Madam, Master Said to Eat Meal

Chapter 24: Like mother, like daughter


Su Zhiqiao and Wan Qijing were obviously stunned for a moment when they saw Wan Qiliang's arrival, and then they felt deep disgust. However, Su Zhiqiao knew how to hide it, while Wan Qijing showed it all on his face, regardless of Wan Qisheng being a little bit beside him. A look of warning.

"What are you doing here, you bastard!" Wanqi Jingkong has a good skin, but she is not worthy of the words 'dignified and virtuous'. I wonder if others know that the beautiful and intelligent woman rumored to be outside is currently with her. Would you be surprised if you show your teeth and claws in front of your half-sister

"You need to ask your father about this matter. He knows much better than me." Wan Qiliang was not annoyed. Arguing with such a thing would only prove that she was worthless. She didn't want to do such a stupid thing yet.

"Jing'er, why don't you act like a sister in front of your sister?" After all, she is the daughter she has doted on for so many years. Even if she was scolding, there was no anger in Wan Qisheng's tone. Pretending to be in front of Qi Liang.

Wan Qiliang didn't bother to expose the family's hypocrisy. She didn't come here voluntarily in the first place. Wan Qisheng had to drag her to let her meet the so-called sister and aunt, so let him sing a one-man show there. .

"Liang'er, I haven't come over to meet your sister and aunt." Wan Qisheng waved to Wan Qiliang. She was sure that he saw the impatience in her eyes, and she also saw the warning in his eyes.

"Hello, you two." She really couldn't say anything about sister or mother, especially when faced with a person who glared at her fiercely and a master who hid a knife in his smile. Wan Qiliang didn't have such good acting skills even if she wanted to cooperate.

"Mom, you see she doesn't have any tutoring at all." Wan Qijing was obviously not satisfied with Wan Qiliang's title, and it was more in line with her character to find faults everywhere.

"Indeed, it's the father's fault if he doesn't raise him well." I won't be stubborn with you on this matter. Wan Qisheng has never been a good father to me. The speaker has no intention, but the listener has intention. No wonder Wan Qisheng wants to take advantage of me. I'm afraid It's Wan Qijing, you are too unqualified.

"Jing'er, what are you talking about!" Su Zhiqiao knew there was something in the words as soon as she heard it. Poor her simple daughter couldn't hear anything. Sooner or later, if this continues, Wan Qiliang will replace Jing'er's position in the Prime Minister's Mansion. She has to find a way Only then can we never sit back and wait for death.

Wan Qisheng's face is not that good-looking either. He knows clearly which of his two daughters is more important, but the one who is more important always doesn't like him. When he was a child, he could be said to be ignorant, but when he grew up, he found that he was more important. I am becoming more and more ignorant. Not only do I know poetry and songs, I only need to know a little bit to be able to care for my husband and raise my children at home. I have learned piano, chess, calligraphy and painting for so many years, but I have not seen any progress. I still look like mediocre. They were all a little discouraged, but how could his Wan Qisheng's daughter be so ordinary? So after several comparisons, Wan Qisheng had to turn his attention to Wan Qiliang. If he had known better, he should not have let her marry Huangfu Yue. Xun.

When Wan Qijing saw Su Zhiqiao's warning eyes, she had to shut her mouth angrily, but she didn't know how to control the contempt in her eyes. Anyone who wasn't blind could see what she was thinking at this moment. Did she really think that Wan Qijing would win? Covering the sky with one hand is enough to solve everything for her, so you don't even bother to pretend? But it seems that only Wan Qijing behaves like this in front of her. According to Wan Qiliang's hearsay, Wan Qijing has always been a role model for girls in the city in front of others. There are even rumors that Wan Qijing is the most beautiful woman in Lin'an City. .

To be honest, in terms of appearance alone, Wan Qiliang would not attract much attention if she were alone, but Wan Qijing is just the opposite. She is the type who can be recognized at a glance in a crowd, so It can be said that the Wanqi family was very successful in creating the peacock Wan Qijing.

"Liang'er shouldn't be as knowledgeable as Jing'er. She has been spoiled by me and her father since she was a child, so she can be so outspoken." Su Zhiqiao had a smile on her face, but she didn't leave any room for words, showing off their family in front of Wan Qiliang. The three of them were enjoying themselves happily. Did she really think she would have any heartbroken reaction

"Madam, you are joking. There are not many people who are so simple nowadays. After all, too many people think before they do something."

Su Zhiqiao was not Wan Qijing, so how could she not hear the sarcasm in Wan Qiliang's mouth? She was just a little girl, and she dared to show off her power with her here. It was too ignorant.

"Okay, we are all a family. Madam, you can take Liang'er for a walk around the house. My husband has something to do." Wan Qisheng ordered, leaving Wan Qiliang to Su Zhiqiao, and the three women The war has just begun.

"Don't think it means that dad brought you into the house. You are just a bastard." As soon as Wan Qisheng left, Wan Qijing returned to her arrogant state, looking at her with a superior attitude. Wan Qiliang, it's a pity that Wan Qiliang is slightly taller than her, otherwise the picture might be more harmonious.

"You shouldn't say these things to me. It's better to let your father know what you think." Wan Qiliang had no intention of treating the mother and daughter in a good manner from the beginning, not to mention that they were still the most likely to kill them. Bai Qingyan's murderer made that already hateful face even more hateful.

"A lower-class person is a lower-class person. Even if he dresses like a upper-class person, he is still uneducated." Su Zhiqiao has no scruples about Wan Qiliang. Anyway, Huangfu Yuexun will be defeated sooner or later. Will his princess still want to What kind of face do you want to give? What's more, Wan Qiliang's appearance is the biggest shame in her life. After dealing with the old one, it's time to deal with the younger one.

"The Prime Minister's wife seems to be very dissatisfied with me. Is it because I am the result of the Prime Minister's one-night affair?" Wan Qiliang sneered. She knew her identity very well. After all, an illegitimate daughter would not be able to make a name for herself. In this case, what would happen? If there's anything you can't say, why let others see the joke and get their own way.

Su Zhiqiao had known for a long time that Wan Qiliang was not a fuel-efficient lamp, but she still underestimated her. Wan Qiliang was the first to make her unable to get off the stage. Thinking about the tricks she used to deal with restless women in the past, Su Zhiqiao suddenly showed a strange look. smile.

Wan Qijing shivered for no reason when she saw her mother's smile. Wan Qiliang acted like a normal person. Soldiers came to cover up the water and earth. She really didn't believe what Su Zhiqiao would do to her. At least she would do that on the surface. The dignified and virtuous wife of the Prime Minister.

"If something happens to me in the Prime Minister's Mansion, I'm afraid it won't be easy for anyone to explain to me. Why does Madam need to think so much at this moment?" Wan Qiliang poked at Su Zhiqiao's thoughts, and Su Zhiqiao looked slightly embarrassed and cursed secretly. Why was he so out of control that he was so excited by a little girl that he almost lost his composure

"What are Liang'er talking about? My mother was just thinking about how to make up for the grievances Liang'er has suffered outside for so many years. The silence for a while made Liang'er think that my mother didn't like Liang'er." Su Zhiqiao said without being too awkward. Wan Qiliang was upset when he heard this, but things changed quickly enough, and he didn't care about Wan Qijing's surprised expression and unwilling eyes.

"Mom, how can you say that?" Wan Qi Jing refused. What if her mother really fell in love with Wan Qi Liang? What would she do

Su Zhiqiao winked at Wan Qijing. Wan Qijing, who was completely immersed in her own world, didn't see it at all. For the first time in her life, she felt a sense of crisis. What should she do? She has always been a proud daughter of heaven. How can she tolerate an illegitimate daughter sitting on her head? She must find a way.

"I'm also curious about the reason for Madam's sudden change?"

"Of course I want to make it up to Liang'er."

"Then thank you madam." Wan Qiliang guessed that Su Zhiqiao really wanted to compensate for the maternal love she had lost for so many years, but just wanted her to go down and stay with Bai Qingyan.

Apart from Wan Qiliang's identity, Su Zhiqiao still admires this person very much. After all, she has been in various circles for so many years and has seen a lot of all kinds of people. As a woman, it is good to be like this. , does not have the all-powerful appearance, but has an exquisite heart with seven orifices. If given time, it will definitely shine. It is for this reason that Su Zhiqiao is even more determined to get rid of her.

Wan Qiliang suddenly missed Youqin Jiatian. If he continued to argue with words here, Su Zhiqiao and Wan Qijing would be dead after just one. Sometimes she really envied those direct and clear solutions. The method is better than now, where you are clearly face to face, greeting people with a smile on your face, but you are not necessarily thinking about how to tear the other person into pieces.

As for Wan Qijing, a creature that barely uses her brain, she naturally doesn't work as hard as Wan Qiliang and Su Zhiqiao. She only works for her own interests, which can be regarded as a small interlude in Wan Qiliang's revenge plan. I don't believe that Wanqi Jingding was not involved at all in the death of Bai Qingyan, but even so, she didn't have any good intentions towards her, so why should she be so merciful, or even risk her own life.

The three women sat around a round table, each sipping tea and eating snacks. It looked like a happy scene, but only the person involved knew the undercurrent inside. Wan Qijing kept looking at Wan Qiliang with her eyes, and Wan Qiliang collapsed. He also showed her openly that there were two eyes, one nose, one mouth and two ears. She didn't think Wan Qijing could see anything else, but Su Zhiqiao's eyes were much more obscure. , but secretly looking at them almost every few seconds, the mother and daughter really look alike.

"Liang'er, how does Prince Lie treat you?" Su Zhiqiao seemed to have accidentally started chatting about daily life.

"Your Majesty is good to me." Wan Qiliang deliberately put on the appearance of a happy little woman. Although it was not in line with the sharp-tongued and sharp-tongued person at the beginning, Su Zhiqiao, who was deeply aware of this change, naturally understood it. Wan Qiliang likes Huangfu Yuexun very much, and their love life is pretty good.

"What? He doesn't want that childhood sweetheart, but falls in love with you?" Wan Qijing's words sounded so bitter. She thought that she was actually very happy when the emperor decreed the marriage. Huangfu Yuexun was both beautiful and distinguished in appearance and identity. The first-class dragon among men, but their positions are different. How could Wan Qisheng let his beloved daughter marry to the enemy's camp, which led to Wan Qiliang's replacement marriage, so seeing that Wan Qiliang was living well, Wan Qijing became even more angry. Now people in the city were spreading rumors that she was an old girl who couldn't get married. Yes, she is now eighteen years old. Other women should be mothers at this age, but she has not even gotten married. In the past two years, there were many people proposing marriage, but she didn't like them. Now It can be said that there is nothing to do, so how can she not be anxious

"Your Majesty values love and righteousness. It's normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines, right? Madam, right?" Wan Qiliang completely disagrees with a man having three wives and four concubines, but when it comes to that, he has to pretend to abide by women's ethics. , lest Su Zhiqiao catch anything.

"What Liang'er said is that as long as the prince treats you well, my mother will be at ease." Su Zhiqiao nodded happily. It seems that Wan Qi Liang really likes Huangfu Yuexun. Otherwise, with her kind of character, how can she Maybe if you say something like this, things will be easier to handle now.

Wan Qiliang did not miss the calculating expression on Su Zhiqiao's face. His words should have had an effect. As for what will happen, let's wait and see.