Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 123: Who told you that what she was wearing was fake?


Qiao Chen bit her lips, her face turned pale, she stood there pinching her palms, refusing to apologize.

Her companions also supported her shoulders and said to Qiao Nian, "It's just a mistake, why are you so aggressive?"

Liang Bowen couldn't stand it anymore and retorted: "You guys are so embarrassed to block the door and cause trouble in our class even though you made a mistake. Why should we be embarrassed?"

"That's right."

Everyone in Class A stood up, indignant: "Apologize, or this matter will not end."

"You lost your own bracelet and then you grabbed someone from our class and said they took your things. Now it's proven that the things are not yours. Shouldn't you apologize?"

When has Qiao Chen ever been so embarrassed

She subconsciously looked at Qiao Nian, thinking that Qiao Nian would still give in to her as before.

Who knew that she only saw the girl's indifferent profile, and that indifferent look showed no intention of protecting her at all.

She is still hesitating.

Then Qiao Nian's hoarse and casual voice was heard: "You don't have to apologize, but I still say the same thing. If you don't apologize today, I will ask Principal Yu to come and judge the matter."

President Yu is currently accompanying a professor from Tsinghua University on a tour of the campus!

I heard that people from the Municipal Bureau had also come, and that many people of status were at No. 1 Middle School, waiting for the first open class of the professor from Beijing.

She is now the most famous person in No. 1 Middle School and the only student admitted to the National Theatre of China.

The professor was invited by Brother Fu Ge. If he saw her arguing with someone over a bracelet, what would he think of her

Qiao Chen has always been a person with a very clear goal. Her future plans are to develop in Beijing, marry into a wealthy family, and completely change her class.

So after Qiao Nian said this, she quickly weighed the pros and cons, gritted her teeth, walked to Shen Qingqing in humiliation, lowered her expensive head, and said softly with frustration: "I'm sorry, classmate Shen Qingqing, I misunderstood you. I saw that your bracelet was also from Seven, and I thought it was the one I lost. I was wrong."

Everyone knows that Seven brand jewelry is made of real diamonds and each piece is very expensive.

Qiao Chen's family owns a company. She is really rich and beautiful, so it is normal for her to be able to afford it.

Shen Qingqing's family seems to be an ordinary family, why should they wear things from Seven

She looked like she was apologizing to Shen Qingqing sincerely, but in fact, in just a few words she put the blame of her own misunderstanding on Shen Qingqing.

You were wearing a fake product, so I made a mistake.

Shen Qingqing was a simple person but not stupid, so she immediately understood what she said. She didn't know what brand of bracelet Qiao Nian gave her.

When she heard Qiao Chen hinting that the item she was wearing was a fake, her first reaction was not to betray Qiao Nian and say that it was a gift from Qiao Nian.

Instead, he covered his wrist and said unyieldingly, "I am free to wear whatever I want. As long as it's Seven, it must be yours? Is Seven owned by your family?"

Qiao Chen's face turned pale, and the lackey next to her immediately angrily retorted to Shen Qingqing: "You are wearing fake goods and you still think you are right. Seven is not owned by Qiao Chen's family, but everyone knows that Qiao Chen's family has a good relationship with Chengfeng Group. They didn't expose you for wearing fake goods, but they just said one sentence, and you still think you are right."

Seeing Shen Qingqing being humiliated, Liang Bowen frowned and wanted to step forward.

Unexpectedly, Qiao Nian was one step faster than her. She grabbed Shen Qingqing's wrist, pulled her behind her, and confronted Qiao Chen and others head-on.

"Who told you that what she was wearing was fake?"

I didn’t update the chapter for you guys on your birthday, so I’ll make up for it today. Please vote.

You vote and I vote, Qiao Nianwang is going to make his debut!

(End of this chapter)