Mad God

Chapter 70: God's story


I frowned and said, "Is the King of God stupid? How could he just listen to Gabriel's slander?"

There was helplessness in Tiomandis's voice, "I thought the same at the time, and tried my best to explain, and Lucifer, the angel of freedom, also helped me to speak, but the other three first-level gods all believed that I had passed away like Gabriel. I took refuge in the underworld, Gabriel is the most trusted subordinate of the God King, so he chose to believe, so I was imprisoned. Later, when Lucifer came to see me, he told me that the God King decided to arrest me Imprisoned for life, and deprived of my title of first-level god, at that time, my thoughts were all hopeless. Imprisonment was not terrible to me, even if it was death, it didn't matter, but I couldn't accept it I was in great pain. During the time I was imprisoned, Phil Yunna never came to see me. I thought she had given up on me, and she gave up on herself even more. She even thought about taking her own life. Only Brother Lucifer, He would visit me often, and one day, he brought a message that drove me into the abyss underground like a bolt from the blue, and Fei Eryun said that she died." If Tiomandis has a body now If so, then, he must be crying painful tears, thousands of years have passed, and he is still in such pain, one can imagine how much he and Princess Feieryuna love each other.

I suddenly jumped up from the ground, and said in a voiceless voice: "What? Princess Fei Eryun is dead, why do you protoss die so easily?"

The voice of Tiomandis became extremely painful, "Yes, then my beloved Fei Eryun will go there. I heard from Brother Lucifer that she committed suicide because the king of gods refused to let me go, and she also committed suicide. She refused to let her meet me, so she committed suicide. Later I found out that the God King told her that I had been executed in order to make her forget me, so Feryuna chose to be partial.” Tiormandi Si's voice suddenly became very gentle, and he said softly: "Phil, why are you so stupid, even if I go, you don't have to be partial to me. I love you, I really love you, if it is not the idea of revenge Support me all the time, maybe, I have already gone to the place where the chaos first opened to find you, Phil... "

Listening to his weeping voice, I found that my face was already wet with scorching tears. In my heart, I really sympathized with this mad god of the protoss. It is such a painful thing to say goodbye to the one you love the most.

After a long time, Tiomandis gradually calmed down, and continued: "At that time, I was so hurt that I was about to commit suicide and follow Feryuna, but was stopped by Brother Lucifer, who hated me Said to me, 'Don't you want revenge? Do you know why Gabriel framed you?' This sentence woke me up from the pain, and I thought, yeah, why Gabriel framed you Me, usually, although our relationship is not good, it is still passable. Brother Lucifer told me the truth. It turns out that Gabriel has always loved Feryuna. He discovered our relationship from our looks, so he came up with a poisonous plan to frame me, hoping to take Phil away from me. However, he probably didn't expect that Phil Yun's love for me was so deep that he would Play favoritism for me."

I asked, "Then did you take revenge?"

Tiomandis suddenly stopped talking, and I shouted: "Tiomandis, are you talking, did you take revenge?"

After a full meal of silence, his voice sounded again, with such unwillingness and disappointment in his voice, "No, I failed to avenge Feryuna. At that time, Brother Lucifer ignored me as a prisoner. , resolutely relied on my own strength to rescue me from the prison, and went to find Gabriel with me to settle the score. Gabriel was seriously injured by us when we were about to kill him. The three great archangels appeared, and the skills of our six first-level gods are not far apart. In the fight with Gabriel, I was injured by him because I was too aggressive. The three great archangels are here After besieging us immediately, Brother Lucifer and I tried our best to resist, but after all, one person was missing. Under their continuous attacks, we were almost powerless to fight back. We fought and retreated, and the wounds on our bodies gradually increased. I know , if this continues, both of us will be captured or even killed by them. So, I used my last strength to send brother Lucifer to the underworld, and only there can escape the pursuit of the protoss. For brother Lucifer I don't hesitate to judge the Protoss, how can I let him be hurt again. The moment I completed the teleportation array, I was hit by the three archangels, but I don't regret it, because my teleportation was successful. At least, brother Lucifer was sent out, and I don't know how he is now, but unfortunately, I will never see him again."

Although Tiomandis said it plainly, I can still imagine how thrilling the battle was, "If the legend is correct, the free angel Lucifer you mentioned has become the fallen angel Lucifer, and also the great demon god Lucifer." Xifa, he has now become the demon god second only to Hades in the underworld, you can rest assured."

Tiomandis said excitedly: "Really? If that's the case, that's great. Brother Lucifer is finally safe. With his strength, I knew he would be able to gain a firm foothold in the underworld."

I asked, "What happened to you after you were attacked by the three archangels?"

"Hey, what else can I do? With an attack of that level, even if I'm in the peak state, I'm afraid I will die, let alone exhausted all my strength. At that time, my physical body was completely wiped out. In fact, Brother Lucifer and I should be thankful, because the death of Feryuna made the God King very sad, so he is retreating, otherwise, I am afraid that none of us can escape. At that time, although my physical body was destroyed, I still It is a first-level god, relying on the last moment of sobriety, I completely injected my own consciousness into my mad god armor. The passage to the human world cut off by the gods temporarily opened a gap, and I took advantage of that opportunity to push my mad god armor to the human world. This is the set you see now. My armor smashed with my divine sense After entering this mountain, the caves you see were all caused by the collision at the beginning, and the mountain above was built after I recovered a little energy. This final collision almost killed me The remaining spiritual consciousness fell apart. Although I tried my best to maintain it, I still fell asleep for a thousand years before recovering some energy and woke up. Here, I suddenly discovered that the human world is very suitable for cultivation, and there is ample free energy here. element), if I still have a physical body, after a long period of practice, I might be able to catch up with brother Lucifer's strength, but I have no chance, after all, I don't have the body. But I still don't give up, strong hatred It is the motivation for me to survive. Although I only have my spiritual consciousness left, I can still control the energy, so I began to cultivate myself. However, the damage done to me in that battle was too heavy, and even my spiritual consciousness was not complete. After another two thousand years, I knew that I had no hope of revenge, so I wrote a book about the Mad God Art that I had learned all my life using a special method, and passed it to the world. It should be the one you got later."

It turned out to be like this. I finally understood the whole process. I didn't expect it to be so complicated. I asked, "What's the matter with the colorful glow that came out a few months ago?"

Director Tiomandi sighed, and said: "That's the light of my inquiry, mainly to find a human race like you who has learned my mad god fighting spirit."

I corrected: "I am not a human race, I am a mixed race of human, demon and orc."

Tiomandis said: "You are wrong, you are a true human race. All creatures living on this continent, as long as they are intelligent, belong to the human race, but they belong to different branches. According to my spiritual sense scan I found that the human race you call is just the primitive human race created by the Father God, and the demon race you mentioned is the demon race, a branch of the primitive human race, and the beast race is the beast race, special races like elves and dwarves, They are all produced by the human race through mutations."

What he said gave me a new understanding of the situation in the mainland, and I said suspiciously: "Really? It turns out that they are all part of the human race. In that case, I am also a human being. Why do you want to Send out the light of inquiry to find the human beings who have learned your mad god art?"

Diomandis said sadly: "Because I have died soon, but my revenge has not yet been avenged. Those who have attracted people who have practiced my kung fu want to pass on my position. And you are the chosen one." that person."

Although it is obviously beneficial to hear that he wants to pass on the position of God to me, I don't feel any joy in my heart. The matter of Mad God Tiomandis and Princess Feryuna makes me feel very uncomfortable. Princess Feryuna is dead, and Tiomandis is about to leave, but the lovers can't get married...

Tiomandis seemed to see through my heart, and said in a relaxed voice: "I can see that you are a good boy. It is my luck to find you as my successor. You don't have to sacrifice for my death." Sad, death is a kind of relief for me, maybe, in another world, I can find Feier Yunna again, there, I will be happier, the only thing I am not reconciled to is that the person who harmed me is still alive Not dead, I have only one request for you, that is to kill the angel Gabriel. And tell the king of God my innocence. I know, it is difficult, but I have faith in you, don't worry, when you get After my inheritance, although the ability will not be greatly improved, the speed of cultivation will increase a lot, and your vitality will increase with your strength. When you reach my original ability, you will become another Mad God, another immortal body, at that time, you have the hope of killing Gabriel."

I asked suspiciously: "Can the god position also be inherited? You have already left the God Realm, so what other god position is there?"

Tiomandis snorted, and said: "Even the king of gods has no ability to deprive me of my god position. After all, I was also created by the father god. The so-called inheritance of the god position is actually a combination of some of my special abilities and Some inexplicable things have been passed on to you. As for how to use them and whether you can reach the original state, it depends on you. Of course, your current situation is not enough to accept all my inheritance power. I will change it first. Your physique, and compress the inheritance, it will be gradually unsealed as your ability improves. Originally, I could still transform into my original image to meet you, but when I picked you up that day, I was caught by those three people The combined attack consumes a lot of my accumulated energy, in order to make the inheritance go smoothly, I must preserve the energy, so you won’t be able to see me.”

I said with a heavy heart: "After the inheritance, you will die immediately."

Tiomandis said: "Almost, I can't say it's death, I can only say that the consciousness is gone, but the meaning of death is the same as what you humans say. If the energy is enough, maybe after inheritance, I can still die." Say a few words to you. Don't feel sorry for me, as long as you can avenge me in the future, it will be the greatest reward for me. "

With a determined look in my eyes, I said solemnly: "I have decided to accept your inheritance and your hatred. Suing the dead angel Gabriel will be my goal in the future. As long as I don't die, one day, I will kill him." Step on it and let him know that Mad God is not so easy to frame."

Tiomandis let out a loud laugh, and exclaimed excitedly: "Okay, this is worthy of being my successor, and this is how I have the arrogance of my mad god to dominate the world."

I nodded and said, "Then let's start now." Although I know that Tiomandis will die after the inheritance, since he will always die, what's the use of talking for a while, it will deepen my feelings for him , Emotions will affect cultivation. Instead of doing this, it is better to put all your attention on the inheritance, and work hard to practice the reality of avenging him in the future.

Crazy God Theomandis said approvingly: "If you break it, you will break it. This is the true nature of a man. Before I pass on to you, I want to tell you about this set of Crazy God armor. This set of armor is my own. When God the Father created it, he compensated me for having no wings. It can also be said that he is the only item in the Three Realms that God the Father personally created. The improvement is divided into eleven parts, namely: helmet, shoulder armor, breastplate, breast shield, arm guard, hand guard, waist guard, hip guard, battle skirt, leg guard, and combat boots. Among them, the most important The most important thing is the breastplate and the helmet. If the breastplate is the source of power for the whole set of armor, then the helmet is the soul of the armor. Only when these eleven parts are fully assembled can it exert its full power." Pause After a while, Tiomandis continued: "When I came to the human world, because my energy was almost exhausted, I lost the two most important parts of the Mad God armor, the heart mirror and the helmet, before landing. Unexpectedly, the breast shield was accidentally retracted before you came, if it hadn't returned to me in time, I could hardly resist the force that finally attacked you that day. That human being is indeed very powerful."

I froze for a moment, and said, "Could it be that even you can't deal with that Miefeng war god Lifeng? Where's that helmet?"

Tiomandis snorted coldly, and said: "Of course not, because I don't have a physical body, I don't even have one-tenth of my original strength now, otherwise, it's his turn to go crazy, but don't underestimate you guys. Human beings in the first realm, your learning ability is very strong. The Li Feng you mentioned has a very strong power. Even in the God Realm, he is close to the level of a third-level god. As for the helmet, I only Remember, he was lost on another continent. You must find it. Only when you collect all the armor can you become a real mad god. The helmet is the soul of the mad god battle armor. Without the soul, how can it function? It is powerful. Moreover, when practicing the last level of the Mad God Art, you must wear a complete set of Mad God Armor, and the helmet is even more essential. Although this is very difficult, I believe you will be able to succeed. "

I asked suspiciously, "Another continent, what does that mean?"

Tiomandis said: "The human world is not only your continent, it also has another continent that is much smaller than your Jinyuan continent, it is in the ocean, although I just pass by there , but I discovered that there are more powerful races than this continent living there, so you must be careful when you go there to find the helmet of the mad god."

In the ocean? Another continent? This is all I have never heard of. Since Tiomandis said that there is, then there must be. In order to really inherit the inheritance of the mad god, after I have cultivated to a certain level, I must find this mad god helmet, and then I can go to the heavens to find Gabriel Accounting, thinking of this, I suddenly have a question. So he asked: "I've heard people say that if you can cultivate your strength to a certain level in this world, you can break through the barrier and go to the two worlds of the gods and the underworld. Is this true?"

Tiomandis said: "It should be. When Father God closed the passages between the human world and the gods and the underworld, he mainly targeted us. Therefore, it is much easier to pass from your side to the other side, but it is not easy You need to reach the second level of gods, that is, the ability of shining angels. As long as you are a human being who can ascend from the human world to the second world of the gods and the underworld, you will definitely become the target of the second world. If you want to avenge me, you must reach that level. Level, no, you must reach the level of a first-level god to have hope. Even if you get all my strength and reach my previous peak, you may not be able to kill Gabriel. I am stronger, not to mention, there are the other three archangels and the king of gods."

I said firmly: "I will definitely succeed. If I can't fight head-on, won't I sneak attack?"

Tiomandis seemed to remember something suddenly, and asked, "The sword in your hand gives me a very friendly feeling, where did you get it from?"

I glanced at Mo Ming subconsciously, and said: "It was given to me by the academy when I was practicing in the academy. I heard that it is one of the five famous swords in the world. The people of the demon clan said that it was handed down from ancient times. The weapon used by the Great Demon God Lucifer."

Tiomandis said in surprise: "Brother Lucifer's weapon? Let me see it."

I felt a shock in my hand, and Mo Ming flew out of his hand, suspended in the air, a burst of colorful energy shot at it, Mo Ming groaned in pain, the sword kept trembling, emitting a layer of black light.

Tiomandis exclaimed: "What a strong dark energy, since it is the weapon of Brother Lucifer, how can there be dark energy."

I was taken aback, the weapon of the Great Demon God Lucifer has dark energy, it is simply normal, what is so strange about it. After thinking about it, I suddenly understood that Tiomandis probably still regarded Lucifer as the free angel in the God Realm back then. I explained: "Since Lucifer has arrived in the underworld, he will naturally use dark energy."

Tiomandis said: "This sword has very strong energy, it can be regarded as a divine weapon, but your current strength is still unable to open the source of his power. When I checked your body, I found that, In addition to the energy of my Mad God Art, there is also a dark energy in your body, which must be used in conjunction with him."

I nodded and said: "Well, the dark magic power in my body came from practicing the Heavenly Demon Art. The Heavenly Demon Art is the highest mental method of the demon clan. I heard that it is the exercise practiced by your brother Lucifer. He treats you very well. Does the practice after Mad God Art have any influence?"

Tiomandis said: "That's right, Brother Lucifer will no longer be able to use the kung fu of the God Realm when he arrives in the Underworld. My Mad God Art is relatively neutral, so there should be no resistance. Brother Lucifer is very powerful. Yes, you can practice it while practicing Mad God Art, maybe it will help."

"Oh. The demon of the fallen angel Lucifer is divided into three levels. Every time a level is reached, there will be a qualitative leap. Breaking through the first level can transform into a two-winged fallen angel, and breaking through to the second level can become a four-winged fallen angel. Angel, is this the same ability as the Yao Angel in your God Realm?"

"Oh? There is such a thing? What level have you cultivated to now?"

Actions are worse than descriptions, I sang: "Darkness condenses the soul, and only the fallen can be free. Awaken, the endless magic power sleeping in my blood." The black mist rose, and my whole body began to change. When the wings flew, Tiomandis let out a sound of surprise.

"It seems that I still underestimate you. After becoming four-winged, your ability has greatly improved, but I want to tell you that you, a four-winged fallen angel, are very different from the gods of the heavens. , To put it bluntly, it is the difference in strength, your current strength is not as good as the quasi-energy god in the heavens, but if you can cultivate to the six wings, it may be different."

I smiled wryly and said, "Six Wings? That's impossible. Your brother Lucifer didn't leave the last layer of the Heavenly Demon Art in this world. I will never reach Six Wings."

"Silly boy, don't be discouraged, have you forgotten my Mad God Art? Although, maybe my ability is not as good as that of Brother Lucifer, but the Mad God Art combined with the Mad God Armor is also the power of a first-level god. If there is a chance in the future , you can fuse my Mad God Art with Brother Lucifer's Heavenly Demon Art, maybe even surpass the power of a first-level god. Since you can practice my Mad God Art, it should also be able to transform into a I'm in the same fighting form."

"Battle form? What is that?"

"Don't you know? It's the madness I mentioned in the Mad God's determination method, which instantly increases attack, defense and healing capabilities."

It turned out that he was talking about berserk, I nodded and said: "I used to be able to, but in the battle with the enemy a few days ago, the opponent used the taboo technique and borrowed the power of the underworld. Although I won, the death The energy is still entrenched in my body, and it continues to harass me to this day, and my berserk has been unable to use since I got the taboo."

Tiomandis said: "Death energy? What is that? I'm afraid it doesn't even have one ten-thousandth of the power of Pluto. After you came here, I have already lifted it for you. I still wonder why you have Pluto's power." As for breath, it turned out to be like this. Unexpectedly, someone would be so stupid as to dedicate everything to Pluto. That is the result of never being exalted. His soul has no chance to enter the realm of chaos. What a fool , don’t worry, you should be able to go berserk again now.”

I was ecstatic when I heard the words that I can be mad again. Only I who have become a blood-red angel can fully exert my full power.

Tiomandis said: "Although the fighting form of berserk is easy to use, it also has many restrictions. It must be used when extremely angry, and it cannot last for too long, and the mind will be blurred. You should have experienced this Right. But I want to tell you now, that’s because you haven’t mastered the Mad God Art yet. When you reach the eleventh level of Mad God Art, you can control the madness of your body, and the madness time It will also be extended a lot.”

The eleventh floor? I'm still only on the fourth floor. When will I reach that level? I can't even think about it.

"Don't be discouraged. After you accept my inheritance, your cultivation speed will be greatly improved. Perhaps, you will be able to reach that level in less than a hundred years. The speed of progress depends on whether you practice hard or not."

I lost my voice: "One hundred years?"

"Yeah, a hundred years. What's so strange, a hundred years is just a snap of the fingers to us gods. Accept my inheritance, and you will have endless vitality. A hundred years is nothing. When you break through the last level, you will completely inherit my position and become a new generation of first-level gods—Mad God.”

A hundred years may not be a big deal to him, but to me, it is so far away, it seems that there is no rush to avenge him, after a hundred years, maybe my beloved Ziyan and Zixue are already old Now, thinking of their aging appearance, I couldn't help but smile, and my heart was full of warmth. Being able to grow old with the one I love may be the happiest thing in life.

Tiomandis would be wrong, thinking that my confidence has returned, and said: "You are the most potential human being I have ever seen, work hard, boy, by the way, I haven't asked your name yet. "

"My name is Lei Xiang. What should I call you, Master? Or..."

Tiomandis laughed loudly and said: "You can call me whatever you want. I am not your master. Although you have practiced my Mad God Art, it is just a coincidence. You are just my inheritor. If you want to If so, call me big brother."

I'm dizzy. At the beginning, I had such a big brother who was over a hundred years old like Pan Zong. I already thought it was unbelievable. I didn't expect that now I have such a big brother who doesn't know how many years old, but I can't bear to go against his will. He shouted from the bottom of his heart: "Brother Tiomandis."

Tiomandis laughed loudly and said: "Okay, okay, okay, it's not in vain to have a brother like you before I die. By the way, I have helped your two friends They have changed their physiques. In the future, they can also be like the Dragon King, who has the limit of cultivation to the realm of Lichen. I hope they can practice hard on their own, cultivate to the realm of Lichen, and reach the level of divine beasts. In the future, you and Gabriel In the confrontation, I can help you a little bit. Let's start the inheritance now. Before the inheritance, the eldest brother will give you a gift first. Then."

"Brother Tiomandis, I thank you on behalf of the two elder brothers." After raising the realm, Panzong and Jinyin can work hard to cultivate. With their help, I believe that my chances of going to the gods for revenge should be great. many. While I was talking, a cylindrical stone floated down from there and flew towards me slowly, with a diameter of about ten centimeters and a length of one meter. I reached out and grabbed it. The stone pillar was cool and warm in my hand. The whole body is blue, and under the light, it seems to be transparent. I asked suspiciously, "Brother, what is this?"

Tiomandis smiled and said: "It's a good thing for your elder brother to give you as a gift. This stone pillar is a spiritual space stone that I spent three thousand years gathering the aura of heaven and earth in this mountain range. Milk, it can be said that it is the essence of what you humans call the White Mist Mountain Range."

Spiritual space stone milk? What is that, I have never heard of it.

Tiomandis continued: "This is a good thing. Even in the God Realm, it is a treasure that all the gods dream of. You put the Mad God Jue on the middle finger of your right hand, and poke a hole at the top of it. Be careful, there is nothing in it. It’s liquid, don’t spill it, it’s not good to waste it.”

I held up the stone pillar in my hand, and poked lightly with my middle finger. The outer layer of the stone pillar was very thin. I easily poked a hole, and a thick fragrance immediately filled the air. After smelling this fragrance, I blurted out: "It smells so good."

Tiomandis said: "Drink it quickly, don't waste it at all."

I put my mouth on the small hole poked by my fingers, slowly lifted the stone pillar, and a liquid like fine nectar rushed into my mouth, and I swallowed it in big mouthfuls, for fear of wasting a little. How did I know that this spiritual space stone milk belongs to the treasure of genius, a drop of gold is hard to find, and it has the effect of life and death. I'm afraid I drank as many as a thousand drops of these.