Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 119: You haven't seen it before, don't you know the difference between men and women?


Qiao Chen felt a little embarrassed, and coupled with Zhao Jingwei's matter, she changed her usual pretentious style and blocked Qiao Nian's way.

"How do you know S is a woman? Have you seen S?"

That talented designer is very arrogant. So many people in the upper circles of the city are chasing after Seven's products. Many top wealthy ladies are loyal fans of S and want to treat S as their guest of honor, but they were all blocked by Yuan Yongqin. So far, no one has actually invited this designer to dinner.

Qiao Nian's hometown is just an ordinary person in Luohe County. At most, his grandfather has been a teacher for many years and has accumulated some connections.

That’s all.

With such a background, not even a finger of the Qiao family can match it. What right does she have to say that S is a woman with such a high audacity, as if she had seen the real person with her own eyes!

Qiao Nian didn't expect that she would dare to stop him. He put one hand in his pocket, raised the corners of his eyes, and asked her in return, "Didn't you say that you have seen her? You don't even know if she is a man or a woman?"

This question made Qiao Chen's breath catch, and she almost couldn't answer. She calmed down, looked at Qiao Nian with her watery eyes, and said unyieldingly: "Of course I know."

Qiao Nian sneered. What did she know

"Then what do you mean by stopping me?"

Qiao Chen bit her lip, unwilling to give in like this: "I don't mean anything, I just want to say that I hope you won't be so vain in the future. If you are exposed by others, you will be the only one who is embarrassed."

Qiao Nian has broadened his horizons.

She said S because she is a woman and that means she is vain

Qiao Chen's eyes flickered, her eyelashes curled up, and she said firmly: "You don't know S at all, and it's impossible for you to have seen her in person. You just say she is a woman. If she is a man..."

Qiao Nian interrupted her, saying wickedly and wildly: "If she were a man, I would have a sex change operation!"

Qiao Chen didn't have time to react for a moment, and Qiao Nian pushed her away and walked away.

This Qiao Nian!

Qiao Chen was secretly angry, her pretty face was rosy with red, and her fingernails were about to dig into her flesh.

Obviously, she was just a commoner from Luohe. But just now she spoke as if she knew S personally.

How could Qiao Nian be worthy of knowing someone like S? She shouldn't have been intimidated and let her go so easily.

Qiao Chen was secretly upset. Several girls next to her ran over to comfort her gently: "Forget it, Chen Chen. It's obvious that she is just talking nonsense. Why bother with her?"

"Yeah, everyone in Class A is like this, they think it's great to have good grades."

He was the only one watching Qiao Nian's back as she left, and said in a puzzled tone, "Why do I feel like she didn't lie?"

Whether a person is lying or not can be deceived by his eyes. When Qiao Nian just said that S was a female, his eyes were bright and clear, without any sign of lying.

So is it that Chen Chen doesn’t know S, or is Qiao Nian just talking nonsense

It was during break time.

Everyone in Class A was fighting.

As soon as Qiao Nian returned to the classroom, Shen Qingqing and others ran over immediately.

"Nian Nian."

When Shen Qingqing saw that she was safe and sound, tears started falling again like falling beans.

"I'm sorry, it's all my fault."

She shouldn't have been so smart as to get the note and run to see who was playing a prank on her, which ended up causing Qiao Nian to get injured while trying to save her.

Qiao Nian couldn't bear to see people cry, so he wiped her tears and raised his wrist to show her: "I'm fine, right? It's just a ligament contusion, it will heal soon."

(End of this chapter)