Madam, Master Said to Eat Meal

Chapter 33: The undercurrent is raging


As Wan Qisheng is the prime minister of a country, if something like this happens to him, it will inevitably cause quite a stir. Even Huangfu Zhuotian condescended to visit Wan Qisheng. Wan Qiliang and Huangfu Yuexun were also present at the time. After all, one of them is The nominal daughter, the other nominal son-in-law, so Huangfu Zhuotian and Wan Qisheng can be considered in-laws.

Wan Qiliang has been observing Huangfu Zhuotian's expression from the side. He feels regretful and sad, and seems to be a little happy. Why is he secretly happy? Isn't it his tacit approval that Wan Qisheng can have the status he has today? Could it be that Wan Qisheng's power was enough to threaten his throne and make him feel uneasy? Could it be that what happened during this period had something to do with the emperor in front of me? This would be more interesting.

Huangfu Zhuotian spoke earnestly and thoughtfully to Wan Qisheng, but Wan Qisheng was completely focused on his own world that others could not understand. He occasionally paid attention to Huangfu Zhuotian, but still played like a child. In order to maintain his image of being close to the people, Huangfu Zhuo Tian still had to hold back his anger, but his livid face completely replaced his words. Wan Qiliang wanted to laugh but did not dare to laugh out loud, so he had to wink at Huangfu Yuexun and ask him to take his father away quickly.

Huangfu Yuexun also felt quite helpless about this situation. Probably the only one in the room who felt normal was Wan Qisheng, because he didn't understand anything now, but because of his relationship, it really affected many people.

The position of prime minister is inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people. I don't know that there are civil servants and military generals who covet this position. When something happened to Wan Qisheng, those ministers sent reports to help investigate the matter thoroughly, but a few of them really wanted to put this matter to death. Once this matter comes to light, once Wan Qisheng is really healed, won't there be too many people losing more than they gain? And if one of them is an accomplice of the murderer, won't he lose his wife and lose his troops? No one can be that stupid.

Moreover, Wan Qisheng's incident directly affected the succession of the princelings and the three princes. Originally, as Wan Qisheng, several important ministers in the court were his friends, and many of his disciples respected him as their teacher, so They all followed him and sided with the prince. Now he can almost be said to have fallen. The biggest help for the prince to inherit the throne has disappeared. Naturally, they have to reconsider their own camp, lest they end up on the wrong side and no one is left alive. So since Wan Qisheng's accident, it can be said that both the court and the people are in panic. No one knows what will happen to them in the next second

Wan Qiliang followed Huangfu Yuexun back to the palace. After almost two days of recuperation, Murong Lunshu's health was almost better. Huangfu Yueyang was brought back to the work area by Huangfu Zhuotian, so the remaining three people gathered together In Huangfu Yuexun's study.

"What do you think about this matter?" From Huangfu Yuexun's contact with Huangfu Zhuotian in the past few days, he can clearly feel his distrust and even suspicion. And not only him, but also many ministers in the DPRK doubt this matter. It was him who did it, but this time it really wasn't him, and even he became the victim.

"It can be said that Wan Qisheng's matter has come to an end. Presumably nothing will happen again in the near future." Murong Lunshu was just able to get out of bed and walk around yesterday. He remembered that Ying Han suddenly appeared in his room the night before. I really want to kill him, but...

"Shu, are you feeling well? Why do you still look so pale?" For his long-time friend, Huangfu Yuexun was naturally concerned about his health. He originally wanted to invite the imperial doctor from the palace to him, but he was still alive and well. No, he said he would get better in two days. People said that, so of course he couldn't force it anymore, but looking at his appearance today, Murong Lunshu was still very uncomfortable.

"I'm fine, let's discuss business." Murong Lunshu's voice was a little weak, but at least he can adapt now, but he still can't accept that he was raped by a man, and he still felt during the process. I think his world is really in chaos.

"Yes." Huangfu Yuexun responded and looked at Wan Qiliang, "What do you think about this matter?"

"Wait, the prince is probably helpless in this situation now."

"But when will this wait?"

"Wait until they reveal their flaws." Wan Qiliang doesn't know if he will wait, but after this first time, there may be a second or third time. What is the purpose of the people behind the scenes? Wan Qiliang Ryo has already guessed too much, and there must be something stuck on it, so his or their plan can't end here.

"The princess is right. The enemy is in the dark and we are in the open. It is definitely unwise to search for the murderer in a big way. Let's take it slow and let them relax their vigilance." Murong Lunshu's idea can be said to be very disappointing. It coincides with each other. After all, their current situation is too passive. The identity of any of the dozens of corpses has not yet been found out. It seems that they must have been trained by thoughtful people to die, even if they did not die there. , will always die without leaving a trace. The Ministry of Punishment has already wasted a lot of manpower and material resources on it, so they don't need to bother investigating anymore.

Huangfu Yuexun has been feeling anxious recently. Seeing Wan Qiliang and Murong Lunshu singing well together in front of him, he felt even more upset. He frowned so tightly that he could almost kill a fly.

"In half a month's time, Father's birthday is coming. If those people still have plans, that day will definitely be a good opportunity to take advantage of." Huangfu Yuexun analyzed, and Wan Qiliang naturally knew that time It's easier to do it, and it shouldn't be that easy to escape, but the opponent's tricks may make them hard to guard against.

"But how do you know what they will do? There are so many opportunities that can be taken advantage of." Murong Lunshu was also thinking. He was not a fool, and naturally he could feel that this matter was not a trivial matter. Although he was patriotic in terms of patriotism, He has no interest, but he, the Murong Mansion, also has seniors and juniors to support. If the enemy takes advantage of the opportunity and does something that hurts his family, it will be too late to regret it.

"My father is already somewhat suspicious of me. If I tell him to be on guard again, I'm afraid my father's suspicion of me will become more and more certain, and the balance will become more and more tilted towards that idiot Huangfu Yueyang."

"Then let Huangfu Yueyang say that he is stupid, but not so stupid that he has no sense of crisis. After Wan Qisheng's accident, he will definitely be more cautious under the queen's wings and find a suitable opportunity to tell him insinuatingly. , there should be no difficulty." Unfortunately, Wan Qiliang overestimated Huangfu Yueyang. If she had known what Huangfu Yueyang was doing at this moment, she would never have said that.

"This is also a way." Murong Lunshu nodded. He knew that Wan Qiliang was not the kind of woman who stayed in a boudoir and only knew how to embroider and grow flowers, so he always admired her. Yes, although the two of them have nothing in common, she can always give him a different feeling, and to be honest, if she hadn't married Xun, the mistress of the Murong family in his mind should be like this, but But she hasn't met such a woman yet.

"Can you expect that idiot to do it?" Huangfu Yuexun's impression of Huangfu Yueyang has never been better since he understood the truth. When he was a child, he was punished for offending him, but Huangfu Yueyang had to punish him even though it was clearly Huangfu Yueyang who did something wrong. , just because he has no background and his identity is not as important? He didn't want to admit this, and he wanted to work hard to change it, but he still didn't exist in his father's eyes. Even though his father always smiled when talking to him, he couldn't feel the slightest warmth. It means that he has been without a father in his world since he was a child. It is not easy to make up for this father-son relationship when he grows up, not to mention that Huangfu Zhuotian doesn't want to repair anything.

"Fools also have their advantages. If you put anyone next to him, he won't find out." Wan Qiliang has seen how lustful Huangfu Yueyang is, so he must be less wary of him as he is gifted a beautiful woman. It’s perfect for someone who is easy to use.

Huangfu Yuexun's eyes froze when he heard Wan Qiliang's words. Although it wasn't a hidden secret, he still found a way, but who exactly should he send there? He could trust anyone who could do things for him. For a moment, Huangfu Yuexun really couldn't think of anyone.

"Send a woman over. You don't know how lustful Huangfu Yueyang is." Murong Lunshu and Wan Qiliang came up with the idea again, but obviously Huangfu Yuexun didn't agree.

"Woman? Would that be reliable?"

Wan Qiliang rolled his eyes at Huangfu Yuexun, and he really dared to say, "As long as you use the right method, anyone can become reliable. Isn't it that the prince doesn't have this ability?"

Murong Lunshu felt a little amused when he heard this. This Wan Qiliang was really a little woman who held a grudge. It was indeed tragic for Xun to say such a thing unintentionally and yet she would hold her grudge and be suspected of being incompetent.

Wan Qiliang paused for a moment and continued, "Furthermore, the prince has been wandering around the flowers for so many years and has countless confidantes. Isn't there anyone who is willing to work for the prince and serve others? If this is the case, those who really like the prince will probably all I'm here for the prince's power. I don't want such a person." Wan Qiliang seemed to be thinking about Huangfu Yuexun every time he said it, but Huangfu Yuexun didn't think so, and the more he listened, the darker his face became. , that is, she is so bold and speaks without any scruples.

"Can't you, a woman, keep silent?"

"Could it be that what I said about the prince is really right? That's really not a wonderful thing." A simple stimulus like this is enough, but if it is too much, it loses its original meaning, and this level is enough to see Huangfu Yuexun's deflated expression was quite good.

"Xun, what the princess said makes sense. I leave it to you to find a woman." Murong Lunshu intervened at the right time, and his words did not comfort Huangfu Yuexun at all, but seemed to add fuel to the fire. Oil, but the look on his face was even more innocent than Wan Qiliang's. Huangfu Yuexun felt deeply that he had made careless friends.

"Of course you have to choose someone with good looks, and preferably with a bit of talent. I guess with the way the prince sees women, these are not problems, right?"

Huangfu Yuexun glanced at Wan Qiliang and didn't want to speak anymore. Anyway, whatever he said would be countered by this damn woman, but he thought that as a man's generosity, he didn't know when it turned into indulgence for a specific person. , maybe he will never know.