Mad God

Chapter 84: Miserably defeated


The boss is a middle-aged man. He rolled his eyes and said, "500 gold coins."

"500 gold coins?" I didn't think it was a lot of money, but I felt that this sword was not worth the amount. Although the style is very novel, this sword can only be used for decoration, and the material itself is not precious. The place where it sells is so expensive, do you think I am being taken advantage of

Mo Yue looked at me with hopeful eyes, obviously wanting it very much, I raised the mad god fighting spirit, and the sword body suddenly emitted a faint golden light, the boss stared blankly, and hurriedly said: "So you are a Master, let’s do it this way, I’ll charge you 400 gold coins.”

I gave him a cold look and said, "It's too expensive, your sword is not worth the price."

The boss's face changed, and he said: "Sir, what you said is wrong. Take a look, the workmanship and material of this sword are all the best choices. How can it be worthless?"

I didn't want to entangle with a profiteer like him, so I pulled Mo Ming out casually, put it on the counter, and said, "Look at how much this sword of mine is worth."

The boss was startled, and stretched out his hand to grab Mo Ming, but he couldn't pick it up after exerting all his strength. Suddenly, a look of surprise appeared on his face, "What is your sword made of, why is it so heavy?"

I smiled coldly and said, "This sword of mine is more than enough to buy your shop. I want this stone sword. Let me tell you the real cost price." Although I have money, I can't spend it recklessly. , especially when encountering such profiteers.

The boss seemed to know that he had met an expert, he hesitated for a while, and just about to say something, a pleasant voice suddenly came from outside, "I bought this stone sword, and I will offer 500 gold coins."

I frowned, who would come to make trouble, anyone who knows a little about weapons should know that this sword is not worth that price. Mo Yue looked towards the door, and suddenly covered her mouth and said in surprise: "What a beautiful man." Hearing what she said, I couldn't help being curious, and when I turned my head to look, I was also shocked. A slender man came in, he was only a little shorter than me, he was wearing a snow-white Confucian robe without a speck of dust on it, his waist was tied with a wide belt, bordered by gold thread, and a piece of light green jade was inlaid in the center of the belt. It was the turquoise that saved my life back then, and it looked bigger than my original three pieces. A long sword with a snow-white scabbard hangs beside the belt, and a foot of yellow silk pendant hangs from the hilt. It doesn't look like a sharp weapon for murder at all, but looks like an ornament. This person has broad shoulders but not thick, and his long blue hair hangs loosely behind his back. There is also a turquoise stone on his hair with a white ribbon on his head. His eyebrows are slightly curved, with a trace of makeup, his skin is fair, his nose is straight and his eyes are bright, and he looks at us with a smile that is not a smile. If it wasn't for the Adam's apple on his neck to prove his identity, perhaps, I would really have thought he was a woman disguised as a man.

The man in white looked at Mo Yue helplessly, and said, "Miss, it's better not to use the word beautiful to describe a man, I prefer to hear you say I'm handsome." While I was still surprised by his appearance, he had already walked Beside me, I held up the stone sword in my hand, threw a white card to the shopkeeper and said, "I bought 500 gold coins, you can count the money yourself."

Mo Yue said dissatisfied: "Obviously we saw it first, why did you snatch it away?"

I looked at the man in white calmly, to see how he would answer, this man's attire was by no means an ordinary rich man, I wanted to see what he thought.

The man in white just smiled at Mo Yue, handed the stone sword to the boss, and asked him to wrap it up. At this time, he also saw Mo Ming on the counter, his eyes burst into a strong light, and he picked Mo Ming up easily , and said to the boss: "Is this your product? I'll buy it, you can make an offer." As he spoke, he kept looking up and down Mo Ming, and everyone could see the joy in his eyes. For a moment, he seemed a little surprised, but judging from the flickering light in his eyes, he seemed uncertain.

The boss said with some embarrassment: "I'm sorry, this is not from our store, it belongs to that gentleman."

Hearing what the boss said, the man in white turned his eyes from Mo Ming to me, looked me up and down, and said, "Is this sword from Xiongtai?"

I nodded and said, "Yes, it's mine."

The man in white said: "Brother, can you give it to me, the price is up to you, as long as you can say it, I can afford it."

I snorted coldly, grabbed Mo Ming from his hand and stuck it behind my back, saying: "This sword is not for sale. Also, please don't compete with me for that stone sword, I have already bought it first."

The man in white smiled slightly, held the packed stone sword over, and said, "It's a pity, a pity, such a good sword. Brother, I have a piece of advice for you, as long as it's something girls like, why bother?" As for the price, isn’t it more valuable to win a smile from a beauty? This beautiful lady, how about giving you this stone sword.”

I was surprised that this person was willing to give something bought with 500 gold coins to a stranger who had never met before. It can be seen that money is just a number to him.

Mo Yue shook her head, and said: "I can't accept it, except for what my husband gave me, I don't want anything given by others."

Mo Yue's words warmed my heart, and I said to the man in white, "If you are willing to sell it, I can buy it at the same price."

The man in white smiled slightly, and said, "I'm only giving away this sword, not selling it." As he spoke, he held the sword in front of Mo Yue again.

A burst of anger surged in my heart. Could it be that this person wants to rob Mo Yue from me? Subconsciously, he took a step forward, standing between him and Mo Yue, and said, "Since we don't sell it, forget it, Yue'er, let's go!" .”

Mo Yue is not determined to win the sword, although the man in white in front of me is more attractive than me, and he is full of charm. She didn't have any nostalgia, she nodded meekly, and followed me out.

The man in white sighed from behind: "It's a pity, a pity, a flower..."

Just when I was about to get angry, Mo Yue quit, turned her head and rushed in front of him, and said angrily: "What are you talking about? Your embroidered pillow is far worse than my husband. If you dare to insult my husband again, I will..."

The man in white obviously didn't expect our relationship to be so deep, he froze for a moment, and said politely: "I'm sorry, Xiaosheng made a slip of the tongue, but Miss, don't you want to find a man who can protect you? Can he do it?" ?” After speaking, he looked at me with provocative eyes.

Could it be that he is here to find fault? For the sake of this, even if I have a good temper, I will not be able to bear it, not to mention that I am a grumpy person at all. I looked at him coldly and said, "Could it be that you want to compete with me for my beloved wife?"

The man in white reversed his handsome demeanor just now, with two cold lights in his eyes, stared at me without showing any weakness, and said: "Yes, I don't know if you have the courage to accept my challenge, if you lose, leave this beautiful woman Miss, if you win, this stone sword will be yours."

Furious, I blurted out, "Okay, I accept your challenge, you choose the location."

Mo Yue looked at me with a sad look, and I immediately realized my language problem, and quickly changed my words: "If I lose, you can kill me, but you must never let me leave Mo Yue. However, I absolutely Can't lose."

The man in white laughed and said, "Since you have so much confidence in yourself, let's go." Then, he left the shop first and walked outside the Fortress of Stru.

I snorted coldly, and pulled Mo Yue to follow. The walking speed of the man in white didn't look fast, but it took me some effort to keep up. After a while, we had already left the east gate of Stru City, until After walking for dozens of miles, he finally stopped. The long-distance journey did not make him feel tired at all. I looked at him in astonishment, and I wondered, what is the identity of this man in white? Not only does he have amazing wealth, but he also seems to be very good at kung fu.

I said lightly: "I haven't asked for advice yet, what's your name? Shall we start here?"

"Just here, you can call me Lal. This beautiful lady will keep this stone sword first." As he spoke, he tossed it casually, and the stone sword slowly floated towards Mo Yue. Mo Yue reached out to catch it, and said to me: "My husband, I have absolute confidence in you if you defeat him." After finishing speaking, she jumped up and kissed me on the face, smiled at me, and flitted aside, quietly Watching us quietly.

With Mo Yue's encouragement, I immediately burst into pride, stood with my hands behind my back, and said to the man in white, "Come on."

Lal smiled slightly and said, "If I do it first, you won't have a chance, so you should come first."

I looked at him with disdain, and thought to myself, there is actually someone more arrogant than me, the inheritor of the mad god. It seems that I really want to give this kid some trouble. Thinking of this, I rushed forward suddenly, my whole body burst into golden light, and I punched him fiercely. A strange gleam flashed in Lal's eyes, and his body didn't move at all, allowing my grudge to hit his body.

I was startled, could it be that he is really an embroidered pillow, but he doesn't look like it, judging from his walking speed just now, this guy should have good strength. Even so, I was afraid of hurting his life, so I withdrew 20% of the Dou Qi I had struck, and my right fist hit his chest forcefully with the golden Mad God Dou Qi, making a bang.

Lal didn't move at all, and looked at me with a smile in his eyes. My fist was still on his chest. Not only did this blow not knock him back, even his clothes were not damaged in any way. I was shocked in my heart and changed my view of him. Although I only used 30% of my skill just now, it was by no means easy to bear. Even Tian Yun might not dare to use my chest to catch him. This young man Who is the master? I realized that I could no longer see through the opponent, and a trace of coldness rushed from my feet to my chest.

I subconsciously took a few steps back and looked at him in a daze.

Lal still had a smiling expression, and under the sunlight, he looked full of charm. He said in harmony: "Come on, go on, see if you can beat me."

I hate others to underestimate me, look at him intently, activate the mad spirit in my body, and the golden glow around my body suddenly blooms. I put my hands together in front of my chest, and shouted: "The mad arrow goes up to the sky." A golden arrow Arrow-shaped battle energy shot out of the palm, quickly compressed in the air, and rushed towards the opponent's chest at an astonishingly high speed.

Lal shouted: "Good move, unfortunately, your skill is not yet at home." He raised his right hand, and there was no light coming from his body, and the golden mad arrow flew in front of him in an instant, Lal smiled slightly, With a light swing of my right hand, I caught the mad arrow in my hand like that. I desperately urged my mind to break free from the mad arrow, but it didn't work at all. The mad arrow seemed to be cast in the opponent's hand, unable to move at all.

Lal still looked at me with the original expression, and said: "This is not enough. You are too weak." He clenched his right hand tightly, and with a pounce, the mad arrow was crushed by him abruptly, and the sky was full of light. rain. Under the traction of the air machine, as if I had been hit by a sledgehammer on my chest, I grunted and took a few steps back.

Impossible, this is impossible. In the previous two fights, I found that the skill of this man in white, Lal, is even higher than Li Feng. How is this possible? Judging by his age, he seems to be not much older than me. Why? Such a strong strength, being so humiliated by him in front of Mo Yue, I was furious in my heart. The body suddenly swelled, the clothes on the upper body were torn, the hair and eyes turned red one after another, the whole body was full of momentum, and the originally scattered golden lights gathered on the surface of my skin, I stared at him fiercely, I told myself in my heart , absolutely can't lose, I can't afford to lose this person.

Lal nodded, and said: "Yes, it's time for you to transform, well, it seems to be stronger. Come on, let me see if your maddened strength can make me more interested. "

I flew up, took a big step forward, stepped heavily on the ground with my left foot, and my body soared into the air. The ground I stepped on just now was cracked, and the mad god fighting energy in my body had been concentrated to the top. In the peak state, the whole body exudes the aura of dominating the world. When my body rose to the limit in the air, I roared, "Wild Meteor." My body turned into a golden-red meteorite, and it went straight to Lal on the ground.

Lal looked at me, who kept flying in, as if approving, and said, "It's not bad, let me catch you." He didn't attack, but still stood still, with his right hand drawing an arrow in front of his body. In an arc, a white wall of light appeared in front of him, and the wild meteor I turned into slammed into it, bang—, time seemed to stop at this moment, I felt that I hit a wall that was extremely soft. The original tyrannical power of the wall slowly disappeared under the constant tremor of the soft wall. Behind the light wall was Lal's abominable smile that was not a smile. He didn't seem to be struggling at all, just looking at me like that, I felt a sweetness in my throat, and with a wow sound, I spurted out a mouthful of blood, and my body was bounced back.

Kicking, kicking, kicking, kicking, kicking, kicking, kicking, I stepped back seven steps in a row to stabilize my figure, and there was a pain in my chest.

Mo Yue floated over, supported me and said, "Husband, how are you doing? Don't fight with him, he is not human."

With a wave of my hand, I pushed Mo Yue away two steps, with a strange red light shining in my eyes, I said in a deep voice, "You dodge, I can do it."

As I said that, I sang: "Darkness condenses the soul, and only the fallen can be free. Awaken, the endless magic power sleeping in my blood." I thought, except for the members of the Holy Dragon Knights, no one can force me to use it. I used the strongest power, but now, facing this unknown enemy, I had no choice but to use the strongest transformation—the blood red angel.

With the appearance of the black hexagram under my feet, four red wings suddenly squeezed out from my back, and my body floated up under the flapping of the wings. Seeing such a vision, the eyes of the man in white Lal showed a horrified expression for the first time, "This, what's going on here, how can you have the breath of Lucifer on your body, it's impossible, it's impossible, this..."

In his thinking to himself, I have already completed the energy gathering, the violent energy around my body distorts the airflow around my body, this blood red angel's transformation seems to be more powerful than last time when I faced Li Feng has risen. I yelled: "Mad God Battle Armor." The golden Mad God armor started from the breastplate, and appeared on me one after another. The breastplate, breastplate, shoulder armor, and waist guard emerged one after another. I finally mobilized all my strength again.

"Lal, you forced me, take my strongest move, and spin around wildly." My whole body spun vertically like a whirlwind, forming a big golden-red windmill and rushing towards Lal.

There was a cautious look in Lal's eyes, a white mist rose all over his body, a white six-pointed star appeared at his feet, he muttered something, and he stretched out his hand suddenly, a white light shot out, and all the power in my body exploded. Energy, the golden-red body constantly collided with the white light he emitted. Although the white light brought me strong pressure, under my full attack, I was forced to retreat steadily. The light in Lal's eyes was bright, and he looked at me who was getting closer and said calmly: "I didn't expect you to have such abilities. It seems that I really underestimated you. Go." His eyes suddenly shone with a golden light, A complex golden symbol flashed between his brows, and I felt an irresistible force rushing towards me. I couldn't continue to use the madness of reincarnation, and my body was thrown out suddenly. The armor was shining brightly, blocking most of the impact for me, but because the opponent's attack power was too strong, I still couldn't bear the blood gushing, and my body rushed upwards, and fell straight down. For a moment, I seemed to feel that everything around me was gloomy, and my proud strength was defeated by an unknown man in white, Lal.

Mo Yue on the ground exclaimed, jumped up high, and took me into her arms. Due to excessive force, many capillaries on my skin had burst, and the blood oozing from the skin stained Mo Yue's body red. The tragic appearance of the clothes and skirts made Mo Yue unable to help crying. The vibration when I fell to the ground made me spit out another mouthful of blood, and the meridians of my whole body were severely injured by the shock.

Lal floated over as if nothing had happened, and he frowned at me.

Mo Yue shouted angrily, "I'll fight you." As she said that, she was about to draw out her narrow sword and charge forward.

With all my strength, I grabbed Mo Yue's hand and said, "No, Yue'er, don't be impulsive, you are not his opponent. Lal, I have already lost, so you can deal with me whatever you want, but I ask you to let me go!" Mo Yue, otherwise, even if I die, I will not be able to spare you if I turn into a ghost."

Lal sighed, and said, "I'm not afraid of ghosts. However, I won't kill you. I already know everything I need to know, but I'm very surprised why you have the breath of the fallen angel Lucifer on you." .”

I suppressed the pain in my body, and said: "What's so strange about this, every demon who practices the Demon Art will have the aura of the fallen angel Lucifer on his body, and I just practiced the Demon Art."

Lal seemed to be thinking about something, and said: "No wonder, no wonder. I'm sorry for hurting you. I just wanted to try your skills, but I didn't expect your strength to be beyond my expectation. If you were not careful, Excessive force. You have a dark breath in your body, so I can't heal you, so I will give you the stone sword as my apology."

Mo Yue stared at him fiercely, and said angrily: "You don't want to pretend to be proud here, who wants this broken sword, if you don't kill us, get out, get out quickly." The stone sword instantly turned into powder and flew towards Lal.

Lal sighed, the powder flew three feet in front of him and fell, "I know you won't listen to my explanation, but fortunately his injury is not fatal, take good care of him, goodbye."

I shouted: "Wait a minute, tell me, what is the relationship between you and Tianyun." When Lal resisted my last blow just now, I found a sacred breath from him, which is only for those who practice light magic There will be, and Tian Yun is the most powerful person in light magic on the mainland, although I can see that the strength of this Lal is definitely not inferior to Tian Yun, and even higher. However, I can't let myself lose so vaguely, so I naturally have to ask the doubts in my heart.

Lal was stunned for a moment, and said, "Tianyun? Who is that, I don't know such a person."

I frowned and said, "You don't know Tianyun? Then why is your light magic so powerful?"

Lal laughed, and said, "Light magic? That's... forget it, I can't tell you this, I'm leaving, and I will see you later." With a flash of white light, the man in white, Lal, disappeared into the air. Seeing him leave, I felt a sense of dejection. It turned out that I was still so weak that anyone who came out could easily defeat me.

I stared blankly at the place where Lal disappeared.

Mo Yue cried: "Honey, don't scare me, what's wrong with you, just say something."

My dull gaze slowly turned to Mo Yue, and said hoarsely: "Yue'er, I have no ability to protect you, I..."

Mo Yue hugged my head and said: "No, hubby, how can you blame me for this, no one can resist that guy just now, hubby, don't do this, no matter how strong your ability is... , Yue'er will always love you, husband, don't do this."

Two lines of clear tears flowed down my cheeks, but there was some aura in my dull eyes. It suddenly occurred to me that the guy named Lal just now must not be an ordinary person. In the Jinyuan Continent, there are almost no ones at my age who can reach my level of strength. Why did such an unfathomable guy appear? has a problem. Judging from his speech and behavior just now, it seems that he is not familiar with everything here. Thinking of this, the golden light in Lal's eyes and the strange symbol between his eyebrows suddenly appeared in my mind when he received my last blow. Could it be that he is...

Spirit world.

God King Sophia's soft voice wafted through the God King Hall, "Raphael, have you completed the task I told you?"

"Yes, Lord God King." If Lei Xiang was here, he would definitely be able to recognize that the handsome man in white in front of him was the same Lal who easily defeated him. It's just that the current Laldo has six pure white wings. And the hair also turned golden. He stood respectfully on the God King Hall, answering the God King's question.

"Your actions have not been discovered by the people of the underworld."

Rafael said respectfully: "It shouldn't be. The people in the underworld are all focused on the exercise where the army angel Solente led our God Race army, and you have tried your best to cover it up. I think there should be no action this time." Discovered by anyone, including our own."

God King Sophia said with satisfaction: "That's good. I don't want Hades to find any reason to start a war. After all, we have an absolute advantage in the newcomer battle between the two realms of God and Underworld three years later. Even if we want to fight , we have to wait until the competition is over. Rafael, tell me about your situation in the human world."

Raphael pondered for a while, and said: "Master God King, as you expected, Tiomandis' ability has indeed been passed on to a human being. He himself, I'm afraid he has..."

The God King's mood fluctuated slightly, and he sighed: "Tiomandis, you still haven't given up, you just left like this, hey, Rafael, you continue."

"Yes, after searching for a period of time, I found the human being with the breath of Tiomandis, and tried to provoke him and fight him. The inheritor chosen by Tiomandis is very good, and the inheritance time is not good. He is long, but he has already begun to fuse with his god position, and can use a small part of Tiomandis's ability. Although he is still very weak now, I think it will not take too long for him to be able to integrate with Tiomandis. The inheritance of Omandis has been fully integrated, and by then, a new mad god will appear. My lord, should we take action."

The God King didn't answer for a long time, and the God King Palace suddenly fell into silence.

After a long time, the God King sighed and said: "Forget it, after all, we apologized to Omandis, so don't touch him as the inheritor, and I don't want to give Hades any leverage, even if he got Tioman So what about Dis's full power, Gabriel's ability is already higher than Tiomandis's, so there is nothing to be afraid of."

Rafael said: "But Your Majesty, I also found Lucifer's aura on that inheritor, you see, can it be?"

"Oh? There is such a thing, you can tell me."

Immediately, Rafael repeated the process of fighting Lei Xiang and what Lei Xiang said.

After listening to his narration, the king of gods said: "So that's the case. It's okay, Lucifer only left a part of his cultivation mind in the human world, that is, the Heavenly Demon Art they call the cultivation of the demons. It doesn't have much ability, it's much smaller than the mad god's inheritance, Rafael, you just need to be careful not to let the inheritor of Tiomandis be pulled over by the underworld, that's fine, other Yes, let's see and talk."

Rafael's expression changed, as if he wanted to say something, but he still didn't say it, and said respectfully: "Yes, my lord God King."

The king of gods said: "Also, you have to keep an eye on Gabriel, and don't let him know about your descent to the human world this time. If he wants to know that there is an inheritor in Tiomandis, he might do something. Do you understand what I mean?"

"Yes, I understand, I will definitely keep an eye on him."

"Well, ask Soliente to bring someone back. Our goal has been achieved. There has been no major movement in the underworld these days. Solient, let him pay close attention to the movements of the underworld."

"Yes, Lord God King."

With a flash of light, Raphael disappeared in the God King Palace, and everything returned to silence.

"Honey, you mean, that person might be from the God Realm."

I nodded and said: "I'm almost sure, think about it, except for the two realms of the gods and the underworld, where can such powerful masters come from? They must know that I have the inheritance of Brother Tiomandis, so they want to kill me. He silenced me, but why did he stop in the end? He just left." When I thought that Lal might be a person from the God Realm, my original depressed mood instantly recovered, and I lost the battle with the people from the God Realm. It's no big deal, they're not on the same level in the first place. Hmph, God Realm, I will go one day, Gabriel, you bastard, wash your head and wait for me to fetch it. I must avenge the hatred between Brother Tiomandis and Princess Feryuna.

"Husband, husband, what's the matter with you, why are you stunned?"

"Oh, I remembered something, Yue'er, you take me away quickly, the battle just now may have alarmed the people in the Fortress of Stru, I don't want to cause any more trouble in my current state."

The energy fluctuations generated in the battle just now are so large, it is very likely to be discovered by the Fortress of Stru, Mo Yue hurriedly transformed into a fallen angel, took me quickly to the inland of the Dragon God Empire, and found a secluded place Just stopped. Help me to sit on the ground.

Mo Yue looked around cautiously, and said, "Honey, let me heal your wounds."

After my breath adjustment, the turbulent blood in my body has stabilized, and the two kinds of energy are constantly repairing my injured meridian. I smiled and said, "If you want to heal me, just..." As I said, I went up and down Scanning Mo Yue's plump body, she smiled wickedly.