Mad God

Chapter 97: Crown Prince Controversy


I was shocked, I didn't know that dark magic could be used like this, Gu Chuan's voice came from my ear: "This is a blood contract, which can instantly increase the power of the original magic, but it consumes energy, and it is not easy to use it under normal circumstances." I use it. This guy Sucha only uses it if he wants to shake his prestige. I'm afraid this old boy is tired enough, haha."

Sure enough, after Sucha finished using the magic, his forehead was covered with beads of sweat, he took a few breaths, adjusted his breath, and then floated back to return to his life.

"I report to Your Majesty, I have already inspected it, and there is no difference between the five iron balls. At the same time, I have also added a seal, please Your Majesty to review."

The Demon Emperor turned to me and said, "Lei Xiang, do you need to check?"

I shook my head, glanced at Sucha, and said, "I have believed in Your Excellency the Prince." After finishing speaking, I floated forward, gave a loud shout, and raised my hands, the golden light immediately enveloped the five iron balls completely , I shook my shoulders, and five iron balls rose into the air at the same time, spinning rapidly, and shouted at the same time: "Please choose your own targets."

The five participating royal families quickly chanted a spell, transformed into two-winged fallen angels, and flew into the air one after another. They each picked one of the spinning iron balls and flew down, placing the iron ball in front of them. There is a distance of ten feet between each person.

From the beginning to the present, all my actions have shown fairness, without any fraud. In fact, these are not critical, and there is no need to cheat. I smiled slightly and said: "Okay, after I count one, two, three, you can try your best to destroy the iron ball in front of you. Please note that this test is limited to one blow, and only the damage of the iron ball itself will be calculated in the end." If the iron ball is driven into the ground without damaging the iron ball, no score will be recorded. Okay, one..., two..., three..., let's start."

The five contestants gathered their energy at the same time, and when they were all focused on the iron ball, I quietly sent a voice transmission to the fourth prince, Mo Di, who was ranked fourth: "You will try your best to move from the top to the top after a while." Just drop the iron ball down, don’t worry about the rest, I’m in charge of everything.”

The fourth prince was worthy of being selected by the Demon Emperor. He just froze for a moment, then stopped hesitating and continued to gather his strength.

The first person to do it was the fallen angel member on the far left who showed disdain just now. If I guessed correctly, he was Wen Han who claimed to have cultivated to the sixth level of the Heavenly Demon Art. He shouted loudly, and a large amount of black mist poured out from his whole body to completely cover the iron ball in front of him. He threw his strength upwards, and the iron ball wrapped in the black mist suddenly shot up into the sky, and Wen Han's hands each emitted a black energy belt. Hit the iron ball in the air. Judging from the intensity of the energy he used, this guy has indeed reached the level of the sixth level of Heavenly Demon Art.

With a bang, the iron ball in the air was pulled from both sides by two dark energy belts, the black mist gradually flew up, and the iron ball was exposed. Although Sucha has only practiced to the sixth level of Heavenly Demon Arts, after all, he has practiced for a long time, and he used the blood curse with all his strength just now, so Wen Han did not break the barrier he set up this time, and the entire iron ball was in the barrier. Under the package, he was completely deformed by the beating and fell to the ground with a crash. Wen Han took a deep breath, looked at the iron ball still wrapped in the barrier with some dissatisfaction, and frowned.

At this time, several other people also launched their own offensive almost at the same time. Except for the fourth prince, the others almost all used the same method as Wen Han, throwing the iron ball high into the air, and then attacking from both sides. The iron balls cannot dissipate the energy they emit. However, they threw the iron ball and then split the attack on both sides, but they also lost a lot of energy in the process.

Because of my guidance, the fourth prince did not learn from others. He let out a long roar, exuding a strong aura from his whole body. On the surface, he was no worse than Wen Han's performance just now. His hands twisted strangely in the air. After a few strokes, a black energy ball suddenly appeared in his hand, he shouted, and suddenly threw the energy ball to the iron ball below. The energy ball made a creaking sound as it traveled, and one could tell that it contained terrifying energy.

It seems that I have really underestimated the fourth prince. Although his strength is not as good as that of Wen Han, it is not too far behind. He should be at the final stage of the fifth floor. That being the case, I don't have to make it too obvious. I immediately sent a sound transmission to the fourth prince in the air: "Your Highness, immediately make a gesture of holding the iron ball with both hands on the ground, hurry up."

The fourth prince, Mo Di, did not hesitate at all. He suddenly stopped in the air, staring intently at the iron ball below, and made a gesture of raising his hands. , forced the dark magic power in his body to quickly pass from the ground with the help of Mad God Dou Qi. A black light flashed under the iron ball, and the iron ball soared into the sky, facing the energy ball sent by the fourth prince.

When I was using the violent storm mental method to transmit the dark magic power, I condensed the mad god fighting energy into a sharp cone and pierced it at the bottom center of the iron ball. This was not enough to break the seal of Sucha, but it could make The energy he sealed was greatly weakened.

"Boom." There was a lot of dust and smoke in the field, and a large number of iron filings and pieces of iron fell from the sky. The dark seal on the outside of the iron ball belonging to the fourth prince was broken smoothly as I imagined, and the iron ball inside was not protected by the seal. It was extremely fragile, and 80% of its volume was shattered by the blow of the fourth prince.

Because I did it very secretly, no one present found the flaws in it, and everyone looked at the fourth prince Mo Di in amazement, especially Sucha, he couldn't figure it out, even Wen Han couldn't break his Sealing, why did the Fourth Prince, who was inferior to him in skill, do it.

The fourth prince floated to the ground, and did not look at me wittily, anyone could see the joy on his face.

The first match was over, and I walked past several other iron balls that had not broken the seal but were deformed, then returned to the rostrum, and said loudly: "Your Majesty, all the adults present, You have all seen the situation just now. Next, I will announce the scores of the first game. Since player No. 4 broke the seal on the iron ball in the test just now, the others did not. Therefore, I declare that contestant No. 4 won the test and got 80 points. Although contestant No. 1 did not break the seal, but his test target was seriously deformed, I judged him to get 50 points. The rest of the contestants were equally capable and got 3 points each. very."

After hearing me announce the score, Sucha was obviously relieved, because there was only a 30-point gap between Wen Han and the fourth prince, and there was still some catching up in the next game.

The Demon Emperor smiled slightly, and said: "Lei Xiang, your punishment is very fair, let's continue." He gave me a satisfied look while talking.

I turned around and looked at the five contestants, and shouted: "The first test is about strength, and the second test is about speed." While talking, I took out five ordinary gemstones from my body, namely red, Orange, blue, blue, and purple are five colors, although they are not expensive, but their colors are still easy to distinguish. I slipped and floated in front of the five contestants, and said: "Please stand around me in a circle." The five followed their advice and surrounded me, with the distance between them and me being about the same.

I held up the five gems in my hand and said, "Everyone, take a good look. In the second test, the five gems in my hand represent five points respectively. They are arranged according to red, orange, blue, blue, and purple. It means 100 points, 80 points, 60 points, 40 points and 20 points. Later, I will first throw five gems into the sky. After I announce the start, the five of you will set off at the same time. Take the gems from the sky, whoever has the fastest speed can get the red gems with the lowest level. After finishing, return quickly and give the gems to me. Attention, since this competition is about speed, when taking the gems, You can't attack each other, otherwise it will be regarded as a foul and you will be disqualified from the game, understand?"

Five loud voices sounded at the same time: "Understood."

I nodded in satisfaction, and said to the rostrum: "Your Majesty, I request to start the second competition." Although I didn't speak loudly this time, I was transported with Mad God Dou Qi, and the sound wave suddenly expanded, and everyone present All heard my voice clearly. The Demon Emperor said: "Let's begin."

I looked around the five contestants for a week, and with a shake of one hand, the five rays of light rose at the same time, in the order of red, orange, blue, blue, and purple, and the height of each one was about five meters apart. , gradually disappearing from view. I shouted loudly: "Start."

Like five arrows, the five people who had already been ready to go rose into the air like five arrows. Wen Han took the lead, and the speed of the other four people was almost the same. After they set off, I immediately sent a voice transmission to the fourth prince: "Your Highness, don't bother For the red gemstone, just take the second orange one."

In this second game, I didn't cheat at all, but I used a little trick. The five gems were five meters apart and rushed towards the sky. Five meters was just a blink of an eye for the two-winged fallen angels. , Everyone's target will definitely be him. When the first person gets the red gemstone, the rest of the people will definitely hesitate for a moment because the target disappears. The fourth prince and the others have known the enemy's skill, as long as he can make good use of this moment of hesitation, he will definitely be able to Obtain the orange gemstone with the second score, which can not only reduce Sucha's suspicion, but also get a not low score to successfully proceed to the third game.

The five black shadows rushed straight into the sky, and gradually turned into five black spots under the sunlight. With my eyesight, I can still vaguely determine the location of the black spots.

Taking this opportunity, I looked at Mo Yue who was beside the Demon Emperor, and said to her via voice transmission: "Don't worry, good wife, everything is fine."

Mo Yue smiled sweetly at me. At such a long distance, without her transformation, I'm not sure that I can hear her through sound transmission.

The officials on the rostrum began to point and point in the air. I looked up and saw that five black dots were falling continuously, exactly as I expected. The first one to fly back was Wen Han in high spirits. He fell beside me with a proud look, and because of the full acceleration just now, he kept panting. The rest of the people also landed one after another. They also bent over and gasped continuously. The fourth prince gave me a positive look while panting. I smiled slightly and said, "Everyone, please give me your gems."

Wen Han was the first to hand over the red gemstone in his hand, and the others also showed their results. I smiled and said, "You don't have to give it to me, just hold up your own results and let everyone see what you got."

After a few ups and downs, I returned to the rostrum, bowed to the Demon Emperor and said: "Your Majesty, the second game is over. According to the gems obtained by the contestants, the red gem for the first one is 100 points, and the total score is 100." Fifty points, No. 4 got an orange gem, 80 points, and a total score of 160 points. I think the other players have lost the meaning of continuing to participate because of their low scores. I hope His Majesty can approve it. The last round The test is conducted by contestants No. 1 and No. 4."

The Demon Emperor glanced at Sucha, who was proud of Wen Han's 100 points, and said, "Do you have any opinions on Lei Xiang's proposal?"

Sucha took the lead and said: "Lei Xiang's concubine's words are reasonable, and I hope His Majesty will accept them." While talking, he turned his head and smiled at me kindly, as if he was very satisfied with my 'fairness'. I laughed secretly, Sucha, Sucha, do you think that if you put on a hat of a son-in-law, I will be won over by you? Don't think about it.

The Demon Emperor said: "In this case, let's play. Except for No. 1 and No. 4, the rest of the contestants will withdraw."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Except for Wen Han and the fourth prince, the other three left the field unwillingly, and I said to the only two remaining: "The previous two tests were all to reflect the strength of the contestants from the side, but I really want to show a The best way to develop a person's comprehensive ability is to fight. Therefore, in the third and final competition, contestant No. 1 will compete with contestant No. 4. Although the total score of No. 4 contestant is slightly better now, it is not Absolute advantage, so the winner of the final match will be the final winner and become the new crown prince."

Naturally, no one would object to such a fair decision of mine. After I asked the Demon Emperor for instructions, I floated into the center of the field and said to the two contestants, "Please get ready, two contestants. When one side admits defeat, or loses the ability to fight, the game is over. Okay, the game begins."

The fourth prince and Wen Han looked at each other with a distance of ten feet. Both of them had a strong dark aura, staring at each other. They both understood that as long as they won the final victory, they could inherit the status of the Demon Emperor in the not-too-distant future. position, became the rulers of the Demon Race, driven by the desire for power, they all exploded to their full potential.

The two narrow swords flicked into their hands at the same time, and the two of them roared furiously, and rushed towards each other fiercely. The two strands of black lights intersected continuously in the air, making dense clanging sounds, and they were all rushing to attack. Although Wen Han is slightly better in terms of skill, the difference in skill between the two is not too much. Whoever can get the upper hand is likely to win the final victory.

I know that they won't be able to tell the winner for a while, so I am not in a hurry. I stand ten feet away from their battle and watch intently. Their speed is very fast. Although there are some flaws, the opponent did not catch them. ability to seize opportunities. For a moment, the sword energy criss-crossed the center of the field, and I summoned the Mad God Dou Qi, and a golden spherical light shield wrapped me inside, and the scattered strong winds would dissipate quickly every time they touched my protective shield.

At this time, Wen Han slammed his sword from top to bottom, and the fourth prince raised his sword upwards. I saw the opportunity and used the same method as pushing the iron ball to send out a dark magic power, which instantly rushed out from under the fourth prince's feet and merged with him. The upward sword is within the momentum. In order not to be discovered, I didn't use much force.

When the two swords collided, Wen Han's narrow sword was instantly swung open, revealing the empty door on his chest, how could the fourth prince give up such a good opportunity, the narrow sword shook continuously, turned into cold stars all over the sky, and approached the opponent's chest, Wen Han was shocked , while retreating desperately, while constantly waving the narrow sword to resist the attack of the fourth prince. The fourth prince immediately gained the upper hand, taking advantage of the other party's carelessness, he drew a bloodstain on Wen Han's chest.

Wen Han let out an angry roar, his whole body was full of black light, and he kept muttering something. From the shape of his mouth, I could tell that he was using a blood curse. He roared: "Deed." The blood beads dissipated suddenly, Wen Han's eyes flashed red, and the offensive immediately became stronger, reversing the decline just now, and the four princes who killed retreated back again and again.

I was startled, and immediately sent a sound transmission to the fourth prince, asking him to defend with all his strength. The fourth prince laid a dense sword net in front of him, resisting Wen Han's powerful attacks again and again. My heart moved, and I said through a voice transmission: "Your Highness, wait for my signal, and a dark magic power will enter your body from the soles of your feet later, don't panic, immediately guide this true energy from the tip of your left finger , shoot at the place where your opponent's attack power is strongest." I hope that the fourth prince will be able to listen to me clearly when he is free. I concentrated on my skills, and quietly channeled a powerful dark magic power to my feet with the mental method of mad arrows ascending to the sky, wrapped it with mad god fighting energy, and then sent it out through the ground towards the fourth prince's foothold with violent heart hair. I also have a certain risk in doing this, because I don't know if the fourth prince's meridians can restrain the energy of my mad arrow.

The fourth prince's body shook, and the energy I output poured into his body in an instant, with a painful look on his face, Wen Han immediately seized the opportunity, leaving a deep bloodstain on his shoulder. I looked nervously at both sides of the fight, and Bi clenched his fists consciously.

The fourth prince let out an angry roar, his whole body was full of black light, the hair band on his head suddenly broke, his long black hair fluttered, and he looked a bit stern. He swung a narrow sword in his right hand, and created a sword curtain in front of him, resisting Wen Han. In pursuit, he stretched out his index finger and middle finger with his left hand, and suddenly clicked out. A black glow pierced through the fingers like a chain, hissed in the air, and shot straight at the center of Wen Han's power.

Wen Han was taken aback, he didn't expect the fourth prince to use this kind of attack, so he quickly shook his narrow sword to block the attacking black light.

I was secretly happy, the fourth prince's skills are still very solid, I am afraid Wen Han will suffer a big loss this time, is it so easy to resist my mad arrow

The black awn shot at Wen Han's sword in an instant, and with a ding, Wen Han's narrow sword suddenly broke from it. The black awn did not disappear, and suddenly shot directly, piercing Wen Han's shoulder. The powerful force moved Wen Han's body. , rolled a few laps in the air, and landed with a bang, spilling blood all over the sky.

The fourth prince let out a cold snort, his body rushed forward, and the narrow sword pressed against Wen Han's throat. The dark magic power burst out suddenly, locking Wen Han's aura, and Wen Han was so angry that he fainted immediately.

The Demon Emperor stood up and shouted, "Okay."

I smiled slightly, floated forward, stretched out my hand to visit Wen Han's pulse gate, and said loudly: "Contestant No. 1 has passed out, and the final winner is contestant No. 4." I turned my head and smiled at the fourth prince: "Your Highness, after you It's the prince."

The fourth prince put his narrow sword into its sheath, clasped his fists in his hands, and said via voice transmission: "Thank you."

At this moment, Sucha rushed over a few times, glared at me fiercely, supported Wen Han with his hands, and shouted loudly: "Your Majesty, I think there is a suspicion of cheating in this competition." I was shocked , Could it be that he saw that something was wrong, but I have already done it very covertly.

I didn't refute him, I just stared at him coldly. The Demon Emperor and Gu Chuan showed their figures and flew over one after another. The Demon Emperor said: "Sucha, what kind of cheating is there, why didn't I see it."

Sucha said angrily: "In terms of skill, His Royal Highness has cultivated to the fifth level of Heavenly Demon Art, and Wen Han has cultivated to the sixth level of Heavenly Demon Art. Obviously, Wen Han should be slightly better, and he has already used the blood curse, so it is impossible to lose Yes, there must be fraud in it."

I laughed secretly in my heart, it turned out that he was just guessing, and there was no evidence, so I was relieved.

The Demon Emperor's face darkened, and he said, "Sucha, how do you know that Di'er's skill is not as good as Wen Han's? Dier's last attack just now was obviously a kung fu in the Heavenly Demon Art. Come out, due to the concentration of strength, Wen Han was caught off guard, so there is no possibility of cheating."

Sucha said: "I think that even if His Royal Highness can shoot a pointing arrow, it is impossible to have such great power, and it is impossible to defeat Wen Han in one go."

I took a step forward and said: "Your Majesty, in fact, the fourth prince's skill has already broken through the sixth level. It's not like what His Excellency the Prince said. Under the condition of knowing the enemy's skill, it is natural who has a flexible mind. Whoever wins is more likely to win. Fourth Highness, am I right?" I reached out and patted the Fourth Prince's shoulder, taking the opportunity to inject a stream of pure dark magic power into his body.

Mo Di was shocked immediately, and saluted the Demon Emperor: "Yes, father, the child has also cultivated to the sixth level, but because sister Yue'er has reached the level of the four-winged fallen angel, I feel very happy." Ashamed, therefore, I did not report to you. I am willing to show the power of the sixth-level Heavenly Demon Art in public."

Sucha's mind was already a little messed up, and before the Demon Emperor could speak, he immediately said: "Okay, then please let the Fourth Highness show it."

The Demon Emperor didn't blame him, he glanced at me, I nodded slightly at him, and the Demon Emperor said: "Okay then, Xiaosi, let your Uncle Sucha see if your skill has reached the sixth level .”

Mo Di bowed slightly, his body floated back, his whole body was full of black lights, and he sang: "Great God of Darkness, I would like to use my soul as a sacrifice, and use my source of life as a bridge to arouse your strongest power, The power of darkness, come down.—Dark magic wall." The magic he used was exactly the same as the enchantment that Sucha used on the iron ball just now, and thick black mist kept pouring out of him, like a tornado around his body It spun continuously, continuously splitting into small vortices, completely covering the fourth prince's body. When Mo Di used this magic, Sucha watched him use the magic while putting most of his energy on me to see if I could help.

I have already done what I should do. I leisurely put my hands on my chest and watched the fourth prince's performance with admiration. With the help of the dark magic power I input, it is possible for him to use a seventh-level dark magic in a short period of time. Of course, using this dark magic wall will go very smoothly.

The Demon Emperor kept nodding his head, and said, "That's right, Di'er, the Dark Demon Wall, is quite capable. Brother Gu Chuan, take a look."

Gu Chuan smiled slightly, and said: "Indeed, His Royal Highness is very good at using this magic, and definitely has the strength of the sixth-level Heavenly Demon Art."

Sucha couldn't help groaning inwardly. When he thought about it, the fourth prince Mo Di must have hidden his strength and only showed it now, and he couldn't help shouting that he was fooled.

Mo Di gradually dissipated the magic power of the dark magic wall, knelt down on the ground, and said to the Demon Emperor, "Please examine it, father."

The Demon Emperor smiled slightly and said: "Well, you did a good job, Sucha, do you have any questions?"

Sucha snorted angrily, supported Wen Han's body, turned around and was about to leave. How can I be so cheap? He stepped forward and said: "My lord, go slowly, I have something to say."

Sucha said angrily, "What else do you have to say?"

I saluted the Demon Emperor and said, "Your Majesty the Demon Emperor, just now His Excellency Prince said that there was a suspicion of cheating in the final competition, which means that I did not do well as the chief examiner and was not fair enough. Now it has been verified that there is no cheating. I want to ask His Excellency Prince Sucha to give me justice, I represent the orc clan, and I can't just let people insult me like this." My words were full of dissatisfaction, and I never let it go.

The Demon Emperor was taken aback, a smile flashed in his eyes, and he said, "Oh, what do you want then?"

I snorted coldly and said: "I hope you can allow me and His Excellency the Prince to have an open duel in front of everyone present. If I lose, I will die without complaint."

Hearing my words, Sucha almost fell down. He has seen my strength before, and it is definitely not something he can resist. Once the Demon Emperor approves my request, he will have to fight to the death, which is no different from committing suicide. He was able to bend and stretch, and with a plop, he knelt down in front of the Demon Emperor and said, "Your Majesty, I just hope that the position of crown prince can be competed in a fair environment. It is completely loyal. You have to make the decision for the old minister."

The Demon Emperor suppressed his smile and said to me: "Lei Xiang, today is the day of the crown prince's birth, I don't want bloody things to happen, and Sucha didn't do it on purpose, so don't bother with him. However, Sucha, you have to apologize like Lei Xiang, and don't have similar situations in the future."

For the sake of his own life, Sucha saluted me with great reluctance: "I'm sorry, Commander Lei Xiang."

I snorted, with a look of taking advantage of him, and said: "Forget it this time, if there is another time, I'm afraid it won't be so cheap." I dared to move even the Demon Emperor, let alone him up. If it wasn't for the fact that he has always been kind to Yue'er, I would have gotten rid of him long ago.

Sucha sighed, hugged Wen Han and walked away in disgrace.

The Demon Emperor sent me a voice transmission: "My boy, I really have you. To be honest, I didn't see what method you used to make Xiaosi win." He said loudly: "The result of the competition has come out, I am officially It is announced that the fourth prince, Mo Di, will become the new crown prince, enter the East Palace, and seal the demon prince."

The surrounding civil and military officials and the 30,000 guards shouted at the same time, long live, long live, long live. Mo Di excitedly knelt down and bowed three times and kowtowed nine times to the Demon Emperor, "Thank you, Emperor Father."

The Demon Emperor smiled slightly, and said in a low voice: "Xiao Si, you shouldn't be thanking me, it should be your brother-in-law, haha." The Demon Emperor was extremely excited to let his son inherit the throne smoothly.

Mo Di quickly thanked me with a salute, and I returned the salute with a smile: "You're welcome, after my brother inherits the throne of Demon Emperor, don't embarrass me as a beastman."