Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 128: Mr. Wang is here to set things up for you


Shen Qiongzhi's face turned blue.

Qiao Ai's face didn't look good either. He forced out a smile and said softly to a group of celebrities' wives, "The school's auditorium is right here."


"This way."

When Qiao Nian arrived at the Great Hall, she saw Shen Hui waving to them.

The auditorium is large and can accommodate more than a thousand people. The school only uses this auditorium when the school starts and graduates.

This is the first time that No. 1 Middle School has used the Great Hall when it is neither the beginning nor the graduation.

A professor from Tsinghua University is coming to give a public class.

The school mobilized all classes in the school.

From the first year to the third year of high school, each class has its own special seating area, and the teachers of each class are responsible for arranging students to sit in their own class.

Qiao Nian and the others were in Class A of the third year of high school. They were the senior class, and Class A was the best class in the grade, so their class position was very high.

Except for the first three rows reserved for celebrities visiting the school, the seats belonging to their class are closest to the podium.

As soon as Qiao Nian sat down, he saw Principal Yu leading a man in from outside.

The man was wearing a dark shirt with his sleeves half rolled up, revealing a smooth arm. The Buddhist beads and silver bracelet on his wrist are particularly eye-catching. They are noble and lazy, but they are not as eye-catching as his handsome face.

Ye Wangchuan, why is he here

As soon as Qiao Nian sat down, she heard the buzzing chatter of girls around the auditorium.

"Wow, look, that man is so handsome."

"Is he a star?"

"The principal has been with him all the way. He is a big shot, isn't he?"

"So handsome. I feel even more handsome than the school beauty's boyfriend. He looks like a model."

Qiao Nian saw that he was wearing the shirt she bought for him, and suddenly looked in her direction from a distance, as if his deep and narrow eyes could see her accurately through the crowd.

Eyes facing each other.

Qiao Nian's heart beat loudly.

The indescribable dryness rose in my chest again.

She immediately looked away. Shen Qingqing sat next to her and pulled her excitedly. Her apple-like face turned red: "Nian Nian, did that person look at us just now?"

Qiao Nian's eyebrows jumped and her phone rang. She hummed and replied absently: "I didn't pay attention. He might be looking elsewhere."

"Yes." Shen Qingqing just looked at the handsome guy. When she saw that the handsome guy sat down in the center of the first row, only the back of his head could be seen. She looked away and focused on other things.

The time for the open class is coming soon.

Most of the people who were supposed to come came accompanied by the school leaders.

The first three rows were almost full.

Qiao Nian saw Shen Qiongzhi, Qiao Weimin and others sitting in the third row. Mrs. Fu was in the first row, but sitting on the edge.

He was the only one in the middle of the first row, and the person sitting next to him seemed to be a department-level leader.

The phone buzzed again.

Qiao Nian lowered his head and clicked on his phone to take a look.

Five or six messages.

Jiang Li was the main one, and there were two messages from the Hongmeng. She returned to the Hongmeng and looked at the harassing text messages sent by Jiang Li.

[Jiang Li: Niannian, Mr. Wan went to your school to make trouble for you. Have you seen him?]

[Jiang Li: I wanted to go too, but the company didn’t allow it. Hey ε=(′ο`*))), so angry.]

[Jiang Li: I really want to hold a parent-teacher conference for you!]

Qiao Nian raised his eyebrows and looked around at the crowds of people in the auditorium, all of them students. Where did the parent-teacher conference come from

She just returned to Jiang Li and saw it.

A new message popped up.

[Ye Wangchuan: Do you want to sit in the front?]

Qiao Nian's dark eyes looked forward, and her green-white fingertips immediately returned his gaze. Handsome and cool.

[QN: I don’t want to.]

Simple enough!

Mr. Wan: My father-in-law is holding a parent-teacher conference for my daughter-in-law. How can I be absent? Would you like to sit next to me? It has a good view and is spacious.

Sister Nian: I don’t want to, I won’t go, I don’t want to!

Give the recommendation vote a try!

Lao Tie double-clicked 666.

On the last day of this week, take a shot!

(End of chapter)