Mad God

Chapter 83: Spirit Heart


Elder Water Elf was the first to break the silence. Although her voice was a bit old, it was still pleasant to hear. She said politely: "I am Elder Water Elf, and my name is Shui Linglong. We have already heard what Village Chief Mercury said about you. She I should have told you how important the Heart of the Ocean is to us. We old guys came here just to see if there is any way for us to unify our opinions so that your friends can be satisfied and you can Let us achieve our original purpose."

I smiled slightly, and said unabashedly: "I know the difficulties you elves are facing now. You want to communicate with the water god, but you hope to find a way to restore your elves' ability to reproduce and continue to survive on the mainland. I said right?"

Several elf elders looked at each other, and at the same time saw the surprise in the eyes of others. They obviously didn't expect that I had gained insight into their real purpose. Shui Linglong nodded and said: "Since you already know, there is no need for us to hide it. Yes, we really want to do this, friends of the demons, do you know that the number of our elves is decreasing by one to two every hundred years?" The speed of success is weakening, if this continues, within a few hundred years, there will be no more elves in the Jinyuan Continent."

I nodded and said: "I understand your difficulties. Every creature has the right to live. However, I have a doubt in my heart. If you elves recover the ability to reproduce, with your natural advantages, you may It won't take too long to recover quickly and become another powerful force besides the three major races. By then, the Jinyuan Continent will become even more chaotic. This is what I don't want to see, so, I I can't agree to your request." I frankly expressed my thoughts in my heart, hoping to dispel their thoughts.

The wood elf elder who is also a woman said: "My child, I am an elder wood elf, and my name is Mu Rou. Although what you said is reasonable, you are thinking too far. Even if our elves regain their strength, it will take a few days to recover." It will happen a thousand years later, I think, as you have seen, our elves do not have a strong desire to win, let alone invade others, we just don’t want the elves to settle down just like that. So, we sincerely I hope you can help us with this."

Hearing what she said, there is indeed her reason. While I was hesitating, the fire elf elder said: "My child, I am Huoyun. What Mu Rou said is right. We can assure you that the elves will continue to live for generations to come." We will never participate in any wars on the mainland. Our elves now have 131 elf envoys, 26 elf envoys, and five elf elders. As long as you can help us, in your lifetime, We are willing to be at our disposal."

This condition of his is indeed very attractive to me. I have seen the strength of the elf envoys. The five elf envoys combined are definitely not inferior to the fallen angels of the demons or the human dragon knights, and the great elf envoys No matter how they fight against the fallen angels, they might be able to draw with the fallen angels, and these five elf elders may have the ability to be dragon riders. With their strength, even if they rob me by force, they may still have a great chance of success. Of course, The Aquamarine Stone is not in my hands, and they can't grab it even if they want to. If this powerful force is under my control, isn't Qi...

When I was moved, Elder Earth Elf, a short yellow old elf, said: "Brother Huoyun is right, we can swear the highest elf oath to you here." Sighing, he continued : "Son, I, the elder of the earth elves, Tutun, tell you from the bottom of my heart, in fact, we don't want the elves to be strong enough, we just hope that the elves can maintain the balance of the biological chain, which is enough, the so-called biological chain The balance means that the number of our newly born elves can be equal to the number of dead elves. If our elves can restore their ability to reproduce, when the number reaches a certain level, we will definitely limit reproduction. "

Tu Tun's words really moved me, and I nodded unconsciously. Seeing hope, Elder Wind Elf said: "I, Elder Fengshuang, Elder Wind Elf, can guarantee that what Elder Tutun said is absolutely true, and, in order to make up for your friend, we are willing to give away the most precious heart of the elves. Give it to her, and we won't take it back until her life is gone."

I asked in surprise, "Elf heart? What is that?"

Mercury explained on the side: "The so-called heart of the elves is also a gem. It contains the essence of our elves - five different elements. The most amazing thing is the teleportation array in the heart of the elves. In the five elders' With approval, the heart of the elf can use a certain spell to summon any elf elder at any time and any place to get help."

I secretly sighed in my heart, in order to get the heart of the ocean that can change the fate of the elves, the elves are willing to pay such a high price. I said calmly: "Five elders, aren't you afraid that what you entrust is not human? If I use the power of your elves to achieve some evil goals, I'm afraid it will be too late for you to regret it."

Shui Linglong smiled slightly, and said: "Son, some of us old guys have lived to be over six hundred years old. I can see that although you have a murderous look, your nature is kind. Besides, since you can ask In this case, it also proves that you have no such intention at all, doesn't it?"

I looked at Mo Yue, and she sent me a voice transmission: "Husband, the elves are too pitiful, you can go and beg sister Zixue."

There shouldn't be any problems with Zixue. I still have this confidence. I gritted my teeth and made up my mind: "Okay, if that's the case, I promise you. The elves are indeed not a race that should be exterminated, but you just now What I said counts. Moreover, I cannot absolutely guarantee that I will be able to get the Heart of the Ocean back to you."

The five elders looked at each other, with joy in their expressions, the five of them united as one, and said loudly at the same time: "I, Shui Linglong (Mu Rou, Huo Yu, Tu Tun, Feng Shuang), are in the Water God (the God of the Forest, the God of Vulcan, We swear under the witness of the god of the earth and the wind god that we are willing to guarantee the inheritance of the elves' blood. As long as we get the heart of the ocean, let our elves continue to multiply. We are willing to let all elves follow Lei Xiang during his lifetime, no matter who If he is in trouble, he will help him unconditionally, and will lend the heart of the elves to Lei Xiang's friend until the end of his life. Moreover, we hereby guarantee that no matter how many years later, the elves will never intervene in any race in the Jinyuan Continent. The war between people." The five elf elders bit their left middle fingers at the same time, and five drops of blood flew out. Under the control of their power, they condensed into one body in the air. The multicolored light formed a beautiful symbol in the air, and slowly disappeared.

Seeing that they are willing to do so for their own people, I am also very moved, and said with emotion: "Since the five elders trust me so much, I, Lei Xiang, swear in the name of the mad god, that I will definitely take the heart of the ocean and the other two vices. Find the heart of water and give it to the elves, if you break this oath, the world will hate it."

The five elders smiled and nodded at the same time. Mercury asked in surprise: "Brother Lei Xiang, do you believe in a mad god? Is there such a god in the God Realm?"

I proudly said: "Of course, the mad god Tiomandis is a first-level god in the God Realm." After speaking, I realized that I made a slip of the tongue.

Sure enough, several elders asked in surprise at the same time: "What is a first-level god?"

I said embarrassingly: "This is just my evaluation of the gods of the God Realm. Alright, now that the oath has been made, when do you want the Heart of the Ocean?"

Shui Linglong said: "Of course, the sooner the better, when you swore just now, you said that you would also help us get the heart of water, is it true?"

I smiled and said: "Of course it is true, the oath is true, Village Chief Mercury, you should still remember what the demon said at the time. After a while, I will go to the demon and help you get the two pieces of water. If you bring back the heart of the ocean, this is a complete set of artifacts. Otherwise, how could I receive such a heavy gift from you elves. In two to three years, I will definitely bring the heart of the ocean and the other two sub-hearts of water together. Send it back to you. However, your defense work must be strengthened, if the other sub-water hearts are stolen again, I am afraid there is nothing I can do."

Shui Linglong said: "Thank you for reminding us, we will. Our elders have decided to keep the four existing hearts of water together until they are all together. Child, do you know? You bring us elves Here comes hope!"

I laughed and said, "Grandma who is more than six hundred years old, you don't have to sigh, it's too early to say this now, and it won't be too late to thank me after everything is settled."

Elder Mu Rou said: "Okay, we will wait for your good news."

I nodded and said, "Okay. Now that the matter here is over, let's take our leave. After I have all these things, I will send them here directly."

Shui Linglong smiled slightly, and said: "Don't bother, didn't we promise you to lend you the heart of the elf? With the heart of the elf, you just need to summon one of our five old guys at random and hand it over to you." Just give it to us."

Mo Yue frowned and said, "Didn't you say that you would only fulfill your promise when we got the things back? Are you afraid that we will run away if you give us the heart of the elves?"

Shui Linglong shook her head and said: "I believe that you will not use the spirit heart casually, besides, there are five old fellows guarding the gate. With the spirit heart, we can help you when you are in danger." As she spoke, she turned her head to look at the other elders, as if asking for their opinions.

The other elders nodded in unison. The five supreme leaders of the elves stretched out their left hands at the same time, with the palms facing upwards. They began to speak the elven language in their mouths, and they spoke so fast that we couldn't hear them clearly.

Mercury said: "With the heart of the elves, you are the closest friends of our elves. The elders are using their own power to summon the original power of our elves to create the hearts of the elves. The spell chanted in the language of the elves is The most powerful magic of our elves, but it can only be used if you have a high elf master or higher."

I was very surprised by the magical elemental breath emanating from the five elf elders. Even if I turned into a fallen angel, if it was only better than magic, I might not be as good as one of them. It belongs to the level of high-ranking magisters. Maybe there are one or two great magisters among them. The elves, a race that has disappeared from the mainland for many years, actually hide such great strength.

As the five elf elders chanted, a ball of light appeared on their outstretched left hands. According to the control of their magic elements, they were blue, green, red, yellow, and blue. Sheng, when the ball of light reached the size of a human head, the five elders shouted at the same time and raised the ball of light above their heads. Dim, the radiance of the colored light ball gradually increased, and the foreheads of the five elders were slightly sweaty. It seemed that it was really laborious to create this so-called heart of elves.

Elder Shui Linglong took the lead to stop her hand, and broke away from the colorful light ball in the air. She muttered words, constantly changing various gestures, and blue symbols gradually appeared from her hand, flying towards the colorful light ball in the air, It lasted for a full cup of tea before she stopped, panted slightly, and shot a blue light from her hand to the colorful light ball in the air.

The next one was Murou, she did the same thing as Shui Linglong, followed by Huoyun, Tutun, Fengshuang, they also shot different complicated symbols into the light ball in the air in turn.

When the wind and frost were finally completed, the bodies of the five elf elders burst into flames of various colors at the same time, squeezing the terrifying energy in the air with all their strength, and the colorful light became weaker and weaker. Finally, after the last blow of the elf elders, the colorful light Disappeared, a seemingly transparent five-color crystal slowly flew towards me, I caught it, the five-color crystal was slightly warm, and an unusual and strange feeling entered my body, the energy of various elements around me As if the distance to me was getting closer, I held it in the palm of my hand and looked at this transparent crystal. There was a faint layer of colorful smoke on it, which seemed to have a hazy beauty. I found that when I focused on it, I seemed to have an inexplicable connection with the five elder elves.

After the five elders finished making the elf heart, they all sat down on the chairs exhaustedly and panted heavily.

Shui Linglong sent me a voice transmission: "Child, take it well and don't lose it. When you need our help, you just need to recite the spell, the heart of the elf, the heart moves with the spirit, the door of space opens instantly, Just add a specific spell word. For example, if you want my help, you can say the water character at the end; if you want to get the help of Elder Murou, you can say the wood character at the end. Do you understand?" I Nodding his head, he played with the elf heart in his hand with great interest.

Shui Linglong then said via voice transmission: "Also, as long as you recite the incantation, the heart of the elf, the soul will be united, and it will be absorbed on your body. If the spell is not released, even if you die, it will not fall off. The spell to be lifted is, the heart of the elf, the heart will take away the spirit. Be sure to remember it."

I recited softly: "The heart of the elf, the soul is one." After the heart of the elf heard my spell, the light flashed and disappeared into the air suddenly. I felt that there was something more on my heart. Touched through the clothes. Sure enough, the elf's heart has already sucked on my skin.

Mo Yue came over curiously, and said, "Honey, show me."

I read: "The heart of the elf, take away the spirit." The light flashed, and the beautiful heart of the elf appeared in the air in front of me. Mo Yue looked at the beautiful heart of the elf with a little fascination, as if she was a little dazed. up.

I smiled slightly and said, "Why don't I give it to you."

Mo Yue shook her head, and said: "No, this is what you used to exchange the Heart of the Ocean with Sister Zixue. How could I want it? Put it away, and it's time for us to say goodbye to everyone."

I secretly chanted the spell, took back the elf heart, and said to the five elf elders and Mercury: "Then I won't bother you. As soon as I have an idea, I will use the elf heart to notify you immediately."

The five elf elders all stood up, Shui Linglong said: "We are all a little tired, so we won't see you off, Village Chief Mercury, please help me."

Mercury nodded respectfully, stretched out his hand, and said to me, "Please, both."

Mo Yue and I respectfully saluted the five elf elders. These elders who have dedicated their lives to their own race are indeed worthy of our admiration and respect. The five elf elders smiled at us at the same time.

After leaving the elf village, I looked back at Mercury at the entrance of the village, and shook my hand at her again, elves, don't worry, I will definitely bring you the hope of life. I took Mo Yue's hand and walked forward firmly.

While walking, I said to Mo Yue: "Yue'er, you don't blame me for agreeing to take those two water hearts back without your permission first."

Mo Yue smiled slightly, and said: "Of course not. Let's not say that it is something in Uncle Sucha's hands. I will definitely help you to get it even if it belongs to the father. Although you are always cold on the surface, I I know you have a warm and kind heart."

I looked at her noncommittally, and kissed her on the forehead.

Mo Yue said: "It's true Uncle Sucha, he actually kept such a precious thing and didn't tell Father. If Father finds out, he will definitely cause trouble for him."

I asked strangely: "Yue'er, how did I find out that you don't seem to hate Prince Sucha very much, isn't he completely opposite to your father?"

Mo Yue sighed, and said: "Although Uncle Sucha is completely against my father, he treats me very well and has always loved me since I was a child. Every time he sees me, he will bring me something Delicious food or fun. When I was a child, I used to make troubles around the palace on his shoulders, and sometimes, pee on his neck. But even then, Uncle Sucha never got angry. Later, I When I grow up, Uncle Sucha is still very kind to me. Sometimes, when he and his father quarrel because of some political opinions, as long as I come forward, he will make concessions. Therefore, I have always had an inseparable relationship with him. feelings. I am not hostile to him like my father is."

It turned out to be like this. From Mo Yue's mouth, I got to know Sucha's other side. It seems that if I meet him in the future, I have to let him go because of Mo Yue. He can treat Mo Yue so well. , I always want something in return. Thinking of this, I smiled and said, "Originally when I wanted to go to the Demon Race, I helped my father clean up Sucha as a gift for my marriage proposal. It seems that I have to change my mind."

Mo Yue was taken aback, and said: "Honey, you must not kill Uncle Sucha, he is actually not too bad."

I pinched her cute little nose and said fondly, "Got it."

Mo Yue and I are not in a hurry. We will play for a day or two every time we go to a place. It has been a long time since I have such a leisurely feeling. Under our joint membership and double cultivation, the dark magic power is better than my original penance cultivation. Soon, when we came to the Fortress of Stru, my Heavenly Demon Art had already reached the peak of the seventh floor and reached the bottleneck, and Mo Yue's four-winged fallen angel's transformation was also stable, because her foundation was not very strong. Firm, so progress is slower than mine. Although my Mad God Dou Qi has not been deliberately cultivated, it is still growing slowly every day, and it operates on its own all the time. I am not in a hurry, because I understand that it is not possible to succeed in one or two days of cultivation. Since Brother Tiomandis said that it takes a hundred years of cultivation to achieve success, it is useless for me to be anxious. I simply let nature take its course and wait until I practice. When it succeeds, maybe my beloved people will be unable to walk. Now, what I hope most is to live a peaceful life with them quietly.

Entering Stru City, I found that there was no sign of gunpowder here, and the merchants and civilians in the city were doing their own things leisurely. The barrier of the Stru Fortress absolutely guaranteed their safety. Mo Yue was the same as before, when she arrived at the Fortress of Stru, she looked around and turned around, looking for some novel things. Beastman Kingdom, I'm back, I don't know what has changed in you in the past half a year or so. As I approach my hometown, I can't help but miss everything about the Beastman Country even more.

"Husband, come and have a look, this sword is so beautiful."

I secretly smiled bitterly, knowing that the shopping frenzy is coming again. Just about to walk towards Mo Yue, a group of people suddenly appeared from the other end of the street. They were dressed in blue Dragon God Empire knight costumes, and everyone was riding on tall horses. They seemed to be patrolling troops. The surrounding civilians automatically moved out of the way when they saw them. The reason why I stopped was because I saw the leader of this team. , it was Riva who hadn't seen him for many days. I haven't seen him for a while, but his skill seems to have improved a lot, and his face has a layer of luster. He smiled and greeted the civilians around him. Perhaps because of his status as a dragon knight, the people around him were very kind to him. Some food vendors offered him some exquisite food, but he rejected them all.

To be honest, I didn't feel the hatred for Riva when he was defeated. Instead, I felt a little ashamed. After all, his beloved Zi Yan had already given his heart to me.

When I was in a daze, Riva also noticed me. After all, a height of two meters is very uncommon in the Dragon God Empire. Coupled with the aura of a master, his eyes shot at me. It was too late for me to hide. She could only look at him helplessly. Riva didn't seem to know anything about Zi Yan and me, and with a touch of surprise in his eyes, he urged his horse to gallop towards him. At this time, seeing that I hadn't come over, Mo Yue ran out of the shop and shouted: "Husband, husband, why don't you come over?"

Riva galloped to the reins in front of me, and the horse under his crotch let out a long neigh, and the two front hooves lifted up and landed on the side. Riva laughed and said: "Lei Xiang, we haven't seen each other for a long time. How will you be here."

Mo Yue looked at Riva strangely, and asked me in a low voice: "Honey, who is he?"

I nodded slightly at Riva and said, "Senior Riva, hello, I'm just passing by here, so I'll come in and have a look."

Riva jumped off the horse in a jerk, and stepped forward two steps: "Last time, you and Zi Yan suddenly disappeared during the battle. I was really worried for a long time. Later, Zi Yan came back and said that she was separated from you, my lord duke." And you asked us to look for you nearby for a long time?"

I said to Mo Yue: "Yue'er, let me introduce you. This is my senior Riva from Tiandu College. He was the number one expert in our college back then."

Mo Yue giggled and said, "Is it better than you?"

I lightly squeezed her little hand, and said with a smile: "Of course, I am defeated by Senior Riva. Senior Riva, this is Zhuo Jing Moyue."

Riva looked at the stunning beauty in front of him with surprise, with a puzzled look on his face, Mo Yue lightly flicked her calf-length black hair behind her, and also looked at Riva with interest, Riva's expression changed slightly, and she pulled Holding my arm, he said, "Lei Xiang, come on, let's go aside and say a few words."

I turned my head to Mo Yue and said, "Yue'er, wait for me in the shop next to me. Senior Riva and I have a catch up, and I'll come to you."

Although Mo Yue was a little reluctant, she turned around and left. Riva also told his subordinates to wait for a while, and then dragged me into a small teahouse. His face was no longer surprised when he first saw me, and his expression was serious. As soon as he sat down, he asked: "Lei Xiang, What's going on? Why did you say that the girl just now is your wife? What about sister Zixue? I've been to the Duke's mansion twice, but she never forgets you. You can't let her down."

I shook my head and said, "Of course I will not let Zixue down. The relationship between Yue'er and I was agreed by Zixue. Both of them will marry me and become my wives."

Riva was stunned for a long time before he came back to his senses. He punched me on the shoulder and said with a smile: "You are really good at killing two birds with one stone. You really enjoy the blessings of everyone. But, will you Sister Zixue is too wronged."

I smiled and said: "Of course not, my love for them is the same. What's more, Mo Yue's family background is no worse than Zixue's?" If the daughter of the emperor of the demon clan compares her family background, there are probably few who can compare with her. let's go. Riva, what would you think if you knew that your beloved Ziyan was also included in my blessings

Riva sighed, and said: "It's still your ability, I'm far behind in this respect, I fell in love with Ziyan from the first time I saw her, but after chasing after so many years, she still She was cold to me, without any reaction, so I don't understand, what's wrong with me, she just refuses to accept me." As he spoke, Riva lowered his head in pain. It can be seen that he really likes Zi Yan, but I must not let this happen, because my feelings for Zi Yan are not inferior to him, and the person Zi Yan loves is me. Regarding Riva's pain, I can only say nothing. In order to make him feel better, I changed the subject and said, "Senior Riva, how is the fortress doing recently? Nothing happened, right?"

Riva shook his head and said: "The demons and beasts are very honest now. I only found out a few days ago that there is a Holy Dragon Knights in our Dragon God Empire, and the members are all composed of dragon knights. With their powerful power, how dare the demons and beasts dare to violate the border easily? I really don’t understand why the higher-ups didn’t send them to wipe out the demons and beasts. Oh, by the way, when did you come back?”

I nodded and said: "So that's the case. I haven't been back for a long time. At the beginning..." I told Riva the lie about how to escape, "... That's it. Since I have been away from the academy for too long, I don't want to come After going back to school, I ran out to travel around, senior, Yue’er is still waiting for me, so I won’t disturb your patrol.”

Riva stood up and said, "Well, if there is anything in the future, you can come to the military headquarters of the fortress to find me. With your skill, if you join the army, you will definitely get a good position. Follow me Let's do it." He looked very sincere, as if he really hoped that I could stay.

I shook my head and said: "I still have to go to Mo Yue's house, I will talk about these things later, if there is a chance, I will definitely go to you."

While talking, the two of us walked out of the teahouse. Riva flew on the horse, said a few more polite words, and led the people away. Looking at his leaving back, I sighed and walked into the small shop that Mo Yue had just entered . With her back to the gate, Mo Yue was playing with something, looking like she couldn't put it down.

"Yue'er, what are you looking at?"

Hearing my voice, Mo Yue turned her head, shook the things in her hands, and said, "Honey, come and have a look, this sword is so beautiful."

I walked in front of her in a few steps, and the boss and clerk in the shop all showed envious and jealous expressions when they heard Mo Yue call my husband. Something, it is a narrow sword, very similar to the one Mo Yue is using now, the length and width are similar, the sword is milky white, it seems to be carved out of some ore, the style is simple and elegant, it is indeed attractive place for people. It was very light, as if it didn't weigh much, so I asked the boss, "How much is this sword?"