Mad God

Chapter 87: last wish


The Beast Emperor sighed, and said, "Son, you must have suffered a lot. It's all because I underestimated. I didn't expect that the Holy Dragon Knights you said would participate in this treasure hunt, which put you in danger. I know all about the encounter with Gu Chuan you mentioned earlier. He personally came to the Beastman Country and told me about the situation at that time, and hoped to unite with us again. I agreed to his request, and now , we are allies with the demons again, kid, you won’t blame me, right?”

I smiled and said: "Father, how can I blame you? You are so right. Under the threat of the Holy Dragon Knights, only the alliance between our two clans can have some resistance. Brother, they didn't take us Can you tell me what happened next?"

The Beast Emperor sighed: "After Panzong and Jinyin came back, they seemed to be different people. Both of them were very silent. They only said that you were captured by the Holy Dragon Knights, but didn't give specific details. Look at their comments. Look, I didn’t ask too much. Later, I sent people to the Dragon God Empire to negotiate with them, hoping they would let you back, but I was rejected. Half a year has passed, and I worry about your safety every day. Well, you're finally back. Tell me, how did you break away from that Holy Dragon Knights."

I said emotionally: "Father, it's all bad for the baby, which made you worry. It is thanks to the help of one person that I was able to escape from the Holy Dragon Knights."

The Beast Emperor asked, "Who?"

I said: "Mozu Princess Moyue. Don't be surprised, let me start from the beginning. It's like this, when we crusade against the Demonzu Dunde Province..." I told the story with Moyue again, but I didn't Said to rape Mo Yue, but changed to seriously injured Mo Yue. "... Later we fell in love with each other, and with her help, I finally escaped."

The Beast Emperor smiled and said: "What's more, just as Gu Chuan left from me, the Demon Emperor's envoy arrived. He wanted me to help him find his daughter Mo Yue in the border of our Beastman Kingdom. It turned out that he was kidnapped by you. Now, where is she now?"

I scratched my head and said with a sneer, "It's in my mansion."

The Beast Emperor complained: "Then why don't you bring her for me to see, you child."

I said, "I'm afraid you won't accept her."

The Beast Emperor shook his head and said: "Why don't you accept it? Not to mention that the Demon Race has formed an alliance with us now, even if they are still opposed, as long as you like a girl, Father Emperor will support you to chase after it. When you come back next time, Definitely bring her here, and let my father see what kind of girl she is, who can make my capable son fall in love with her."

I nodded and said, "Father, where did the elder brother and the second elder brother go?"

The Beast Emperor pondered for a moment, then sighed: "Because you were captured, both of them hated their lack of ability to help you, and they have already found a place to retreat and practice, either returning to Sasling or Hui Yunna took it, and you two sworn brothers have treated you very well."

I miss Panzong and Jinyin very much in my heart. I can’t blame them for my fall. If I hadn’t insisted on going my own way, the result would not have happened. Although I don’t regret it now, I don’t want them to blame themselves for this matter anymore , I said to the Beast Emperor: "Father Emperor, I want to find them."

The Beast Emperor's face suddenly sank, and said: "No, you can't go now."

I froze for a moment and said, "Why?"

The Beast Emperor showed a painful expression on his face, and said: "Because, there is a more important thing that you need to do. Do you know that your father is worse than Meng Wang Leo, and he is about to die."

I was taken aback immediately, with my father's skill and his strong body, how could he just say no, so I said anxiously, "Father, what's going on."

The Beast Emperor said painfully: "Go and see him yourself. Go quickly, because I don't know how long he can last. If you go late, I'm afraid you won't even be able to see him for the last time."

I felt a blank in my mind, and for a while, my father's voice and smile kept flashing in front of my eyes. Although I hated him very much, he was my father after all, and his blood flowed on my body. "Father, I want to go see my father now."

The Beast Emperor nodded and said, "Go quickly, and greet him for me."

Farewell to the Beast Emperor, I rushed to my father's mansion of Beamon King like lightning, father, what happened to you

As soon as I arrived at the gate of the Behemoth Palace, the four behemoths in charge of guarding the gate immediately bowed to me. I walked in quickly, and ran into the big brother Thunder Dragon head-on. Lei Long was overjoyed when he saw me, and said, "Third Brother, you are back."

"Brother, I heard His Majesty say that my father is ill, what is going on, please take me to see him."

Thunder Dragon nodded, turned around and led me to my father's bedroom. Before I entered the room, I smelled a strong smell of medicine. I opened the door and walked in. The room was empty, and my father's big bed was covered with curtains. I looked at my elder brother, and he motioned for me to go over. I took two steps forward and knelt down in front of my father's bed, "Father, I'm back."

The big bed seemed to shake, and the curtain was lifted a little. What I saw was a wrinkled, withered hand. An old and weak voice came from inside, "Is it Lei Xiang? Come here quickly." This, is this the voice of the father? How could I become so weak? I got up from the ground, lifted the curtain, held my father's big cold hand, and sat on the edge of the bed. Seeing my father's appearance, my heart was shocked, and my originally domineering face became extremely old. , his face was covered with wrinkles, his hair turned gray and white, and his eyes were dull, showing a kind of death gray.

"Father, what's wrong with you." I felt my voice tremble a little.

The wrinkles on the father's face moved, and his chapped lips squirmed, "Son, you are finally back. Before I die, I am very content to see you again. Die at my age is not a big deal." You don't have to feel sorry for me, I already knew that I wouldn't survive this year, but I didn't expect it to come so soon."

I used my mad spirit to explore my father's meridians, and I found that all my father's meridians seemed to be solidified, without a single gap, and a powerful breath of death was constantly flowing in his body, repelling my strength . Pain appeared on my father's face, and I hurriedly resigned myself from further investigation.

Father's face gradually calmed down, and said: "Your kung fu has improved a lot, and it has surpassed me before. Very good, very good, and your ability seems to conflict with this curse of the undead. It's a pity, too much!" It's too late, if you could have the current ability three years ago, maybe I still have a glimmer of life, but now it's too late, my body has been severely corroded. Even if the gods come, there is no way to recover."

"Curse of the undead? Father, you are saying that you have been cursed by the undead. Who is it? Tell me, and I will avenge you."

The father shook the drag, and said: "He hurt me, how can it end so cheaply, he also died in my hands, speaking of it, I am much luckier than him, in the cooperation between me and your grandpa Now, he will be reduced to powder on the spot."

I immediately understood what was going on, "You mean, the wound in your body is from the time you and your grandfather dealt with that necromancer?"

My father nodded and said, "It's time to tell you. At the beginning, your grandfather and I met a necromancer, that is, a first-level necromancer. For some reasons, we started to fight. His undead The magic opened another realm, summoning a large number of formless undead to attack us. In the beginning, your grandfather and I had no way to resist. In the end, although we killed him together, we were also cursed by his last undead. Your grandfather and I were seriously injured at the same time. Later, our injuries healed and we returned to the Beastman Kingdom. At that time, my injuries were very serious and I was about to die. Your grandfather, in order to save me, even when he was also injured , Healed me with all my strength, and suppressed the curse of the undead in my body, but his own injury broke out, and it didn't take long for him to go away, so, in this world, the person I respect the most is your grandfather , If not for your grandpa, I would not be where I am today. Five years ago, I found that my strength was gradually unable to suppress the power of the curse. In the past five years, I have spent most of my time fighting against this curse. Annoying force confrontation. Until three years ago, I could no longer completely suppress them, and the curse of the undead gradually broke out in my body, gradually corroding my body, although I tried my best to resist, but still... Now, I finally became In this state, child, it's really time for you to come back, I'm afraid, I can live for another three days at most."

I felt something hot flow out of my eyes, "Father, is there no way to force out that nasty energy?"

My father shook his head slightly, and said: "It's too late, my whole body's bodily functions have been completely destroyed, and I can only persist until now by relying on a stream of pure battle qi from years of hard work to maintain the gentleness of my pulse. Sad, I am the king of Beamon, the number one warrior of the orcs, and I have lived a glorious life, but I always have a regret in my heart. I didn't wake up until I was about to die, my child, I I hope you can do me a favor and make up for my regret, okay?"

My father is no longer as arrogant as before, he is more like a dying old man, how can I refuse his request, I nodded and said: "Tell me, as long as I can do it, I will help you achieve it."

The father showed a gratified smile and said: "My only regret is your mother. I am sorry for her. Under my coercion, I ruined her life. My last wish is that she can come to see me and let her see me. I also look at her again, I don't expect her forgiveness, I just want to meet her and tell her personally that I know I was wrong."

I felt a bang in my head, as if it had exploded, and an electric current instantly spread throughout my body. I felt my nose sore, and I could no longer bear my emotions, so I crawled on top of my father and cried bitterly. My father's big skinny hands stroked my head, as if comforting me. After a long time, I felt that I had vented a lot of sadness. I slowly raised my head and said resolutely: "Father, I can't guarantee that my mother will come, but I will try my best to persuade her."

Father smiled slightly and said, "It's okay, if she really doesn't want to come, forget it."

I asked, "Why didn't I meet Lei Hu when I came here today?"

The father sighed, and said, "Lei Hu is very much like me when I was young, self-willed, and he..., forget it, let's not talk about it. Since he came back from you that day, he has left, and he hasn't been there until now. Come back, I don’t know where he went? If he comes back to trouble you in the future, for my sake, please spare his life.”

I nodded and said, "I will, Father."

The father said gratifiedly: "I'm already like this, so I won't keep you, where is your mother..."

"I'll try my best."

"Okay, then you go back. I want to rest for a while."

I felt sad for a while, and pulled up my father's quilt. Putting down the curtain and walking out of father's room, Lei Long stood at the door, saw me coming out, and said sadly: "Father, I'm afraid he will die. Lei Xiang, is there anything you can do?"

I shook my head in pain, and said: "Father's old injury has recurred, it's too serious, and there's nothing I can do about it. Hey, brother, take good care of father. I'll go back first. I'll come back when I'm free."

Lei Long nodded and said: "Father has reached the last moment, I hope you can visit him more often."

I nodded and said, "I will."

With a heavy heart, I left Beamon Palace and walked slowly on the street alone. I was really sad that the father of Hero I ended up like this, but I had no way to keep him from passing away. s life. The father's last hope is probably not just to meet his mother, he must hope that his mother can forgive him, but this is impossible. With my mother's hatred for him, I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to persuade her to meet my father.

As I was thinking, I had already walked back to my Prince Rui's mansion. The guard at the gate saw me and came up to greet me, saying: "Your Highness, you are back, the mistress has come to ask several times."

I grinned and walked inside. Mo Yue was sitting on the steps in front of the main hall, looking at the door, when she saw my figure, she immediately ran over, "Husband, why have you been here for so long, the family and aunt are worried."

I sighed, took Mo Yue's hand and asked, "Where's mother?"

Mo Yue said with some shame: "Mother and sister Bai Jian are busy making dinner, and I can't help, so I'm here to wait for you."

I nodded and said, "Let's go in."

Mo Yue noticed that something was wrong with my expression, and said, "Honey, what's the matter? Did something happen?"

I nodded and said, "My father is dying."

Mo Yue said in surprise: "What did you say? Beamon King..."

I sighed and said, "Yes, my father is going to die sooner than Mengwang Leo, and his physical condition may not last for three days."

Mo Yue took my hand and said: "Then let's go and tell Auntie, otherwise, she will be worried."

I smiled wryly and said, "I'm afraid, mother wishes father would die soon."


I briefly told Mo Yue about my mother and father, "...Yue'er, do you know? After I treated you like that... I really regretted it. I'm afraid that because of the harm I did to you, you will be like that..." My mother suffered as much all my life, but fortunately, our ending is happy, I finally got your heart."

Mo Yue lowered her head and said, "Auntie is so pitiful! Husband, did you decide to want me because of what happened back then?"

I smiled slightly and said, "Yes at the beginning." Seeing Mo Yue's face gradually turning pale, I continued, "But, later on, I found out that I really fell in love with you, a ghost, since you followed me. , I think you have changed a lot, I know, it's all because of me, I can't live without you anymore, Yue'er, don't think about it, I really love you, I am willing to spend my whole life Guard you and make you the happiest woman, okay?"

Mo Yue threw herself into my arms, crying bitterly, "Hubby, I love you so much, I'm really afraid that you don't want me anymore."

Just as I was about to comfort her, my mother's voice came from the door, "Lei Xiang, why did you make Mo Yue cry when you came back, Yue'er, auntie will vent your anger on you."

Mo Yue was embarrassed, and hurriedly struggled out of my arms, saying: "Auntie, Lei Xiang didn't bully me."

Holding two plates of delicious dishes in her hands, the mother smiled and said, "Help him now, and see if he won't bully you in the future."

Mo Yue blushed, lowered her head and said nothing.

In order not to affect the atmosphere of this dinner, I did not tell about my father. After a while, a table of delicious food was served on the table. My mother knew that I liked what she made, so I cooked it myself.

Because I came back, my mother was very happy, and frequently gave me and Mo Yue cloth dishes. Although I was sad, I forced a smile to cater to my mother's excitement. The meal was finished in a harmonious atmosphere. Knowing that I was in a bad mood, Mo Yue would often give me concerned eyes, which warmed my heart and eased my grief.

The mother said to Bai Jian: "Jian'er, tell the servants to clean up, Xiang'er, you and Yue'er come with me. I have something to ask you."

I froze for a moment, not knowing what my mother wanted to say to me, I exchanged a glance with Mo Yue, followed my mother and left the hall, my mother took us to her room, told us to sit down, and closed the door by myself, I asked : "Mom, what do you want to ask me?"

My mother glanced at me and said, "You can say anything now."

I was taken aback and said, "What did you say?"

The mother smiled slightly and said: "If I can't even see that my son is worried, how can I be your mother? When you were eating just now, your expression was wrong. What happened, tell me, what is the difficulty?" , Let mom help you figure out a way."

I looked into my mother's eyes full of wisdom, sighed, and said, "Mom, I want to ask you one thing."

Mother was surprised and said, "Please, what's the matter? Tell me."

I pondered for a moment and said, "Mom, did you know? Father is sick."

As soon as I mentioned my father, my mother's face darkened immediately, she turned her back to me and said, "Didn't I tell you a long time ago, don't mention that beast in front of me, what does his illness have to do with me? Better to die."

I knew my mother would have this kind of reaction, and sighed: "Mom, this time, I'm afraid he is really going to die."

The mother was shocked, turned around, and said, "What did you say?"

I looked at my mother's surprised face and said, "I said, I'm afraid my father is really going to die this time."

The mother said coldly: "He will die. With his physique, he will die so easily? I don't believe it."

"Mom, it's true. My father was cursed by the necromancer in his early years. Now he is too old to suppress the power of the curse. It started three years ago. Recently, he finally couldn't hold it. I'm afraid he couldn't survive it." It's been three days. When I went to see the Beast Emperor today, I couldn't believe it when the Beast Emperor told me about my father's situation. But when I went to Bimeng Palace, it was even more serious than what the Beast Emperor said. My father is no longer the father he used to be. It's changed, it's completely changed." When I think of my father's old and helpless appearance, I feel uncomfortable all over my body, and there are constant pains in my heart.

After hearing my words, my mother's face turned pale, and after a while, she said: "This is his own fault. He has killed countless people in his life. This is his retribution."

I couldn't refute my mother's words, because what she said was not wrong. There were not one thousand but eight hundred people who died in the hands of my father. I gritted my teeth and said, "Mom, my father said that before he died, there was only one Wish, he wishes to see you again and apologize to you in person."

My mother suddenly laughed bitterly, "Apologize? What are you apologizing for? Can the things he did to me back then be solved by apologizing? He wants to see me? No, no, I don't want to see him again, I don't want to see him Which beast, let him die, let him die, I want him to die with regret."

Mo Yue and I were stunned. I didn't expect that my mother, who was still amiable and full of laughter during the meal just now, would turn out to be like this now. I took a step forward, grabbed my mother's shoulders, shook her body gently, and said anxiously: "Mom, calm down, calm down, don't do this."

Mother gradually fell silent, two lines of tears dripped down her cheeks, she took a deep breath and said, "You guys go out, I want to be alone for a while."

"Well, don't you really want to see your father? When a person is about to die, his words are good, so go and see him for the last time. OK?"

My mother looked at me, shook her head and said, "No, I won't go, I don't want to see that person again. Go out."

I frowned and said, "Mom..."

Mother snapped, "Get out."

In desperation, I had no choice but to take Mo Yue's hand and walked out of my mother's bedroom. Mo Yue hugged my arm tightly and said, "Husband, don't be sad, my aunt must have her thoughts, just wait and see. Maybe, she Will change my mind."

I sighed and said: "Wait? I can wait, it doesn't matter how long I wait. However, my father can't wait any longer. His body is already extremely weak and he may die at any time. Although I don't have much for my father. But he is my father after all, and I have inherited his blood, and when he is dying, I really want to help him fulfill his last wish."

At this moment, Bai Jian happened to walk over from the outside, saw us and rushed to meet us, asking: "Lei Xiang, what's the matter, where's mom?"

I looked at her and said: "Mom is in the room, sister Jian'er, go in and help me persuade Mom, my father Bimon King Leo is going to die, I want Mom to see him for the last time, Mom and You also know about my father, I tried my best to talk, but my mother just refused to go."

Bai Jian glanced at Mo Yue, and said: "Okay, I'll go in and try, you go back to rest first, you're tired just after you came back." After speaking, he turned his head and walked towards his mother's room.

Seeing Bai Jian entered her mother's bedroom, Mo Yue said in a low voice: "Husband, why do I always feel that sister Jian'er looks at you in a wrong way, is she treating you..."

I knocked on her head and said: "Silly girl, you still have the time to be jealous. It is impossible for me and her. I only have you and Sister Ziyan in my heart now. Apart from you, I will never show mercy everywhere." Yes. Let's go, I'll take you to my room." I led Mo Yue back to the room I haven't seen for a long time. It should be cleaned every day, and it is much cleaner and tidy than when I left. "Yue'er, are you here?" Rest here, I still have to find my mother."

Mo Yue took my hand and said: "Hubby, you'd better not go, it's not good for you to force your aunt too hard, not to mention, even if you say it, it may not be useful."

I felt sad for a while, and said: "I know that my mother can't listen to anything now. I think of her kneeling in front of the door until she agrees. I hope my sincerity can move my mother and let her go to see my father for the last time. Yue'er, You rest, don't persuade me, I have already decided."

Mo Yue leaned into my arms and said, "Honey, I don't persuade you. Your father is also my father. I should be the one to help him fulfill his last wish. I want to go beg my aunt with you."

I was moved in my heart, kissed her on the face and said: "Then why am I willing to, you should rest here, you are tired after driving for so many days."

Mo Yue shook her head, and said firmly: "No, I have already made up my mind, I must go." She is so well-behaved and sensible now, which made me love her more and more. With her skill, I knelt down for two days It should be nothing. Thinking of this, I said, "Okay then, let's go together. Let's go now."

Mo Yue and I returned to the door of my mother's bedroom. Bai Jian just came out from inside. She shook her head sadly when she saw me. Obviously, she couldn't convince her mother. I sighed in my heart. After waiting, I whispered to Bai Jian: "Sister Jian'er, tell the servants not to enter this yard from now on. If mother needs anything, I will trouble you to deliver it yourself."

Bai Jian froze for a moment, and said, "What are you going to do?"

Mo Yue and I looked at each other, we both knelt down on the ground, and I said loudly: "Mom, although father has done many wrong things, but he is about to die, and the light of death is extinguished. He didn't expect you to forgive him, but I hope you can go to see him for the last time, Mom, I beg you, just agree, if you don't agree, Mo Yue and I will kneel here and wait for your agreement."

Mother must have heard me, but there was no movement in her room.

Bai Jian sighed: "Why are you bothering, Lei Xiang, don't you know my mother's temper? As long as she agrees, it will be difficult to change, and it is useless for you to do so."

I shook my head and said: "Do your best and obey the destiny. If my mother still refuses to go in the end, I will try my best and be worthy of my father's entrustment to me." After finishing speaking, I closed my eyes, and Mo Yue turned to me He moved his body here, closed his eyes, and prayed quietly.

I suddenly felt that there was another person on my left, who was also clinging to my body. When I opened my eyes, it was Bai Jian. I said in surprise, "Sister Jian'er, what are you doing? Didn't you say, mother Is it difficult to change the things you are looking for?"

Bai Jian smiled slightly and said: "I think what you said is right, the lamp goes out when people die, and I also think that Mom should go to see King Leo, so I'm here to beg her old man with you."

I smiled wryly: "Sister Jian'er, you are weak, if you do this, you will not be able to bear it."

Bai Jiandao: "Sister Yue'er is fine, of course I can too." After finishing speaking, she also closed her eyes and ignored me. I frowned, how could her kung fu compare to Mo Yue, but since she insisted so much, I had no choice but to let her go.

The sky was completely dark, and the chill was blowing continuously with the bleak cold wind. I saw a layer of faint pink light rising from the body of the white sword next to me. I was secretly surprised by her beauty, Bai Jian has only been practicing for less than a year, and she has achieved such an achievement. Seeing that she can release her fighting spirit, she is more than enough to protect herself. No wonder she is willing to kneel here with Mo Yue and me. Since she can persevere by herself, I don't have to worry anymore. The light in the mother's room is always on, and occasionally the figure of the mother can be seen walking back and forth in the room. My mother didn't sleep all night, and the light in her room was not turned off until early in the morning.

I turned my head and said to Bai Jian: "Sister Jian'er, go in and see Mom, and then get Mom some breakfast, she doesn't seem to have slept all night."

Bai Jian woke up from the samadhi, nodded and said: "Okay." She struggled to remember, but because she knelt all night, her blood was a little blocked, her body tilted, and she fell towards me. I quickly supported her delicate body, pushed her to stand up with a little force, Bai Jian's body is very different from Mo Yue's, Mo Yue's body is very elastic, full of vitality everywhere, while Bai Jian It's different, her whole body is weak and boneless, and she is soft everywhere. The hug just now made me feel as if I was hugging a cotton ball.

Bai Jian stood firm, bent down and rubbed her knees, peeked at me, and met my eyes, a blush flashed across her face, she looked extremely delicate. I hurriedly closed my eyes, collected my mind, and told myself secretly that I must not have any bad thoughts, otherwise, how could I be right to my three beloved wives.