Mad God

Chapter 46: Sucha asked for help


A cold voice came from the demon army: "Stop chasing, kill this kid on the ground. I didn't expect that the orcs would join forces with humans."

A not-so-burly figure came out surrounded by a large number of guards. He was wearing a python robe, his face was a little blue, he looked to be in his fifties, and he looked at me bitterly.

The four major armies under me have already rushed out of the demon camp, gathered their forces not far away, and organized their formation, obviously wanting to rush back to save me.

The four fallen angels surrounding me are all full of dark magic power, ready to deal a fatal blow to me at any time. The middle-aged man in the puffed robe said proudly: "Are you the commander in chief here?"

"That's right, I am Prince Sucha of the Demon Race. How dare you join forces with the orcs to run wild in the territory of our Demon Race. It seems that you are the guy commanding behind the orcs. Kill me!" He, without him, I see if the orcs can make waves." It turned out that he was the man behind the scenes who sent people to attack Gu Feng and Gu Yun brothers.

The other party did not allow me to think too much. After receiving his order, the four fallen angels in the air turned into four black smoke and rushed towards me like lightning.

At this time, even if I wanted to use the fallen angel to transform, it was already too late. I thought to myself: "I want to return to my throne. I didn't expect that I would end up like this because of a moment of carelessness."

I sighed secretly, and concentrated all my Mad God Dou Qi and dark magic power, even if I died, I would fight hard.

When the other four were less than five meters away from me, a huge irresistible energy came from behind me. I only felt a flash of white light all over my body, and my body was thrown backwards. Due to the protection of the white light, , allowing me to escape from the opponent's locked air machine smoothly. Ge Gai's ultimatum sounded: "Who said he is a human being, he is my son." A white meteor rushed out from behind me while I was in a daze, and hit the other four fallen angels.

"Boom." The black and white energies collided in the air, and the four fallen angels were scattered like heavenly maidens, and the father stood 50 meters in front of the opposing commander majestically.

I waved Mo Ming and floated to my father's side, and asked in a low voice, "Father, why are you here?"

My father glanced at me and said, "If I don't come, can you go back?"

Sucha looked at the four fallen angels who were spitting out blood, and his face turned pale for a while: "Old Beamon, you orcs broke your promise and attacked our Dunde province. What can you explain?"

Anyone can see that Sucha is already a little scared. After all, four of the fallen angels he relied on as a backer were severely injured by his father in one sight. He would naturally feel nervous.

This time Sucha led troops to attack, and brought a total of eight fallen angels, all of whom were his own cronies. What the hell is treachery? If it weren't for the oppression of your demons, would we have resisted? How many people did we die in the battle with the dragon god, how many people did you die, and you still want compensation from us. I'm too lazy to talk to you, I'm here today, whether you can get Dunde back depends on your ability. Son, let's go. "

I seldom heard my father call me son directly, and I actually felt a little warmth in my heart, and my father could bring me this feeling, which I never dared to imagine.

I followed my father and walked out. In the huge demon camp, no one dared to stop us. I consciously dodged a corridor and let us leave. Obviously, I was frightened by my father's peerless blow just now.

After leaving the enemy's camp, we gathered our four legions and quickly retreated to Stanla City. ピブススラスラックラックラックラックラックラックスストストストストストック.

As soon as he entered the city gate, my father suddenly let out a wow, spewed out a big mouthful of blood, and his body shook for a while. Panicked, he hurriedly supported him, and asked anxiously, "Father, what's wrong with you?" "

I suddenly understood that my father had been suppressing his injury in front of the other party.

I sat across from my father and slowly received my energy. The physical strength I spent in the battle just now has recovered.

My father's face was still a little pale, and the white mist continued to emit from his top door. Since I was a child, this was the first time I saw my father injured, and it was to save me.

After a long time, my father heaved a sigh of relief and finally finished his work. Two opened his eyes, his face still pale: "I'm old, I'm really old, a few bastards almost made me unable to come back."

"Father, how are you?"

My father shook his head and said, "I can't die yet. However, I'm afraid I won't be able to fight people for the time being. You can go ahead. You still need to command the city defense. Your two elder brothers are fine, but they are just a little tired. I'm going to retreat for a few days, isn't it?" The city has been breached, so please don’t bother me. The four fallen angels’ skills of immortality will be greatly reduced, and you and the troops in the city are enough to prevent the opponent’s attack.”

I understand that my father's injury is very serious, otherwise, he wouldn't need retreat. With a wave of the stool, I withdrew from the room.

I was very conflicted in my heart. For a moment, I couldn't feel the strong hatred towards my father anymore. Father, what kind of person are you

Three days later, the demon troops regrouped. Although their dark mages suffered heavy losses, they still allowed the remaining dark mages to plant several layers of barriers on the front of the camp.

It may be due to lack of manpower or fear that we will make a surprise attack like that day, the demons did not surround Stanla City, but completely assembled the troops on the front, and built a large number of defensive offensives.

"Brother, how much did the demons suffer from the attack that day?"

Pan Zong scratched his head and said to me: "I passed out not long after I used that magic that day, how do I know how many people they died? You went to the front line, shouldn't you know better than me? I heard from my subordinates that you almost couldn't come back that day, what's going on?"

I sighed, and said, "I was too aggressive that day, and I was almost surrounded inside. If my father hadn't rescued me in time and repelled the four fallen angels, you wouldn't have seen me."

Jin smiled and said: "Who made your transformation unusable, otherwise you wouldn't be so embarrassing." He patted his eyes and said, "Brother, can you give them another attack from that day?" , I think, with their current defensive magic, it is simply impossible to resist."

Pan Zong shook his head again and again, and said: "Forget it, the energy in our bodies was almost drained that day. If it weren't for your father, I'm afraid we wouldn't be able to recover now. The eighth-level magic is different from the seventh-level magic. I can use it relatively easily by myself, but at the eighth level, it is difficult for me and the second child to work together. We just need to stay here. As for the magic attack, forget it, and reserve some strength to deal with the opponent's master. Otherwise, a few fallen angels will come, and I'll see how you handle it alone."

I sighed, and said, "I still don't have enough strength. When I have time, I still need to practice more."

Yin smiled and said: "When you learn to use it, you will hate less, what's the use. Now they are not attacking, you can go to practice now."

Panzong suddenly said: "Yin, you crow, who said they didn't attack."

Sure enough, several large square formations rushed out of the enemy's camp, and slowly formed a formation in the front of Stanla City. All kinds of siege equipment were readily available, and it was obvious that they were about to launch an attack.

Today's weather is very sunny. Under the sunshine, the momentum of the 100,000 Demon Troops is indeed astonishing. ノ Yiling said: "The whole army is on standby, ready to defend. The head of the Beamon Legion is in place." I don't believe that there are Behemoths with top-notch attack and defense here, and they can attack.

The Demon Race is nothing more than having more people than us. In terms of combat effectiveness, the four major legions in my hand firmly hold the upper hand. ヒ Harmony and defense, even if the other party comes to a dozen fallen angels, I am not afraid, how can ten behemoths entangle a fallen angel

I pointed to the enemy's last phalanx full of utensils, and asked Jinyin, "Second Brother, what do you think that is?" Sou stared intently, and Jin said in surprise, "Oh, I didn't expect the demons to throw stones." The car, you see, is that rectangular thing that moves slowly forward."

I smiled wryly and said: "I don't have your eyesight, I can't see clearly, just say what it's for." Theoretically speaking, it should be regarded as a defensive tool, and it can throw big shots Stones, if thrown down from the city, are quite powerful. But what they are using to attack the city, I don't know. Do you want to hit it directly? "

After the enemy's phalanx approached, Jin was surprised and said: "Ah! I'm afraid it's really going to be thrown directly upwards. The demons really didn't lose their capital. This is a powerful trebuchet. As far as our city is concerned, people can directly smash it up." Come in. Look, their strategy must be to use the trebuchet to smash it wildly first, and then order the troops to attack."

I was stunned and said: "Then how do we deal with it? How powerful is this trebuchet?"

Jin said: "The power is not bad. Although it can't break the city wall, it will definitely make us mess up for a while." ノ Yi chanted a spell and fired a fiery bomb at the demon army.

When the hot bomb flew over the demon phalanx, a black energy ball flew out and immediately swallowed the hot bomb. ヅ重讨飞鍪 Zheng tried the wind direction, snorted, and said: "It's okay, look at me." The nine heads sang: "Water, fire, earth, and wind, the purest energy that exists in nature, please Ignite the hope in my heart, wake up, the blood of the sleeping snake king." ブグャmother's beard twisted and carried Xia ι⒖, leaving a large open space.

Panzong's body suddenly grew bigger, and nine huge snake heads swayed gently. The purple snake head in the center gradually grew bigger. Suddenly, Panzong opened his mouth wide, and a dense purple mist sprayed into the air. The blue snake head opened. Opening his mouth wide, a soft breeze immediately blew out the purple poisonous gas.

The purple air mass gradually became more and more dispersed in the air, and gradually, the color was no longer visible.

In this way, Pan Zong continuously spewed poisonous gas, and then used wind magic to send out the poisonous gas. He spewed out more than ten mouthfuls before stopping.

I looked at him suspiciously and said, "Brother, what's the use of you, it was already blown away by the wind before I got there."

Pan Zong chuckled and said, "Do you think my poisonous gas is so easy to deal with? What I just sprayed out is my natal erysipelas. Even if it is diluted hundreds of thousands of times, it still has a certain power. If I used this to deal with you , Hehe, but it takes a month to recover from spraying this thing once. However, one hundred thousand people is worth it, you just wait and see the good show."

Prince Sucha outside the city personally sits in town, ready to attack the city. Our sneak attack three days ago made Sucha a great shame. Today, he is determined to take us down in one go.

While he was dispatching troops, a fallen angel next to him moved his nose and said, "Your Highness, you don't think so, the air seems a bit wrong?"

Sucha frowned and said, "There's nothing wrong." Taking a deep breath, sure enough, there was a faint sweet smell in the air, which smelled very pleasant: "Are there any female relatives in our military camp? Is this from Rouge?" smell?"

The fallen angel said: "How can there be women in our army? I have never smelled rouge." This fallen angel has been practicing the Heavenly Demon Art so hard that he has never been in contact with women until now. Of course he doesn't know what rouge smells like. up.

Sucha's body shook suddenly, and he pinched his temples with his hands: "Why am I a little dizzy. It seems that I have worked too hard recently." With the strength of his cultivation to the sixth level of the Heavenly Demon Art, can hard work make him dizzy

The fallen angel beside him suddenly said in horror: "My lord, no, look at my brothers."

Sucha regained his composure, and looked at the subordinates around him, all staggering, as if they were drunk.

"How did this happen? Come on, it's poison. Let's use our skills to force the poison. The whole army retreats." After speaking, he immediately focused on his luck and used dark magic power to remove the toxin in his body.

After all, Pan Zong's erysipelas was too diluted, and it would have no effect on these demon masters.

After a while, Sucha woke up, turned his horse's head and shouted loudly: "Quick, retreat, go back to the camp first."

I stood on Stanla City, watching the demon troops retreating scatteredly, I turned my head to Jinyin and said, "Second Brother and Second Sister, how about we go charge and kill for a while?"

Pan Zongdao: "You haven't learned the lesson from last time, so you are going again. This time there is no King Bimeng to save you."

I smiled and said: "Don't worry, brother, I just need to be careful this time, what effect can your poisonous gas have, can it poison them to death?"

Pan Zong shook his head, and said: "The release area is too large. Unless they are of poor physique, they should not be poisoned to death, but it shouldn't be a big problem to let them lose their fighting power. We are mainly on the defensive in Stanla City. You Don't be too aggressive." ァ Ba suppressed. I promise to hit and miss. "

Yin said: "Don't worry, we are watching him."

Pan Zong smiled, and said: "You guys? Just don't get lost. If you want to go, hurry up. There will be no chance when they withdraw to the built camp. The poisonous gas should have dissipated by now." Ten thousand warriors from the Xunlang Legion and the Werewolves were killed.

The speed of the werewolves was very fast. We caught up with them just as a quarter of the opponent's troops had withdrawn to the camp. All kinds of weapons fell everywhere. Obviously these people were too weak to pick up weapons. ノYi ordered Yinjian to lead five thousand people to transport the catapults that hadn't fired a single shot at us back to the fortress, while Jinyin and I led the werewolf soldiers across the battlefield, and the demons who were weak all over the body suffered heavy losses .

By the time Sucha reacted and sent a force to chase us, we had already withdrawn with our troops. Niyao Xingyan Xin Yayuan. In a few days, his team had lost nearly half of the city before a formal attack on the city. After fighting for so many years, he had never encountered such a situation.

That night, I ordered the troops to put the 300 powerful catapults on the city wall overnight, and I personally led people to collect stones everywhere in the city.

Jinyin led his men to contact the material troops, and kept transporting stones back from outside the city. From the beginning of the day, we fought a war of attrition with Sucha. After the lessons of the previous two times, Sucha attacked very carefully and personally led a few fallen angels to lead the battle. I found that the three hundred catapults The car was really easy to use, and the stones were smashed by the huge gravitational force, causing heavy losses to the demon army.

However, the attack power of the demon army is indeed very strong, and the number of casualties of our army is also constantly rising, especially the fallen angels on the other side, who have brought us a lot of casualties. If it weren't for me and Panzong, With the support of a large number of Bimon fighters, Jinyin desperately resisted. I am afraid that they have already let them attack.

One month later, the Demon Palace.

The Demon Emperor handed Sucha's request for help to Gu Chuan.

Gu Chuan unfolded the letter, and read in a low voice: "The orc opponent is powerful, and there are unknown creatures to help, which caused heavy losses to our army. Please send reinforcements quickly, Your Majesty."

Gu Chuan raised his head and looked at the Demon Emperor, who also stared at him. The two of them burst out laughing at the same time. ス红: You are really good at predicting things, Sucha is really deflated. "

The Demon Emperor nodded, and said: "Until the end of the mountain, this guy will not ask me for help. It seems that he has lost a lot this time. According to the reports from the spies I arranged around him, the second person Sucha brought Of the 100,000 army, there are only more than 5,000 remnants left. But their opponents only have 60,000 orc troops, and the loss ratio is much smaller than Sucha."

Gu Chuan frowned and said: "This is a bit strange. Sucha's command ability is still very strong. Although he does not say that he uses troops like a god, he will not make any big mistakes. Why did he suffer such a heavy loss? Unless the opponents are all Bimon giants." Composed of beasts and wild lion legions."

The Demon Emperor picked up a piece of paper from the desk and handed it over: "Look, this is the report from the spies. Sucha really ran into trouble this time."

Gu Chuan took it, and the more he looked, the more serious his face became: "Earthquake? Poisonous gas? Human? This..." He raised his head and looked at the Demon Emperor.

The Demon Emperor sighed, and said: "It seems that we can't stop the strength of the orcs. It can be seen that the orcs have no real hostility towards us, they are just forced to rush. The last time I sent to assassinate their newcomer Except for Yue'er, the Beast God Sect members have not come back until now. It is estimated that they were discovered by them. With the strength of the four fallen angels, none of them came back. It is conceivable that the other party's strength, this time they will launch a sneak attack on us. There is the reason of the Beastism. Brother, have you noticed that only Dunde was attacked in the province bordering the orcs, and although a large number of troops have also gathered in the orc territories bordering other provinces, there is no movement. And , They did not send a large force to stop Sucha in Stanla City. From this point of view, the orcs have no intention of being our enemy. We can't do too much with Sucha, after all, he still has many talents under his command. You Pack it up, I'll give you another 200,000 troops, you bring some people to go there yourself. As long as the conditions of the orcs are not too harsh, you can agree to them. If there is no help from them, the next time we launch a war against the Dragon God, our The losses will increase greatly, and peace is the most important thing." After speaking, the Demon Emperor took a deep look at Gu Chuan.

Gu Chuan nodded and said: "I understand, Your Majesty, don't worry." Huan Luan groaned and said, "Uncle, Uncle, I'm going too." Mo Yue ran out bouncing around.

The Demon Emperor doted on him and said: "Yue'er, don't mess around. Uncle is going to deal with business. Is there any progress in your Tianmo Jue? I will check later. If there is no progress, I will spank your little ass." It's gone." ツ月 took the Demon Emperor's hand, pouted her small mouth, and said dissatisfiedly: "Father, just let me go. No matter how much I practice the Heavenly Demon Art, I can't improve, and you know it, so just let me go." I'll go, I promise I won't make trouble, okay?"

The Demon Emperor scratched Mo Yue's delicate nose, and said with a smile: "You, last time I was seriously injured and almost scared my father to death. I asked you who hurt you, and you didn't tell me. What if something happened to you? , how can I be worthy of your dead mother."

When mentioning her mother, Mo Yue's eyes turned red, and she lay on the Demon Emperor's lap, choked up and said, "Father, Yue'er knows that you love me."

The Demon Emperor stroked Mo Yue's long hair, and sighed: "Your mother is my favorite concubine. It's a pity that she collapsed and died after giving birth to you. After so many years, I still can't forget her. His death stimulated me to break through the sixth level of Heavenly Demon Art. The palace is too stuffy, since you want to go, go, but, you have to promise, you must listen to Uncle Gu Chuan, okay? But you need Uncle Gu’s consent OK."

Mo Yue straightened up suddenly, her beautiful big eyes were shining brightly and she nodded repeatedly: "Father, don't worry, I must listen to Uncle Gu's words very much." Stare at him.

Gu Chuan said helplessly: "Okay, Yue'er, uncle will take you there, but you have to promise to be obedient, and you can't run around. If something happens to you, uncle can't explain to your father."

Mo Yue jumped up happily, kissed Gu Chuan's resolute face, and said happily: "That's great, then I'll go and pack my things first."

Watching Mo Yue leave, the Demon Emperor rushed to Gu Chuan and said, "My dear brother, I'm going to trouble you again." Su Nuoㄒ×船⊥ punished: "Your Majesty, to be honest, helping you look at this girl is better than letting me kill you a thousand times." I’m still tired. This time I’ll just take the dog with me, and leave the rest of the fallen angels to you.”

The Demon Emperor said: "No need, my skill has already recovered to the sixth floor, it's only a matter of time before I break through to the seventh floor, who has the guts except Sucha, I'm afraid he will have a hard time now, don't worry. Take care of yourself." It will be more deterrent to ask someone to go, and save the other party from asking for a lot of money."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Although Gu Chuan agreed, Gu Chuan still only brought Gu Feng, Gu Yun and Princess Mo Yue with him.

Stanley City.

"Quick, there's a gap over there, fix it."

"Where the stone is, yes, it's where the catapult is, be careful." I was constantly instructing my men on the city to strengthen the defense line.

"Ah, brother, have all the wounded been sent away?"

Pan Zongdao: "The wounded have been sent back. Mengke sent a letter saying that His Majesty is very happy to know that we have dragged the 200,000 demon army here with a weak force. The reinforcements will arrive in a few days."

I looked at the ruined city wall and sighed: "It's time for the reinforcements to come. Otherwise, once the demon reinforcements arrive, it will be our unlucky moment. I hope the Demon Emperor has the wisdom I imagined."

"What's the use of worrying, we just need to do a good job of defense." Jin's voice came. Brother ァ'an, why don't you sleep more, I'm too tired these days. "

Yindao: "Life is wonderful, how can I just fall asleep? Is the enemy attacking again?" ノツ×船⊥报 Since the demons launched a large-scale attack three days ago, there has been no movement. ノ The first 60,000 troops now have less than 40,000 left, and the soldiers who suffered the most losses are ordinary werewolf and snake-human soldiers. Although the second thumb Foutuan also suffered losses, it was much smaller in comparison.

In order to resist the fallen angels of the other party, we sacrificed more than 30 Beamon fighters, which made me very sad. ソLukekekeai I wish you that Bimeng's father has been sleeping for a month, why hasn't he woke up yet, he must have fallen asleep. "

Pan Zong glared at him, and said angrily: "What nonsense are you talking about? How did King Bimon provoke you! Did you forget that you cast magic for me that day, or was it the physical strength that people used fighting energy to help you recover? No matter what Said, he is also the father of the fourth child, even if you are old, you should pay attention to your manners."

It was rare to see Pan Zong really get angry, and Jin Yin was too frightened to speak. ノSuspected Pan Zongdao: "Forget it, big brother, second brother didn't mean it, they just have this personality, I don't care about it. Father was seriously injured last time, I guess he should be out soon."ノWith his father's skill, he should be able to deal with the four fallen angels, but why did he suffer such a serious injury and has not recovered for a long time.

Yin suddenly widened his eyes and looked out of the city, shouting: "Look quickly." ノ Xixia hurriedly climbed to the top of the city, and the dust and smoke billowed from the demon camp, and a large number of demon troops appeared.

I took a deep breath: "Oh my god, how many people are here! It's broken, big brother, when will our reinforcements arrive?" I don't know, it should be soon. There are so many enemies, and the number of demon troops is really large. Fourth, look, the quality of the opponent's troops is much higher than that of the first group. The smoke and dust are neat."

Of course, the quality is high. This time, Gu Chuan brought two of the four Royal Guards, and specially transferred three Dark Mage Corps. These five legions are their main force, and the rest are battle-hardened. The veterans in the formation are naturally not comparable to Sucha's gang.

Pan Zong comforted me and said: "It's okay, fourth child, my erysipelas has recovered, and spraying it again will slow down the opponent's attack time. As long as it drags on for a few more days, our reinforcements should arrive."ノ业Wu said that now, he can only pin his hopes on this.

Demon camp.

Gu Chuan walked into Sucha's tent with Gu Feng, Gu Yun, and Mo Yue. Two Yao enthalpy, cutting, Huai comforting, blowing Jiao Nuo, and the weapon called Shuo Xun have completely extinguished his arrogance in these days of fighting.

Stanla City is like an invulnerable iron barrel. He tried all kinds of methods, but he still couldn't break through the opponent's defense line, and he lost his troops. His troops were no longer enough to launch another large-scale attack. Only when there was no way, he asked the Demon Emperor for help.

Although he knew that by doing so, his reputation would suffer an unprecedented blow. ス糯ㄎ⑽⑻Pay Miao to break the bones and pick up the Zixiong neodymium!

Sucha said politely: "We're all brothers, you're welcome, brother Gu Chuan, let's talk inside. Ah, little Moyue, you're here too."

"Hello, Uncle Sucha, Father is a little dissatisfied with your recent performance." Mo Yue's merciless words made Sucha's face change, he smiled awkwardly, and said: "Oh, uncle I have tried my best, but the opponent is too strong, and uncle can't do anything about it."

Gu Chuan nodded and walked in first. On NiyaoyanxiaΩ, Gu Chuan had no expression on his face, stood in the center of the handsome tent, took out a black cloth scroll from his arms, held it high above the top, and said in a deep voice: "The decree of His Majesty the Demon Emperor has arrived, and Prince Sucha will accept it." Order." Ni Yaoyu was a little flustered, and hurriedly knelt down and shouted long live three times.

Gu Chuan spread out the imperial decree in his hands, and read: "By heaven's blessing, the Demon Emperor summoned, Prince Sucha led an army of 200,000 to fight the enemy's tens of thousands of people, not only failed to destroy the enemy, but also lost troops and generals, causing great losses to our holy clan. The title of Prince Sucha is hereby revoked, and the command is handed over to Gu Chuan, the head of the Royal Guards.

Sucha's expression changed continuously, and he wanted to explode several times, but facing Gu Chuan's tyrannical strength, plus 200,000 fresh troops, he couldn't help but give in, and finally he could only be discouraged: "Chen Sucha leads the order to thank you."

Gu Chuan handed over the imperial decree to Sucha, and said in a low voice: "Prince, you have done too badly this time. Your Majesty is furious and furious. You should be careful when you go back."

After finishing speaking, Gu Chuan murmured to himself: "Why did Your Majesty become irritable after recovering his four wings this time?"

Sucha asked, "What?"