Mad God

Chapter 58: five treasures


The iron gate gradually turned white, emitting a soft glow, and with a rattling sound, the iron gate gradually rose.

Zixue said in surprise: "The things that come out of this sea are really different. I haven't been to the sea yet."

I smiled and said, "I will definitely take you there in the future. I have never seen the sea. I heard people say that the sea is a very large lake with no edge in sight, but the water is salty."

Tanaka said with a smile: "The sea is actually very beautiful. I used to go there with my family when I was young. I don't know what lies at the end of the sea. There are several provinces near the sea. The coastline is bigger than the demons and beastmen combined." It is several times longer. When you go, you must call me, and I really want to feel the feeling of magnificence again."

Zi Yan said: "I don't know what's on the other side of the sea, Lei Xiang, let's go exploring in the future, shall we?"

Tanaka's face changed, and he said, "Don't do it, it's hard to tell the direction in the sea, and if you encounter a storm, you will be in trouble."

At this time, the door has been fully opened. I said to Tanaka, "Lead the way."

Tanaka shook his head and said, "Go in and get them yourself. I don't want my looks to affect your selection. If you get enough five pieces, you can just come out. Everything depends on your luck."

Zixue curled her lips and said, "Cunning." She was the first one to go to the collection room. Fearing that she might make a mistake, Ziyan and I quickly followed. After walking through the iron gate and turning a corner, we were surprised by the situation inside. Because, there is no precious light shining like we imagined. Although there are many objects around, they all look old and full of dust.

Zixue wrinkled her cute little nose, and said, "Why is this happening? Where is the storage room? It's just like a garbage dump."

I hugged her shoulders and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I guess few people come here, maybe it's because of the dust. Did you find out, although it is very tight here, there are many hidden vents, otherwise, In the underground, we will never feel stuffy."

Zi Yan walked aside and said: "Look, there are mostly armors and weapons in this collection room, and the rest are decorations. Axue, use a small water polo to wash this set of armor." She pointed to the closest Outer set of armor.

Zixue nodded, stretched out her left hand, and the bracelet I gave her gave off a faint halo on her wrist, "Gentle water, listen to my call, water bomb." A small blue water ball appeared on her hand, Zixue With a light wave, the water bomb flew straight out and hit the chest of Ziyan's designated armor. Ziyan released the lighting technique in her hand to make it brighter. We surrounded it, and saw that the part of the armor just hit by the water bomb was pitch black. I tapped it with my fingers, and there was a non-gold and non-iron color. With a deep feeling, Zixue said: "It seems to be really different. Lei Xiang, do you want this armor? It should be worth a few dollars, hehe."

I shook my head and said, "It's useless for me to want armor, as long as I transform, it will be broken, not to mention, my skin is the best armor."

Zi Yan dusted off the dust on the armor, smiled and said: "The defense of the skin and the armor are two different things. There are many high-level armors, which are immune to certain magic or special attacks, and are very valuable. Among the armors here There must be some advanced ones, but it’s a pity that you have wings after transformation, otherwise you should really get one.”

I was stunned, and said: "Why haven't I heard of such armor with attributes?"

Zixue giggled, and said: "That guy's biggest mistake was to let my sister come to the collection room with us to pick things up. My sister is very knowledgeable. She has basically read all the classics in the college library."

I have experienced Ziyan's erudition. With her help, I identified the uses of several gemstones. Hearing this, I smiled and said: "Then let our talented girl help us choose what we need, anyway It's all for nothing. Don't make Tanaka wait too long."

Zixue asked: "Xiang, why did you trust Tian Zhong so much? What if he brought us here with a conspiracy? This is his territory. If he plays tricks, it's hard to deal with. Are you too careless? gone."

I froze for a moment, indeed, I never thought that Tanaka would be unfavorable to us, and Ziyan answered for me: "Although that person in Tanaka may not be very good, I don't think he is that kind of person. I don't have any deep hatred with him. Money is something outside of me after all. I was a little worried at the beginning, but after seeing Tanaka, my worry disappeared. That guy is the best gambler at first glance, and he belongs to those who have gambling products. One, such people are often easier to deal with than those so-called honest men, so I didn't stop Ah Xiang from coming with him."

I nodded and said: "Indeed, I don't know why, I have never doubted him, maybe it's my intuition, I always feel that his eyes are very clear. Well, our talented and knowledgeable Zi Yan, hurry up." Choose, don't let people wait outside for too long."

Zi Yan gave a sigh of gratitude, and began to carefully study the surrounding things. Zi Xue helped her, and was responsible for cleaning those objects that Zi Yan was interested in with water magic.

I don’t need to pick and choose, I’m happy to be at leisure, browsing around in the collection room, this is actually an empty big stone room, put one thing here, one there, there is no rule, although there is no injury in this morning’s game, But it made me feel a little tired. I found a corner, washed it with water magic, then dried it with fire magic, and was going to sit there to meditate and adjust my breath. Just when the ground was almost completely dry, I suddenly found something on the ground next to it flashing under the reflection of the fireball.

Curiosity prompted me to pick up the piece, and went to remove the dust. It turned out to be a special breastplate on the armor. It is round and has many slots around it. It should be connected to the armor. The entire breastplate is not made of metal, only the card slots on the sides are surrounded by unknown metals. The texture of the breastplate looks more like a huge gem, smooth and round, but black, without any brilliance. I don't know why, although it doesn't have energy communication with me like Mo Ming, but as soon as I got this breast shield, I felt an inexplicable feeling of intimacy in my heart, as if it should be mine.

I shouted: "Zi Yan, come and take a look at this piece of mind protection."

Ziyan and Zixue rushed over when they heard my call. Zixue held a string of necklaces in her hands, as if they had chosen something.

I handed the breast-protector to Zi Yan, and said: "Look at this, I think it's a bit special." Zi Yan took the breast-protector, looked up and down carefully, and said, "It's very special, the breast-protector Inlaid gemstones should only be possible on armor with special functions, but I have never heard that the entire breastplate is made of ore, let's try to see if it has any attributes." She said Instructed me to inject water, fire, earth, wind, and darkness into the five magic elements respectively. Each time I injected a magic element, I had to wait for a while to see its reflection, but to our disappointment, we tried all five kinds of magic. But no matter what is input, it seems like a mud cow has entered the sea, without any response.

Zixue said: "Sister, try it, maybe your light magic will respond."

Zi Yan nodded, stretched out her hand, condensed a ball of light, and slowly input it into the heart shield, the heart shield seemed to shake slightly, lighted up, and then there was no reflection, I hurriedly asked: " Is that a feeling just now?"

Zi Yan shook her head and said: "It's just a little reaction to the light element. Such ore is not enough to be the central part of advanced armor, so it should be useless."

I took back the breast-protector, and that kind feeling came into my brain again, as if I had met a relative, I put it back in place reluctantly, Zi Yan smiled and said, "Ah Xiang, what's wrong with you? "

"Nothing, I just think I really like this breastplate."

Zi Yan smiled and said: "If you like it, you can take it, and we will help you find other accessories for it."

I said suspiciously: "But, didn't you say it's useless?"

Ziyan's eyes were full of tenderness, and she said in a low voice: "As long as you like it, it doesn't matter if it's useful or not. I've already picked three things, and yours is four, and the last one is missing."

Hearing what she said, I happily picked up the breastplate from the ground, put it in my arms, and searched for it together with Zi Yan and the others. Unfortunately, we searched the entire collection room and found nothing that could match it. It matches the armor, it seems, it's a single piece here too. However, with Zi Yan's encouragement, I still kept this humble goggle.

Zi Yan and the others were still excitedly picking the last item, while I waited boredly aside, and finally, when I was a little groggy, they came back.

"Okay, I've found everything, let's go out."

Seeing the happy looks of the two of them, I must have picked something I like, as long as they like it, I don't care, I touched the 'treasure' in my arms and accompanied them out of the collection room.

A person in Tianzhong was sitting there cross-legged practicing kung fu pitifully for Xixi. Hearing our footsteps, he took a deep breath, slowly opened his eyes, and said with a smile: "How about it, have you picked out what you like? ?” Looking at his appearance, it seems that he is not worried that we will choose the most precious item.

I nodded and said, "I've already chosen it." As I said that, I took out the breastplate from my pocket and said, "I chose it. Although I don't see anything precious about it, I like it very much."

Tanaka came over, looked at the breastplate, and said with a smile: "Brother Lei, you are really good at picking, this may be the only worthless item in the collection room, because our ancestors have kept it for many generations. I haven’t identified what kind of texture this breastplate is made of, and what kind of armor it’s used on. As the saying goes, it’s tasteless to eat, but it’s a pity to throw it away, so it’s good to use as a tent, haha.” I glared at him and ignored him With a sneer, he stuffed the breastplate back into his bosom.

Tanaka said to Zi Yan in a very gracious manner: "Can you let me see what the ladies have chosen?"

Zi Yan pouted: "Why did I show you, don't you believe that we only took five pieces?"

Tanaka smiled and said: "Of course not. I mainly want to see what you are all taking, so that I can remove the names of these items from the catalog in the collection room when I go back."

Tian Zhong's request is not too much, I said: "Ziyan, just show it to Brother Tian, and let Brother Tian help you identify what it is." I don't know what Ziyan and the others took Well, what I am most concerned about now is whether they can maintain a happy mood, so that I will be more likely to get their forgiveness when I go back.

Ziyan nodded and said: "Okay, sister, take it out." Zixue took a look at her sister, took out a small cloth bag from her arms, Tian Zhong was shocked and said: "Mustard bag, you, how did you pick it? , It's over, this time I'm going to be scolded to death by my elder brother." The joy I had just picked because I picked a piece of 'trash' was undoubtedly dispelled.

I was surprised and said: "Isn't it just a small cloth bag? What's so strange, even if it's made of gold, it's worth nothing. Why are you like this?"

Tanaka said with a bitter face: "Brother Lei, you don't know, this is not an ordinary cloth bag, and its value is not comparable to gold. In the collection room, it has entered the top ten treasures. Since you have If I selected it, I have nothing to say, so we are unlucky."

I asked, "You haven't said what this is for."

Zi Yan giggled, and said: "Ah Xiang, let me tell you, I have seen this mustard seed bag in an ancient book, so I recognized it, otherwise, who would look at this unremarkable thing , The greatest effect of the mustard bag is to turn the mustard seeds into mustard seeds."

I was stunned: "What is Sumeru, and what are mustard seeds?"

Zi Yan patiently explained: "The so-called sumeru means only infinity, while mustard seeds are just the opposite, referring to infinitesimals. This mustard seed bag can hold a lot of things. Although I don't know how much it can hold, I feel that this should It is related to the ability to use people. The stronger the ability, the more it can hold. It is very useful. You see, there are two spells on the bag, one is to hold things, and the other is to find things from the mustard bag. When you chant a spell, think about what you want to pretend or what you want to find, and you can use it naturally, it's very easy."

Not only was I stunned, but even Tanaka was stunned, "Miss Ziyan, what I know about this mustard bag is that it can store a lot of things. It was made, and now space magic has been lost, so its preciousness can be imagined, but I didn't expect that you are so knowledgeable, I really admire you."

Zi Yan glanced at him proudly, and said: "Don't be so sour, let me show you what we have, besides Lei Xiang's goggle and this mustard bag, there are three other things. Now." Just a simple incantation, the mouth of the mustard bag opened, and three things floated out from small to large. They are a blue cape, a blue necklace and a small pink gem. The fabric of the blue cloak is fluffy, with a flying dark blue phoenix embroidered on it, and a faint magic hexagram embroidered on the whole cloak. Although the appearance is beautiful, there is nothing special about it. It is said that it has strong magical energy, so it should be a water-type protective gear. The chain of the blue necklace is made of transparent small beads, which are crystal clear. It is said to be a blue necklace mainly because the pendant is a natural diamond-shaped sapphire, which is different from the blue of a diamond. The color is much darker, and under the illumination of Ziyan light magic, it flickers and flickers very movingly. The pink gemstone is also a necklace, but the chain is a small white thread, which is hard to find if you don't look carefully.

With the appearance of the three things, Tanaka's face changed drastically, and he said tremblingly: "You, you guys are too good at picking."

Zi Yan said: "I didn't choose too precious ones. The cloak and necklace are for my sister, and the pink gems are for me. I just think their energy fluctuations are very strong, so I chose them. Is there anything wrong?"

Tanaka sighed, and said: "It seems that God's will is so, there's nothing wrong with it, it's really good for you, among these three treasures, the sea blue stone is the most precious, and it ranks second in my family's collection. It is especially helpful for water magicians. It can reduce the singing time of water magicians when they sing magic. At the same time, it has a 30% enhancement effect on water magic. When using water magic, the sea blue stone It will issue a layer of protective barrier, as long as the enemy's attack does not exceed its maximum load, it can guarantee that the caster can complete the spell. Of course, it will consume the magic power of the user accordingly, but it can solve the magician's most troublesome problem. What is a little magic power? And it also has the effect of avoiding water, which is definitely the best of the Philosopher’s Stone. Compared with the bloodstone that Brother Lei used as a bet, it is simply... Hey, Miss Ziyan, I'm really convinced of you."

Zixue said happily: "My sister really knows how to choose, this is the most suitable for me."

Ziyan said seriously: "Axue, don't rely too much on these items. Your own strength is more important than anything else. Do you understand?" Seeing her sister's serious face, Zixue stuck out her cute little tongue and didn't dare to speak . I nodded and said: "Yes, what Zi Yan said is right, only having strong strength is the biggest guarantee. Brother Tian, please continue."

Tanaka looked at us, and then said: "This cloak is called the Guardian of Water. Its function is defense, and it is also suitable for water magicians. Although it is much worse than the Aquamarine Stone, it is also a rare boutique. As for this The pink gemstone is called Love of Epiphyllum. It is said that Epiphyllum is a very beautiful flower in ancient times. A very powerful magician has set up a magic circle. After wearing it, it will release energy when the owner is attacked by a life-threatening attack, and resist it for the owner. It can only be used once a day. It can be regarded as a life-saving item. Among these three items, except for the sea blue stone, the value of the other two will not be lower than that of Brother Lei's top-quality chicken blood stone, and the sea blue stone is a priceless treasure. Put on the mustard bag, this time you can make money."

I took the aquamarine stone from Ziyan's hand, and carefully hung it around Zixue's neck. The dark blue gemstone looked very beautiful against Zixue's snow-white skin. Zixue exclaimed: "It's so cold, but it's really beautiful." There is no girl who doesn't like gemstones. Seeing her intoxicated appearance, I felt a little funny in my heart. I put the water guard on her and said with a smile: "You have all the equipment this time. By the way, has the amethyst I gave you last time been made into a staff?"

Zixue nodded and said: "I'm working on it. Since I couldn't find the right ingredients, my sister and I sent the amethyst to the palace. The prince brother promised us to find someone to make us a beautiful magic wand."

Zi Yan said with a smile: "With this equipment, my sister's magic power may have increased by more than two levels."

I took Love in the Epiphyllum from her hand, and carefully brought it to her. Ziyan's beautiful face and the shimmering light of this pink gem made me and Tanaka look in a daze.

Zi Yan said angrily: "What are you looking at? Let's go."

Only then did we come to our senses, Tanaka turned around and walked to the door, pressed a few times on the wall, and the huge iron door slowly fell down. There was a rattling sound, and it changed back to the way it was when it came back. The blood-red key turned white again and retreated. Tanaka put it away carefully. "Let's go, be careful when you go back, the organs here are all death traps."

Zi Yan stuffed the mustard bag in her hand to me and said: "Take this, you have to keep one of the five treasures that is useful, this is chosen for you, you are always running outside, if you have it, you don't need it." Take a lot of things."

The mustard bag did work for me, so I stopped being polite and stuffed it into my bosom. Tanaka suddenly turned around and said: "By the way, there is something I must tell you. The mustard bag can only store items, not creatures, because the magic world inside has no air. If you put living things in it, I'm afraid it won't work. How long will it take to suffocate to death?"

I nodded and said, "Thank you, I see."

We exited the underground tunnel cautiously and without any danger, and returned to the water altar. I was surprised to find that it was already dark. It seems that we stayed below for a long time. After this underground treasure hunting, my affection for Tanaka has deepened. It is rare to see others take away the most precious treasures of my family without finding a reason to stop them.

Tanaka sent us all the way to the gate of the mansion, Ziyan said surprisingly: "Tanaka, thank you."

Tian Zhong was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly and said, "Take care of these things carefully. If there is a chance in the future, I will definitely bet with Brother Lei again to win these treasures back."

Zixue smiled and said, "With Ah Xiang protecting us, who can snatch us away."

Tanaka nodded and said: "That's right, there are really only a handful of people who can beat Brother Lei in Xilun City. I'm going to worry about myself. I don't know how to explain to my brother. You go."

Seeing his appearance, I couldn't bear it for a while, I took out a black crystal from my bosom and handed it to him, "Do you know what this is?"

When the dejected Tanaka saw Mo Jing, he immediately cheered up, snatched it away, and said excitedly: "This, is this Mo Jing produced by the demons? You, why do you have it?"

I smiled slightly and said: "I also got it by accident. I only know that this thing can be eaten, and it should be good for practicing dark magic. You can try it." Mo Jing can change a person's physique, not only broaden the meridians , and you can practice Tianmojue, dark magic is far worse than dark magic power, if Tanaka eats it, dark magic will definitely be greatly improved.

Tanaka said blankly: "You mean, give this to me?"

I nodded and said, "Let's make up for some of your losses."

Tanaka still couldn't believe it, and said, "But, I lost to you. You don't need to give me such a precious thing."

I said sternly: "Brother Tian, although we haven't been together for long, I think you are a good friend worth making. This should be considered a gift between friends."

Tanaka's eyes were a little red, and he held the ink crystal and murmured: "Thank you, this is really great, with it, my dark magic will definitely improve by leaps and bounds, Brother Lei, you don't know, I have liked dark magic since I was a child, Maybe, I should be reborn in the demon clan."

Seeing his appearance, I was also very relieved, and said with a smile: "That's it, Brother Tian, it's getting late, we have to go back."

Tanaka's eyes were full of gratitude, "Brother Lei, if you can use me in the future, just come to me, I will definitely..."

I raised my hand to stop him from continuing, and said: "I treat you as a friend, so don't talk about it. The friendship between gentlemen is as light as water. I didn't ask you to give you Mo Jing. Goodbye." After finishing speaking, I took Ziyan and Zixue's little hands, turned around and walked in the direction of Xilun College. Tanaka who was still a little confused was left behind.

Ziyan and Zixue were very happy when they got something they liked. Passers-by on the street saw me holding the hands of two such beautiful girls, and they all gave envious and jealous eyes.

While walking, Zixue suddenly said: "Ah Xiang, do you know? When my sister told me that you were a beastman, I felt very uncomfortable."

My eyes darkened, and I said: "I know I am not good enough for you, after all, I am not of the same race. Although I have human blood, but..."

Zixue covered my mouth and said: "Fool, why do you think that way? I feel bad because you didn't tell me the truth. It doesn't matter your identity or race. Remember? You once asked me if One day you leave Dragon God and never come back, what will I do? I answered you at that time, no matter where you go, I will follow you. What I love is not your identity, status, martial arts, or magic, but you This person, don't you understand?"

I stopped and stared blankly at Zixue. Her words made me very moved and very uncomfortable. I really couldn't bear to hurt such a girl who loved me so much. They must be told. I nodded heavily and said: "Zixue, I understand, I understand everything."

Zixue held my hand tightly, and said affectionately: "Later, my sister enlightened me, saying that you also had difficulties. You are in a foreign country, so you can't reveal your identity at will. I think so, so I forgive you, hello Ah, I even secretly chased my sister, hmph, what do you think?"

Facing Zixue, I didn't have any temper at all. I turned my head and looked at Ziyan's eyes begging her for help, but she looked like she was watching the show, smiled and said nothing, watching my answer, I sighed and resigned He said: "You can do whatever you want, you can do whatever you say, that's fine."

Zixue giggled, and said: "I'm not teasing you. In fact, I'm so happy that you caught up with my sister. My relationship with my sister has been the best since I was a child. This time I don't need to separate. I want to thank you before it's too late." Well, haha, you were fooled."

I was stunned for a moment, then understood in a flash, and pretended to be angry and said: "Well, you little girl, if you dare to play with me, I will forgive you." As I said that, I sent my hand away and went to kiss her tickle. Zixue screamed and dodged away giggling. Just like that, we laughed and returned to Xi Lun College.

Ziyan stopped suddenly, and said: "Ah Xiang, my sister and I will go back first and wait for you in her room. You can go and see Feng Wen first. Since you found out that you were missing, your friends are very anxious, especially Feng Wen, he goes to the military headquarters almost every day to inquire about you, he should be awake now."

These friends in Tiandu College are very kind to me. When Zi Yan mentioned Feng Wen, I felt warm and said, "Yes, I should go and see him, and I will go to find you in a while."

Zi Yan said seriously: "Ah Xiang, although I don't know what you want to tell us, maybe that matter makes you very confused and perplexed, but everything can be discussed, we are waiting for you to come back and tell us, don't Escape, okay?"

My heart suddenly sank, and the good mood just now was gone, I nodded and said: "I will, hey..., you go back and wait for me, Feng Wen lives in that room."

Ziyan said: "It's the first room on the left." After she finished speaking, she pulled Zixue who had something to say and left.

I stood there without moving for a long time, Mo Yue's problem has been bothering me, it's time to confess to them, Zi Yan just said that we can discuss it, but will they really forgive me for this matter

Depressed, I walked to the door of Feng Wen's room and knocked lightly. Feng Wen's weak voice came from inside: "Please come in, the door is unlocked."

Pushing open the door, I walked in, Feng Wen was lying on the bed, his face was a little pale, and there was a faint smell of medicine in the room. Seeing me, he was very excited, struggling to sit up, I hurried forward, helped him put the pillow behind him, "Brother, I'm back."