should settle down for his subordinates. When he wakes up, I have something to ask him. Our injuries are serious and must be treated immediately."

Yinjian said: "This guy hurt you, it's a heinous crime, why do you keep him?" Da Qiaoyu Mu Jiao smiled wryly as he barked, and Jin Langtou said: "He stopped at the most critical moment, otherwise, The consequences are unpredictable, how can we take advantage of others now? If we do that, what qualifications do we have to be called wolf gods?"

Yinjian first showed a look of shame, then turned to look at the wolf god with reverence, and said respectfully: "I obey." With the help of the guards of the Sujiao temple, Daqiao went back to his dormitory to heal his wounds, while My guards and I were arranged by Silver Arrow in the monastery, and five hundred wolf god guards were sent to "protect" us. We ate and drank a lot, but no one was allowed to go out.

Wolf and the others saw that I was seriously injured, so they didn't dare to argue with them for a while, they could only honestly take care of me in the Abode, hoping that I would wake up soon. ピ谖一谖 Yuan Annoyed asked Ben Li they can only keep me alive by feeding me some liquid food. They also thought about using fighting energy to heal me, but their fighting energy couldn't rush into my meridians, and they didn't dare to hurt me with too much force, so everything can only depend on myself. ァ糐Z〗〓〓〓〓※〓〓〓〓※〓〓〓〓※〓〓〓〓 Ten days later.

I can't move my whole body, it hurts so much.

With a groan, I woke up. Now I can't move anywhere. Looking around, I found myself in an elegantly furnished room.

Where is this, am I dead? Already in hell? Then how can there be injuries. Didn't those wolf god guards kill me? Ah, hey, you finally woke up. "After a shout of surprise, Worf appeared in my sight.

Wolf replied: "This is still Wall Mountain. We were put under house arrest by those guys, and their people are all outside. How is your injury?"

His question reminded me of the situation at the beginning. At that time, I threw Mo Ming over with the last blow, and the powerful force ejected me and the wolf god at the same time. At that time, I thought I was finished. God will be so strong, since I was able to transform into a blood-red angel, he is the first one who can compete with me, because I kept my hand, the wolf god also took back part of his strength in the final blow.

The moment I was knocked into the air, I knew he wouldn't die, and his strength was stronger than mine. フ㍬" Renyu still lost, but I have a chance to fight for both sides.

I checked the condition in my body, and I can only describe it as horrible. The meridians are broken in sevens and eights, and I can't find my mad god fighting spirit at all. Only some dark magic power remains in the brain. Can this injury be cured? Only a genius knows. ノiridium, cacophony, collapse, pull out the industry, accept the ship, the emperor, the stupid, the lu, the purchase, the appearance, the appearance, they are not embarrassing you, right? "

Wolf shook his head and said, "Except for not letting us go out, there is nothing else. Good meals are delivered every day. There are hundreds of people watching outside. I am afraid that with our ability..."

I said, "It doesn't matter. Since the wolf god didn't kill us at the beginning, he won't kill us now. Hurry up and practice. Only when I recover from my injuries can we have any hope of leaving here."

"Yes, master."

"Go out first, I need to be alone."

Wolf retreated, and I tried to mobilize the dark magic power in my brain to heal my wounds, but those energies barely moved and then stopped. ノYi Huai wo Zhong Huai Wei Ne still has no effect, only the vitality from the turquoise is slowly repairing my meridians, but at this speed, I am afraid it will take more than ten years to fully recover It's time.

Suddenly, I remembered the scene when I became a blood-red angel for the first time. At the beginning, I was also seriously injured, and my body was seriously overdrawn. Later, when I repaired my meridians, Mo Ming helped me a lot. The dark magic power that came helped me sort out the meridians in my body, which gave me a chance to recover.

Thinking of this, I yelled: "Wolf, come in." Due to the severity of the injury, I couldn't yell out very loudly, and even this affected my whole body in pain.

Wolf's eyes and ears are very sensitive, and he actually heard my call. He ran to my bedside and asked, "Master."

I endured the pain and said, "Where is my sword? Get it for me."

Worf looked a little embarrassed, and said, "Master, I only saw your people that day, but I didn't find your sword."

After hearing his words, I suddenly remembered that at the final blow, my Mo Ming flew out of my hand, and it must be inside the temple.

"Go and see if you can get the sword back from them. It is very important for my recovery."

Wolf nodded and said, "Yes, I'm going now."

I hummed and said, "Be polite with the other party, I don't want to fall out with them."

Wolf turned around and went out, can those werewolves return Mo Ming to me? This is still unknown, if I can't get Mo Ming back, I'm afraid my plan of the beast god will come to nothing.

At this time, Wolf had already returned, and I asked in surprise, "Why so fast?"

Worf said angrily: "This group of bastards, no matter what I say, they won't let me out. In the end, they just promised me to tell their leader about the sword. If you didn't let me do it, I would want to fight with them." Fight."

I frowned and said: "Why are you as impulsive as Meng Ke? Remember, don't use your hands when you can use your brain. Impulsivity will only cause bad things. No matter how difficult the situation is, you must keep yourself fully calm and understand You go down first, if they are willing to send the sword, you come to me with the sword immediately."

"Yes, master." Wolf's face changed after hearing what I said, hoping he could listen to me. ァ糐Z〗〓〓〓〓※〓〓〓〓※〓〓〓〓〓※〓〓〓〓I waited for three full days, but the other party never replied to Jian. Let Worf ask again, but the other party just said that they have told the commander, but there is no reply yet.

Could it be that Silver Arrow wants to embezzle my Mo Ming? Mo Ming is useless to him, and Yinjian is not like that kind of person. フ At this time, one of my bear guards ran in and said in a deep voice: "Master, someone from the other party is here and wants to see you."

"Who is it?"

The bear guard shook his head and said, "I don't know, he's wearing a big cloak, so he can't see his face."

Wearing a cape? It should be Silver Arrow, this guy is addicted to studying wolf god. I ordered: "Let him come in, you stay outside the door and don't disturb us."

After a while, a man in black wearing a big cloak walked in. ノYe Kaibei Fou, although I still can't see his face, I know that this is definitely not the silver arrow, but the wolf god himself. Because even though he was wearing a cloak, there was still a huge difference in the space between one head and two heads.

I was surprised and said, "Why are you here?"

The wolf god raised his cloak, revealing two big, childish wolf heads. The golden wolf head smiled and said, "What? Don't you welcome us? I heard you want your sword? We brought it to you."

I said vigilantly: "Thank you, please put it by my side." Daqiao Yimai put the bag and shoes on the bed, and the silver wolf head pressed his hand on my chest, a soft energy tried to enter my chest Inside the body, but the same situation appeared when the guards healed me, and I couldn't enter at all.

He frowned and said: "The meridians in your body are so chaotic. Although you have strong vitality, it may be difficult to cure." ノ Yi said slowly: "It's not thanks to you!"

Jin Langtou said: "You didn't point your sword at us that day, so we had already withdrawn our strength at the last moment. Otherwise, no matter how strong your vitality is, you might not escape death. Besides, our injuries were not light."

I retorted and said, "Even if I die, I can still hold you back."

Both big heads of the wolf god shook.

I said angrily, "Don't you believe me? Try again after I recover."

Yin Langtou said: "It's not that I don't believe it, it's that you couldn't do it that day. Although we were seriously injured and only 30% recovered now, it is really impossible for you to kill us both."

Both of us were well aware of the situation at that time, and I did have the ability to stab Mo Ming into their hearts, but the expression of Yin Langtou did not seem to be joking.

Yin Langtou continued: "You can only kill one of us. We are very impressed by your kung fu. You can almost draw with us at such a young age. Let me tell you a secret. Not only do we have two heads, There are even two hearts, so you can only kill one of us that day."

Gold Langtou pointed to Silver Langtou and continued, "Thank you for not killing him that day."

Yin Langtou said angrily: "What do you mean you didn't kill me? They can kill you. Don't forget, your heart is on the left side."

The golden wolf head was angry at the same time: "Who said that ordinary people also have a heart on the right side, how do you know that he can't stab the right side." ァ... I was stunned for a moment when I saw the quarrel between the two of you. Suddenly, the two The wolf head turned to me at the same time, and asked in unison: "Tell me, which side did you want to insert at that time?"

I smiled wryly and said, "What's the point of your arguing about this? It's not realistic. At that time, I didn't even think about killing you, and I didn't even think about getting involved."

Actually, I wanted to insert the left side, but in order not to offend the two of them, I could only give an ambiguous answer. The ostrich and wolf head snorted at the same time, and no one ignored the other and shook their heads to both sides.

Their appearance made me a little amused, and I asked, "You put me under house arrest, what are you going to do with me?"

The two wolf heads immediately became interested, and the golden wolf head rushed to say: "We don't want to do anything to you, so how about you recover from your injuries first, and let's talk about it when you recover from your injuries."

Yin Langtou said: "That is, the most important thing is to heal the injury first. Our injury will take a month or two to heal. Let's talk about it at that time."

It makes me feel very strange to see them looking like they are asking for something from me. They're right, I'm so hurt now, I can't do anything, let's talk about it when I get better. I said sarcastically, "Then I will trouble you to take care of me during this time."

The golden wolf head smiled and said: "You're welcome, you're welcome, we have already ordered Silver Arrow, as long as you don't want to leave, we will try our best to meet your requirements. We will go first, you can rest."

What he said made me suspicious. It seems that what he meant was that he neither wanted to kill us nor let us go. He also said that he would talk to me when I was well, and then I thought about the loneliness they said at the beginning... What are they going to do? , I have a vague shadow in my heart.

"When you go out, please call one of my guards in."

The wolf god responded, put on his cloak, turned and went out.

After they went out, the bear guard came in: "Young Master, what's the matter with you?" ノ Yi wished Lai Kuai Ao You Xin B approached and put my sword under my body. "

The bear man let out an oh, and came to the bed, picked up my upper body, his rude movements made my whole body ache, and couldn't help cursing: "You idiot, can't you be lighter?"

Xiongren said sorry repeatedly, put Mo Ming under my body, and put me on it gently. At the moment when the doctor サ was lucky, the cool and icy feeling penetrated my body immediately, spreading all over my body instantly, and the pain just now eased a lot. ノ Yi Nao Xing Haobo said to the bear guard: "You go out."

I carefully activated this hard-won energy, running in the meridians. The energy transmitted from Mo Ming is not exactly the same as the dark magic power I practiced, but what is certain is that they must are homologous.

I urged it to run around the heart meridian first, and then attack upwards. My plan is to let this energy merge with the scattered dark magic in the brain, and then repair other meridians, so that it will get twice the result with half the effort Effect. ナナスビ㰖 also likes the male tiller to wake up the pole, the animal husbandry, and the cattle very quickly, and a month has passed.

I successfully opened up all the meridians connecting the heart and brain, and opened up all the meridians in the left arm. My head and left arm can move slowly.

On this day, I circulated the dark magic power I had gathered through the opened meridians, relaxed, and prepared to rest. Neko reminds me of the turquoise in my underwear. I have opened up my brain and heart. If I put it on my forehead, can I make full use of its powerful life magnetic field, which is more conducive to my healing? , even if it's not good, it won't be bad. I stretched out my left hand to feel for the small pocket where the turquoise was placed. Since the body is still unable to move, the left hand can't even touch the right side. I tried several times but failed.

I can't ask the guards to help me. Now that I am seriously injured, who knows if they will take advantage of the money, and the time with them is still short, so precautions are indispensable.

I tried again, but it was still unsuccessful. I helplessly put my hands on my body. I am simply a waste now, and I can't even do this. フ When I was depressed, I suddenly felt hard under my hand. It turned out that I accidentally put my hand on the small pocket under the left side of the Maxi crocodile vest. Pocket, took out a piece.

When I got it in front of my eyes, it turned out that it was the largest number of black gemstones at that time, and Zi Yan didn't know what it was for. ツ The things owed to Yujue should not be very bad, maybe it will have some effect, I put it on my forehead, trying to feel its magical power, but the result disappointed me, I didn’t feel anything, It's just a little cold stone. Damn it, didn't that guy lie to me back then and use this crap to make up money

In my anger, my head moved unintentionally, and the black gem rolled down immediately. Before I could catch it with my hands, I subconsciously shook my head and opened my mouth, and the black gem successfully fell into my bloody mouth .

I was secretly proud, but fortunately I was smart, otherwise, if it fell to the right, I would not be able to get it. フ When I was complacent, an abnormal change happened, and I was horrified to find that the black gemstone in my mouth melted in my saliva. Under the hood, I quickly stretched out my left hand to take it out, but the gem melted very fast, and when my hand reached my mouth, it had already turned into a cold liquid and flowed down my throat.