Mad God

Chapter 39: death of brother


Yin said: "You guys can still live to be five or six hundred years old, do you need to be so anxious? Besides, don't you snake people listen to you, isn't it easy to find a female snake man from there? "

The nine heads of the hydra were entangled together: "I'm not in a hurry now, didn't I say that? I only need your help when I have a chance. The women of our snake tribe can't do it."

I asked curiously: "Why not, aren't you of the same race as you? Don't tell me you want to find another Hydra as your wife."

The Hydra smiled bitterly and said: "Where can I find another one? We are a single descendant. You don't know that our Hydra clan must find a dragon female to mate smoothly in order to pass on the family smoothly. How can ordinary snake people stand up to this?" What about my huge energy."

Jin was surprised and said: "You want to find a dragon to be your wife, just like you, will he be willing to follow you?"

Hydra became annoyed and said: "What's wrong with my appearance, I'm not much more handsome than you, my mother is a dragon, and now she's still in the Dragon Clan." Having said that, he quickly covered his mouth.

Jin asked: "What? Your mother is still alive."

Hydra put down his hands, and said with a sad expression: "Yes, my mother is still there. At the beginning, it was my father who used his tyrannical power to take my mother into our forest and forced her to force me. Later, my mother gave birth to me. After that, I went back to the Dragon Clan. The life of the Dragon Clan is much longer than ours, and of course she is still alive."

He said without hesitation: "Ah, your father is a rapist?" Kou Xianmo Hydra was not angry, and sighed: "My father didn't want to either, my father once told me that the most regrettable thing in his life The thing is that I raped my mother, but what I miss the most is the days with my mother."

Jin said: "Then you can also be like your father. After you reach the level of the Jedi, isn't it easy to catch a female dragon? It will be too late in two hundred years."

Hydra shook his head and said: "Father told me before he died, he said that he has been too sorry for his mother in his life, and he never wants similar things to happen again. He asked me, unless I get the heart of a female dragon, Otherwise, we would rather let our hydra family go extinct than force them. When my father was dying, he still remembered his mother's name. I could see that my father's love for my mother was so deep. So, I agreed Father."

I said: "Your father is really affectionate and sincere. Since he ordered you to do so, you must do it. Don't worry, we will help you. Although the dragon may not like your appearance, I believe that sincerity , the principle that gold and stone are open, as long as you use your sincerity to impress the other party, you will definitely achieve your goal. I think the thing your father wishes most is to be able to stay with your mother for the rest of his life. You must fulfill this last wish .Everything must be based on strong strength. If you want to find a dragon as your wife, you must work hard."

Hydra nodded solemnly: "Thank you for your understanding and support, don't worry, I won't be so lazy in the future, I will definitely work hard."

I smiled slightly and said, "Then let's think of a name for you first, shall we?"

Hydra said happily: "Okay, okay, okay, definitely help me think of something louder, don't be as tacky as theirs."

Yin curled his lips and said: "What's so vulgar about ours? Gold and silver are precious minerals. Who doesn't want to have a lot of gold coins." Huan Lang Huang Huan bared shallow J feces Xia stunned to take the word. "

Hydra and I asked at the same time, "What?"

Jin's expression was still serious, and he said very solemnly: "Little bug." After finishing speaking, he and Yin immediately fled like lightning.

Hydra was stunned for a moment, then said angrily: "You two bastards, don't run away, I'll never end with you." He hurriedly followed the gold and silver's footprints. ノ Yi Huai si ψ Niu followed Hydra: "Don't be angry, they are joking with you."

While chasing Hydra, he said bitterly: "These two guys are so hateful, they came to make fun of me again, but don't worry, I won't be really angry, otherwise, I would have been pissed to death by these two guys It's over." After finishing speaking, he accelerated to chase.

From these two days of contact, I found that Hydra has a very generous temper, which is quite rare in the snake clan.

After all, Hydra's skill is stronger, and finally caught up with gold and silver on a slope, and hit it with fireballs, water bombs, and wind blades overwhelmingly. ソ鹤 had no choice but to set up an enchantment to resist, Jin shouted at me: "Lei Xiang, come and help me soon, just watch him beat us."

I chuckled, and said, "I won't help you this time. It's your fault. Please admit your mistake to Hydra. I think he will forgive you."

The two sides had been in a stalemate for half an hour, and the gold and silver had been beaten and retreated steadily. He said: "Lei Xiang, you like the new and dislike the old too much, don't save yourself from death, hurry up, we can't hold on anymore."

Then I ran to Hydra and said: "Forget it, they should already know that they are wrong. I have thought of a name for you, do you want to hear it?" Slowly, he said happily, "Tell me quickly."

Jin shouted: "Hydra, don't fight anymore, I can't beat you."

Hydra threatened: "If you want to call me that name again, hmph, I'll throw another meteorite for you to try." The school of the rotten ruins, okay, we are afraid of you, okay. "

Hydra proudly said: "It's good to know how powerful it is. Lei, think of a name for me, don't make fun of me like the two of them."

"No, don't worry. I think you came from Pancheng, and your kung fu can be regarded as a master level, so you can be called Panzong, okay?"

Hydra read: "Pan Zong, Pan Zong, um, yes, okay, I will call Pan Zong from now on. Thank you, Lei Xiang, you are much better than those two guys."

I shook my head and said, "We're friends, we'll see each other if we talk about this, okay, let's go." The eunuch said, "I'm tired of being beaten by him, why don't we call it Pan Zong, why not call it Pan Zong What about it?" ゾ Pan Fei yelled at Pu. Let's go. "

In the afternoon of the second day, we were already close to the border between Sasling and Yunnaling, and the ominous premonition in my heart became stronger and stronger. Jinyin and Panzong had recovered most of their abilities after a day of adjustment.

Jin Dao: "Lei Xiang, why do you seem to be depressed? Did Panzong provoke you? Let's fix him together."

Pan Zong stared at eighteen eyes and said: "Only you, a troublesome stinky wolf, can provoke Lei Xiang."

I looked at the sky, and the sun had gradually shifted to the west: "I don't know why, but I always have a feeling of depression in my heart, as if something is about to happen."

Yin said: "You are worrying too much, who can we be afraid of in the beastman country, relax a little bit." The ant blindfolded Guan Caiqian said in relief: "Let's go quickly, we must arrive at the place before sunset Join the brothers."

Hurrying all the way, I took Jinyin and Panzong and finally rushed back to the slope where we agreed to meet at dusk. The sun was hanging in the western sky reluctantly, and the half face exposed outside brought a beautiful smile. sunset. サYes, now I don't have any intention to appreciate it at all, because I have experienced that ominous premonition.

There was no one on the slope, only a few bloodstains that had turned purple. ノ Yi dodged around and yelled at him, exuding a fierce murderous aura all over his body. who is it? The man who attacked me.

Jinyin came to my side, Jin put his arms around my shoulders and said, "Lei, don't worry, let's look for it carefully." Huidong shouted, "Come on, there are bloodstains here too, and there is a dead body." What about it?" Na body? I ran the Mad God Art with all my strength, and "flyed" to Pan Zong's side at the fastest speed.

Sure enough, the centaur guard lay there quietly, but his expression was full of fear and anger. His chest and abdomen were cut open with a sharp knife, his internal organs spilled all over the floor, and his wide-open eyes were completely dead gray.

I silently walked to him and squatted down, put my hands on his wide-open eyes, and slowly closed his eyes downwards. There was no emotion in my voice, it was as cold as the winter wind: "Brother, if you have a soul, please tell me, who killed you? Who is it? Which beast used such a cruel method to make you die?" At the end, I almost roared out .

These guards have been with me for a while. Although I can’t say that I have a deep relationship, I have long regarded them as my own. They are all my brothers.

I suddenly raised my head and stared at Pan Zong: "It was you, your subordinates did it, right? It was you." I rushed over with a stride, holding Pan Zong's lapel tightly with both hands.

Pan Zong was stunned for a moment, then became furious, shook his arms, swung me back a few steps, and said angrily: "What is me, why do you say that my subordinates did it?"

Jinyin hurriedly pulled me back, Jin said: "Lei, don't be impulsive, first find out the facts before talking about it."

While struggling to get rid of the gold and silver barriers, I roared mournfully: "What else are you looking for? This is the territory of their snake tribe. Although it is close to Yunna, it is impossible for the people on your side to be hostile to my brothers. Yes! No? Only the snake people would kill my brother so cruelly. Did you forget when they besieged my brother with a group of snake people?"

Yin suddenly punched me heavily in the face, and the huge force sent me flying, slammed into a big tree, and fell to the ground with a bang, stirring up a cloud of dust.

She said angrily: "Lei, you bastard, do you just not believe us? Then why do you let us follow you? Before the investigation is clear, draw conclusions arbitrarily. Even if it was really done by the snake clan, you have to Get the evidence and settle accounts with Pan Zong, what are you doing now?"

After hearing Yin's words, Panzong's nine snake heads showed expressions of gratitude at the same time, but he didn't speak. Souli controlled their common body, preventing Yin from going forward to beat me: "Lei, be sober, those boys under your command may not be experts, but twenty people together, a group of snakes can hurt me." Is it?"

I covered my painful cheeks, stood up slowly, looked at Jinyin, then at Panzong, with a sad look on my face.

I said lightly, "Thank you, Yin, your punch woke me up. My brother's death made me dizzy with anger for a moment."

A few steps forward, I came to Pan Zong, bowed deeply first, then stared into his eyes and said, "I'm sorry, Pan Zong, I was too impulsive just now. However, if it was really your subordinate who did it Yes, I will not let you snake people go." I turned around and walked towards the body of the centaur guard, and then I squatted down again. When I woke up, I naturally wanted to find something I needed from his body . ヅ Liao poked the liar and shook his head helplessly.

Jin said: "Lei Xiang, you check the body here first, let's look around to see if there are any traces left." The wounds were corroded. Judging from the blood stains on the ground and other parts of his body, he should have been dead for no more than three days. But why does his wound rot? Now that the weather has turned cold, logically speaking, it shouldn't be like this.

"Lei, there are corpses here too." Jin's voice came. In the bushes less than 100 meters away, we found four more corpses, all of them were my guards, and their death conditions were worse than those of the centaur guards, and two of them were slightly better The head of one had been beheaded, and the other two had been dismembered into more than a dozen pieces. They were barely put together by gold and silver, and purple blood stains covered a five-meter radius.

I operated the Heavenly Demon Art to the limit, and suppressed the grief and indignation in my heart with the icy air of dark magic power. Aunt ノ started and looked at Pan Zong. He thought I was going to trouble him again, so he took a step back subconsciously, showing a vigilant look.

"Brother Panzong, I'm sorry, I solemnly apologize to you for my previous behavior. I think that my subordinates were not killed by you snake men."

Pan Zong was taken aback, and said, "How did you judge that it wasn't us snake people? Why can't I see anything?"

I let out a long sigh and said, "I have trained all these men by myself. I know how capable they are. As you can see, we have only found the bodies of my guards and no trace of any enemies." This shows the gap between them and the opponent. If I can kill so many brothers so quickly without being killed by their resistance, then this murderer's kung fu is definitely not inferior to mine, and there is definitely more than one. I think, apart from you, among you snake people, I am afraid that there is no one with such good skills. And you have never been out of Pancheng, so I conclude that these murderers must not be you snake people, nor werewolves, or even It won't be any orc. Among the orcs, only my father has this strength, but he will definitely not come here to kill people for no reason."

Like Jin just now, Yin put his arms around my shoulders, and said softly: "Lei, you have finally woken up. Your analysis is very thorough, so who do you think will be the murderer?"

Jin said in surprise: "Wow, Yin, I feel feminine from you for the first time. Lei, I'm going to be jealous." ヒ Withdrawing the hand on my shoulder, I punched Jin in the stomach , Angrily said: "Why is this girl not feminine anymore?"

I glanced at them gratefully, and I understood that Jin wanted to distract me and ease my pain, but the comrades and brothers who fought with me died in vain, how could I not feel sad.

I took a deep breath of the fresh air brought by the grass and said: "I think, I am afraid that none of my men will survive. Come on, let's look for it. See if there are any traces left, at least find theirs Corpse."

After more than an hour of searching, we found a total of 18 corpses, each of which died in a terrible state, and almost none of them were whole corpses. However, there were still no clues of the enemy left. The ones that ザ didn't find were Wulf and Mengke, and the black dragon was also not found. ノ Doctor Their corpses gathered together, looking at them with red eyes.

Jin said: "Lei, let's look again. Judging from the position of the corpses just now, they should have run eastward. There are still two missing, maybe they are still alive."

I nodded heavily, and searched eastward with Panzong and Jinyin. Gold and silver have been leading the way with their keen sense of smell and the smell of blood.

After walking for about ten miles, Jinyin stopped suddenly, Jin pointed to the left side and said, "Over there." Looking in the direction ノ Yi Shaopan pointed, it turned out to be a big rock.

Yin pointed to the stone, and I looked at her suspiciously and said, "You said it's down there?" Sohe nodded together.

I stretched my arms and shouted: "Open." The mad god's fighting spirit surged out, and he easily pushed the boulder weighing a thousand catties out. As soon as ゾzang left its original place, a familiar voice roared: "You bastards, I will fight with you." A mad figure rushed out from under the rock with two huge snow-white crescents and slammed at me. Come on.

I saw the owner of Crescent Moon clearly, and I was overjoyed. While dodging, I yelled: "Mengke, stop, it's me." When I heard my voice, I stopped attacking immediately, clang, clang twice, The two big axes in Meng Ke's hand fell to the ground, and he threw himself on the ground and wailed, "Master, why are you only coming back now!"

I hurriedly helped Meng Ke up, and pressed my hand on his veins. Fortunately, he was only slightly injured, physically exhausted and not eating for a long time, so he was a little weak.

Mengke gasped and said, "Master, please save Wolf, he is dying."

"What? Where is he?"

"He's in that cave."

I handed Meng Ke to Pan Zong, and strode into the crypt.

The space here is very small, only enough to squat three adult orcs.

Worf has only one arm left on his chest, blood stained his samurai uniform red, his left leg is broken at the root, and his eyes have shown death gray. Although the bleeding has stopped, if I am one step late , maybe he is going to leave me. ノxixixiaμtongjuqian, put it on his chest, and the incomparably pure mad spirit was stimulated, Wolf's body trembled for a while, and a blush appeared on his face.

But I wasn't excited at all. His injuries were too serious, not only serious external injuries, but also serious internal injuries. It's a miracle that he can survive until now.

Jinyin jumped to my side, and Jin said: "How? His internal organs have been damaged in many places, I dare not treat him at all, now I can only see if he can wake up."

Putting the silver hand on Wolf's hand, he sighed, and said, "This guy is really a tough guy. It's a miracle that he can still persist until now after suffering such a serious injury."

Hearing her say that, I knew it was hopeless. ゴ早 held the Xingtong Strider ρ stone, and I used my power to input energy for him again.

Wolf trembled again, coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood, and slowly woke up.

When he saw me, his eyes were full of light, and his spirit suddenly became much better, but my heart kept sinking. I knew very well that this was a sign of returning to the light.

There was a smile on Worf's pale face, and he said weakly: "Master... you... have finally... come back... here."

Tears dripped from my eyes uncontrollably, I grabbed Wolf's hand, choked up and said, "Wolf, I'm sorry, I'm late."

Worf shook his head lightly, and said: "This... it's not my fault... you, you... must... have... important... things to do, I... know, you... have always been thinking about... us. Mengke ...Where's Mengke? What's wrong with"

"He's up there, he's fine, I'll tell him to come down."

Wolf's voice became weaker and weaker, and the red light on his face gradually faded. He struggled a few times, and I quickly put my arms around his body and made him sit up.

He glanced at me and said, "No...Master, Master, do you...know?,, yes, I...I'm not afraid of you...blaming me , I... have always... regarded you as a... friend, although... you look... indifferent, but I... know, your heart... is extremely hot, especially... for us... these brothers. Although... they... are all gone, But I... believe that none of them... regret... following you. Master... thank you... for your concern for us."

Intense grief surged up, and I cried bitterly: "Stop talking, Wolf, my brother, you have to be strong, and I will definitely cure you."

Worf's eyes were very calm, and he smiled and said: "Master, I... my... situation... I know it myself, I... am... going to... die, before... I die..., I... can... request... you Help... me to do... two... things...?"

"Tell me, even if you want the sun in the sky, I will find a way to pick it off for you." ノジャナナナナナナナナナク was already very weak, and I couldn't keep my eyes open, so I put my ear on his mouth: " Master, Meng Ke is... my... best... brother, from now on... please... help... me... take care of him."

I nodded, and tears fell down his hands in big drops.

"S...young master, you... don't... be sad, no matter... it is... what... creature, it is... going to die..., no... is it? Besides, I... soon... can... meet... brothers... brothers... , I… will… say hello to them… for you. And… one more… thing, I… have a… younger sister, she was… small… when she was… together with me… was kicked out…, later , we are...separated.... Her... name is... Woma, I... have... half of... Pushi in my arms, and she... should... should... have... half of it, which can be... combined... in... together. Now ...I don't... know... life... death, help... me... find... find... her, okay...?"

I nodded vigorously and broke down in tears: "Yes, I will. As long as she is still alive, I will definitely find her and take care of her like my own sister. Don't worry."

I suddenly felt Worf's hand slip weakly, and his head rested on my shoulder. ノ一病检执前杀总江泪 in front of my eyes, looked down, Worf closed his eyes, and leaned on my shoulder peacefully, a crystal teardrop hung on the corner of his still smiling eye.

My whole body trembled, and I knew that he had passed away with tears, and I would never hear his resonant voice again. ノ has liuxuan roared: "No." My body was changing rapidly, without any warning, I went completely mad, my hair and eyes quickly turned red, the muscles of my body suddenly swelled, full of explosive energy. strength.

But I am still very clear, the dark magic is trying to control my emotions, I feel that this madness is different from the past, it has brought me more power, and it is endless without any signs of exhaustion.

As early as when I was roaring, Meng Ke had already walked over with Pan Zong's support.

Although I looked scary, Wolf's death made him forget everything. He lay on top of Wolf and cried bitterly: "Wolf, my brother, why did you go like this? It's all my fault. It's to protect me. Worf—"

Meng Ke passed out due to his emotional excitement.

The violent red grudge raged around me, and the huge force completely tore off the clothes on my upper body, revealing the solid muscles like a demon god.

Jinyin and Panzong felt the huge pressure on my body, and took a few steps back unconsciously. ノ Already Address 3. The energy of the broken basket covered Mengke, Mengke's whole body trembled, and he woke up slowly.

My voice was extremely cold: "Tell me, what's going on? Who attacked you? I swear by the blood of my brothers, no matter who it is, I will make them pay with their lives. Dead brothers, your heroic spirits are not far away, use your souls to bless me to find those murderers. Ah!" A fierce red light emanated from my body and shot straight into the sky.

Under my deliberate control, the corpses of Mengke and Worf were covered in the defensive barrier, and they were not damaged. ノ Liquid warbler 莸 mu ⒆ Pa Tu playing dead eight lazy!

Meng Ke got up, hugged Worf's head in his arms, and a frightened confusion flashed in his eyes: "About the seventh day after you left, that is, two days ago, five humans suddenly came, four A man and a woman. The woman is young, very beautiful, and has a good figure. She seems to be their leader. They look very kind. Since they look a little like you, we didn't pay much attention. One of the men in his forties came over to talk to us. A brother told them that we are the emissaries of the Beast God Sect, specially helping the orc brothers to solve their problems. There was a gleam in the eyes of the middle-aged man in his forties, and he turned his head The person who told them should be them. At that time, I felt very strange when I heard this sentence, but I didn’t ask. The woman came over, and the brothers were all intoxicated by her charming appearance. She suddenly found the black dragon, I exclaimed: "Could it be him." I grabbed a brother by the skirt and asked who our leader was. Of course we wouldn't tell her, but the brother who grabbed the clothes was shocked by his strength and shook her a few steps away, scolding her. She said a few words. The woman's expression suddenly became very gloomy, and she asked us: "Are you sure you don't want to say anything?" The guy will come out naturally. We have received news that you orcs have changed, and you have set up some kind of beast god religion. Since you refuse to say it obediently, I will let you die.' She shouted to his subordinates:' Do it." Our nightmare started with her doing it. The five of them said a weird spell at the same time, and then something happened. They all changed, and a pair of black feathers grew out of their backs. Long wings, eyes and hair also turned black. The woman didn't move and ordered the four men to start attacking us, but she jumped at the black dragon."

I interjected, "Does their spell start with the phrase 'darkness condenses the soul'?"

Meng Ke thought for a while, nodded and said: "It seems to be." ソ Zhen⒁ exclaimed at the same time: "Fallen Angel."