Madam, Master Said to Eat Meal

Chapter 88: No danger


Slowly opening his eyes, Wan Qiliang couldn't remember how he passed out. He definitely wouldn't have slept peacefully, because there was also an unconscious person lying on the ground.

Wan Qiliang shook him awake, and looking at his sleepy look as if he had really slept well, Wan Qiliang sighed helplessly.

The demon who had recovered his mental state was a little confused. He didn't know how he fell asleep. Everything he saw yesterday was still vivid in his mind. It seemed that he could still hear those weird magic sounds as soon as he closed his eyes, so he didn't understand himself even more. How did I fall asleep

Wan Qiliang couldn't give any explanation, but it was obvious that the strong hunger last night suddenly disappeared, and the attractive luster of the food on the table also dimmed, which made Wan Qiliang wonder if everything he experienced last night was not It's all stuff I came up with.

What exactly is going on? Wan Qiliang was puzzled. She should have expected a not-so-happy ending from the moment she stepped here. She had already made up her mind to die last night, but she didn't expect to be able to see the sun today.

"Pavilion Master, listen, are there any voices outside?" Zhi was already nervous because of the quiet atmosphere. He suddenly heard voices and stood up from his chair.

Wan Qiliang was very dignified and listened attentively. She didn't have much hope at first, but when she heard carefully, it was indeed the sound of people talking. In her excitement, she walked to the door and opened it. She had forgotten it in her hurry. The door could not be opened at all, but in the end the door actually opened. Standing outside the room, she could still see the guests coming in one after another from downstairs. She couldn't believe the scene she saw in front of her and rubbed her eyes vigorously.

It's not that exaggerated, but his excitement can be seen from his clenched fists. After all, the feeling of regaining freedom is so happy, but why did such a terrifying thing happen last night

Wan Qiliang and Jie went downstairs, and the waiter in the store greeted them warmly and asked them what they wanted to eat. However, they had never seen such a person yesterday. They casually asked for a pot of tea and sent the waiter away. .

Looking at the counter again, the shopkeeper was smiling at every guest who came in. He was not the same person as the eyeless man who was standing there fiddling with the abacus yesterday. Moreover, he never saw the eyeless man again. Wan Qiliang Both He Xie hid the strangeness in their hearts, but they were determined to investigate this place carefully after going back to see if anything had happened in the past, or if the people who appeared here had disappeared. After all, such a weird place exists. It's really unsettling.

"Tell Zhi and Mei to investigate this place after we go back. I don't believe that either of us are hallucinating." The only thing Wan Qiliang could think of was that there might be a wizard causing trouble here, but he had only heard of the profession of wizard and had never seen it before. She only knew a little bit about these people from those unofficial histories. It was said that they could control the wind and rain and bring the dead back to life. If this was true, everything that happened last night did have a very reasonable explanation.

Jie also wanted to participate in the investigation, but the master of the pavilion had already assigned people, so he no longer had to join in the fun, he could just follow Wan Qiliang.

The waiter quickly brought a pot of tea. Wan Qiliang and Zhi looked at each other. They could clearly feel the resistance in each other's eyes. They would never touch anything here in their lives. This place was left to them. The impression is so profound that I may not be able to forget it even if I want to.

Wan Qiliang and Zhi rested for a while, then left some scraps of money and left the teahouse. Before leaving, they did not forget to glance at the shopkeeper. The shopkeeper smiled at them. The smile was that of a standard businessman, but what did Zhi think? He didn't even feel comfortable, maybe because the shadow of the eyeless man yesterday was too heavy on him.

"Let's go." Wan Qiliang didn't want to stay here for a moment longer. She didn't know if this teahouse would turn into that weird look next moment. In the so-called situation that surpassed human power, she had to admit her insignificance. , but I don’t want to bury myself here.

Wan Qiliang and Jie did not choose any means of transportation, but directly used Qinggong to fly back to the center of New Tang City. Before she even stepped into her exclusive room in Zuichun Tower, she felt a familiar atmosphere in the room. Yesterday's The incident actually made her very nervous, and now she felt a little frightened.

"Baili Ranfeng? Why are you here?" Wan Qiliang opened the door. Since she could feel his breath, it didn't help that their skills were evenly matched, so there was nothing to be afraid of.

Baili Ranfeng had been sitting in Wan Qiliang's room all night. He had deployed almost all his people to investigate her whereabouts, but there was no news at all. For the first time in his life, he felt panicked, so confused that he would choose Waiting in such a stupid way, staying up all night, just waiting for her to come back.

"I'm waiting for you." Baili Ranfeng's throat was a little hoarse after not resting all night. She could feel a slight pain when she spoke. She might have been inflamed. She didn't know how her body, which had not been sick for so long, could survive. It was such a bad night.

"Wait for me? What are you waiting for me for?" Wan Qiliang didn't notice Baili Ranfeng's haggard face. There was stubble on his chin. A man who usually pays so much attention to personal hygiene has become so sloppy. , he must have been waiting for him all night, right? Wan Qiliang was shocked by his own thoughts. Logically speaking, although they were friends, they wouldn't be like this.

"Why didn't you come back all night?" Baili Ranfeng felt a little headache. That night he imagined many possibilities of Wan Qiliang's misfortune. He knew clearly that she was not as weak as she seemed, but he still couldn't help but Worrying about her made his tone and expression seem inappropriate.

Why do you think the husband is questioning Hongxing's cheating wife? Wan Qiliang couldn't help but have doubts about Baili Ranfeng's tone, but since they were friends, Wan Qiliang gave a general idea. Baili Ranfeng frowned and didn't say a word for a long time. .

Wan Qiliang couldn't guarantee whether Baili Ranfeng knew this place, and might even regard what she said as an excuse to prevaricate him, but in fact, she had nothing to lie to him about. Things in the tea house were too weird, and she didn't want an innocent person to get involved and cause unnecessary trouble, but seeing as he had been waiting for her for so long, she really didn't bother to deceive her friend with clumsy lies. .

"Don't go there again." After waiting for a long time, Baili Ranfeng uttered these words. Looking at the solemn and thoughtful expression on his face, maybe he knew something. After all, he was from the Yuan and Tang Dynasties, and she I have been here for less than three months.

"Do you know where it is?" Wan Qiliang may not go there again, but she will definitely not give up investigating it. Instead of asking her to start from scratch, it is better to dig out some useful information from Baili Ranfeng, but Baili Ran Feng didn't seem to want to cooperate with her.

"I know, I don't know either."

"What's the meaning?"

"I know there is such a place, but I don't know where it is. And if it's not the chosen one, even if it knows the location, it won't be able to find the entrance." Baili Ranfeng said so mysteriously that Wan Qiliang was confused. Is it possible? It's too ridiculous that I'm still a destined person in that weird place. It's best that this kind of 'good thing' never happens to me in my life.

"What exactly is that place?"

"I don't know much. Do you know how the country Yuan and Tang came into being?" Baili Ranfeng poured himself a cup of tea, as if preparing for the story he was going to tell next.

Wan Qiliang shook her head. Why was she reading history in such a free time? She is not one of those old scholars, and she actually has no favorable impression of thick books and the densely packed text on them.

"Actually, the origins of the Three Kingdoms are not much different. Legend has it that this continent was originally an island, and the people living here were all kinds of fishermen. There were no boats at that time, so they couldn't leave the island at all. They could only live on the island from generation to generation. Until one day, a stone fell from the sky and landed on the island with a temperature that could destroy everything. Almost everyone on the island was burned to ashes, and the island was divided into three, each falling with the stone. I don't know where the huge impact went. The temperature of the stone never dropped, drying up the seawater around the island, exposing the land, and it became even hotter. Finally, the temperature of the stone seemed to have reached its limit. It exploded, and stone fragments were scattered everywhere. The three separated islands were bombarded again and sank into the dried land, almost similar to the current geographical location of the Three Kingdoms. "

In fact, the history of the founding of the People's Republic of China is not very clearly recorded in the history books, and there were no very complete books passed down from that time. Therefore, even the generally accepted statement today was compiled by generations of people through various materials. It's true, no one dares to guarantee whether it is true or not.

Wan Qiliang listened carefully, but she didn't feel that there was anything she wanted, so she could only listen to Baili Ranfeng continue.

"The explosion of the stone is both a blessing and a curse. No one expected that the stone would be so useful. When it exploded, many books fell along with the stone. For uncivilized ancestors, these books were Even if it is incomplete, it is still wealth, but once people know more, their desires begin to expand, and they all want to become the king mentioned in the book, so the war inevitably breaks out, and the weakest among them are the ancestors of Yuan and Tang Dynasties, so they are They slaughtered the most, but in the end they still persisted. However, the dead who were killed were unwilling to give in, and their resentment was so high that they could not see the dawn sun every day. No one could survive such a day. This At that time, a person appeared out of nowhere, and really suppressed those restless ghosts and sealed them at the borders of the Three Kingdoms. However, every time a new emperor ascended the throne, the effectiveness of the seal would weaken, and by now it may not be enough to support it anymore. How long has it been?" Baili Ranfeng didn't forget to sigh. These are only secrets among the people. The royal family or high-ranking ministers will know it very well, but no one will. If you are willing to encounter this kind of thing, a hundred ghosts walking at night, think about it and feel that there is no way to survive.

Wan Qiliang felt like she was hearing a fairy tale. She couldn't digest such a thing yet, so she had to choose silence to cover up the shock in her heart.