Mad God

Chapter 90: Poor man


The necromancer raised his hand and said anxiously: "Of course some said. Even death row prisoners have their last meal."

After listening to his words, I felt a little ridiculous. I no longer had the feeling of fear just now. Because of the absence of white mist, the whole forest has returned to tranquility. A ray of sunlight shines through the originally cloudy sky and shines directly on the earth. I feel refreshed, but I can also see the bloody surroundings more clearly. At least a hundred tall bears died in the hands of Mo Yue and me driven by this senior necromancer. Seeing these blood-stained scenes, I suddenly surged with anger, and the aura radiating from my body completely enveloped him, as long as I swung Mo Ming, I could crush him to pieces. I said coldly: "You also know that you will not be able to escape from my grasp today, so just say what you want to say, if you try to escape or try to let me let you go, you are thinking wrong, I will make you die very quickly Ugly." I found that due to the recent improvement in my ability, my Mad God fighting spirit and dark magic power can last longer than before. Standing like this and waiting for him to speak, the energy in my body is constantly gathering. Although the feeling of fatigue is constantly invading my body, but the surrounding dark elements are constantly pouring in, coupled with the self-regulation of the mad god fighting spirit, I can relax supports two transformations. In order to keep myself in the best condition, I removed the Mad God Armor, because although the Mad God Armor has amazing defensive power, relatively speaking, it requires a huge amount of energy...

The senior necromancer couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief when he saw the golden armor that terrified him most disappear from my body, and he looked much more relaxed. He murmured: "Death is dead, what else is ugly or not." My eyes widened, and he didn't dare to say any more.

Mo Yue also floated over, looked at the senior necromancer in amazement, and said, "Honey, why didn't you kill him. He did everything just now."

I smiled and said: "He said he has something to say, don't worry, I will definitely let him get the punishment he deserves. Don't let Lingla out, I guess he was scared enough just now, you go to comfort him first, and wait for me to deal with it After finishing the matter here, let's go back to the original state, take good care of him, and don't let him come out by himself." There is a reason why I dismissed Mo Yue, after all, how many incredible abilities does this senior necromancer have? I don't know, if he hurts Mo Yue with his dying blow, then I will regret it for the rest of my life.

Mo Yue didn't suspect anything, nodded her head, flapped her wings, and flew towards the cave where Lingla was. I turned my head and stared at the senior necromancer, and said, "Tell me, I don't have much time to waste here." I have already made up my mind that no matter what he says, I must kill this inhuman necromancer.

The necromancer struggled to sit up from the ground, his voice was a little hoarse, and said: "I know I can't hide anymore today, and my death is coming, I just want to ask you to do me a favor. In this way, even if I die, I won't die." You can rest in peace."

I sneered and said, "Aren't you arrogant just now, but now you pretend to be pitiful, you think I will believe your nonsense, and your wishes are probably evil."

The evil eyes under the necromancer's red cloak blinked, and he said angrily, "Don't think that I'm afraid of you. Yes, I admit that your divine ability is my guest star. But since you know that I am a high-level necromancer, You should know that we can use a special method to send messages to the underworld. With my strength, I have 20% certainty that I can use the taboo technique to invite Lord Pluto from the underworld at the moment you kill me. Invincible energy will destroy you at the same time."

I was startled, remembering the scene where the fallen angel used the taboo technique, I couldn't help becoming vigilant. Now there is no turquoise to save my life. Although my ability has improved a lot now, I still have no confidence in resisting the terrifying energy from another world. Although he only has a one-in-five chance of success, I have to be cautious, especially when I have the advantage.

The necromancer continued without waiting for me to speak: "What I'm asking of you is not unreasonable. You have too much prejudice against us necromancers. We are not as bad as you think, and we are not all cruel. generation."

I looked at the corpses of the bear people around me, and snorted angrily: "Aren't you a cruel person? Then what happened to those snake people who died, and these bear people, if you didn't control their minds, would they die? , in the fight just now, I couldn't feel any vitality from them at all, couldn't it be you who did it."

The necromancer sighed: "Yes, I did all of these. I admit that I also know that I will not escape today, so I just hope that you can help me fulfill my last wish. Boy, what I just said is not true. I didn’t lie to you, yes, we necromancers are very extreme, and sometimes we do things that ordinary people can’t understand. But think about it, who is willing to practice this necromancer that almost destroys everything. There are only two kinds The situation, one is the treacherous and evil people, and the other is the desperate people. How many treacherous and wicked people can there be? There are even fewer. Most of them are poor people who have nowhere to go. The reason why I have come to this day is not because I want to, but because of fate.” His voice is no longer so ugly, but it is a little hoarse. Although the magnetism and sadness in the voice could not move me yet, it also eased my hostility towards him.

I frowned at him, waiting for him to continue. The necromancer stretched out his hand and raised the cloak on his head, "I remember that my real name should be Tianlu, and this is what I am now. Every necromancer will become a ghost because of the curse of death. Not a ghost."

His appearance really scared me. His face is almost like a skeleton, only a layer of skin covers the skull, the face is sunken, and the face is full of wrinkles. Only the red light in the eyes seems to have some vitality. It still looks like a person. His hair is withered and yellow, and a few sparse strands hang down on his wrinkled scalp. I said, "What is the reason for you to go on this road?"

Tianlu sighed and said: "This starts a long time ago. I used to be a human from the Dragon God Empire. My family was in the capital at that time. My brother and I were civilians. Although we are twins, we have diametrically opposite Since we were young, we have had different aspirations. My younger brother hopes to become a generation of outstanding people and help the Dragon God Empire wipe out the demons and beasts. I just hope to live my life like ordinary people. Both my brother and I like magic. , he chose the sacred light element, while I chose the soft water element. Our talents are very good, but my younger brother works harder than me, so in terms of strength, he is stronger. Originally, our life Very well, when I was in my twenties, my younger brother had already reached the level of a mage, and I also became a great water magician. However, a girl appeared later and completely changed the fate of my brother and me." Speaking of this, the look in Tianlu's eyes is no longer so fierce, but a little soft, "That girl is very beautiful and gentle, she is a typical example of the kind that everyone loves. My brother and I both fell in love with her. We have been together for several years, and we have a deep relationship. Since we are not young, it is time to get married, so we launched a courtship offensive to that girl. My brother and I have almost the same appearance. Same, so we often make jokes. During that time, my brother and I were very painful because of the girl. Although our personalities are different, we have a good relationship. We don’t want to destroy the brotherhood because of her relationship. So, I gritted my teeth, made a decision, and voluntarily withdrew from the ranks of pursuit, far away from the capital, and went to other cities. Because that incident deeply stimulated me, I began to practice magic desperately, trying to rely on hard practice It can dilute my longing for that girl. However, feelings are not easy to forget. I have been living in seclusion for thirty years, but I still can’t forget her. Hey, until now, her voice and smile are still the same. It’s as vivid as ever.”

Hearing this, I couldn't help interjecting: "Since this is the case, then you don't need to practice undead magic."

Tianlu shook his head and said: "If it's just like this, I have never left the hermitage, and of course nothing will happen, but when I was fifty-six years old, I finally couldn't bear to treat that girl and my brother Feeling of missing, I returned to the capital. Back in the capital, I found that my younger brother has become the pillar of the Dragon God Empire, the first dragon magician on the mainland. His achievements have completely exceeded my imagination, and I am also proud of him. So, I went to his mansion to look for him. I haven't seen him for decades. My brother hasn't changed at all. As soon as I saw him, I found that his skill is much higher than mine. However, I didn't I saw that girl in his mansion. My younger brother is already married to someone else and has a child."

Hearing this, I couldn't help but asked in amazement: "Dragon Mage? Is that brother of yours Tian Yun, the holy magister known as the patron saint of light?"

Tian Lu was stunned for a moment, and said: "How do you know? At your age, you shouldn't know what happened to us at that time."

I stared at him blankly, I never imagined that this extremely ugly high-level necromancer turned out to be Tian Yun's twin brother. Asked: "Where did that girl go?"

Tianlu showed a very painful look, and said: "Under my repeated questioning, my younger brother told me the original situation. It turned out that the girl loved me at the beginning, not my younger brother, because she was always afraid of hurting my younger brother. That's why she didn't show her love to me. Because of my abandonment, the girl was heartbroken and disappeared shortly after I left. After hearing this, I felt extremely regretful and started looking for her in every place on the mainland. However, after continuous searching, there was no trace of whereabouts. Until one day, when I was disheartened, I suddenly discovered that she had become the wife of the Emperor of the Dragon God Empire, that is, the original queen. My heart was cold, But the longing for her urged me to look for her in the palace. At that time, we were both in our sixtieth year. I acted too aggressively, so I didn't tell me. Although so many years have passed, I still can't forget her, so I asked her to go with me, but she refused to say anything. After all, she couldn't give up her husband and children .I know that we have no destiny after all. At this moment, my whereabouts were discovered. There were abnormally many guards in the palace of the Dragon God Empire. After decades of suffering, I still failed to realize my wish in the end. My heart is already cold. However, she sacrificed herself to each other when I was in danger. With the encouragement of her kindness, I broke out. When I left the palace, I already understood that she didn't love the emperor, and her heart was always by my side. I decided to find a chance to rescue her, even if it was to rob her. Come back to me." Speaking of this, two lines of clear tears flowed from Tianlu's red eyes, and his whole body trembled uncontrollably.

After a long time, his mood stabilized a little, and he continued: "However, just the day before I was going to pick her up, a piece of news plunged me into endless pain like a bolt from the blue sky. Because of what she did to save me that day The concern expressed made the Emperor of the Dragon God Empire feel a great loss of face, and he actually gave her to death like that. And announced the abolition of her title of queen. She died, she died, that day, that cloudy day, She finally left me." Tianlu's voice was sobbing, and my blood boiled when I heard it.

"After knowing the news of her death, I feel that there is nothing I miss in the world anymore, but there is one thing I must do, which is to kill the executioner who killed her." Tianlu's eyes once again revealed a frightening look. Fiercely, I frowned and said, "You mean, are you going to kill the Emperor of the Dragon God Empire at that time?"

Tianlu nodded and said, "That's right, he is the one I want to kill. It's him who killed the person I love the most. I want to avenge my lover."

I sighed in my heart, thinking, if you hadn't gone to find that woman, she wouldn't have died. Speaking of which, the real murderer who killed that woman was you. Although I thought so in my heart, but because Tianlu's sadness made me very sympathetic to his pain of losing his lover, so I didn't say it out, waiting for him to continue talking.

The backlash, the latter, you know, I controlled these bearmen, and used undead magic to stimulate their life potential. Even if you don't kill them, their vitality can only last for a few days. To be honest, I There is nothing to love in life, but I have always been unwilling to die, so I became what I am now. I feel much happier when I speak out what is in my heart. I want to trouble you with one thing, which is to help me find my younger brother's descendants and give them something. "

I felt depressed for a while, this Tianlu, if he is said to be a bad person, he is so affectionate, and if he is said to be a good person, he has killed so many innocent people, I don’t know what to do, so I sighed , I said: "Your brother Tianyun is not dead yet, I saw him a few days ago."

The light in Tianlu's eyes was bright, and he said in surprise: "What? He's not dead yet, great, great. I'm going to see him, I'm going to see him." Suddenly, there was a thick fog on his body , turned into countless arrows of Qi and attacked me fiercely. Because the distance was too close, I had no chance to dodge at all. his attack. Angrily shouted: "You..."

Tianlu's body turned into mist and floated outward, "My brother is not dead yet, I'm going to see him, otherwise I will die in peace, I'm sorry." He spit out a mouthful of dark red blood, and the speed suddenly increased, which was no better than mine. The movement speed is slow, even more so.

I hate so much in my heart, if I let him run away, how can I explain to the snake man, holding Mo Ming with both hands, chasing after him with flapping wings, at the same time transporting the Mad God fighting spirit to the peak state, when Mo Ming in my hand is completely When it turned golden, I roared, "The mad arrow goes up to the sky." A golden battle energy rushed out from the tip of Mo Ming's sword, and as the speed increased, the volume continued to compress. Tian Lu was seriously injured, how could he avoid my full-strength attack, he was hit straight by the mad arrow, and his body suddenly stagnated in the air, he turned around slowly, and said with a wry smile: "I didn't expect... I use the still...can't...escape, I...recognize...recognize, and"The last few words What he said was very vague, and I didn't hear clearly.

Tianlu's cloak fell off, and his body twisted in the air for a while. Suddenly, his whole body emitted a golden light, and with a bang, it exploded into a rain of blood. I sighed, maybe this is what he deserved. I killed quite a few people, and I don't know what retribution I will have in the future. I floated over and picked up the big red cloak from the ground. I found a round white gemstone under the cloak, which was shiny and shiny, and looked very beautiful. I reached out and took the gemstone in my hand. It should be It must be what Tianlu asked me to give to Tianyun. If Tianyun knows that I killed his brother, I don't know how he will react, but I don't regret it. After all, Tianlu has his way of death. If I don't kill him, maybe I don't know how many innocent people will die. His life was in his hands. While thinking, I put the cloak and gems into the mustard bag, let’s go back first, otherwise, Yue’er will have to wait impatiently, I flapped my wings, and flew back in the direction when I came, Mo Yue flew towards me, As soon as he saw me, he rushed over with great joy and said, "Husband, are you okay? I was shocked just now. The necromancer's sneak attack didn't hurt you, right?"

I shook my head and said, "He's dead, let's go, let's go back."

Mo Yue and I quickly returned to the previous place, I released the two transformations, my body froze, and Mo Yue also released the fallen angel transformation, I said to her: "Let the spirit out, everything is over It’s gone.” Tianlu is dead, but my heart is not easy, because so many orcs have died because of his relationship, and he does have something to be sympathetic to, why did this kind of thing happen to me, hey—.

Mo Yue picked up a few big trees, Lingla was still curled up in the cave, Mo Yue picked a stone and threw it on him, Lingla jumped up in shock. Mo Yue giggled, and said, "Come out, we've settled everything." Only then did Lingla notice us who were soaked in blood, and he jumped out of the cave. , suddenly turned pale, and said to me: "Master Lei Xiang, are these the murderers who killed my people?"

I shook my head and said: "They are just being used by others. The murderer is a high-level necromancer. He used necromantic magic to control these bearmen, and then commanded them to attack your people. That's why that happened. That necromancer has been killed by me, and this situation should not happen again in the future. Let’s go, the smell of blood here is too strong, and I feel very uncomfortable.” The strong smell of blood made my stomach churn, There is a feeling of vomiting.

Lingla was eager for me to say this, and kept saying yes, the three of us left this so-called death forest, and after walking not far, I stopped and said: "Lingla, you protect the law for us two, our physical strength just now It takes a lot and needs a break."

"Yes, Mr. Lei Xiang, by the way, I haven't thanked you for helping us snake people eliminate this serious problem. All of us Sass will be grateful to you."

I shook my head and said: "We are all orcs, and it is right to help each other. After this incident, you should also learn a lesson. If your skills are stronger, you won't be attacked so easily. After you go back, you should Practice hard, you know?"

Lingla nodded again and again, and said: "Yes, yes, I understand, Master Lei Xiang."

"You stay here, don't come into the woods without my call, we have to heal your wounds quickly." After finishing speaking, I pulled Mo Yue up and floated into a forest by the roadside. Excessive consumption is only one of the reasons why I asked to rest, and more importantly, because the blood on our bodies made us feel very uncomfortable. Mo Yue has frowned at her bloody clothes more than once.

After entering the woods, I whispered to Mo Yue, "My dear moon, do you want to take a bath?"

Mo Yue's eyes lit up, and she said dejectedly in an instant: "There is not even a small river here, how can I take a bath, I feel so uncomfortable."

I smiled slightly and said, "Look." I recited the mantra silently and condensed the water elements around me. Although my magic ability is not as good as Tianyun's, it is still no problem for me to condense a water polo. The way Tianyun gave me a bath that time, Up to now, I still remember You Xin, and this time it happened to be used as a treasure.

The blue light ball in the air gradually grew bigger in Mo Yue's astonishment. I felt that it was almost enough for us to take a shower. Then I lifted it up with concentration, and then shook my right hand, and another fireball condensed in the air. Under the baking, Mo Yue said happily: "Honey, I understand, you want to use this big water polo to take a bath, don't you?"

I nodded. Due to the lack of physical strength, I felt a little difficult to support these two magics. After baking for about ten minutes, I felt that it was almost done, so I stopped. I gave Mo Yue a nasty smile, and under Mo Yue's exclamation, I yanked off her blouse. Mo Yue kept dodging, I held the big water polo in one hand, and chased Mo Yue with the other. I tore the clothes off her body with my hands, and succeeded in the first two strokes, but I was holding the water polo, coupled with too much energy consumption, I was panting for a while and couldn't catch up with her.

I stood there, and the disheveled Mo Yue floated aside. I looked at her with a tigerish face and said nothing. : "Honey, are you angry? Don't be angry, isn't Yue'er here?"

I laughed, and hugged her fiercely, "Silly girl, you've been fooled." With a flick of my luck, I threw the water polo into the sky, and helped Mo Yue loosen the restraints on her body with two or three hands. He took off his clothes, stopped the angry Mo Yue with one hand, and caught the falling water polo with the other. Mo Yue leaned on me trembling, complaining: "You are bad, you are a liar."

I laughed, and said, "The mandarin duck bath is about to begin." I didn't have the time for Tianyun, so I had to hold the water polo with one hand. The direct sunlight immediately drenched me and Mo Yue's body, and the warm water made us feel extremely comfortable. Under the shower of warm water, Mo Yue's anger just disappeared. I silently channeled the dark magic power, and a thick black mist gushed out from my body, wrapping our bodies in it, so as to avoid being seen by others. Now that I can isolate the cold wind around me, Mo Yue's hands are constantly walking on my body, causing a raging fire to surge up in my heart, and my hands are constantly cruising on Mo Yue's body, and the blood on my body is quickly washed away Clean, without the smell of blood, Moyue's orchid-like aura came out through her body, which aroused my most primitive reaction. I let go of the hand holding the water polo, and the water waterfall suddenly fell, washing away the last trace of our fatigue , I hugged Mo Yue's delicate body tightly, and kissed every part of her body crazily. I grabbed Mo Yue's willow waist and lifted it upwards. In it, we just stand and become one. A feeling of comfort came from the lower body, which made me moan uncontrollably. Mo Yue hugged my thick neck, and her body kept moving with me. Wheezing sounds kept coming from our mouths. I increased the output of dark magic power, and the surrounding black mist became thicker, blocking our voices. Right in this grove, they had selfless intercourse.

After a long time, Mo Yue and I released the essence in our bodies at the same time in constant convulsions. The dark magic power suddenly merged, and our original consumption quickly recovered under this situation. I suddenly felt refreshed and hugged tightly. The sweet girl in the middle, kissing the fragrant sweat flowing from her forehead due to intense exercise.