Mad God

Chapter 67: Small Town Storm


Seeing that I had succeeded in my trickery, I smiled slightly and said, "Really?"

Pan Zong patted his chest and said, "Of course it's true. With me here, what else can Jin Yin and the others say." Indeed, Pan Zong is still very intimidating to Jin Yin.

"Then I'll thank you first brother."

"Then my wife question..."

"Don't worry, brother will help you find the most beautiful dragon. If brother doesn't help brother, who will?"

My wish came true, and after another ten days, the multicolored glow still did not appear again. The small town can no longer be described as lively. There are hundreds of thousands of human beings gathered in the whole city. Not only is there no place to stay in the city , Even outside the city, there are tents everywhere. The price of the hotel in the small town soared three times in just ten days. Even I, the instigator, was surprised by this result.

Perhaps sensing the potential crisis, Dragon God sent a large number of troops to guard Baiyan Mountain. However, this was just trying to cover up. The appearance of a large number of regular troops from the Dragon God Empire did not dispel the idea of this group of explorers. There has been an increase, and even some mercenary regiments have come to the small town. Judging from their appearance, they all seem to be lucky.

During the ten days, I transformed several times and flew to the outskirts of Baiyan Mountain to explore at night. Although the whole mountain range was still quiet, the arrangement of the Dragon God Empire's regular army had improved a lot. They no longer only guarded the main peak of Baiyan Mountain. A three-layer defense network was set up in the front of the small town, with a total force of more than 60,000 troops, which is really costly. I secretly lamented the failure of the commander of the Dragon God Empire this time. The more he does this, the more interest he will arouse the group of explorers. I once wondered why they didn't use troops to surround the small town. Later, I realized that the people in the Dragon God Empire were mainly afraid of causing panic. Moreover, although the people in the small town have different ideas, after all, most of them are warriors and magicians. If there is a conflict, this mess may not be easy to clean up. It seems that the purpose of the Dragon God Empire is to frighten them, but can human greed really frighten them

In the hotel room.

I smiled and said, "Big Brother, Second Brother, Second Sister, it's time for us to set off today."

Pan Zong said in a daze, "Let's go? What are you going to do?"

I chuckled and said, "Let's go to the main peak of Baiyan Mountain."

Jin suddenly said: "That's right, the defense of the main peak is not as tight as before. It would be very beneficial for us to go to the main peak and wait for the colorful glow to appear. It's a good idea."

"Second brother still understands what's on my mind. At the main peak of Baiyan Mountain, we can almost see what happened in the entire mountain range. When we choose how to make a move and when to make a move, the initiative will be in our hands. I guess, The multicolored glow should appear soon in the next few days. Brother, let’s go, let’s go out and buy more food, and we’ll leave at night.”

When night fell, the three of us quietly sneaked out of the small town, bypassed the crowd gathered outside the city, and quickly arrived at the outskirts of the defense of the Dragon God Empire in the White Mist Mountain Range.

The clouds in the sky covered the light of the moon, making the surroundings very dark. The soldiers of the Dragon God Empire are no longer lurking in the mountains like they used to be. They set up a camp here. The lights in the camp are brightly lit, which is so eye-catching in the night. Teams of patrolling soldiers patrolled outside the camp almost continuously. It seems that the defense is very tight.

Yin suddenly shouted in a low voice: "Be careful." Panzong and I subconsciously got down on the ground and held our breath. A piercing sound came through the air. I turned my head slightly, and from the corner of my eye, I saw three giant dragons flying over us. After passing, it fell to the center of the camp.

The four of us looked at each other, and Pan Zong said dissatisfiedly: "Fourth brother, how did you find the way, why are there still dragon knights patrolling, with these annoying guys, how can you proceed with the action later?"

I scratched my head. I really didn't find the dragon knight the first few times I came here. Could it be that they have strengthened the guards again

Jin whispered: "It may not be patrolling. Since the multicolored glow is so important to the Dragon God Empire, they must have put the most powerful force around the cave that the fourth child mentioned. Just now I peeked and found that the three giants The dragon knights on the dragon's back are all carrying burdens, and it is very likely that they have just been transferred from other places to strengthen their defenses."

I nodded and said, "It's possible. Let's wait and see. If no dragon knight appears within an hour, we will act."

Yindao: "Actually, it doesn't matter. Even if there are dragon knights patrolling, we may not be able to discover our plan."

Jin said: "It's better to wait and be careful. Once the dragon knight finds out and entangles him, it will be difficult to get out."

After a while, the three dragon knights who landed in the camp just now took off again, and they flew towards the mountain peak where the colorful rays of light appeared. It seems that Jin's judgment is correct. I gave Kim a thumbs up.

Pan Zong said in a low voice, "Let's start to act."

I nodded and said to Jinyin: "Second Brother, Second Sister, you stay here and I will help Eldest Brother. If there is any situation, please speak up." Then, Panzong and I retreated ten meters, and Panzong looked around After looking at the location of the Dragon God Empire camp, he pointed to a large bush and said, "Fourth, right here."

I pulled out Mo Ming from behind, and under the infusion of dark magic power, Mo Ming suddenly emitted a thick black sword light. I signaled Pan Zong to step back a little, and I lightly rose into the air, and Mo Ming swung down, inserting silently The bushes, with a quick flick of the wrist, followed the sword, Mo Ming drew a wonderful circle with a diameter of two meters in the center of the bushes, turned around, and I landed gently on the ground.

Put Mo Ming away, I winked at Pan Zong, Pan Zong's eyes flashed blue, and a transparent soundproof barrier covered me, the bushes and the surrounding area within 20 meters, I took a deep breath, and my whole body exhaled A dense black mist was released, covering the sound-proof barrier in an instant. Under my control, the black mist formed another layer of light barrier in the sound barrier.

I looked at my masterpiece with satisfaction, stretched my arms, and shouted: "Storm." The yellow light suddenly enveloped my whole body, and two groups of yellow lights appeared on my hands, and I squatted down , Slowly pouring the yellow awn into the ground, I carefully controlled the Mad God Dou Qi to move under the bush that I had just cut with Mo Ming, and lifted it up intently, a cone-shaped ground suddenly broke away from the bush and slowly moved away. I wrapped the ground with dark magic power, held it quietly in the air, and then removed the light-shielding barrier. Panzong jumped over knowingly, and said to me via voice transmission: "I'll go there later, and you It’s blocked up, I have a way to breathe, and I’ll come back to pick you up when I’m done.” As he spoke, he swayed while chanting a mantra, revealing his body, he twisted a few times on the ground, and made a slight groan There was a rustling sound, I looked around vigilantly, and was relieved when I saw that there was nothing unusual. The purple snake head in the center of Panzong nodded at me, and the four physical attack snake heads immediately plunged into the soil hole I just dug.

The way we block the front is actually very simple. It is to dig a tunnel to pass through. From here to passing through the three lines of defense, it may be nearly ten miles long. If there is no such a digging expert as Pan Zong, we will not consider this method at all. . In order to prevent the patrol soldiers from the Dragon God Empire from discovering the tunnel, when Panzong was digging, he had to fill the surrounding area with the excavated soil, so that he could not dig it out, which made it even more difficult for him to complete.

As Pan Zong's body on the ground gradually disappeared, I knew that he had already started digging, and I hope he didn't encounter any terrain like granite. I carefully put the cone-shaped clod back, leaving no trace on the ground, as if nothing had happened.

I leaned back beside Jinyin, and Jin asked, "How is it?"

"Brother has already gone down, we just need to wait here until he gets through, and it will be successful."

It wasn't until dawn that Pan Zong came out of the cave again. He blocked the cave and fell beside us panting. In his human form, he looked tired.

"Brother, what's the matter?"

Pan Zong said with a wry smile: "Fourth, you came up with such a good method that you almost exhausted me. The terrain below is extremely complicated. I have encountered two underground springs and five huge granite rocks. Although the granite rocks are hard, they are still relatively good." Yes, the soil around the underground river is so soft that it almost buried me in it. In the end, I managed to use the earth magic to cover the tunnel with the excavated granite. According to my estimate, it was about halfway through. , it will take at least one night to get through, hurry up, give me something to eat and drink."

I didn't expect it to be so difficult, and I made Pan Zong suffer so much. I apologized, "I'm really sorry, brother, I didn't know it would happen. Why don't we think of other ways?" He took food and water from mustard seeds and handed them over.

Panzong glared at me, gulped down the water, and said after a long while: "Forget it, I've already dug more than half of it. If I try another method, wouldn't I be in vain? It's almost dawn, and we'll dig it later." Go down, I made a few hidden vents in the tunnel, although the air is relatively thin, it is still enough to support survival.”

After eating for a while, Pan Zong suddenly said: "Go down now, I will eat after I go down. I always feel unsafe staying here."

The three of us quietly came to the top of the tunnel. Under the protection of the sound-proof and light-proof double-layer barrier, I opened the tunnel entrance again. Panzong jumped down first, followed by Jinyin. I was the last one to jump down with the clod. When the top was covered by the cone-shaped clod again, the tunnel suddenly fell into darkness. I hurriedly gathered a small fireball, illuminated the surroundings, and after a while, I realized how powerful Pan Zong was. In order to avoid being discovered by the Dragon God Empire troops on the ground, he dug a full three feet down before digging forward. The tunnel was indeed as Pan Zong said, although the air was thin, it was still breathable.

The entire tunnel is about 1.5 meters high and 1 meter wide. I have to squat down to do it.

When we got here, we all relaxed, and we no longer have to be afraid of being discovered by the Dragon God Empire troops above. Yin knocked on the smooth earth wall and exclaimed: "Boss Panzong, I didn't expect your skill in drilling holes to be so profound."

Pan Zong took a bite of the bacon in his hand, rolled his eyes, and said, "Great fart, I'm almost exhausted. Otherwise, you can drill in the back."

Yin repeatedly waved his hands and said, "Forget it, it's better for you, big brother, to work harder for those who are able."

Pan Zong smiled at Yin's big brother, as if his fatigue had disappeared. "Since my brother and sister said so, I will do what I can. I want to sleep first, and you should eat and rest for a while. After I recover some strength, I will continue." He said, lying on the side of the tunnel, and fell asleep. stand up.

After Pan Zong woke up, he continued to dig. Jinyin and I followed behind him. Pan Zong's huge body slid forward quickly in the cave, and the earth and rocks in front of him separated automatically. No wonder it takes so much effort to make the cave wall strong, the eldest brother is really serious about his work. Whenever he encounters granite or underground rivers, he will stay for a long time and his progress will slow down.

I don't know how long it took, but Panzong stopped again. He changed back into a human form with a pale face. Snake people don't sweat, and their body temperature is very low. He collapsed. He panted and said: "I... I'm almost... no... It's okay. It should be... almost... Take a rest, I'll go... up... and you'll be... accomplished." Not to mention that he was tired, he kept squatting, even My body is a little paralyzed.

After resting for a while, Panzong summoned up his courage and wanted to dig up to nearly three feet. He climbed down and said, "I guess it's still about half a foot from the ground. Fourth, it's up to you."

I nodded, came to the bottom of the exit, and finally could stand upright. I stretched my body, pulled out Mo Ming, raised it high, and pushed my feet hard. I jumped up. Dark magic power, suddenly, a ray of black glow appeared from the tip of the Mo Ming sword. Still slanting around, I felt that the black light had penetrated the ground, and also drew a cone (this time there is no cone tip, because the bottom is a cave with a diameter of about 1.5 meters, but it is still the top circle. The diameter of the shape should be larger, only in this way can ensure that the outlet soil cover will not fall off.)

I fell back to the ground lightly, and Pan Zong said: "Don't rush out, let's practice for a while, and wait for me to recover to my best condition. This is safer."

I looked at Pan Zong and Jin Yin, who were in high spirits, and they gave me firm gazes respectively. With a light jump, I jumped up, separated my legs, and supported the cave walls on both sides.

Using both arms with strength, the yellow light of Mad God Battle Qi illuminated every detail in the cave. Taking a deep breath, I lifted up slowly, and the ground above me that I had cut open with Mo Ming slashed down, and the soil kept falling down. I let out a low voice, and the black lights around my body flourished, forming an enchantment, The falling dirt is completely blocked. I carefully urged the surrounding earth elements to condense the soil back, and reinforced it below with dark magic power. When I felt that the exit would no longer be deformed, I stepped on the walls of the cave on both sides with both feet, and with a push of strength, I floated up with the big soil clod above. When the clod of soil left the ground, a fresh breath The incomparable fresh air blows in my face, I feel a slight chill all over my body, and I have already left the cave. It was night outside, although it was out of my imagination, but it also made me very happy. I carefully held the clod and took a deep breath of fresh air. Immediately, my whole body seemed to be refreshed, and I turned my head to look around. The surrounding area was silent, and there were some tall trees beside it. Not far away, it was still the camp of the Dragon God Empire. Because I stayed underground for a day, I turned a little bit. It felt like I was still on the periphery guarded by the soldiers of the Dragon God Empire. I yelled into the tunnel in a low voice: "You guys come out."

Two figures "flyed" out of the tunnel lightly and landed beside me. Jinyin sniffed the fresh air vigorously, her face full of intoxication. I carefully put the clod of soil back in place. Only then did I see that there were only some sparse grasses on the soil clods, but if you don't look carefully, you won't find anything. We trimmed around the edge of the exit, and now, people who don't know should never notice.

I asked Pan Zongdao: "Brother, where are we?" He drilled the tunnel, so of course he has the most right to speak.

Panzong looked at the Dragon God Empire camp, then looked around, he smiled, and said: "My sense of direction is good, there is nothing wrong with it, you see, the Dragon God Empire camp is diagonally below us, and it is also In other words, the terrain here is much higher, which proves that there should be White Mist Mountain not far behind us. We succeeded. Haha."

Seeing his complacent look, I felt joy in my heart. In the dark night, I dare not use Mad God Dou Qi lightly (when Dou Qi reaches a certain level, it will emit a light of a specific color every time it is used, which cannot be suppressed), so I moved The dark magic power fell lightly on the top of a big tree. Although it was night, I could still clearly see the tall White Smoke Mountain behind me, and in front of me was the Dragon God Empire camp composed of tens of thousands of lights. It twists and turns in a semicircle around the front of the White Smoke Mountains. A sneer appeared on the corner of my mouth, and I slowly floated down to the ground. I said to Panzong and Jinyin, "Let's go first, and wait for the opportunity."

In this way, we entered the main peak of Baiyan Mountain purely on foot. I did not take them to the cave where they practiced and hid. It is relatively close to the foot of the mountain. If there are dragon knights patrolling, it will be very bad for us to investigate the colorful glow. So we went to the top.

The mountain wind was bitter, and large swaths of clouds were driven by the wind and wet our clothes.

"Fourth, in which direction did the colorful glow appear last time?"

I pointed to a not-so-high mountain in the mountains, and said, "That's right there, the clouds are really annoying." Because the surrounding clouds are very dense, there are often clouds that block our sight. In high places, the wind is generally strong, and the sea of clouds is unpredictable. When the sea of clouds under our feet is blown away by the wind, we can see the situation of the entire mountain range.

Panzong and Jinyin looked in the direction I was pointing at, and Jinyin suddenly said, "Look, is that the Dragon Knight?"

I took a closer look, and sure enough, over the mountains, a dozen figures of various colors were flying in the air. They were the dragon knights. "So many dragon knights are patrolling. It seems that the Dragon God Empire has already noticed that the atmosphere in the small town is not right." gone."

Jin said: "Fourth, it's too cold up here, and the humidity is extremely high. It's not an option to go on like this. If we stay for a long time, even if we have fighting spirit protection, it will be very bad for our health."

I smiled slightly and said, "I've thought about this a long time ago. Let's find a bigger rock, dig it out, and build a temporary cave. That's fine." As I said that, I looked at Panzong who was looking into the distance. Naturally, he also heard our conversation, glanced at me, frowned and said, "Why me again."

I chuckled and said, "Didn't the second sister say that those who can do more work." In fact, Jinyin and I both have the ability to dig caves, but we are definitely not as good as Panzong.

Digging a rock cave is much easier than drilling a tunnel. After a while, a huge rock was opened by Pan Zong. In order to avoid the wind, he deliberately turned two corners in the rock and made the exit smaller. , so that we can barely pass, so that we can not be afraid of the mountain wind.

Going into the dry stone room, I took out three sets of quilts from the mustard bag and spread them on the floor. Since I got the mustard bag, I put some daily necessities in it. Anyway, these things don’t consume much energy for me. It is very convenient to carry it just in case.

On the third night of our arrival, a change happened suddenly. Jinyin, who was watching outside, hurried into the stone room and shouted: "Get up quickly, the multicolored glow appeared." Sleeping in a daze, I As soon as He Panzong heard this sentence, he woke up suddenly, and quickly ran out of the stone room to take a look. Sure enough, the dense clouds were gradually forming, and colorful rays of light continued to emerge from the mountain peak at the beginning, and they flowed toward the sky one by one. with.

"Let's get ready." Saying that, Panzong, Jinyin, and I all changed into black night clothes. I carried Mo Ming on my back, lay on the cliff, and watched the movements in the Dragon God Empire camp in the distance. Hurry up, in less than half an hour, a large area of light spots appeared outside the mountain, rushing towards the defense line of the Dragon God Empire, I know that those light spots are all kinds of people in the small town. I shouted: "They are here, let's not worry, wait for the chaos below to act, Li Feng, Li Feng, let me see how you clean up this mess. Big Brother, Second Brother, Second Sister, unless it is a last resort, you must not Transformation, we orcs are not accepted here."

Yin snorted, pointed down the mountain and said, "Fourth brother, look, those humans seem to have stopped."

I looked in the direction she pointed, and sure enough, although large spots of light were still rushing towards the camp of the Dragon God Empire, they only gathered outside the camp, and there was no momentum to rush in. I frowned and said, "This is not good. If it continues like this, maybe the troops of the Dragon God Empire can drive away the crowd without bloodshed."

After another half an hour, a large number of mercenaries, civilians, magicians, and some unknown people who came to fish in troubled waters had gathered in front of the Dragon God Empire camp at the foot of the mountain. Since it is too far down the mountain, it is impossible for us to know what happened below, but I am very clear that the two sides have been confronting each other. The people from the Dragon God Empire did not make a move, and neither did the 'rabble'. Did they take care of it? It can't go on like this. Mother, I'm sorry, although I promised you not to lead troops to attack the Dragon God Empire, but I never promised not to injure human beings indirectly. In order to achieve my own goals, only... I made a resolute decision to lose this opportunity, Maybe there will be no chance of a comeback. These 'crowds' can only be used once. It must be known that they will go all out, then decline, and three times. This is the first time their greed is the most sufficient.

I suddenly turned around and shouted: "Brother, spit out some erysipelas."

Pan Zong was stunned for a moment, and said, "What are you doing? You don't want to poison all the people below."

I smiled coldly, showing a cruel side, and said: "Don't worry, I certainly won't poison everyone to death, they are all dead, whoever will disrupt Li Feng's position for us, but I will poison you to death." Half of it, I don’t believe it, those guys still don’t do anything. Darkness condenses the soul, and only depravity can be free. Awaken, the endless magic power sleeping in my blood.” A large number of dark elements in the air are constantly rushing towards me, and the violent airflow will Pan Zong and Jinyin pushed back a few steps, my hair and eyes suddenly turned black, and two pairs of wide wings with black iron feathers tore off the clothes behind me and opened suddenly behind me. After my transformation, my temperament changed drastically. With a wicked smile on my face, I stretched out my white hand and said to Pan Zong, "Brother, come on. It doesn't take much."

Under my aura, Panzong felt timid, and felt that what I said seemed to be an irresistible order. He subconsciously opened his mouth and spewed out a puff of purple smoke. The slender fingers trembled slightly, and a black energy ball appeared in the palm, and the purple poisonous gas was sucked in like ten thousand streams. When the poisonous gas was exhausted, I grabbed the energy ball, and a cold light flashed in my eyes, "Brother , How many people can be poisoned by these poisonous gases?"

Pan Zongdao: "If it is placed in food or drinking water, it may poison all the people below. If it is distributed in the air, it should be poisoned to death one-tenth of it."

I was stunned for a moment, and said: "It's so poisonous, there are hundreds of thousands of people down there."

Pan Zong smiled triumphantly, and said, "Don't underestimate my erysipelas. Ever since I cultivated to the state of Jedi, the inner alchemy in my body has formed, and the poisonous gas produced is much stronger than before. Due to the great increase in toxicity, as long as If you don’t meet someone with higher skill than me, you can wipe out a large number of troops with just one breath of poisonous gas. Of course, if you encounter that Lifeng, it will definitely have no effect. If you reach the level of God of War, you must be invulnerable to all poisons. Do you really want to Poison the people below?"

I nodded and said: "If you want to do big things, you have to be informal. If you don't do this, they will waste everything until the colorful rays of light are over, and everything will be over. You wait here for me, and I will come when I go." Saying, I clenched the black energy ball tightly, spread my wings lightly, and floated up.

Pan Zong warned: "Be careful of those patrolling dragon knights."

"I know, you are ready to go at any time." After saying this, I swooped down close to the mountain. Don't worry about the dragon knights now, their focus must be on defending the cave and paying attention to the crowd outside. How could they come to the main peak of Baiyan Mountain? I quickly passed through the clouds, and quickly flew down the mountain. I carefully landed behind the Dragon God Empire's camp, raised the entrance of the tunnel, and jumped in. When I reached the other end, I heard very clearly The voice, I secretly called a mistake, there are so many people above, how can I get out. Shaking my head, I went back to the other side of Baiyan Mountain. It seemed that I had to fly over. I pulled my body up, kept flapping my wings, and flew almost to the same height as the main peak of Baiyan Mountain, before proceeding carefully. Although there were traces of dragon knights below, they didn't find me, this black cloud, and made me move forward. I successfully passed above the Dragon God Empire's camp, I flew over the gathered crowd and changed back to my original shape in a dark corner, put on my bamboo hat, and squeezed into the flow of hundreds of thousands of people. As soon as I entered the crowd, I heard a thick voice coming from the direction of the Dragon God camp.

"No matter where you come from, please retreat immediately. You are all citizens of the Dragon God Empire. This place is owned by the government and people gather to make trouble. Do you want to rebel?" A small, talkative person should be a master. Relying on my tyrannical strength, I quickly advanced through the crowded crowd and squeezed into the front row. Those who can stand in the front row are all human beings with certain strength, and a hundred meters in front of me, there are a large number of heavy armored infantry from the Dragon God Empire , they held two-meter-long guns and lined up like an iron barrel. The gun points pointed outwards, revealing a murderous look. No wonder these people didn't rush in. It turned out that the Dragon God Empire put on such a strong formation.

A yin and yang voice came from our crowd, "The treasures produced in Baiyan Mountain are for the virtuous, so why let your officials occupy them? It's been so long and you haven't got them, why don't you let us Go try it, brothers, tell me, don’t you?” I secretly praised in my heart, this guy who talked is really a provocative master, this is the best, and it saves me from doing it.

"That's right, we also want a share."

"Let's go there."

"Get out of here, your troops, otherwise, I will be impolite."

Although these people do not belong to the same system, but due to the relationship between colorful rays of light, they all have the same purpose. When they were stopped in this place, the soldiers of the Dragon God Empire suddenly became their common enemy, and the feeling of common hatred made them naturally unite . Most of the crowd approached tens of meters forward.

Now that thick voice came out again, and he yelled violently: "Bold, let me see whoever dares to violate the border, take a step forward and kill him." The huge sound made the crowd stop again, after all, the opponent is the Dragon God The regular army of the empire not only has strong combat capabilities, but also psychologically, the Dragon God Empire has the upper hand. I looked at the sky and knew that I couldn't delay any longer. Taking advantage of the people around me not paying attention, I quietly took out the black energy ball, intercepted a very small part of the energy ball from the energy ball, and condensed some fire elements into it, because , the fire element will be the most conspicuous in the night sky, and the outermost part is still wrapped with dark magic power. The people around are all focused on the Dragon God Empire, or the colorful clouds in the sky. Although I am tall, who will notice me? With a shake of my hand, the black energy ball quietly rises into the sky .