Mad God

Chapter 7: Mad God Art


I took out a "Detailed Explanation of Wind Elemental Magic" from the primary magic bookshelf. It was really a thick book. I opened the catalog and looked at it. It was quite complete, including the introduction to wind magic, how to use wind magic, Elementary Wind Magic Encyclopedia and Elementary Wind Magic uses and examples.

I found a place with better lighting and sat down, watching with relish.

The wind magic is very simple. It is to stimulate the wind element in nature through certain spells to achieve the goal that the caster wants to achieve. The premise is that there must be a certain amount of magic power and spiritual power.

I tried to chant: "O wind of freedom, listen to my command and condense into a shield to resist the invasion.—Air shield." As soon as I finished the spell, I felt the airflow in front of me accelerate for a while, forming an invisible air wall. My interest was immediately aroused. It turns out that I can also use magic from other departments, which is really good.

It took me a day to rehearse all the basic wind magic, and I can basically handle it with ease.

At the stairway, I don't know when someone brought me food and water. After eating, I saw from the gap in the blower that it was already dark outside, and the light here basically relied on the magic stone for lighting. The 8th floor of the library turned up, it was really enjoyable! It is said to be a flying technique, but it is not really flying, it is just an acceleration magic that increases the speed of movement.

Since I couldn't damage the things here, I didn't dare to experiment with attack magic. After playing for a while, I stopped and recited the spells of elementary wind magic spells several times to make sure I wouldn't forget them. Actually, what I don't know is that Tianmo Gong itself is a kind of magic power cultivation. I have been practicing it for four years. Although it is only at the level of the second level, the magic power has already reached the level of a senior magician, so I can easily practice it. Use primary wind magic.

Anyway, I have already mastered the basic wind magic, so let's try to see if I can use other magic. I found a basic fire magic book from the bookshelf...

In this way, I practice magic during the day and practice my Tianmo Kungfu at night. It took 5 days to practice all the basic magic of the four elements of wind, fire, earth, and water. It's just that I can't master the light element, and I can't control the light element at all. I thought about it, maybe it's because it conflicts with my Heavenly Demon Art. Regardless of him, I am already very satisfied with learning so much magic.

I have learned the basic magic of the four departments, and I started to attack the intermediate magic. By the way, there are 10 levels of magic on the mainland, three levels of primary magic, three levels of intermediate magic, and three levels of advanced magic, and level 10 magic is forbidden.

I encountered resistance when I learned intermediate magic. I can barely use the fourth-level magic, but I feel weak and unable to concentrate after a few uses. Alright. Since I can't practice, I will write them down first, and then practice them as the magic power increases. It took me half a month to memorize all the four series of magic from level 1 to level 9 in the library. In the future, I will practice slowly when my magic power improves.

Unknowingly, I have been here for more than 20 days. These 20 days are simply too important for me, and I have made a great breakthrough in magic. Due to concentrating on studying magic every day, my Heavenly Demon Kung Fu has finally broken through the second level and entered the third level. As long as I can complete the third level, I can transform into a fallen angel. By then, it will be a qualitative leap .

I have memorized all the magic spells. In order to ensure that I will not forget them, I spent two days reviewing them several times. If I use human standards, I am now an advanced magician.

After practicing magic for nearly a month, I feel that my senses are much more sensitive than before, and I can easily concentrate. I can use some dark magic that I couldn't use before.

Improving magic doesn't happen overnight, there are still two months left, I'll see if there is any martial skill that suits me.

Learning martial arts is not as simple as practicing magic. I spent two days looking for martial arts that suit me, but all I can understand are relatively elementary kung fu, but I can't understand advanced kung fu, and they are all Skill-based. I'm having trouble with this. Martial arts are my foundation, and it would be a pity if I don't learn advanced martial arts with my powerful body of the Beamon clan.

I lay on the ground, staring at the ceiling in a daze, what did I learn? Suddenly, when I turned my head, I found that there seemed to be something under a bookshelf in the corner, because it was blocked by the shadow of the bookshelf, I couldn't see it clearly.

Curiously, I walked over and found a dusty iron box from under the bookshelf, with three eye-catching characters engraved on it—Mad God Jue. When I opened the iron box, there was a yellowed book with the title of "Mad God" decision". My heart skipped a beat, and I knew it was a cheat book just by looking at the name. Turning to the first page, it is written in large characters, the title is the general outline of Mad God Art: Mad God Art, also known as Overlord Art, is the heart method of the most powerful martial arts, no matter what you have learned before, you can practice it. The method is a special fighting spirit based on the development of one's own potential. Those who are not strong-willed should not practice it, those whose meridians are not strong should not practice it, those who cannot become mad should not practice it, and women should not practice it.

Turning to the next page, it says that if you don't have a crazy physique, your body will not be able to withstand the supreme power of the Mad God Art. Those who are not strong-willed will be controlled by powerful forces to go crazy when they practice. Those who practice this decision must control themselves not to be bloodthirsty, otherwise they will get out of hand and eventually go crazy to death.

The Mad God Art is divided into twelve layers. The first layer is the most difficult. It is the process of converting the original exercises into the Mad God Art. The book says that if the original exercises cannot be converted into the Mad God Art within one year Do not continue to forcefully practice the first level.

The following is the method of practice. This exercise seems to be quite suitable for me to practice. I can become mad. Great, I finally found a martial skill that suits me.

Excitedly, I followed the words in the book and began to practice. Running the original skill of removing the armor of Tianlei according to the route of the Mad God Art, an hour passed, and I woke up from the samadhi with sweat profusely. Throwing the book out, he cursed angrily: "What kind of kung fu is this, it can't be practiced at all." When I was practicing just now, the meridian through which the skill passed was so painful that I only worked one-tenth of it. Meridians. If you continue to practice reluctantly, there is a danger of the meridians bursting.

give up? The description in the book was so good and I was a little unwilling. I picked up the book and read it carefully again. It said that as long as I can successfully run the first layer of Sunday, I will be completed. So I have completed it just now. One-tenth of the first layer. Thinking of this, I regained some of my lost confidence.

I took a deep breath, calmed down the turbulent Qi and blood in my body, and started again according to the exercises. The meridians that I had run just now quickly passed through, and I didn't feel strong pain again until I reached one-tenth of the place. I gritted my teeth and insisted on moving forward a little bit, and I couldn't bear it before I stopped.

This time I didn't throw away the book, I thought, if it continues like this, I can still practice if I can make a little progress each time. Let's rest first.

Lying on the ground, I flipped through the pages, and it was described in the book: After practicing the first level, you can send out fighting energy, which can be used for both offense and defense. Attached: The first form of Kuangshenquan - violent wind and rain. The violent storm is to hit the ground with the mad god's duel spirit and turn the surrounding ground into countless particles to attack in all directions. It is most suitable for being besieged. The following is the method of using force... After you have mastered it completely, you can control the ground with a radius of 15 meters from the body as the center, and let the ground within the control range burst and fly to attack at will.

Reading the description in the book is really amazing. If I master it, I won't be afraid of the siege and the opponent's skills. Ha ha.

This time, the Mad God Art has aroused my strong interest. I took a deep breath, sat cross-legged again, and practiced the Mad God Art for the third time. In this way, I hit the meridians in my body again and again. One month later, I miraculously broke through 99% of the meridians. As long as I make a final breakthrough, I can complete the first level of cultivation.

But it turns out that the first level of the Mad God Art is by no means easy to practice. Another 10 days have passed, and I still can't break through the last resistance to form a weekly cycle. I sat down against the bookshelf and beat the floor hard (without grudges).

"Oops." A book fell from the bookshelf and hit me on the head, I cursed angrily, "He's fucking fucking, even broken books bully me."

Pick up the book on the ground, on the cover it says "Continental Military Apocalypse". It turned out to be a military book. I put the book back, and when I saw this book, I suddenly thought that one of the main purposes of my coming here was to secretly learn the art of war of humans, but I didn't learn it in such a good opportunity in the library. It has been more than two months, and the time is tight and the task is urgent.

I hurriedly opened the book again, and I was fascinated by the content after flipping through a few pages. Perhaps, I am a warlike person by nature. I was deeply attracted by the examples of successful battles and strategies and tactics written in the book.

In this way, I read the art of war books one after another. I don't ask myself to understand the strategies of these world-renowned generals, just memorize them. These things should be the most precious to the orcs, as long as they can be flexible Use will definitely play a role.

After 10 days, I feel that my memory has reached the limit, and I can’t remember more things at all, and I can’t force myself anymore. Just relying on what I remember now can be regarded as the completion of the task. I remember it all in my head.

Today, I don't watch anything. Practicing Madness Art during the day and Heavenly Demon Kungfu at night, it should be considered a day off. I got rid of distracting thoughts in my mind and concentrated on practicing the Mad God Art. The true energy passed through the front meridian smoothly, but when it reached the last point, it was extremely painful. If I can't get through it, all my previous efforts will be wasted, no matter what I say today, I will overcome the pain.

I will move my true energy back and forth in the meridians that have been opened up to make the meridians smoother. The critical moment finally came. I concentrated all my strength on the middle section of the meridian running route, and then pushed this energy with all my strength, just like running in the meridian, constantly pushing it to the peak of the speed, rushing forward without hesitation. To the final pass.

There was a "boom" in my body, and the irresistible pain hit every part of my body. All the energy in the body stopped moving, and I felt as if the meridians were split open. His whole body twitched and he passed out.

It hurts, it hurts, "Ah!" I woke up with a start. Could it be that I was dreaming when I hit the meridians just now? My body feels bulging, as if my muscles are swollen, and the world in my eyes seems to be more exciting than before. I glanced around, and I can easily distinguish the texture on the bookshelf 20 meters away. Have you mastered the first level of Mad God Art? I found that the clothes on my body were completely soaked in sweat and gave off an unpleasant smell, so I hurried to the toilet to wash the clothes on my body. When I washed my body, I found that the skin all over my body was red and shiny. I don't know what happened. (What I don't know is that since I finally opened the last meridian, the true qi circulates in the body repeatedly, and the washing of tendons and marrow washes away all the impurities in the body, and all the capillaries in the whole body are congested, causing the body to be red , it will be fine after a while.)

I went back to the bookshelf in wet clothes, sat down cross-legged, and tentatively channeled the Mad God Duel Qi. The speed of the fighting energy was three times that of the original one. It feels comfortable, as if the fighting spirit has increased a little. I really passed, no, I have to practice a few more times to consolidate and consolidate.

In this way, I settled down, and practiced a full 49 cycles according to the operation method of the Mad God Art. The true qi in my body was full, and it was indescribably comfortable. There seemed to be a warlike desire in the mad god fighting urge to urge me.

I took a deep breath, and collected the completed Dou Qi into my dantian. When I opened my eyes, I felt that my whole body was filled with inexhaustible strength, and I stimulated my fighting energy a little, and immediately concentrated it to the place I wanted it to go according to my thoughts. It's a wonderful feeling.

I looked at the sky through the window, it was night. The clothes on his body have already dried, and it seems that a long time has passed. I stretched comfortably, and I really wanted to punch a few times to see how powerful this Mad God Art is.

My stomach growled suddenly, I'm so hungry, I just haven't eaten for a day, how can I be so hungry? I hurried to the stairs, fortunately, the meal was still there tonight, I devoured it to comfort myself, I decided not to practice this evening, I have made such great progress, I also want to give myself a rest.

The next day, when I woke up in the morning, I calculated that the ban would be lifted in about 10 days. I spent two days reviewing the magic and military theories I had memorized like a revolving lantern. , During the review process, I found that my memory is still quite good, and I basically didn't forget the things memorized.

Since I practiced the first level of Mad God Art, I found that the speed of magic power is much faster than before. What's going on? Could it have something to do with my practice of madness to open up the meridians? If this continues, perhaps, it won't be long before I can complete the third floor. To be honest, I really yearn to transform into a fallen angel. Because it can bring me great strength.

Today, I was practicing the Mad God Art. Suddenly, I heard footsteps coming from the stairs. How could someone come? It's not the time to deliver meals. Didn't the vice president say that students are not allowed to come here easily? (In fact, the books on the sixth, seventh, and eighth floors of the library are basically available on the lower floors, but the books below are all copies, while most of the sixth, seventh, and eighth floors are original works, which have high collection value, which is equivalent to The Academy's treasury of books.)

I quickly ran to the stairs and said, "Who dares to trespass the forbidden area?"

The tall figure of the deputy dean appeared on the stairs, and said with a smile, "You've become a library nurse, you're quite serious."

I said embarrassingly, "Why are you here? I guess there are still 6 days left before the time is up."

The vice president looked at me in surprise and said, "What, it's time. It's been three months today. Don't tell me you're addicted to staying here."

After hearing what he said, I was stunned. It's time, how could it be? I shouldn't remember wrongly. Could it be that I entered meditation and practiced Mad God Art for 7 days and failed.

The vice president said: "A few days ago, I heard from the administrator that you hadn't eaten for several days. Could it be that you have practiced for a few days?"

I said: "Maybe, I don't know how long it took me to practice meditation that time."

"It's a good thing to stay in meditation for a long time. Okay, let's go, let's go back. You are not allowed to take the books here privately."

I said: "Okay, wait a minute, I'll clean up." Are you not allowed to take it privately? How can I do that, I don’t need to bring anything else, I must take out my Mad God Jue, I quickly ran inside and put the Mad God Jue in my arms, fortunately he didn’t search me, just like that, I followed The deputy dean left the library.

When I came outside, I took a deep breath of the fresh air outside. Under the bright sunshine, my whole body was warm and comfortable. I feel like a bird out of the cage, and I will be allowed to roam in the sea and the sky in the future.

"Isn't this period of time very boring? It can be seen that you are very different from when you entered, and you have gained a lot."

I said sincerely: "Yes, I have learned a lot in the library, all thanks to your cultivation of me."

The deputy dean said: "Don't tell me these things. This is the result of your own hard work. You are a good boy and know how to make progress. You must study hard in the college in the future. Now the four major colleges are competing fiercely. I hope you can do more for me. The college is discrediting, your background is very good, do you know why I violated the rules and asked you to study in the library?"

I looked at him suspiciously and said, "I don't know."

He gave me a deep look and said: "Because you are so talented, you are the first person I have ever seen who can use dark intermediate magic at such a young age. Dark magicians usually only have achievements in their seventies and eighties, and It is usually based on other magic. I am amazed that you can practice this much by self-study. What makes me most satisfied is that I can see that you are an upright child who is not afraid of power and dares to Fight against the noble students. So I want to train you to become a leader among the new generation of students, and strive to become a dragon knight in the future. I believe that you will be able to do it."

I thought to myself, what would you think if you knew that I was a spy sent by the orcs. But he said: "Thank you for trusting me so much, I will definitely not let you down."

The vice-principal smiled with satisfaction and said: "You take a day off today and go back to class tomorrow. Your class teacher seems to like you very much. He has asked me for several times. I will confine you in the library. Don't tell anyone about it, it's against the rules, only me and the dean know about it. Do you understand?"

I nodded and said: "Don't worry, you are so kind to me, how can I make trouble for you."

"That's good, you go back to the dormitory, I'm going back to the office."

After being separated from the deputy principal, I didn't go back to the dormitory, but ran to the stable to see my black dragon. As soon as I got outside the stable, I heard laughter like silver bells coming from inside.

Who is laughing here, is it Zixue? I went into the stable and saw that it was her. She was hugging the black dragon's big head. The black dragon licked her with its big tongue. She laughed while dodging. It seemed that she and the black dragon had a good relationship. She is such a kind little girl, thanks to her for feeding the black dragon these days.

Heilong discovered my arrival first, and snorted happily at me. When Zixue turned her head and saw me, her face turned red, and she said coyly, "You're back."

I nodded at her, walked to the side of the black dragon, stroked its big head, and said: "You guy, you have eaten a lot recently, you have gained a lot of weight."

Zixue lowered her head and said, "It's all my fault, I fed it too much."

I smiled at her and said, "How can I blame you, I'm not here these days, thanks to you coming to feed it, thank you."

It was the first time Zixue saw me smile, and she was a little at a loss and said, "You're welcome, you've been there these days."

Seeing her shy and cute look, I said: "Because of what happened last time, I asked the vice president to confine me for three months. Isn't it due today? Let me out."

"It's all my fault, which caused you a lot of grievances." Her head drooped even lower.

I sighed slightly and said, "No, I want to thank you. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have this opportunity."

She asked strangely: "What chance?"

It was only then that I felt that I had slipped my tongue, and quickly made up for it: "Ah, I mean, I have practiced hard for three months during this confinement, and my kung fu has improved a lot, so I want to thank you. Are you interested in going out with me?" Yo black dragon."

Excitement flashed in her eyes, but it soon dimmed, and said: "I don't want it anymore, if someone else sees it, I will trouble you again."

After hearing her words, a cold light flashed in my eyes, I snorted coldly, and said: "Who is afraid of them, if they don't come to me, I will go to them to settle accounts, I am not afraid of you, what are you afraid of, are you going or not?" go."

Seeing me returning to my cold and arrogant look, a confused look flashed in her eyes, and she couldn't help but say, "I'll go." After she finished speaking, she realized that a new rosy glow appeared on her beautiful face.

I smiled slightly, and put her on the back of the black dragon's horse, causing her to cry out in surprise. I said, "Let's go outside the city, the black dragon can't let go in the city."

She frowned and said, "But the academy doesn't allow you to go out privately."

I smiled mysteriously and said, "You can sneak away, just follow me."

I led the black dragon to the three-meter-high courtyard wall, and said to her: "You ride the black dragon and close your eyes." She sat on the back of the black dragon smoothly under my protection, because Zixue fed it every day, The black dragon didn't resist at all this time. Zixue obediently closed her lovely big eyes, and I secretly added a flying technique to myself to reduce the burden of weight. I took off the black dragon's belly with both hands, and shouted: "Get up." He lifted it up, then exerted all his strength on his legs, soared into the air with a whoosh, kicked the courtyard wall in the air to borrow his strength, and floated out of the academy smoothly.

Zixue felt as if she was flying through the clouds. When she opened her eyes, she was already outside the college. I jumped on the horse and said to her: "Sit tight, we are going to set off." Zixue quickly grabbed the beam , I slammed my legs on the horse's belly, and the black dragon rushed out knowingly, and Zixue was so scared that he closed his eyes again.

I took Zixue out of the city gate very quickly and came to the outskirts. The black dragon came out with great difficulty. With a roar, it gradually raised its speed to the limit. Nestling in my arms, her little face was a little pale due to fear. The whistling strong wind hit my face with indescribable pleasure, and I felt that I had run a long way, so I let the black dragon slow down, lowered my head and said to Ke Rener in my arms: "Okay, open your eyes, It has slowed down."

Only then did Zixue open her lovely big eyes, and found that she was leaning against my arms, with one of my big hands wrapped around her waist, she was ashamed, "Wow." I didn't dare to come out of my arms, her cute movements made me laugh out loud, and I found that I liked this cute little thing a little bit.

I let the black dragon stroll back slowly, Zixue also gradually slowed down, and said with a smile: "The air here is so nice, look, how cheerful the birds are singing over there, Lei Xiang, do you know ? I like to see the way you smile, you are so scary when you are cold."

Her words brought back the thoughts buried in my heart, I sighed deeply, and said: "If you have experienced my childhood, you will be like me."

She looked at me with big watery eyes and said, "Can you tell me? It will make you feel a lot better if you tell me."

I shook my head and said: "It's not enough now, let's do it later, I will tell you when I have a chance."

Zixue was sensible and didn't ask any more questions, she leaned in my arms. I gently hugged her willow waist, quietly enjoying the peaceful warmth.

Suddenly, another beautiful figure appeared in my mind. She was wearing a white nurse uniform. Ah, it was Kelan. I haven't seen her for three months. I don't know how she is doing. I want to laugh when I think of her lively appearance. I want to find a chance to meet her. After all, she once gave me a little warmth when my heart was cold. But what about Zixue, I couldn't help but feel a little irritated, and I found that I couldn't let go of any of them.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help sighing in my heart, what's the use of thinking about it, I don't belong here, one day I will go back to the beastman country, I can't harm them, it's impossible for me and them. I felt a bitter taste in my heart.

Zixue looked up at my handsome face, and asked: "What's the matter, did you think of something unhappy again? By the way, do you know? Today is the first time I skipped class. I wanted to finish feeding the black dragon Just go back to class."

I smiled and said, "So you are a good girl."

Zixue said: "Of course, I am very obedient."

"Can I ask you a question?"

Zixue blinked and said, "You ask."

I calmly asked: "If, I mean, if, one day I leave here and never come back, what will you do?"

Zixue sat upright suddenly, stared at me fixedly, her eyes were red, and crystal tears rolled out, she looked at me and said nothing.

Having never experienced such a scene, I suddenly became flustered and asked nervously, "You, what's wrong with you."

Zixue cried and said: "Hey, he's already like you, don't you want me? You still ask me this kind of question."

I thought to myself, what's wrong, I didn't do anything, but of course I couldn't say that, and said hurriedly: "I mean if, it's not true."

Zixue looked at me affectionately and said: "Wherever you go, I will follow you." I never thought that Zixue, who has always been shy, could say such direct words of love. I felt warm in my heart, and hugged her in my arms. In her arms, I kissed heavily on her small lips. She trembled a few times, then closed her eyes and let me kiss.

I sucked the sweetness in her mouth and was deeply intoxicated by it. After a long time, I let her go and stared affectionately at her intoxicated eyes. Her cute little face was flushed and very touching.

I firmly said to her: "As long as you don't leave me, I will take you with me wherever I go. This is my promise to you."

She nodded slightly, and said shyly: "You have to remember what you said." Then she leaned into my broad arms and closed her eyes.

When we returned to the college, she had already fallen asleep. Looking at her lovely sleeping face, I gently stroked her tender little face. For the first time in my life, my heart was full of tenderness. It told me, to Guard this lovely angel for a lifetime.