Mad God

Chapter 74: Save yourself


During the period of being imprisoned, because I have been troubled by the seal all the time, I forgot the existence of Mo Ming. This sudden and intimate feeling reminded me of it. Could it be that Mo Ming is calling me? I have a friend's affection for this most faithful companion. I searched the memory in my mind, and finally remembered that at the last moment of the battle with Yue Wuya, Mo Ming flew out and fell into the grass not far away, why Mo Ming suddenly called me. I tried to use my mind to explore the sealed dark magic power, but Mo Ming's induction was only a flash in the pan, and there was no trace.

I walked out of the room, breathed the fresh smell in the air, and suddenly felt refreshed. I have been here these days, and I already know the general layout of the village. On the southernmost side is the Martial Arts Field, where the children of the village usually practice martial arts. In the village, few people only practice magic, because, compared to The progress of magic and martial skills is much faster. For them, magic is only a supporting role. The area on the east side, which occupies about half of the area of the canyon, is where everyone farms. Every family has its own amount of work that must be completed. Except for four-year-old children and elderly people who can't walk, they have to farm by themselves to support themselves, and they are not allowed to get something for nothing. Even Tiangang has to grow his own grains and vegetables. The people here are all vegetarians, which makes me very uncomfortable. I am a meat-loving type, and it is simply too painful to eat no meat. The west side is the residential area, which is the stone house where I am, and the north side is some large stone houses for hoarding items and several secret rooms for retreat. When the children here reach the age of 16, they have already acquired a certain level of martial arts skills. Basically, they will go through retreat, and the elders in the village will judge the kung fu that is most suitable for them to practice, and teach them in accordance with their aptitude.

Anyway, I have nothing to do, I decided to go to the Martial Arts Field to have a look. I have been here for more than ten days. Apart from practicing martial arts, I will go outside and look around. If I want to escape here, of course I must first find out the terrain .

"Brother Lei Xiang, what are you doing?" A childish voice sounded, I don't need to look, I also know that this is Songren's sixth generation Sun Songsong, he is the person who makes me feel the most happy here, he is just six years old this year , I turned around, bent down, hugged the chubby little boy made of powder and jade, kissed him lightly on the face, and said with a smile: "Then what is Song Song going to do?"

Songsong covered his small face and said: "Brother Lei Xiang, your beard is so prickly. Songsong is playing here."

I really like this kid. I really appreciate his big eyes that are innocent without any impurities. His body's bones are very special, and they belong to the kind that is most suitable for practicing martial arts. "Uncle will go to shave later. Now, Uncle wants to go to the martial arts arena. Will you go?"

Songsong clapped his hands and said: "Okay, okay, Songsong is going to see his brothers and sisters practice their flying skills."

"Okay, then brother will take you there." I hugged Songsong and walked towards the martial arts field. The people around me were used to my presence, and they greeted me from time to time, and I responded one by one. The folk customs here are simple and simple. , there was very little friction, although I was imprisoned, I felt very comfortable getting along with these villagers. Maybe, Tianyun just wants to use the peace and harmony here to dissolve the hostility in my heart. If he thinks so, then he is wrong. The hatred has been deeply rooted in my heart, and it will never disappear. As long as I don't die, one day , I will ascend to the God Realm and avenge Brother Tiomandis.

Thinking about it, I have already arrived at the Martial Arts Field. The field here is not too small, it can accommodate dozens of people practicing at the same time. The field is full of fists and feet, flashing fighting spirits of different colors, and it looks very gorgeous, clapping hands loosely Said: "It's so beautiful, so beautiful."

A gentle and erratic voice came, "Songsong, why are you being hugged by Brother Lei Xiang again, come down quickly."

I turned around and saw that it was Songsong’s older sister—Songxue. When I saw her for the first time, I thought she and Ziyan were sisters. They had almost the same aura, but she didn’t have the same sacred aura as Ziyan. It’s just rich, Songxue is already seventeen years old, she is one of the few children in the village who practice magic, she is learning the same light magic as Tian Yun, no one will underestimate her, although there are few people who practice magic, but Everyone knows that Tian Yun, the strongest here, uses magic. As her name suggests, Songxue wears snow-white clothes every day. It seems that she also came here to practice. Although she is not very young, Songxue's extraordinary temperament and outstanding appearance have already made her the target of young people in the village. As long as she does not belong to the Song family and is similar in age, there is no one who does not like Songxue.

I smiled at her and nodded, "Hello, Songxue."

Songxue smiled lightly and said, "Hello, Brother Lei Xiang, are you here to practice martial arts?"

I shook my head with a wry smile, and said: "What kind of martial arts do I practice, I'm a useless person, I don't know anything."

Songxue smiled slightly, turned to Songsong, feigned anger and said, "Come down quickly, you little slacker."

Song Song turned his head, hugged my neck tightly, and said softly: "No, I won't come down, Brother Lei Xiang's arms are strong and generous, he is very comfortable holding me, if you don't believe me, you can try it too try."

Songxue's Tongyan Wuji immediately made Songxue and I blush, and Songxue looked aside with beautiful eyes. I took a deep breath and said to Songsong: "Okay, brother will hug you, look, how well the brothers and sisters practiced, Songsong, what do you want to learn in the future?"

Song Song gesticulated with his small fists, and said: "I want to learn martial arts in the future, and I also want to fly around like my brothers and sisters, hey, hey." As he spoke, he began to gesticulate in my arms. At this moment, a young man was practicing kung fu not far in front of us on the left. The reason why I noticed him was because his fighting spirit was very strong, and he was taking the same path as Li Feng. The dou qi in his whole body was transported to the limit, and the mist overflowed from the top door. Seeing his blue veins exposed, I knew he was going to exert his full strength.

Songxue said in a low voice: "He is the seventh generation grandson of the Li family, named Li Yun. He is of the same generation as us, a well-known kung fu madman. Although his aptitude is not the best in our generation, his skill is definitely the highest. My ancestor Grandpa always praised him for being motivated, and let us Song family children all learn from him... Ah, look." Before Songxue finished speaking, the fighting spirit around Li Yun's body had changed, and the strong green light gathered on him In his hand, he yelled and slammed into the boulder weighing a thousand catties in front of him.

"Boom." The boulder was shattered by his powerful force, and countless stones of different sizes scattered and rushed around. One of the largest boulders, which seemed to weigh a hundred catties, flew towards us. Before the boulder arrived, the strong wind had already blown my face sorely.


"Get out of the way."

Countless voices of concern came. If the huge boulder rushed over, Songsong and I would bear the brunt, and even Songxue next to me would not be spared. If it was the past, I could smash the boulder to pieces with just a wave of my hand, but I still don't have the strength now. If it's someone else, it's fine, but Songsong is so kind to me. Others in the village are always wary of me, but he is not. And Songxue couldn't help at all at this time, with her level of magic, it was impossible to chant the spell in such a short time. In a critical moment, I made a decision, moved my breath with my thoughts, and instantly transported the little Mad God Dou Qi in my body to my back, turned around abruptly, hugged Songxue into my arms, and lowered myself head of. He shouted in a low voice: "Mad God Battle Armor." Although I knew it was useless, I subconsciously recited the life-saving spell in a crisis.

All of this was done in an instant. The huge boulder crashed on my back. I held Songsong and Songxue in my arms and was thrown out by the powerful force of the boulder. The violent impact made my throat sweet, and there was a wow He spat out a mouthful of blood, which just hit Songxue's white clothes. I barely controlled my body, rolled when I landed, and dissipated most of the momentum, without causing any damage to the siblings in my arms. I smiled at Songxue and said, "I'm sorry I got your clothes dirty." After I finished speaking, I tilted my head and passed out. There seemed to be many shouts around me, but I couldn't hear them clearly.

I vaguely heard someone next to me say: "He should wake up soon, this kid's physique is really strong, even if his ability is sealed by me, he can still resist an attack of that intensity." It should be Tianyun.

"This child is still very good. He can sacrifice himself for others in times of danger. Uncle Tian, don't you..."

Tian Yun said kindly: "Songren, I know how you feel. If it weren't for this Lei Xiang's good qualities, I would have killed him a long time ago. I wouldn't easily lift the seal for him. I must We can only consider it when he no longer has any desire to win, no more violence, if we let him go out now, the world will probably be in chaos."

Song Ren said respectfully: "Yes, Uncle Tian, of course you are in charge of everything."

Tian Yun smiled slightly, and said: "Let me tell you clearly, I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable. Your two great-great-grandsons are fine. Do you need me to show them?"

Song Ren said: "Don't bother you, Xiao Songsong was just a little frightened, Songxue wasn't even frightened, he was just worried about Lei Xiang's safety. After all, he was saved. Li Yun is too reckless. , I want to settle accounts with Li Han (the son of Li Feng, the same generation as Song Ren, who taught Li Yun Kung Fu himself)."

Tian Yun nodded and said: "Li Yun was too reckless this time. It seems that the security measures at the Martial Arts Field need to be strengthened. When you go back, you must tell Songxue that a girl as old as her is easy to act emotionally. Lei Xiang is not a good choice, do you understand what I mean?"

"Understood, Uncle Tian."

"That's good, you go out first."

Tianyun waited for Song Ren to go out, and said to me: "Boy, I know you've woken up, don't pretend to be dead."

I knew I couldn't hide it from him, so I opened my eyes and said, "Did you save me?"

Tian Yun smiled and shook his head, "You saved yourself. I didn't expect that after being sealed by me, your muscles and bones are still so strong. You are worthy of being the descendant of the giant Beamon. Under the impact of that stone, only the inner palace was shaken. , the bones and skin are fine. You must know that although I have sealed your dark magic power, your body still cannot withstand my baptism with light elements, so you can only rely on your own self-healing ability. This time, I am very happy that you saved the Songxue siblings, this made me see your kind side, Songxue said, at that time you did not hesitate at the time, you used your body to block the danger for them. This makes me very gratified."

I snorted coldly and said, "There's nothing to be relieved about. I saved them because I like Songsong. You go, I want to rest."

"Okay then, you have a good rest, I will tell you to go down, and no one will disturb you." After speaking, a white light flashed, and the sky cloud disappeared.

I drove Tianyun away for a purpose. Although I was injured in saving Songxue sister and brother this time, I was very happy, because at the last moment, due to his own crisis and the call for the armor of the mad god, Tianyun was very angry. My seal seems to have been knocked open a very narrow crack by the power of the armor. Because he was there just now, I didn't dare to make any changes. I squeezed all the battle qi that came here to practice through the cracks. Unexpectedly, it succeeded. got engaged. For me, that's just great.

I carefully wandered my thoughts to the crack that was knocked open. The crack was so small that it was almost invisible. I tried to extract the mad god fighting energy inside from the crack, but found that it couldn't be sucked out at all. What's going on? , Just now, I obviously lost the mad god battle qi into it. Could it be that this crack can only enter but not exit? All my hopes vanished, and the pain from my back made me feel restless. At this moment, Mo Ming's call sounded again, it seemed to be a little clearer than last time, I was overjoyed, and my mind became much clearer. It would be great if Mo Ming could be by my side, my partner, where the hell are you.

I suddenly thought, if I keep inputting the cultivated Mad God Dou Qi into the seal, what will be the result? No matter how strong the seal is, it is only a limited seal. If the energy he seals exceeds his maximum load, then the seal will naturally be released. Thinking of this, my confidence suddenly returned. Continue to concentrate on cultivating the Mad God Dou Qi. Although the meridian is blocked, the mad god fighting qi I cultivated separately can quickly fill the meridian where I am. In a whole day, I squeezed the mad god fighting qi full of meridians into the seal through the crack six times, although I didn't feel anything unusual , but I believe that if this continues, it will be successful.

The reason why I was able to condense the fighting spirit of the mad god under the condition of sealing has a lot to do with the inheritance of the mad god Tiomandis to me and the spiritual space stone milk. Every meridian in the body has become the best place to store energy, and I have received the inheritance of the mad god, which has increased the speed of my practice of the mad god art. The more of them, the more obvious their effect. After all, Mad God is a first-level god, and that power is beyond the imagination of Tian Yun, the patron saint of light.

Mo Yue waved her hand, threw Mo Ming out, and said angrily: "Are you kidding me, let me go north for a while, and let me go south for a while, and there is no right place for running back and forth."

Mo Ming was thrown aside and made a soft noise.

Mo Yue sat on the side angrily. It had been five days, but she went around in circles under Mo Ming's command. No, she returned to the vicinity of Baiyan Mountain again. No wonder she was angry.

After a long time, the anger in Mo Yue's heart calmed down a little. She had no choice but to pick up Mo Ming from the ground. Apart from Mo Ming, Lei Xiang didn't leave any clues, so she could only rely on this seemingly mysterious long sword.

"Sword, sword, tell me where your master is, I promise you, don't hurt him, okay, can you tell me the exact direction?"

Mo Ming trembled slightly, and the feeling of that direction reappeared in Mo Yue's mind, and Northward still appeared. Mo Yue was discouraged and said: "No way, why are you still heading north? I walked so far north that day, and then when I asked you, you asked me to go south again. I'm almost exhausted by you after all the back and forth. gone."

Ding, Mo Ming gave another light tremor, and the idea of going north still appeared in Mo Yue's mind. Mo Yue's heart moved, and she thought, could it be that it was impossible to go through it last time? If I had passed it, Mo Ming would naturally let herself go back. Thinking of this, Mo Yue suddenly felt a sense of enlightenment in her heart, spread her wings behind her, and floated high into the sky.

Her judgment is correct, because Mo Ming and Lei Xiang have strange feelings, so she will guide her to follow the route when Lei Xiang left. However, after all, Mo Ming is just a sword. Although it has spirituality, it has no thoughts. Mo Yue She did pass by, so Mo Ming told her to go back.

Mo Yue was more careful this time. Every time she flew 10 miles, she would seek Mo Ming's opinion again. Finally, after three days of hard work, she finally got Mo Ming's instructions to go west in a forest, proving that After finding out her own conjecture, Mo Yue was overjoyed. Although it was a bit slow to search with this method, there was always a trace to be found.

Every day, I keep compressing the fighting energy of the mad god that I have cultivated through the cracks. Although the fighting energy that fills up my meridians is not too much, after my input again and again, I feel the sealed mad god Dou Qi seems to be growing gradually. Although my mad god fighting qi can't break through the current level by constantly growing like this, if I break the seal, maybe I can immediately increase the strength of the mad god fighting qi in the shortest possible time.

Now I can fill up my meridians nine times a day and compress them nine times a day. This speed has already exceeded the amount I can gather when I am normally cultivating Mad God Dou Qi. With hope, I immediately swept away my depression. When I break through the seal , After raising the Mad God Art to a new level, I will leave here immediately, and I will not fight against Tian Yun and those perverted guys again. Tian Yun, I'm afraid I already have the ability to be close to the second-level god slander. Unless I get all the abilities of Brother Tiomandis, I don't think I will confront him head-on. Besides, although he has sealed my power, he has always been It didn't hurt me, and I've always been happy living here except for the lack of ability. The hatred I felt when I first came here has eased a lot.

I exhaled and collected my energy. Today is the ninth day since I was hit by a stone that day. During these nine days, my meridians have been running at overload. Except for the food delivery person, no one bothered me. I feel I need to take a break. If this continues, if my meridians are swollen by my battle qi, given my current situation, I don't know how long I will have to wait before continuing to practice. Haste makes waste, and proper rest should be beneficial for continuing to practice.

The afterglow of the setting sun outside the window told me that it was already evening. I opened the door and went out to relax my muscles and bones. The exercise of the meridians these days has made my blood vessels in my whole body constantly running. It seems that I am much better than before the injury. .

Stretching, I moaned out of comfort, and just about to go out for a walk, a timid voice sounded, "Brother Lei Xiang, are you okay?"

I turned my head and saw that it was Songxue, with the lovely Songsong beside her. I smiled at Songxue and nodded, squatted down, and said to Songsong: "Songsong, come, let Brother Lei Xiang hug you."

With a cheer, Song Song broke free from his sister's hand, ran towards me quickly, and threw himself into my arms. I picked him up and circled him twice in the air, and Song Song let out a crisp laugh. I was just about to kiss him. Kissed his chubby face, covered my mouth tightly, and said: "No, brother Lei Xiang, you haven't shaved yet."

I laughed and said, "Ah, I'm sorry, brother forgot."

Songxue came over and said in a low voice: "Brother, your injury is just right, don't work too hard, just relax."

I smiled slightly and said, "It's okay, my injuries are all healed, so you were not injured that day, right?"

Songxue shook her head, and said: "Thanks to brother, Songsong was frightened at the time, brother Li Yun was too careless, if it wasn't for brother Lei, we would have..., thank you for saving our lives." She squatted slightly, lowered her head and saluted me.

I hurriedly freed up a hand to help her up, and said: "Don't be so polite, since I'm here, I should do my best to maintain the village. That day, Li Yun didn't do it on purpose, he was too focused on practicing. So I didn't notice our side. Don't blame him."

Songxue smiled sweetly, and said, "Brother, you have such a kind heart." Her smile was as beautiful as a flower blooming, and I was slightly stunned. No one has ever said that I have a good heart, and there are quite a few people who have commented on my ruthlessness or scheming.

I shook my head and said: "Don't say that, I'm not a kind person, maybe, you don't know, I was captured by your ancestors."

Songxue asked in surprise: "Why did the ancestors arrest you? Did you do something wrong?"

I smiled wryly and said: "There is no right or wrong in some things. From their point of view, I did something wrong, but from my point of view, I did it right. You'd better not know about it, so as not to cause trouble. From now on, you and Songsong should try to find me as little as possible, to be honest, I'm not a good person."

Songxue shook her head resolutely, and said, "No, no matter what others say, you are a good person in my heart."

Looking at this little girl who is not deeply involved in the world, I felt a warm feeling in my heart. "I can't say no to you. Although I'm not a good person, I definitely won't hurt you."

Song Song grabbed my clothes and dangled back and forth, playing with my ears and hair, for a while, it became much quieter.

Songxue suddenly had a confused look in his eyes, and said, "Brother, what is the outside world like?"

I was surprised and said, "Haven't you guys gone out before?"

Songxue nodded sadly and said: "From birth to now, we have never left here, and we don't know what the outside looks like at all. We can only figure it out from the stories our ancestors told us. You don't know, there are many people here. Everyone hopes to see the outside world. But the ancestors did not allow it. He demanded that only those who have cultivated to the strength of dragon knights can go out. Look at Li Yun. The longing outside made me practice desperately. Brother, if there is a chance, can you take us out?"

I was shocked, how could I agree to her request, and said firmly: "No. Your ancestors did not let you go out for your own good. The outside world is not as good as you imagined. It is full of intrigues. A If you are not careful, you may end up in a situation where there is no redemption, listen to your elder brother, and give up the idea of going out, this small valley is so beautiful, the environment is quiet, and it would be nice to live peacefully here for the rest of your life!"

Songxue looked at me and said, "Brother, since you were arrested, do you want to go out? If you do, it proves that the outside world is still beautiful."

I smiled wryly and said: "Silly girl, it's not what you think. Yes, I really hope to go out. That's because I still have a lot of things to do. Not nice."

Songxue stared into my eyes, and lowered her voice, "Then if I let you out, can you take me away?"

I was shocked, I didn't expect this little girl's belief to be so persistent. Shaking his head, he said earnestly: "No, first of all, even if you let me go, I won't leave, because it's not the time for me to leave, and if you let me go, once Tianyun and the others take us If you catch them back, what do you think they will do to you? You can't take this risk. I'm powerless now, and you're just a low-level magician. Do you think we can leave? In terms of ten thousand steps, we escaped successfully, but do you know how important I am to your Holy Dragon Knights? If I leave, your Holy Dragon Knights may be destroyed. Are you willing to be an eternity? sinner?"

After hearing my words, Songxue was stunned. In fact, she just longed for the outside world, never thought so much about it.

I put Songsong on the ground, and said to Songxue: "You guys go back, and don't come here to look for me again in the future, lonely men and widows often don't get in touch well."

Crystal tears suddenly flowed from Songxue's eyes, she just looked at me so firmly, Songsong shook her sister's hand and said: "Sister, sister, why are you crying, Songsong didn't make you unhappy, sister, you Don't cry, Songsong is very good."

Songxue stroked Songsong's head, and said softly to me: "Brother Lei Xiang, I, I like you." After she finished speaking, she didn't wait for my answer, picked up Songsong like a whirlwind, turned her head and ran away.

I froze for a moment, Songxue likes me? I only met her three or four times in total, I shook my head, maybe this is the girl's impulse, as long as I don't pay attention to her, she will soon forget me. In this ghost place, I don't even know if I can get out alive, so I don't have the mood to think about these emotional disputes. Since what happened to Mo Yue, I have been insulated from all women except the three of them.

three months later.

I sat on the bed and input today's last Mad God Dou Qi into the seal. Since a month ago, the place where the seal was originally cracked is gradually expanding, and fine cracks have also begun to appear in other places, which greatly boosted my confidence. However, I am still not sure about breaking through this seal at once, so I dare not act rashly, because I know very well that this seal has a spiritual connection with Tian Yun. If I rush to attack it, it will definitely attract Tian Yun's attention. If you give me another stronger seal, I don't know when I will be able to leave here. Therefore, I have been very careful and waited for the opportunity. Now, I can already enter twelve times of Mad God Dou Qi every day, which has reached my limit.

What I don't know is how important these three months are to me. The continuous practice every day has made the mad god fighting spirit grow rapidly under the oppression, and the mad god fighting spirit in the seal has gradually formed a solid state.

At night, I habitually walked out of the stone house and took a walk outside. Ever since Songxue confessed to me that time, she still ignored my persuasion and came to me often. I hinted to her more than once that this was impossible. But she didn't seem to notice it, and she remained the same.

Tian Yun and Li Feng would often appear at my place, and Tian Yun also found that I was constantly cultivating. The strange thing is that he didn't stop me, and he didn't check the seal in my body. Could it be that the seal he put on himself is so powerful? Confidence? This is the best way, and it saves me from deliberately hiding it.

The familiar feeling of Mo Ming often comes, sometimes far and near, sometimes clear and sometimes blurred, at least three or four times a day, I feel that it is calling me, and it seems to be getting closer and closer. If it weren't for the unbreakable seal of dark magic power, I would have tried to summon it long ago.

The small village in the night is so quiet. The villagers who have worked hard all day have already fallen asleep. The simple and honest people here save me from having to use too much scheming. Since I saved the Songxue siblings last time, everyone here has a much better impression of me than when I first came here, and they have gradually regarded me as one of them. a member of

"Brother Lei Xiang." An immature call woke me up from my thoughts. It was Songsong's voice, I couldn't help but secretly smiled wryly, Songsong came, so did Songxue, it seems that I really need to make it clear to her, otherwise, if she gets deeper and deeper, she will be the same as when she was overcome. Lan also made me embarrassed.

Sure enough, Songxue appeared in front of me with his younger brother. I smiled and said, "It's so late, are you still awake?"