Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 190: He slapped Qiao Chen in the face


But who doesn't want healthy legs? Even though he was only five years old, he was born in the Ye family and already understood the warmth and coldness of human nature.

Qiao Nian stroked his soft hair, her expression gentle and focused: "Do you believe your sister?"

Ye Qichen looked into her eyes, and suddenly he burst into tears. He cried uncontrollably, feeling uncomfortable and in pain. He sobbed and said hoarsely, "Sister, my left leg hurts so much."

"It won't hurt in a while." Qiao Nianxin felt as if she was being pulled by an invisible big hand. She had never felt such anger and heartache.

I could only keep stroking the top of his head, holding him in my arms, and saying softly, "I won't let anything happen to you, don't worry."

She doesn't make promises to anyone, but once she makes a promise she must keep it!

Qiao Nian calmed the emotionally broken child, then took out her own gum bottle and gave it to him, telling him that he could eat whatever "candy" was inside. She also "bought" some grape-flavored pills, so he could eat one when he was in pain or uncomfortable.

Seeing Ye Qichen's emotions gradually calm down, she took her things and said to the man in the ward: "I'm going to go out for a while."

Ye Wangchuan had never seen Ye Qichen break down like this in public. While he felt heartbroken, he also understood that if Ye Qichen's legs were crippled this time, his life would probably be ruined.

He pursed his thin lips, rarely not following him out, narrowed his bloodthirsty eyes, and hummed: "Okay, I'll wait for you to come over."

At the same time, he took out his cell phone.

Qiao Nian didn't know who he was going to contact.

But she didn't care. Her mind and eyes were filled with only Chenchen's legs.

She walked out of the ward, and the eyes of the group of people outside immediately fell on her.

Fu Ge took the lead and asked in a deep voice: "Qiao Nian, is Chenchen okay?"

His legs were broken, and he actually asked if he was okay? Qiao Nian wanted to laugh for some reason, and in fact she did so, sneering at him with a look that was bone-chillingly cold.

"What are you laughing at?" Fu Ge asked angrily in his heart.

Qiao Nian said to him directly: "Get out of here!" The voice was cold and irritating, and she didn't give him any face at all.

Fu Ge was stunned for a moment, then he frowned fiercely, lowered his head and said loudly: "Why are you mad? Who provokes you? You are angry at me."

"I'll say it again." Qiao Nian's eyes were filled with hostility. She put one hand in her pocket, looking beautiful and cool: "Get lost!"

The aura around her had never been so strong and assertive, like an angry lion that no longer wanted to sleep soundly.

Fu Ge was stunned by her aura. While he was dazed, he saw her push him away and walk towards Qiao Chen who was behind him.

Almost in a flash.

"Pa!" The loud sound of a slap echoed throughout the hospital corridor.

Qiao Chen was stunned. He covered his face and looked at her unwillingly: "You...what are you doing!"

Qiao Nian slapped her in the face, twisted her wrist, anger surging in her eyes, stood in front of her, and asked her: "Did you push Chenchen down the stairs?"

"..." Qiao Chen suddenly became timid. The Fu family was all here, so she would definitely not admit it. She explained in a soft voice: "I didn't push him. He fell down the stairs by himself. I wanted to hold him, but I couldn't. I fell down myself and hit my knee."

Qiao Nian smiled and asked her coldly, "Qiao Chen, do you believe what you said?"

Qiao Chen's face flushed red, and he said angrily: "I didn't lie! I know you don't like me, but I didn't lie!"


Qiao Nian narrowed his eyes coldly. He crushed her in height. His gaze looked down at her and his voice seemed to float from the sky.

"You said you weren't lying. I'll investigate after I heal Chenchen's leg. If you pushed..."

(End of this chapter)