Mad God

Chapter 40: Death taboo


I nodded heavily. According to Mengke, Mo Yue, the only woman in the Demon Race who can transform into a fallen angel, brought people to the Beastman Kingdom.

"Mengke, keep talking."

"Yes, master. After we all discovered their mutation, we immediately took out our weapons and prepared to fight them, but they are simply too terrifying." Intense fear flashed in Meng Ke's eyes, "That's not what humans can have at all. Speed and power." Noihama Kokukukuba and the others were not human beings in the first place. "

Mengke nodded, and said: "I only now know that they are the fallen angels of the demon race. The centaur brothers rushed up first, and also opened the prelude to our massacre. My eyes can only catch the faint As soon as the shadow of the centaur flashed, the centaur brother let out a scream, threw a rain of blood and fell down. At that time, my eyes were red. We are all good brothers who grew up together. The ax was about to rush up. It was Brother Worf who stopped me. He held me, and at the same time shouted to the other brothers. Everyone used their strongest attack to block the opponent's pursuit. Our brothers fell down one by one. Worf was also seriously injured in protecting me. Until here I supported this big rock and fought under it. We made a hole, and we barely escaped the enemy's pursuit."

"What happened to the black dragon?"

"The black dragon was controlled and ridden away by that demon girl somehow. She confessed that those subordinates could not keep us alive, and we never saw her again."

I hummed, and the blood-red grudge around my body crackled: "Rest, rest assured, our brothers will not die in vain, and I will make the demons pay in blood for everything they have done."

Meng Ke's face suddenly convulsed, his eyes were full of fear, he raised his right hand and pointed to the sky, rubbed his body back, and said in a trembling voice: "It's them, they're here again."

I looked up in the direction he pointed, and sure enough, four fallen angels flapped their wings and flew towards us. ノ B exchange post Zheng Jiang knocked Mengke unconscious, and the strong hatred washed away my sobriety. With a roar, I pushed my feet hard and jumped up: "The mad dragon dances." The body turned into a blood-red The long dragon greeted him.

After becoming mad, I exerted 200% of my power, and my endless battle energy rushed towards the opponent with Mo Ming as the sharp edge. ノSuspicious play ⒊The hard work and the hard work ǘ made those fallen angels feel fear. They reacted very quickly. A black energy ball was sent out, and the four energy balls merged into one in the air, and rushed towards me.

Now I don't know how to dodge at all, so I rushed forward abruptly. There was a loud bang, and I was sent flying back by the powerful dark magic power, and blood gushed out of my mouth in the air. I can't deal with it alone.

Pan Zong let out a roar, flashed over, and caught my body. The powerful momentum brought him back more than ten steps in a row before he stabilized his figure. The second was secretly surprised by the power of the fallen angel. Not only did I suffer a big loss when I met him, but the remaining power was still so strong that he couldn't stand firm. ソ鹤 dodged and stopped in front of us to prevent the opponent from chasing. Two fallen angels landed 20 meters in front of us. They looked at me in surprise, who was not torn apart. One of them noticed Meng Ke, smiled, and stepped forward, saying: "So this kid is hiding here , no wonder we couldn't find it, if it wasn't for the red light that pointed the way just now, you would have run away, and now you're in a trap." His voice was gloomy and sharp, and it sounded very harsh. In the ビレ㯖υ诳 stage, the meridians in my body healed quickly, and the dark magic power in my body brought me sobriety again under the stimulation of the same source of external force.

With Pan Zong's support, I stood up straight and stared fiercely at the other party. A cold and hateful voice flowed out word by word from between my teeth: "Are you the bastards who killed my men?"

The fallen angel who spoke just now saw that I still had the strength to fight again, and looked at me carefully in surprise, and another older one replied: "Yes, we killed it, you are in the same group, today is just right Catch them all in one go, so we can go back and return to our lives."

I shook my head and said viciously: "No, you don't have to go back anymore. This place will be your burial place. You must pay for my subordinates with your own lives."

"Oh! So, you are the one the princess is looking for, but the princess said..." Nuoyi Bang said, "Is it transformation? Jinyin, Panzong, I hope you can help me, May I?"

After regaining my sobriety, I certainly knew that even if I became a blood-red angel, it would be impossible for me to deal with the four fallen angels in their best condition. It would be different with the help of Jinyin and Panzong. If I clean up one of them, coupled with my strength, I am still sure to deal with these guys.

Jin threw the cloak on the side, and said in a bitter voice: "No problem. Lei, these scumbags dare to run wild in our orc's place. Today, I will avenge your subordinates no matter what."

Seeing that I had recovered a bit, Panzong let go of the hand that was holding me, lifted the cloak on his head, and shook his head uncontrollably: "Dare to come to my place to act wildly, and almost make me a scapegoat, deal with these Of course I will be counted among the scum.”

The ferocious and strange appearance of Jinyin and Panzong stunned the four fallen angels. They would never have thought that there were such races among the orcs.

I nodded in satisfaction, and said: "Okay, let's transform together, let them see if we orcs are unmanned. Darkness condenses souls, and only depravity can be free. Awaken and sleep in my blood Endless magic power." ノ Yiluo cast the transformation spell, and the dark magic power in his body stirred wildly, and gradually merged into the mad god fighting spirit that filled my body, and two red wings suddenly appeared behind me, I felt His body was full of inexhaustible strength, and the strong internal injury he had suffered just now was immediately suppressed.

Gold and Silver also began to chant. It was the first time I heard them chanting the transformation spell, which was obviously adding momentum to our side.

Jin said: "Sun, friend who bestows warmth on the earth, please bestow upon me your endless power." Yin said: "Moon, friend who brings light in the dark night, please wash my body and mind with your endless brilliance. "The two wolf heads chanted at the same time: "Awaken, the blood of the sleeping wolf god."

Jinyin let out a long wolf howl to the sky, his body and hair grew rapidly, and he immediately became the strongest attacking state. He landed on all fours, and the huge wolf body shone with gold and silver, and the powerful energy tore the surrounding bushes to pieces. Shattered, it turned out that their original power was to absorb the essence of the sun and the moon.

Pan Zong did not show any weakness, with nine heads and one mouth shape, he sang at the same time: "Water, fire, earth, and wind, the purest energies that exist in nature, please ignite the hope in my heart, wake up, the blood of the sleeping snake king. "

He rolled to the ground, and his body and head quickly grew dozens of times their original size. It turned out that he relied on natural forces to cultivate. The four fallen angels were scared and flew away after such a strange transformation. ヅ The joke means that the nine giant snake heads that have just recovered are the first to attack.

Countless three- and four-level four-system magic covered the opponent, even with the speed of the fallen angels, they couldn't dodge such an all-round attack, and they were thrown into a panic.

If Meng Ke hadn't fainted, he would be very surprised, thinking of something from our transformation.

Gold and silver and I rushed out at the same time, and divided them into two fallen angels. I took the oldest one. After the transformation, I was much faster than gold and silver. Faced with my enemy.

Unexpectedly, that fallen angel blocked my tyrannical slash. Although he was slashed, I knew that he was not injured. I knew in my heart that this guy had already practiced to the sixth level of the Heavenly Demon Art. , otherwise, there is absolutely no such strength.

At the beginning, I was able to kill four fallen angels by myself mainly because they were all injured. At the same time, my changes were too weird. When they were not on guard, I killed them at lightning speed and caught them off guard.

But this time is different, even though I turned into a blood-red angel, it is only one line higher than the fallen angel who has practiced the sixth-level Heavenly Demon Art, and it is not so easy to kill him.

Unexpectedly, the fallen angel was even more surprised. He had just practiced the sixth-level Heavenly Demon Art for a short time. He thought that other than the dragon riders, the other races would have no opponents, but he didn't expect that he would be defeated by me after a face-to-face encounter. at a disadvantage.

After fighting the opponent hundreds of times in the air, I gained the absolute upper hand, and he could only defend passively.

Jinyin's attack of magic and fighting spirit caught the opponent by surprise. The fallen angel only had the strength of the fifth-level Heavenly Demon Art, and he had already been hit in many places and was injured.

Pan Zong showed his true strength in this battle, and even I, who has become a blood-red angel, can feel the gap with him. Chijiao bream tiller returned to the sedan chair, stunned mu haggard, shabu-shabu, enthalpy, Gonghuang's magic, poisonous gas, and four physical attacks. The snakehead was beaten into a panic, and resisted back to back.

So far, we have gained the absolute upper hand. I think that even if Mo Yue is there, it will not be able to stop our crazy revenge. バフラナナナラララスララスルスルストイトストストスルカラスラスラック My attacks are getting more and more crazy, and the crazy gods are constantly coming out.

"Crazy shadows." The night sky seemed to turn red, and countless red shadows rushed madly around my opponent. The fallen angel in his forties could no longer resist my attack, and his body was pierced by the red shadows. Countless times, it exploded and turned into a rain of flesh and blood. When BI Krypton delivered, Jinyin also launched a final attack, once again resorting to the stunt gold and silver roll dragon break. Their opponents had no time to use their strongest strength to resist, and they were already torn to pieces.

Panzong had already started using the meteorite technique when I launched the final attack. When the gold and silver opponents were torn apart, a hill-like meteorite floated towards them.

The eyes of the remaining two fallen angels showed hopeless fear, and one of them suddenly showed a firm expression, threw his companion out of the circle with all his strength, and roared: "Go quickly, go back and report. The great underworld God, I am willing to use my flesh and blood, soul and everything to take your most powerful power. Come on, you monsters, let’s perish together. Taboo · Pluto’s charity.”

Hearing his incantation, I was shocked. This is no longer within the scope of dark magic. There are several kinds of magic that seek to seek the king of the underworld in the Tianmo Jue, which is a taboo technique. I didn't expect it to appear on this fallen angel. ツ头恩晚恩沟拉塖濉⒂Pipijiya turned pale gray, her eyes changed from black to white, and her body swelled rapidly. The meteorite technique had reached the top of his head at this time.

I yelled: "Be careful!" I turned into a blood shadow and rushed over, standing between Panzong and the fallen angel.

The fallen angel had a violent explosion centered on himself the moment Xiaoshan approached him. Surprisingly, no flesh and blood splashed out, and a circle of gray energy suddenly spread outward. This energy was continuously dissipated.

As soon as I gritted my teeth, I turned into a blood dragon and greeted him with a wild dragon dance.

The distance between gold and silver is still relatively far, so I can only continue to support me with magic. Pan Zong roared, and countless magic defense shields wrapped me up.

Finally, I bumped into that circle of gray energy bands.

I didn't feel any impact of energy, I just felt as if I was getting weaker, and I didn't know what was corroding me. The magical defense shields on my body also disappeared layer by layer.

The gray energy belt passed through my body, as if all my strength had been taken away by it.

The berserk transformation disappeared from me in an instant, the breath of death enveloped my whole body, the turquoise suddenly became extremely hot in my close-fitting pocket, a thick layer of green light penetrated into my body, the green light burst In a flash, the gray energy belt suddenly weakened, but I heard a cracking sound, the turquoise was finished to protect me.

With a scream, I passed out, and my body suddenly fell from the air.

Due to my resistance, the gray energy band gradually disappeared, and when it reached Pan Zong's body, there was only a thin layer left, which was offset by Pan Zong's magic.

Panzong flicked his big tail and caught me who fell from the sky. The suspicious energy belt spread all the way, and the surrounding trees, shrubs, rocks, and everything protruding from the ground quietly disappeared under the shadow of death.

Everything happened in an instant. Since Jinyin, Panzong, and Mengke and I were basically on the same line, they were not harmed by the taboo.

What the fallen angel who chose to sacrifice himself did not expect that his own sacrifice did not result in the departure of his companions.

When he threw his companion out, his companion was stunned for a moment, and exclaimed: "No." It was this delay that determined his fate. When he wanted to leave again, it was already too late. Like mountains, rocks, and vegetation, they all disappeared under the gray energy.

Within a radius of 300 meters, except for the area about ten meters wide that I was defending, it was completely flat and desolate, without a trace of life.

Pan Zong changed back into human form, hugged me who was extremely pale, and was speechless in a daze.

Jin Dao: "How is it? How is Lei?" ヅ Tao Chen trembled, his soul penetrated into his body, and frowned, "Fortunately, he still has breath, but he was seriously injured. That energy is too terrifying , if Lei Xiang hadn't resisted desperately, I'm afraid, I..." He couldn't help shivering, and his heart was full of fear.

His judgment was very correct, that force was irresistible even with his strength, after all, it was a force that did not belong to this world.

At the last moment just now, if it weren't for my full blow, his various magical defensive barriers, plus the berserk transformation, the transformation of the fallen angel, and the release of a large amount of vitality from the turquoise, so many factors, I am afraid, I would not be able to Protect him from disaster. ソ鹤 sighed, and said: "Lei Xiang is a good man who values love and righteousness. He wronged you today, and this is his compensation. Come on, go to the cave to heal his wounds first."

Pan Zong hugged me and walked towards the cave: "Actually, I didn't blame him at all. Anyone who encounters that kind of thing will lose control of his emotions. He has done a good job."


Hades, the king of the underworld, was sitting on the throne wearing a wide gray robe, a joyful smile appeared on his majestic face, a circle of white symbols swirled around his body continuously, and the gray but shining crown emitted a little light. Circle the gray energy, and the surrounding white symbols immediately melt into his stalwart body.

"That's great. I didn't expect someone in that world to beg me so sincerely. He firmly abandoned his body and soul. Very good. The energy of dedication makes me feel very comfortable. I can also see through his begging. I glanced at that other world. Lucifer, the person who asked for my power has your aura on him. It seems that you have quite a few believers in this other world."

In front of Lucifer, the great demon god whose power in the underworld is second only to Pluto, he gently patted six black wings and floated on his body, bowed and said, "All creatures that believe in darkness and death are your most loyal believers." But he cursed secretly in his heart The fallen angel, the taboo technique he used added some foreign energy to Hades, the king of the underworld, and the hope of replacing him became even slimmer.

Hades was obviously very happy, and didn't pay attention to Lucifer's expression: "Well, you're right, I didn't find anything unusual about this devotee, but the opponent he was going to deal with surprised me."

Lucifer was stunned, and asked, "What kind of creature can surprise you?"

Hades frowned, Junwei's face showed a trace of imperceptible confusion: "Do you believe it? The last blow of your believer who borrowed my strength was actually taken by his opponent."

Lucifer was shocked and said: "What? In another world, someone can take over one ten-thousandth of your power. Although it is only one ten-thousandth, it is already quite amazing."

Hades nodded and said: "Yeah, I was also surprised, the human being at the front is full of powerful vitality, and at the same time, he has the energy of you and Tiomandis, although not strong, but It makes me feel very strange." With a gloomy look on his face, he said silently, "Tiomandis, are you in that different world? Do you know how much I miss you."

With a flash of gray light, Hades appeared in front of Lucifer: "Don't have any hope. Back then, Tiomandis was hit by the three archangels with full force. It was impossible to survive. You should know this better than me. You must know that we signed a truce agreement with the gods not to go to another world more than two thousand years ago. I don't want to start a war between the gods and the underworld because of you. After all, we are not ready yet. Free Then you have to practice more."

Lucifer bowed and said, "Yes, my lord." But is Lucifer really that obedient? He was sentenced to flee to the underworld from the protoss.

One of the five archangels, the charismatic angel Raphael, whose appearance cannot be described in any words, flapped six snow-white wings and stood respectfully in the center of the temple.

"Lord God King, just now I suddenly felt that the power of Hades invaded another world. I don't know if it is a sign that the underworld is about to invade. I hereby report to you."

A soft voice came from the innermost white barrier of the temple: "Raphael, you worry too much, I also feel the breath of Hades, but it's just that someone from another world borrowed some of his power, you no need to worry."

Rafael said worriedly: "Although I have lived in peace with the underworld for so many years, I always have a bad feeling."

The soft voice came again: "I will pay attention to them. In another eight years, there will be a battle between the rookies of the two worlds every three thousand years. You must prepare well and pay more attention to the opponent's movements. At the same time, you should tell Gabriel to watch closely Our little princess, there must be no mistakes, my lovely daughter is our hope to defeat the underworld."

"Yes, my lord. I take my leave."

"Hmm." Looking at Raphael's leaving figure, the God King said to himself, "Who will the Demon Realm send to participate? Pluto doesn't have a son. Daughter, please don't let me down! "

I slowly woke up from the coma, feeling limp all over, without any strength.

Pan Zong's excited voice came: "Ah! Lei Xiang, you finally woke up." With both eyes, Pan Zong's nine snake heads gathered around me and stared at me carefully.

Jin Yin and Meng Ke also ran over, Jin asked eagerly: "Lei, how are you feeling? Is there any other discomfort?" ノ Yi Tazi was asking me if I had any hidden injuries, and I checked my body intently. The dark magic power is entrenched in my Yintang. Although there is a little lack of energy, it is still very active. The Mad God Dou Qi is very weak, and I can only feel a trace of their breath in the dantian, but I believe that with my practice, I can't It will take too long, but you can definitely practice back to the original state.

So, I shook my head and said, "Don't worry, I won't die yet. I will fully recover after a while."

Pan Zong said excitedly: "Lei Xiang, thank you..." ノ Yiwei immediately stopped him from continuing: "It goes without saying that you are a brother, this is what I should do, if it is exchanged, I believe you will also Would do the same, wouldn't it?"

Pan Zong nodded solemnly, and said: "When you blocked the attack for me, I knew that I had another most sincere brother. I, Pan Zong, will definitely treat you as the best brother in the future. Regardless of any difficulties, let us brothers break through together."

I nodded happily and said: "Yes, no difficulty can stop us, my brothers, I have finally avenged most of your revenge. Mo Yue, you wait for me, you What you owe me, I will definitely let you pay back double."

Jin suddenly said: "How about we sworn brothers, anyway, we are already brothers, wouldn't it be better to have multiple names?"

Pan Zong said happily: "This proposal is good. From now on, we will be three brothers, sharing the blessings and suffering together."

Yin was dissatisfied, and pouted: "What are the three brothers, I have no share?"

Pan Zong hurriedly laughed and said: "Yes, yes, how could you be left behind. Then the four brothers and sisters will be fine."

I shook my head and said, "No, it's the five brothers and sisters, and Meng Ke."

Meng Ke suddenly opened his mouth wide: "I, how can I? Young master, I am your guard."

I smiled at him and said, "But you are also my brother. Among so many brothers, you are the only one who survived. I also promised Worf that I will take good care of you. That's it. Do you have any opinions?"

Jin smiled and said, "Of course not, then let's start now."

Meng Ke asked in surprise, "Is it right here?"

Jin nodded and said: "Of course, there is no need for any ceremony, as long as the heart is sincere."

Panzong was the first to kneel down: "I am Panzong." Jinyin knelt down immediately: "I am gold." "I am silver." Encouraged by my eyes, Mengke fell to his knees: "I, I'm fierce." I smiled slightly, lying there and said, "I'm Lei Xiang."

We said in unison: "Under the witness of all things in the world, I would like to become brothers and sisters. From then on, we will love each other and protect each other. We will share the blessings and share the difficulties. If we violate this oath, we will be cursed by the heavens and die with a thunderbolt."

After swearing, each of us had a joyful smile on our faces, and my pent-up knots were also untied. I said, "Since everyone has sworn vows, how do we arrange them in order?"

Pan Zong raised his head and said: "I must be the oldest. I am one hundred and twelve years old this year." ゼ Ci Gu Tu Chuangya guessed the identities of Pan Zong and Jin Yin, but was still frightened by Pan Zong's age , nearly fell down.

Jinyin also held her head high and said: "We are ninety-seven years old. What's so great about one hundred and twelve, isn't it just to eat a few more years of dry food." Tu Su murmured: "I am twenty-one years old. If someone Knowing your age, I still don't regard you as monsters..." ヅ Aoyu glared at Mengke at the same time.

Meng Ke trembled in fright, not daring to continue speaking. ノ伊×船⊥ said: "I am eighteen years old."

Pan Zongxi said: "I'm definitely the boss, haha." The ostrich muttered: "What's so great, there are many places where the boss is a bastard."

Panzong was furious when he heard the words, and was about to attack gold and silver. I hurriedly stopped him and said, "Okay, stop making trouble. Mengke is ranked fourth, and I am ranked fifth. Gold and silver, how do you rank? Second brother, third sister, or second sister, third brother?"

Jin and Yin looked at each other blankly, neither of them could say a word, they were born at the same time, how could they tell the difference. The locust locust bad collapse is darker than Brother Huang Ye, I must come out before her. "

Yin said: "Hey, why did you come out before me? When you came out, did you see it? Did your parents tell you? Of course I came out first, I am the second sister."

The two quarreled endlessly.

I said with a big head: "Okay, can you stop arguing, I have an idea."

Jin and Yin asked at the same time: "What?" , what do you think? "

Yin curled his lips and said: "Who wants to marry him, hum. But your idea is still good, so be it."

"you… "

"Okay, let's make this decision. Panzong is the eldest brother, you are the second brother and second sister, Mengke is the third brother, and I am your fourth brother."

Pan Zong laughed and said, "Okay. Two juniors, come on, give Big Brother a back beat."

Jin and Yin were furious at the same time, bared their fangs and walked towards Pan Zong: "Okay, we will beat you."

Seeing their ferocious appearance, Pan Zong took two steps back in fright, waved his hands repeatedly and said, "Forget it, forget it, I want to live a few more years with this old bone."

I suddenly said in a deep voice: "Stop making trouble, we must leave here quickly and go to the imperial capital of the beastmen."

Kim asked, "Why?"

I sighed, and a cold light flashed in my eyes: "Why did the demons send people to kill my brother, have you ever thought about it?"

Jin thought for a while and said, "I think it should have something to do with the Beast God Sect organized by you."