Madam, Master Said to Eat Meal

Chapter 35: Birthday eve


A man who can give up everything for a woman is either too incompetent or too capable, but obviously Huangfu Yuexun does not belong to the above two categories, so after receiving the imperial edict from Huangfu Zhuotian, he abandoned the pregnant Li Wanwan, It is perfectly normal to turn around and get involved in business.

Huangfu Zhuotian's birthday was approaching, and envoys from Yuan, Tang and Qi Liang arrived one after another. The reception work naturally fell on Huangfu Yuexun and Huangfu Yueyang. This was undoubtedly a test of their abilities.

Fortunately for Huangfu Yuexun, it was not the first time that he had to stand alone, but Huangfu Yueyang would not be so relaxed without the help of Wan Qisheng. Moreover, this time Huangfu Zhuotian said in the name of "the harem is not allowed to interfere in politics" Overtly and covertly, Su Zhixin was warning Su Zhixin not to interfere. Even if she had the ability, it would be useless. So this time Huangfu Yueyang could only fight alone. With luck, Wan Qisheng's more proud disciples might be able to help.

When the emperor of a country celebrates his birthday, Lin'an City, as the capital city, naturally has to pay attention to its appearance. It must not let other people see the joke. Therefore, as early as a month ago, the small merchants and hawkers setting up stalls on the street were rushed by officers and soldiers. In relatively inaccessible places outside the city, those with some connections may be left in a remote corner of the city to make a living, but the business has been affected to some extent, and the people's life rhythm has also been forced to change. As for the complaints, once the hidden dangers accumulate, they may be enough to change the situation of Chi'an when it breaks out.

A dandy prince like Huangfu Yueyang who never cares about the suffering of the people has no way of understanding the sadness of the lower class, and naturally has no intention to solve such problems. Huangfu Yuexun is different. Originally, the royal palace was located among the people. He was also capable of doing homework in this area, so during this special period, Huangfu Yuexun made the decision to give out porridge and vegetables at the gate of the palace. Of course, the quantity would not be too much, otherwise he would be attacked like last time in Chunyifang. Suspecting corruption, his original good intentions will be regarded as bad intentions, but even this little thing for Huangfu Yuexun is enough to make the people remember his kindness. You can always hear people's comments on Huangfu Yue on the streets. Xun’s thanks.

Huangfu Yuexun was naturally happy to see the result, but Huangfu Yueyang was worried. The same trick would only be despised by the people. He still didn't understand the truth that water can carry a boat and capsize it, so he was doomed. No one else can blame him for his future failure.

Prince Lie's Mansion has been extremely lively these days. Led by the Murong family, several big families in Lin'an City have come to visit. Obviously there has been no major disaster in Lin'an, but there are quite a few people donating money and materials. I don't know what's going on. , these people must have followed Murong Lunshu to hug Huangfu Yuexun's thigh. Huangfu Yuexun had mixed feelings about this situation. The support of more people is naturally excellent, but this is nothing more than attracting the attention of interested people.

The reason for Wan Qisheng's accident has not been found out yet. He was still playing at home like a child. And since he became like that, the Prime Minister's Mansion, which was once a bustling place, is now only a deserted one. Even Su Zhiqiao and Wan Qisheng are left alone. Both mother and daughter Jing rarely go out, and adding icing on the cake is not valuable, but providing help in times of need is real. But unfortunately, no such person has ever appeared in the prime minister's house. Even Huangfu Yueyang thought that Wan Qisheng had lost his face.

Wan Qiliang has had no rest at all these days. In order to appear harmonious in front of others, whenever someone comes to visit, Wan Qiliang has to accompany Huangfu Yuexun to go out to welcome guests, making him look like a madam in a brothel. I'm almost done with disgusting makeup.

"Princess, Your Majesty, please come over." The person coming this time is not Wang Hai, and Huangfu Yuexun probably won't send him to Wan Qiliang again.

"I know." Wan Qiliang replied lazily. The weather was getting colder. At this time, she was the most unwilling to go out. She wished she could stay in bed all day without getting out, but Huangfu Yuexun was always crushing her. Her sweet dream, but the good thing is that she will be paid a certain amount every time she accompanies her.

"Why did you call me here?" Wan Qiliang walked to Huangfu Yuexun's study wrapped in a cloak and asked angrily when he opened the door.

Huangfu Yuexun was a little angry at first, but after seeing Wan Qiliang's dress, his anger turned into outright disgust, "Why did you come out dressed like this?"

Wan Qiliang didn't bother to look at himself, "Not satisfied? Then I'm leaving."

"Wait, quickly change your clothes and go out with me." Huangfu Yuexun's gesture is no different from that of someone asking for food. After these few days, their relationship has become a state that others can't understand. , but such a change does not have any special meaning, at least not on Wanqiliang's side.

"Why are you going?" Wan Qiliang found a place and sat down, tightening her tight clothes. She was now wearing almost two layers of clothes that a normal person would wear, but she still felt cold. Her physique was really worrying. people.

"The envoys from the Yuan and Tang Dynasties have arrived, and I am responsible for receiving them."

"Then why did you ask me to come with you?"

"You are my princess, who else can go if you don't go?" Every time he attends any occasion with her, he has to discuss it with her for a long time, and in the end it is always established under a certain price tag, but it seems , it should be more expensive today, and sure enough.

"I can go and double the previous price."

"Deal." Huangfu Yuexun has been trained to the point where he doesn't hesitate at all.

Wan Qiliang had no choice but to get on the carriage with Huangfu Yuexun. In the car, Wan Qiliang remembered to do his homework, "Who is coming from Yuan and Tang Dynasties?"

"The ones coming this time are the Emperor of Yuan and Tang Dynasties, Helian Yunqian, and his biological sister, Helian Yunduo." Huangfu Yuexun didn't expect that Helian Yunqian would come in person this time, so they had to be careful. , because once something happens, it will really become a dispute between the two countries.

Helian Yunqian? In Wan Qiliang's understanding, it can only be regarded as a name now. At that time, she thought she would live in that peaceful town for the rest of her life, but she did not expect that she would not be able to escape the fate brought by this identity in the end, so she discovered more and more , I know so little, and it’s so painful to want to help but have nothing to do.

"Then who is coming over from Qiliang?"

"King Li - Tantai Li, although he is only a prince, his status in Qiliang is far higher than that of their emperor."

"It seems that your father's birthday banquet has attracted much attention this time. The people sent by Yuan Tang and Qi Liang are very important."

"That's why things are so tricky. Every birthday banquet of the emperors of various countries is attended by highly-respected ministers from other countries. This is the first time that figures of the level of Helian Yunqian and Tantai Li appear on such an occasion. ." Huangfu Yuexun's words revealed concern. Considering all the recent events, he always felt that this birthday banquet would not be so peaceful. Perhaps the one at the Prime Minister's Mansion left too deep an impression on him. It is inevitable that there will be some misunderstandings, but it is better to be cautious.

Wan Qiliang was also in deep thought. You Qinjiatian hadn't come to see her in the past few days. In addition to missing her, she was more worried. She didn't doubt his ability, but whether something would happen that people couldn't guard against. That's not necessarily true, and the people from the Ministry of Justice have not found anything at all so far. The calm situation on the surface is just a cover-up of the actual undercurrent. How can she feel at ease

"Is there anything unusual about your father recently?" Wan Qiliang has always been unsure of Huangfu Zhuotian's attitude, but she knows that he wants to sit in that position as long as possible, so he even suspected the massacre at the Prime Minister's Mansion Is he the mastermind? After all, such well-trained killers cannot be cultivated by ordinary forces. If he has dead soldiers in his hands, they must be similar to that.

"Father?" Huangfu Yuexun didn't know why Wan Qiliang mentioned Huangfu Zhuotian, and his tone couldn't help but raise an octave.

"He put you and Huangfu Yueyang at the forefront of the storm. Have you never thought about his purpose?" With a father like Wan Qisheng, Wan Qiliang will not naively think that parents love their children. What is selfless, and driven by huge interests, Huangfu Zhuotian will definitely not like someone coveting his position.

Huangfu Yuexun really didn't think about it. Although his father had never shown affection to any of his sons, he shouldn't have deliberately harmed them. After all, they were all his biological sons, and they would be more or less tied to each other by blood. Well, but the more he thought about it, the more frightened Huangfu Yuexun felt. He actually had little confidence. When Wan Qiliang said this, he couldn't help but think of the worst. If this was the case, don't blame him for being unjust. .

"Are you saying that my father deliberately wanted me and Huangfu Yueyang to start a fight, which would end up hurting both of us?"

"I'm too lazy to analyze so much. The answer should have gradually surfaced in your mind, and I'm not interested in instigating the relationship between your father and son. Anyway, the truth will be revealed in the end." Wan Qiliang said indifferently, but it was true It really aroused Huangfu Yuexun's suspicion and alertness, which was something she wanted to see but didn't want to see.

"You've got yourself clean." Huangfu Yuexun sneered. If there hadn't been any suspicion in the first place, even if Wan Qiliang really provoked it, it wouldn't be able to shake the so-called father-son friendship. But it was obvious that he himself knew that he didn't believe Huangfu at all. Zhuo Tian, who longed for mother's love and father's love so much when he was a child, has become unimportant now. The shortcomings in his heart have gradually disappeared in the process of growing up. Although it still hurts when he thinks of it, what can he do? How about that

Wan Qiliang smiled helplessly. He was not stupid, and he understood things quite clearly. However, he always seemed not so smart when doing things, and he did not seem to be good material for being an emperor. He was really not as good as Huangfu Zhuotian in this regard. Moreover, Huangfu Zhuotian is in his forties, and it is almost impossible for him to retire automatically. Therefore, whether it is Huangfu Yuexun or Huangfu Yueyang, the waiting time will not be too short unless they completely fight for themselves. With interests.